Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: cspeter8 on December 06, 2013, 11:52:35 AM

Title: looking to hire consultant to solve failure of private key import
Post by: cspeter8 on December 06, 2013, 11:52:35 AM
I have created a number of paper wallets on  I tested a few and they worked.
I created 2 wallets for friends and funded these wallets for them. 

When I tried to import the private keys, I encountered a failure to import the key on both electrum 1.9.5 using windows 7 and windows 8, and also a online wallet.

I know there is not a transcription error because I scanned the qr code to get the string and pasted that string.

Please respond by private message to apply.  I need to understand the cause of failure of these imports.


Title: Re: looking to hire consultant to solve failure of private key import
Post by: on December 06, 2013, 11:56:50 AM
Did you tried to do it on some other client like bitcoin QT or armory?

or try mobile based wallets.

Ps: Don't give/show your privatekey or QR code etc to anyone.

Title: Re: looking to hire consultant to solve failure of private key import
Post by: HFPowerful on December 06, 2013, 04:20:14 PM
First of all, do not give your key to anyone, nor the QR code. Second of all, have you tried using a different client? You could also try using a different client?

Title: Re: looking to hire consultant to solve failure of private key import
Post by: cspeter8 on December 06, 2013, 07:41:51 PM
member Martijnvdc coached me to getting it to work with online wallet.  Looks like a bug exists with electrum 1.9.5 that is not present in 1.9.2.  Investigation is under way.

Title: Re: looking to hire consultant to solve failure of private key import
Post by: lophie on December 07, 2013, 02:08:08 AM
I know that bug..... I think your qr generator appended empty space at the end (Empty space that you cant actually see or delete, just a bunch of 000000 in binary), reparsed the string and it went smoothly

Title: Re: looking to hire consultant to solve failure of private key import
Post by: cspeter8 on December 07, 2013, 03:54:08 AM
Correction: Martijnvdc  was unable to replicate the error with importing this particular private key after trying in both electrum 1.9.2 nor in 1.9.5.  However I had the error with both windows 7 and windows 8.  He was running electrum on linux.

Once in the wallet, I moved the balance out, to possibly make the private key available in a bug report.

I have another private key that does the same thing, if anyone else is interested in playing around with it.