Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: drmilind2004 on May 07, 2018, 07:58:13 PM

Title: More Hate For Bitcoin From The Old Guard
Post by: drmilind2004 on May 07, 2018, 07:58:13 PM
While the knives have been out for Bitcoin ever since its dizzying ascent starting over an year ago, there is now an increasingly shrill tone.  It's as if the haters, mostly from the financial establishment, are now plumbing the bottom of the barrel and coming up with increasingly depraved stuff, having abandoned reason and fair consideration long back.  Sample this news item for instance:

Title:  Bitcoin Nearly as Bad as ‘Trading Harvested Baby Brains’, Says Berkshire VC Munger

Posted at:  BITCOIN OPINION MAY 07, 2018 16:26 (

tl,dr:  “The computer science behind bitcoin is a great triumph of the human mind,” Munger told  Yahoo Finance. “They created a product that’s hard to create more of but not impossible. [But] I see an artificial speculative medium,” he said. It’s “anti-social, stupid and immoral.”

“Suppose you could make a lot of money trading freshly harvested baby brains. Would you do it?” he asked. “To me bitcoin is almost as bad.”

“I regard the whole thing as a combination of dementia and immorality. I think the people pushing it are a disgrace,” he concluded. “There ought to be some things that are beneath you, that you just don’t do, and this is one.”

Title: Re: More Hate For Bitcoin From The Old Guard
Post by: Dmitry.Vastov on May 10, 2018, 06:55:23 AM
While the knives have been out for Bitcoin ever since its dizzying ascent starting over an year ago, there is now an increasingly shrill tone.  It's as if the haters, mostly from the financial establishment, are now plumbing the bottom of the barrel and coming up with increasingly depraved stuff, having abandoned reason and fair consideration long back.  Sample this news item for instance:

Title:  Bitcoin Nearly as Bad as ‘Trading Harvested Baby Brains’, Says Berkshire VC Munger

Posted at:  BITCOIN OPINION MAY 07, 2018 16:26 (

tl,dr:  “The computer science behind bitcoin is a great triumph of the human mind,” Munger told  Yahoo Finance. “They created a product that’s hard to create more of but not impossible. [But] I see an artificial speculative medium,” he said. It’s “anti-social, stupid and immoral.”

“Suppose you could make a lot of money trading freshly harvested baby brains. Would you do it?” he asked. “To me bitcoin is almost as bad.”

“I regard the whole thing as a combination of dementia and immorality. I think the people pushing it are a disgrace,” he concluded. “There ought to be some things that are beneath you, that you just don’t do, and this is one.”

I think the only reason why people are hating bitcoin is its decentralised that people and governments are now hesitating to be the part of bitcoin because bitcoin is now being used for several illegal activities like selling drugs, explosives and for money laundering and moreover there is no third party seizure in the bitcoin transactions and thus people are hating bitcoin and this could only be possible when bitcoin will be centralised and will be declared as central currency world wide.

Title: Re: More Hate For Bitcoin From The Old Guard
Post by: AurumService on May 10, 2018, 11:23:17 AM
I also read news about Buffet a couple of days ago. He is very radical about bitcoin and doesn`t believe in it at all...