Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: m4552669 on December 01, 2013, 03:16:28 AM

Title: Late Adopter
Post by: m4552669 on December 01, 2013, 03:16:28 AM
Hey folks,

When Bitcoin was at 273$ i figured that this train has left and it was pointless investing.

Lo and behold, not too long after it stands proud at its current value. Was curious as to whether how other late adopters like myself are planning to manage their crypto funds? I believe its set to climb much higher.. what do you think?

Any pearls of wisdom that you share will be much appreciated...trying to hold back from pooling in a good portion of my life savings in to it.

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: beetcoin on December 01, 2013, 03:17:51 AM
yes, most people believe it will continue to climb. you can't really set a specific number to cap its possibility in growth. soon a major retailer will start accepting it (and use bitpay) and that's going to start another round of increases (in my opinion).

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: Kluge on December 01, 2013, 03:19:14 AM
I'm bearish on short-term price (though... I have been bearish from $450-950, panic-bought at $950, then bearish again starting @ $1100 [I swore off short-term trading a long time ago, but needed to cash out and am doing it much slower than I intended]), but you're not a late adopter by any reasonable measurement.

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: beetcoin on December 01, 2013, 03:22:33 AM
i'm throwing random numbers out here.. but i think the possible # of users worldwide is say.. 10-15%. right now, i don't think we're even at 1% adoption rate, so if you buy not, the whole world could be your oyster.

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: jackioflap on December 01, 2013, 03:36:08 AM
Honestly i only learned about BTC a week ago. I have been reading everything i can find on it for close to 12 hours a day. I have also been visiting every faucet i can find almost like clockwork. Only have 0.00001362 (USD 0.15) in my wallet but it will be close to 0.00003000 by teusday. Not getting rich but its a start. I truly think that BTC is gonna skyrocket in the next year or so but i also know its going to crash. All things have bumps. When it does i intend to buy it up like crazy. We are no where near latecommers. Just have a plan in place and the benifits will fantastic. Always be ready.

" The irrationality of a thing is no
argument against its existence,
rather a condition of it."
Friedrick Nietzsche

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: MAbtc on December 01, 2013, 03:39:07 AM
Still early adopters. I think we have some room to go higher from here on this current rally, but I think you will be able to buy at considerably lower prices.

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: DannyHamilton on December 01, 2013, 04:38:40 AM
. . .Was curious as to whether how other late adopters like myself are planning. . .

Late adopter?  mBTC only just reached dollar parity at the BTC-E exchange 60 hours ago?  At the moment it's all the way back down to $0.98 per mBTC?  We have a loooong way to go until mBTC reaches $1000.  Lots of room for growth.

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: maestroabulense on December 01, 2013, 05:48:58 AM
As always only invest money you do not rely on. Gold rule.

People entering now are still early adopters, 6 months ago you even may mean founders by early adopters!

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: Chapps34 on December 01, 2013, 05:56:28 AM
its a scary thought to think you are late to the show, but there will ALWAYS be people who start things ealrier and get in before you.  But those people need YOU and US to keep buying and talking about the coin so that it grows in publicity!!

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: Chrome67 on December 01, 2013, 06:05:50 AM
Gotta say I felt much like the OP when I read about Bitcoin's a couple of weeks ago, then noticed something else come across my path which made me actually look into them when BTC was @ ~$750.00.  My interest was piqued and I've been reading diligently ever since in what feels like "catch-up" mode.  One posting did mention a similar run-up back in 2011, obviously not as high, but with comparable spikes, eventually dropping back to about 200% of the starting "take-off" value.  The point of the post was that these will happen over and over so regardless of entry point it's still, and hopefully will be for quite a while, a profitable venture (of course unless you're CPU mining sha-256 coins that is...).  Personally, I'm still hyped about it...already purchased a few GPU miners which should arrive any day and am gaining an interesting experience if nothing else in the short run.  Figured if I can get over 1 M/hs on scrypt I'll just let it run and churn out some coins to play with on the exchanges.

From you "forum gladiators" that still poke around the noob forums, is coin-hopping a fairly common practice, or do most just grab one and stick with it?  I'm more interested in the dynamics of the pool hash rates jumping around since I'd hate to suddenly be stuck in a dead pool without warning.  Just wondering :)

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: PauloFiorio on December 01, 2013, 06:24:51 AM
We still on the ground zero if u think we will get the main stream people!

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: MicroGuy on December 01, 2013, 06:36:35 AM

Any pearls of wisdom that you share will be much appreciated...trying to hold back from pooling in a good portion of my life savings in to it.

One word, "Altcoins"!

Goldcoin (GLD) is a coin sure to compete at the highest of levels. I have put a video in my signature that you might like.

Best of luck and much love!  :D


....................................... Here's the link to my video vvvvv! :)

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: Sindelar1938 on December 01, 2013, 07:57:08 AM
Welcome to he club

I am a pretty late adopter myself sadly

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: Mike Christ on December 01, 2013, 08:01:58 AM
You're not a late adopter until bitcoin goes full blown mainstream, completely loses steam and goes through the stages of being replaced by Bitcoin 2.0 :P

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: b!z on December 01, 2013, 08:13:20 AM

You are in early majority :)

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: DannyHamilton on December 01, 2013, 01:58:42 PM
You are in early majority :)

I suspect we are still in "Innovators" on that chart.

Possibly "Early adopters".

There is no way we are at the "Early Majority" stage yet.

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: sum31uk on December 01, 2013, 05:10:29 PM
There is a great deal of potential for more adoption. I would say that things are still in an early stage. Everything that Paypal is currently used for could be possible by bitcoin in a couple of years.

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: YamashitaRen on December 01, 2013, 05:19:59 PM
Hello guys. I'm a late adopter too :)
Like all of you, I'm pretty sure that altcoins popularity will increase a lot !

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: Itun on December 01, 2013, 06:49:27 PM
I'm a late adopter too.

I found out about btc a few months ago.

I saw prices drop to $60 a piece when the silk road was shut down and I thought btc was mostly over.

I'm still killing myself for not buying some then...

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: yogibaer on December 01, 2013, 07:03:28 PM
Well, it's difficult to predict the future of BTC but currently there's a huge media hype about it. I wouldn't buy at the current rates, a raise of several 1000 % within 1-2 years isn't "healthy" at all.

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: herpaderpdurr on December 01, 2013, 08:32:41 PM
Well, today it's crashing, it might be the time to buy in a few hours, we're at 900 USD/BTC and going lower on Mt. Gox
I belive we're still early adopters

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: NeilJM on December 02, 2013, 12:28:51 AM
I'm a newbie, came across a few articles relating to BTC over the last couple of years, but didn't really think about looking too deeply at it, now that it's "out" and some are a bit more aware of it in the public domain, I thought I would have a proper look.

As others have said, it's still a bit high at the moment, and will probably drop back a bit, I will probably buy some at that point.

It's interesting that we might still be at the start, I think a lot of people like myself have thought "hang on I've missed the boat", but maybe not.

I have read a few article and so I am currently looking at Altcoins. I have started mining a very small amount of LTC using GUIminer, but anything is good for me really, as it's not the be-all-and-end-all not getting loads at the moment.

It's obvious there are potential risks, as with anything, but trying to run before you can walk it probably the downfall of most.



Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: losingmoney on December 02, 2013, 12:59:28 AM
I would have gotten into BTC earlier but felt the process of getting setup wasn't going to be worth it. Now I see how high it went and I've been booting myself for weeks. Now I'll be stuck playing with other alt currencies :(

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: beetcoin on December 02, 2013, 01:01:15 AM
yep and you are killing yourself for being too lazy to seize the opportunity. i knew about bitcoin since 2011 and didn't get in until this year.. i missed a few other opportunities too, mainly with LTC.. i told myself "might as well put $100 into this.. it's only 6 cents per coin." i got too lazy and didnt' want to sign up at btc-e and totally lost out. a $100 investment would have turned into 30k by this time.

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: Itun on December 03, 2013, 04:49:34 AM
yep and you are killing yourself for being too lazy to seize the opportunity. i knew about bitcoin since 2011 and didn't get in until this year.. i missed a few other opportunities too, mainly with LTC.. i told myself "might as well put $100 into this.. it's only 6 cents per coin." i got too lazy and didnt' want to sign up at btc-e and totally lost out. a $100 investment would have turned into 30k by this time.

Yes.. it seems like we all have our regrets :b

Only if we had foreseen things like these :)

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: nahtnam on December 03, 2013, 05:37:44 AM
Hey folks,

When Bitcoin was at 273$ i figured that this train has left and it was pointless investing.

Lo and behold, not too long after it stands proud at its current value. Was curious as to whether how other late adopters like myself are planning to manage their crypto funds? I believe its set to climb much higher.. what do you think?

Any pearls of wisdom that you share will be much appreciated...trying to hold back from pooling in a good portion of my life savings in to it.

Your still not "late" Also I think that its not going to stand at a 1000 for too long, but I could be completely wrong. Be ready for the worst and hope for the best.

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: framerate on December 03, 2013, 06:08:51 AM
No need to kick ourselves. Let's just figure out how to make money as is right now :-)

Title: Re: Late Adopter
Post by: albertdros on December 03, 2013, 06:29:48 AM
Define late. Almost everyone i know does not even know what a bitcoin is, let alone altcoins. I think we are still early. If this thing really gets big, which it will probably, we can all get rich sooner or later!