Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Minsc on August 09, 2011, 07:23:14 PM

Title: MOVE TO THE SPECULATION BOARD: Why bitcoin will eventually rise
Post by: Minsc on August 09, 2011, 07:23:14 PM
I registed a year and a half ago.  I used to be able to post anywhere.  I came back this summer and could only post here.  I made a thread about this how my account is so old and has more than 17 posts and still I can only post here.

This needs to be moved to the speculation board.

Post is below....


If you have a lot of money, with bitcoins:
1) The IRS (government tax collectors) can't touch them.
2) No law enforcement can touch them.
3) No ex-wife and her lawyer can get them.
4) Nobody filing a frivilous lawsuit can get them.
5) You can back up your wallet, then encrypt the files, then disguise them as jpgs, obscure them with a bunch of jpgs, then hide them on flashdrives you have burried in the desert.

Compare this to banks.

Bitcoin's value may be wonky, but one day when I have a lot of money, I will put them in bitcoin to protect myself.

Title: Re: MOVE TO THE SPECULATION BOARD: Why bitcoin will eventually rise
Post by: Oldminer on August 10, 2011, 05:49:47 AM
This is why off-shore bank accounts are so popular