Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: Transisto on August 10, 2011, 06:52:45 AM

Title: 100% CPU usage solved by having only 512mb ram on Win7 ?
Post by: Transisto on August 10, 2011, 06:52:45 AM
I noticed I do not get any CPU usage running poclbm when on a 512mb ram PC running a Win7 64bit

Drawback, I have 3 GPU installed but can only run 2, (not enough ram ?)

I have rebooted 4-5 time adding/removing ram 512 to 728mb and the CPU ramp up to 100%

This is DDR1 ram. dimm as low as 128mb are available.

Some really weird behavior when starting the 3rd GPU, start but mhash value does not change.

The two mining card are hot, confirming it's working.

Screenshot. see how I can only start two at once.