Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: granathus on December 04, 2013, 07:01:47 PM

Title: Bitcoin and NWO
Post by: granathus on December 04, 2013, 07:01:47 PM
I have followed Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies for about a year, and own a few of them. Unfortunately not as many as I wish. Only one thing rubs me the wrong way atm, and that is the lack of resistance from the powers that be. BTC is a giant threat to the existing power structure, so the senate hearing in the US just seemed like a big act. Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Bitcoin and NWO
Post by: wasserman99 on December 04, 2013, 07:38:31 PM
bitcoin is a facking penny stock LOL, no one cares at this point

wait for $1 trillion market cap, then bitcoin matters ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin and NWO
Post by: Drcatface on January 20, 2014, 12:15:43 AM
It's all hard to judge. I think the powers that be are fairly adaptable in regards to what they will use to control people. This bitcoin is a good thing in a way to them since it gets everyone used to the idea of a digital non government controlled global currency.

You have to understand that the powers that be control government through the issue of currency and not controlling the governments that issue the currency. There is a key difference between these things and the senate hearing may have several people that a pro bit coin because it either furthers the nwo or undermines them.

Despite what you people may think a good chunk of elected officials are interested in democracy and actually would like to run the country efficiently and fairly but have their hands tied. The use of unelected officials is used to great effect. For example, the treasury secretary, Secretary of State etc. The European Union is even worse in that they have managed to usurp the currency control outside the countries itself and have it controlled en mass by non elected officials.

Democracy is dying folks and the unfortunate thing is east nor west seem all that interested in it.