Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Exchanges => Topic started by: Lucky Cris on December 04, 2013, 06:34:39 AM

Title: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 04, 2013, 06:34:39 AM
After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to secure coins from someone on this forum - I can say that I'll never have to ask again (fingers crossed). While I may still be a little new on this forum, I'm no stranger when it comes to buying coins. I have accounts with and use the following to buy BTC. You can search the forums if you'd like to see my .00002 BTC about them:

  • Coinbase - will never get my business again
  • Virwox - suffered through the high fees
  • BTCquick - 2k daily buy limit, no stock - but still love
  • LBC - highly overpriced, used 4 times out of desperation

Here's what happened:
So I reached my monthly buy limit with Virwox today (yes, I buy lots of coins) and Google led me to ( I was really skeptical at first, but after spending some time chatting with the live chat operator, I gained a little confidence. Just a quick synopsis of their process:

  • Signed up for account, verified email
  • Answered 4 ID verification questions, got instant verification for deposits
  • Attached my credit card, recorded a video of me holding my card and my ID
  • The live operator reviewed and approved my video, deposit approved
  • Bought BTC and transferred them to my offline wallet

The entire process didn't take longer than 20 minutes. I think I give valuable feedback and try to help members on this forum, especially when it comes to getting coins... but helping to socialize this is my biggest contribution to everyone looking to get BTC for a price - now ( Specs:
Fee Schedule:
Credit Card Deposit - 3.5%
Deposit via Bank Transfer - 1.0%
Trades (Buy/Sell) - 0.5%
Withdrawal via Bank Transfer - 1.5%
Transfer to another Wallet - .001 BTC
Based out of Florida

Get 5 USD in your account!
If you decide to open an account - ping the live chat operator Jen. Tell her I referred you and you'll get 5 bucks when you make a deposit... that simple. Oh and respond to this thread to let me know.

Didn't intend to be lengthy, but I think most of you would agree that this is a must needed service in the BTC community. They don't have a thread on this forum for member reviews... should we create one for them?

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: vanchau on December 04, 2013, 04:43:30 PM
The site is well designed and everything seems legit.. doesnt seem like a lot of activity yet.  I sent over 5 coins and sent them back.  There's some weird stuff like the as seen on tv ads which I dont think is true.  Why would they lie and tarnish their reputation though?  In this business you should be transparent and squeaky clean legit because its bitcoins and no one wants to be a victim of another Sheep Marketplace type setup.

I would proceed with caution but its a nicely done site.  Their video capture for credit card deposits is both cool and alarming as its a great way to get your CC number and name on your ID.

Would LOVE for this to be a 100% legit site, but would take more research/investigating.  Another member said they were based in some other country and NOT florida. 

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 04, 2013, 04:47:42 PM
I just signed up and sent over some coins.. will let you know how it goes....

Sweet! Make sure they make good on your $5 :P   

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: damiano on December 04, 2013, 06:38:33 PM
Their website claims to have been featured on  "Forbes, CNBC, New York Times and FOX News"  

I can't find any info or articles online to support those claims

If your buying with no issue then  :)

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 04, 2013, 07:09:35 PM
Their website claims to have been featured on  "Forbes, CNBC, New York Times and FOX News" 

I can't find any info or articles online to support those claims

If your buying with no issue then  :)

I saw that too... I can't tell you whether or not that's true - I'm only offering my personal experience.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 04, 2013, 07:12:54 PM
The site is well designed and everything seems legit.. doesnt seem like a lot of activity yet.  I sent over 5 coins and sent them back.  There's some weird stuff like the as seen on tv ads which I dont think is true.  Why would they lie and tarnish their reputation though?  In this business you should be transparent and squeaky clean legit because its bitcoins and no one wants to be a victim of another Sheep Marketplace type setup.

I would proceed with caution but its a nicely done site.  Their video capture for credit card deposits is both cool and alarming as its a great way to get your CC number and name on your ID.

Would LOVE for this to be a 100% legit site, but would take more research/investigating.  Another member said they were based in some other country and NOT florida. 

Holy smokes! Heck anything's possible when it comes to BTC. My first two transactions went smoothly, no issues. According to the site, they've only been operating for about a month. We'll probably see more traffic soon.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 05, 2013, 12:19:32 PM
Has anyone else tried Coin.Mx? I'd like to know that I'm not their only customer! lol

Title: - Get BTC Instantly with Credit Card
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 07, 2013, 12:57:42 AM
I just used this site again today with no issues. If you're looking to buy some coins now, consider this site.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: takagari on December 07, 2013, 01:31:09 AM

Er never mind.. USA only

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: joesmoe2012 on December 07, 2013, 11:13:50 PM
Interesting - they appear to accept credit cards ...?

Site looks okay, i think i'll pass though.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 09, 2013, 12:48:18 AM
Made two BTC purchases today. The only issue I have thus far is the time it takes for withdrawal requests to process. It seems that when online chat isn't available, you have to email customer service. Purchasing coins is automatic, but I'm not sure about withdrawals... I'll keep you all updated. 

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Serge on December 09, 2013, 02:15:41 AM
i would never scan a card and send someplace on the internet without a slightest clue how they take care of such sensitive, personal data, much less make a video of myself with a card and id.
btw banks do not recommend actually recommend against making pictures of your cards and sending out.

i also have a hard time letting my card out of my sight at gas stations and dining places

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: axilla on December 09, 2013, 02:43:40 AM
careful with says they are in West Palm Beach, FL.. but they most certainly are not.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 09, 2013, 03:56:28 AM
careful with says they are in West Palm Beach, FL.. but they most certainly are not.

Where are the located? So far it's worked out for me, but if they do have misleading info listed on their site, it would be nice to bring that to everyone's attention.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 09, 2013, 04:05:02 AM
i would never scan a card and send someplace on the internet without a slightest clue how they take care of such sensitive, personal data, much less make a video of myself with a card and id.
btw banks do not recommend actually recommend against making pictures of your cards and sending out.

i also have a hard time letting my card out of my sight at gas stations and dining places

In normal situations, no I wouldn't. However, because of the nature of these transactions, I can see how they're using it to assure against credit card charge backs. I don't think identify theft would be at the top of their list if they were out to get us... if anything, they'd disappear with everyone's coins like other exchanges. But even if there is something funky is going on, it's a credit card, so I can dispute unauthorized charges. 

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: tehbizz on December 12, 2013, 05:58:51 AM
Where are the located? So far it's worked out for me, but if they do have misleading info listed on their site, it would be nice to bring that to everyone's attention.

Well, they DO have misleading information on their site.  It's not just misleading, it's entirely made up.  I work for a web hosting company so what I'm about to point out is stuff I see literally every single day. 

So I drop on by and it looks nice (well not really, the design is awful) and notice the LivePerson chat window pop-up.  Something odd caught my eye:

I'm confused.  "Jen" in their (fake) chatbox says -- in very terribly Google Translated English -- they have been open for 3 weeks.  But wait!  Jeff's testimonial says he's been a member since July 2013, or five months ago.  How can both of these be true?  They can't be.  Also, notice he's from "Sandeigo", a place that very much does not exist in California (or anywhere else).  Also, take a look at Jen's picture, keep it in mind, I'll be coming back to it.

So this made me think, if their fake chat tech says they're three weeks old but they have rotating testimonials from "members" dating back 5-6 months, let's look at their domain registration.

The domain name itself is almost a full two months old.  It's also pretty shady that they're using protected WHOIS from GoDaddy.  Someone who is taking your money should never do this.  So clearly, Jeff couldn't have been a member for three months before the domain was ever registered and Jen herself has a problem with time and dates.  Three weeks is very different from five months.  But speaking of Jen, remember her picture?  Well, to me it looked very off for a chat tech working for their company.  I know this because the company I work for used to used to use LiveChat and none of our techs had pictures like that.

This just looks weird to me, in fact, it screams "stock photo".  So what do I do?  Jump on Tineye to see if I can find any results and guess what?  I do: ( (screenshot in case the results expire: ( ).  Hmmmmm, curious, so they are using a stock photo.  That would not be that big of a deal if it were for a different part of their site but for their chat tech?  Super sketchy.

But let's go looking for this picture.  It was actually really easy to find: ( .  In fact, the photographer has a lot of shots of the very same girl: (  This makes this even more sketchy.  In fact, I just investigated a "development company" last week from Orlando that was using a bunch of BS testimonial stuff like this as well to purposefully scam/defraud people out of money for something really stupid.

Then I noticed the "Featured on..." thing.  If someone does this and doesn't link back to the original site or the article(s) where they have been featured, it's a complete sham, using that as a way to lend legitimacy to something obviously made up.

Then...the phone number.  It's not in Florida.  I know this because I live in the same county and all of our phone numbers start with area code 561 but their area code is 513 which is the general Cincinnati area in Ohio.  This same number is registered to ( whom I've read is the same company operating under a different name.  Why would they need two exchange companies?  Also, their site has literally no publicly-accessible information about who they are, their T&Cs, or anything else.  That screams scam.  Further down the rabbit hole I go.  Both sites are operated by Collectibles Club PMA: (  This too lists the same contact info as the other two sites, which isn't really that big of a deal if their operation is really small.  However, they make their operation sound extremely large.  Also, this site's T&Cs are unlinked entirely, another sign of a sketchy operation.

Their own Facebook page has literally ZERO information about the company other than what is on the website: (  No one other than the page owners have posted to their page and even then, over half of the content is them re-sharing someone else's status/picture.  So...they're not even talking about their own company?  That's sketchy.

Based on all of this and my years of working in web hosting and coming across unscrupulous people everyday, I would never do business with these guys.  They've got nearly every piece of data about the company obfuscated, faked, or purposefully hidden and yet, I'm supposed to trust them with my money?  I don't think so.  I did this much research because they're (supposedly) in Florida and if I could just drive up to their office and deposit funds, I'd use them in a heartbeat but their operation is way too sketchy for me to ever bother with.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 12, 2013, 08:24:37 AM
Excellent investigation work!

I figured the photo was fake (usually they are), but you certainly brought a couple of new things to light. What I found strange was the fact that they make no mention that they're doing business as another exchange. So far I haven't had any issues, but of course, I'm only doing small transactions and their trade volume is pretty low compared to other exchanges. Who's to say that when they gain lots of trust from the bitcoin community that they don't run with everyone's coins; wouldn't be the first time it's happened. Couple the other options available to get coins (or the lack thereof) using this method with btcQuick being out of stock... well 

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: tehbizz on December 12, 2013, 01:42:22 PM
Turns out they're probably operating out of Azerbaijan according to these two posts, so I would be extremely wary of using them: ( (

And I'd certainly be keeping an eye on my credit card statements for anything suspicious because it's probably going to happen in a month or two.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on December 12, 2013, 01:56:00 PM
Turns out they're probably operating out of Azerbaijan according to these two posts, so I would be extremely wary of using them: ( (

And I'd certainly be keeping an eye on my credit card statements for anything suspicious because it's probably going to happen in a month or two.

I just checked my credit card statement and just like a couple of members in the post above, it says Kids Toys AZ. This however is not Arizona because I was charged an international transaction fee! To me it seems they're trying to pull a few sneaky ones to bypass a law or two.

As there are no other alternatives (unless btcQuick now has them in stock), I'll continue to use them, but only for small transactions. But in the interim, I'm removing that tidbit from my signature!

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: akrasnic on February 01, 2014, 07:35:07 AM
I just opened an account with I need your email so I can tell them you referred me and get the $5.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: akrasnic on February 01, 2014, 07:52:23 AM
They just told me they don't do $5 referrals. Why would you lie about that? How can I trust anything else you said?

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lucky Cris on February 01, 2014, 05:25:28 PM
They just told me they don't do $5 referrals. Why would you lie about that? How can I trust anything else you said?

There's no need for me to lie about anything. PM me the email you used to sign up, and I'll let them know so you can get the $5 credit.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: Lebubar on May 17, 2014, 06:36:14 PM
They just told me they don't do $5 referrals. Why would you lie about that? How can I trust anything else you said?

There's no need for me to lie about anything. PM me the email you used to sign up, and I'll let them know so you can get the $5 credit.

It's only for US resident.
 :'( :'( :'( :'(

Jesica told me :
Jessica: We are looking forward to opening up internationally in a couple of weeks.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: rammy2k2 on November 09, 2014, 11:26:36 AM
I found a new one that I dont think has been shared here yet. This is probably mainly for emergency situations for when you need bitcoin extremely fast, but if you are willing to wait a couple of days to receive your bitcoin then you shouldn't have to pay too much more than the actual value of it. On the other hand if you need it super fast, like 30 minutes from the time you finished the checkout using credit card or  PayPal fast, then this site is for you! Just remember if you want your bitcoins in literally 30 mins or less, there will be a heavty fee you might not want to caugh up the money for.

Their website is ( They are still pretty new but so far I have heard only good things...


Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: eneloop on November 09, 2014, 12:04:12 PM
There should be really an instant ban for advertising (scam) sites in first postings like this one.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: chaosknight on November 10, 2014, 05:09:11 AM
i think you forget
you can buy BTC with credit card with them

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: rammy2k2 on November 10, 2014, 09:58:17 AM
i think you forget
you can buy BTC with credit card with them

*just for USA

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: luvzcoinz on November 22, 2014, 12:01:17 AM
If you haven't you should check out ( They accept PayPal and most major credit cards, and they have some of the fastest delivery options available! Verified buyer 2 times in a row here :).

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: webprods on January 20, 2015, 12:36:04 PM
They just told me they don't do $5 referrals. Why would you lie about that? How can I trust anything else you said?

There's no need for me to lie about anything. PM me the email you used to sign up, and I'll let them know so you can get the $5 credit.
Hi.You forgot to say that they have deposit limit.You can't deposit more then $ 100 a week from one credit card.That's mean that you can't buy more then 0.48 - 0.50 BTC a week.(as Jan. 2015)
For me is to low and not helpful to much if you like to trade BTC at Exchange.However I agree I got 0.49 BTC in few min after approval . In my scale 0 to 5  Quick  ++5    Amount  -2

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: drcore on January 20, 2015, 08:32:47 PM
how legit is the services? I notice asks for SSN.... like wtf.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: captainwire on January 20, 2015, 10:43:25 PM
If you haven't you should check out ( They accept PayPal and most major credit cards, and they have some of the fastest delivery options available! Verified buyer 2 times in a row here :).

you might want to check your website it has a 404 error lol. and i dont think anyone would trust your services..

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: fireneo on January 21, 2015, 12:39:20 AM
my only positive experience is coinbase and lbc im not sure about

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: CEX on June 16, 2016, 12:22:22 PM
Good day,

We at CEX.IO ( would like to let you know that recently we have lowered commissions for card payments. The updated fee schedule is as follows:

Withdrawal Fees

$ 3.80 per USD withdrawal
€ 3.50 per EUR withdrawal
2.5% + ₽ 30.00 per RUB withdrawal

1.2% + $ 3.80 per USD withdrawal
1.2% + € 3.50 per EUR withdrawal
2.5% + ₽ 30.00 per RUB withdrawal

Deposit fees

Visa, MasterCard
3.5% + $ 0.25 per USD deposit
3.5% + € 0.20 per EUR deposit
5.25% + ₽ 15.57 per RUB deposit

You can link your Visa or MasterCard in any currency to your CEX.IO profile and use it to deposit and withdraw funds.
Let us know if you have any questions.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: D4RK5T4R on June 16, 2016, 06:52:05 PM
"Oh how do cex lie, let me count the ways." ~ Bill Wobblystick (

What utter crap, you cannot use a Paypal balance like Helga Danova suggests in that link.

And to think she is the Communications Officer, LMFAO


Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: phreaky on June 17, 2016, 03:42:59 PM
There should be really an instant ban for advertising (scam) sites in first postings like this one.

I fully agree with this, they should just perm guys such people because its really annoying and some people really will try it and get scammed because of it.

Title: Re: Buy BTC Instantly with Credit Cards!
Post by: abhishek.g on June 18, 2016, 12:10:46 PM
You need to explain what is the fee charges . Buying with credit card is not also good as it will incur charges with some amount of charges which becomes huge if you do not payback on time .