Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: magicianliu157 on December 01, 2013, 03:33:13 AM

Title: Trouble with Wallet "out of sync" BBQCoin Wallet not working
Post by: magicianliu157 on December 01, 2013, 03:33:13 AM
excuse me ,i have add all of the nodes,and My BBQCoin wallet says out of sync....
why? thank you~~

Title: Re: Trouble with Wallet "out of sync" BBQCoin Wallet not working
Post by: cryptomining on December 01, 2013, 03:39:15 AM
got the same in my conf file, try deleting your peers.dat and restarting.

Title: Re: Trouble with Wallet "out of sync" BBQCoin Wallet not working
Post by: magicianliu157 on December 02, 2013, 09:48:00 AM
I do what you say, but still doesn't work.
But still thank you.

Title: Re: Trouble with Wallet "out of sync" BBQCoin Wallet not working
Post by: sandbox on December 10, 2013, 01:30:07 AM
I was having the same problem when using Tor.  I downloaded the latest wallet, but no sync.  No network nodes were connecting although they were trying.  I was getting a 'socket select error 10022' in the debug.log file.  Can the BBQcoin client block Tor IP's?  Perhaps these are cloud seed nodes with DOS attack protection.

There are two solutions?

1.  Disable your proxy in the BBQcoin client and don't use Tor.

2.  Use Tor only after populating your peers.dat file with enough nodes.  The nodes listed above seem to all block Tor, or for some other reason don't work with Tor.
   a.  Clear all files in your BBQcoin folder except wallet and config file (you can leave the addnodes you had before).
   b.  Disable SOCKS proxy in config file (and client).
   c.  Start BBQcoin client to get a good number of connections, which also populates your peers.dat file.  Also wait for a few thousand blocks to download to get your block chain started.
   d.  Re-start BBQcoin client with Tor proxy enabled and it should find nodes now.  Use the following SOCKS proxy settings.

      Proxy IP:
      Port: 9150
      SOCKS Version: 4