Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: BitcoinLady on December 05, 2013, 02:43:32 PM

Title: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: BitcoinLady on December 05, 2013, 02:43:32 PM
Most prestigious competition ever! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo! Amazing BOUNTY!

Bitcoin Designers Society (BaDaSs) wants new logo. You can be the one who wins if:
- you present your proposal in this thread and it will be approved by High Commision of BaDaSs, however you must be aware that upon presenting you cede all rights to your design to BaDaSs;
- you ask us politely to accept your proposal. Do it as humbly as possible, however choice of form we graciously bestow in your hands;

Winner receives BOUNTY of 0 (zero) BTC and will be honoured with eternal fame!

As designers we know what is really important for artists. We could offer 0.05 BTC, or even 0.1 BTC. But such sums spoils artists and makes them to work for such mundane thing as money.
As researchers from Farley University (Andrew, Cohen et al, 2012) pointed out, hunger pangs are highly advantageous in terms of creativity. From the sample of 200 artists of different professions 83% boosted their creativity after starving for more than 2 weeks. Almost 97% experienced this boost after 6 weeks. This figure would probably reach almost 100% if they survive.
This shows how inappropriate is giving large sums of money to artists - it just hurts them.
Another important factor - tools. In this case, simplicity is a key. They really don't need all those fancy computers (why they should be responsible for greenhouse effect, for sake!), brushes, canvas, papers and other stuff. The best results can be achieved by simplest means - for example cardboard painted with artist blood (passerby can photo it using smartphone and post it here).

Post your projects, it's your last chance to become famous!
We'll rate your creations in this thread. To be as objective as possible we'll ask for help the most tasteless and ignorant people we'll be able to find.

The final work must be supplied in below specified format:
Palm tree (Borassus flabellifer) leaves painted with pigment made by crushing Elysia chlorotica sea slug with obsidian hammer.
No other formats can be accepted at the final stage of competition.

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: Baldershymn on December 05, 2013, 03:25:39 PM
Nice one! Thereīs an amazing price for the likes of you. Itīs called "The Retardation and Idio-iconic Attempt of Creative Wordplay Price" and is awarded to the Unknowing Participant for itīs miniscule brainfart attempt at being funny. Why I even bother to spend my lifeīs precious minutes and seconds wasted on you, is beyond me as I probably am a great contender for the "Distracted Sub-human of the Century" price.

Joke is on me.

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: BitcoinLady on December 05, 2013, 04:05:42 PM
We have first contender!
We will ignore the fact, that you tried to bribe us with some awards.
We are corruptible but first we must know what profits are connected with them :)

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: W-M on December 05, 2013, 05:35:09 PM
Um, hello.
I am a humble designer, and I really really wanted to give the Ultimate Contest of the Bitcoin Designers Society a try, but it proved a very hard challenge. It was extremely difficult to find any sort of meaningful originality, while maintaining absolute simplicity.
After being starved for three weeks (and two days), I slit my wrists again and bled a little on the last piece of cardboard I had. In this instant, the moment I almost fainted from fatigue, food deprivation and blood loss,  was when Inspiration Struck!
I decided that I would go where no man had before: I would get a bag full of Elysia Chlorotica's and make art out of their most beautiful splatter patterns.

What you can see here is a quick photograph made with my phone of my last piece of cardboard, with the perfect exemplar of Elysia Chlorotica smashed on there, and a mixture of mine and Elysia's body fluids. It was very hard to obtain an Obsidian hammer (especially considering I did not have any money) but I managed to steal one from a nearby outlet store. That did cost me an ear, however, as they almost managed to catch me and chop me with their katana's. Part of blood from my ear can also be found on the cardboard, in the upper right corner.
As per request, the core essence of the logo is made using only the leaves of Borassus flabellifer. Their structure is enhanced by superimposing my blood as well as that of my dear Elysia Chlorotica and the obsidian hammer.

I humbly hope that the High Commision of BaDaSs will accept my small piece of cardboard, and that it isn't too dull for your tastes. I really hope to be able to make it in this most prestigious competition ever, although I know that the chances are abysmally small.

This piece is dedicated to all Elysia Chlorotica's that died.

Have a great day,


Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: BitcoinLady on December 05, 2013, 08:58:40 PM
Hello, Contender!

Despite late hour, we managed to find absolutely objective experts, with absolutely no taste. They are not only ignorant in terms of design, the surplus is they are also arrogant.
We found them in nearby head office of very big corporation. Their taskmaster released them early today. Their competence could be easily recognized by certain premises - newest smartphones from best known brand in hands, identical dark suits, delicate weave of their ties clearly indicating creme de la creme of far east child labour (not more than 5 years old in our opinion).
After signing an appropriate 45 pages agreement regulating fees, taxes, time schedule, liability, governing law and courts we asked them to assess your work.

You probably realize how poor you are in terms of creativity (and obviously in all the rest). However, we are obliged to stress it in front of public - it's just our social duty.

First of all - no gallery, auction house, critic have ever heard of you. It means that you don't exist as an artist - not a single piece of text proves that you are.
Next, your choice of leaves is absolutely scandalous. Different sizes? It should be considered criminal offence! Besides, these leaves are green! What about your respect toward ecology? You should pick them from the ground, dried. Full stop.
Next, you are absolute amateur in slitting your wrists. The stains are so random that you should be ashamed! How puny you must be to not be able to direct blood from your own veins... Such freedom of expression you could show in Tate Gallery, but you'll never have an exhibition there with such attitude.
Next, in connection with the previous statement, when you shown already your ineptness in managing your own body, you could at least smudge this blood to resemble a ruling standard iCrap shiny gradient button cutout. This could make your situation a little better (very little).
Next, our experts rightly pointed out that your choice of green Elysia Chlorotica is absolutely invalid. You should chose blue or red one, We'll kindly ignore your meaningless and random way of crushing this slug.
We could cite the report longer (our experts prepared 20 pages), but this does not make any further sense. We all know that your value is null.

Despite our loss of time you owe us 95BTC paid for consultancy to our experts, 52BTC for our moral losses and 1BTC that we must pay to deliver you our invoice to the bridge under which you live.
Yours sincerely

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: BitcoinFr34k on December 05, 2013, 09:19:10 PM
You must be really bored... 

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: BitcoinLady on December 05, 2013, 10:12:57 PM
Sure, I am.
I'm bored with attitude of people. Both those who make competitions for a dime and those who are ready to lick their asses for this dime.
Reading post when somebody offers some 100-200 bucks for logo makes me sick (but I'm aware that they just take advantage of situation). I often want to say "if you can't afford a prostitute, fap yourself". Later, I realize that there are people happy to work for a dime. Many people that will spend a lot of time to have a slight chance to cash these alms. They spoil the market. I shouldn't care, I have other things to do. But sometimes I care.
Maybe because I watch devaluation of creative work all the time since many years.

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: likehiro on December 05, 2013, 10:24:27 PM
It's a shame that someone who work (or who say that) in the graphic world offers a bounty like that. You have participated in many of these competitions where the OP offered 100 or 200 bucks for the winner... That just show that you are someone selfish. "Do as I say and not as I do"

Designers need to eat too, it's a lie that them don't have to work for money. Designers don't need fame, just want respectful customers. You are not a designer after this post.

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: BitcoinLady on December 05, 2013, 10:51:34 PM
It seems to me that you miss the point. On the other hand it's your voice in discussion.
I don't have to participate in any of these competitions. I took part in some I liked (and won some) just to spread idea of Bitcoin. At the beginning of Bitcoin market it was understandable that customers often cannot afford too much.
What is important to me and in what I agree with you is that designers need respectful customers. But with time flowing by customers are less and less respectful and designers are forced to take what is available. The reason for this situation is on both sides. It's not strange that customers take advantage of situation. On the other hand - many designers offer their services for dumping prices.
BTW, I assume that you realized that this thread is a joke (as it's not clear from your post).

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: viridisk on December 06, 2013, 07:34:26 PM
You want painting in blood? You can't handle the blood.

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: Baldershymn on December 07, 2013, 04:58:07 PM
We have first contender!
We will ignore the fact, that you tried to bribe us with some awards.
We are corruptible but first we must know what profits are connected with them :)

You had me at hello BitcoinLady! <3

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: BIGMERVE on December 09, 2013, 06:03:07 PM
As designers we know what is really important for artists. We could offer 0.05 BTC, or even 0.1 BTC. But such sums spoils artists and makes them to work for such mundane thing as money.

Is this a joke? Pay your artist!

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: xTeraa on December 09, 2013, 06:24:26 PM
As designers we know what is really important for artists. We could offer 0.05 BTC, or even 0.1 BTC. But such sums spoils artists and makes them to work for such mundane thing as money.

Is this a joke? Pay your artist!

Thank you, the design and graphic design industry has been devalued so much. With people offering work for "exposure and your portfolio" and everyone with a computer and photoshop calling themselves designers. People think like $50 for a logo is a standard price when in reality its chump change.

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: BitcoinBarrel on December 09, 2013, 08:17:00 PM
My entry:

I hope I win!  ;D

Thank you for this wonderful contest you are truly kind.

Title: Re: Amazing BOUNTY! Bitcoin Designers Society is looking for logo!
Post by: Thom on December 29, 2013, 03:16:07 PM
+1000 comedy points. As a graphic designer, I know the feels.

Want professional work? hire a professional. There are plenty here.
Want a load of crap designs and demanding replies to sift through? Offer tiny bounties!