Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Yurizhai on December 11, 2013, 07:27:13 AM

Title: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 11, 2013, 07:27:13 AM

                                                                                                   Helllllooo and WELCOME folks! It's the end of the year and what a year it's been in the cryptocurrency world!

I am honored to be with you here tonight folks! We have got just a fantastic show for you here tonight. Numerous categories, "live" music, and maybe even some prizes  :o !! Hours and hours of vigilant debates behind closed doors and the cryptogenic council is finally ready to announce it's 2013 winners! But in the end only one coin can be crowned victorious and bestowed the prestigious title of Cryptocurrency of 2013.

Let's kick it off!

First up, we're gonna start nice and light:

                                                                                                       Joke Coins!
They may make you smile, make you giggle, or maybe they just annoy the crap out of you; but this year there's been more than ever so lets see our nominees!!!


Bit Bar: This coin wasn't even intended to be  a joke but it was so bad it became one anyway. With it's creator desperately trying to point out how it's 'scarcity' made it so cool, hired who knows how many people to talk good of it, the hilarity of this crypto is overpowering.

BBQcoin: The coin you want to eat. Indeed. I mean the name says it all. This coin has died, been revived, and now it's sitting pretty with a 4 million dollar market cap! Now that's a barbeque I'd eat at!

Dogecoin:Who can deny that face? I know I can't.

                                                                                                And the winner is.......


                                                                                                                             Wow. Such winner. Many meme. Wow.

Next up, those shady coins that create oh so many victims... Scam coins!


QuarkCoin: 97% of these coins were mined before anyone had even heard of these babies! Now the shills and marketing are coming full force, the exchanges heavily manipulated creating suckers everywhere you look! This would easily  outright win the category if it's competitors weren't so insidious.

THC Coin: Not only does this coin sport the name of the most evil drug out there, it's client also installed a keylogger ( on your computer to steal your coins!!! That's not a coin I'll be getting high off anytime soon, hohohohho.

Goldcoin: A coin so classic in it's scammyness that it's earned a rightful spot on the list. No innovations and shills so aggressive you'd almost.. almost think it was legit.


                                                                                                And the winner is.......

                                                                                                           Thus far this coin is probably the greatest scam coin in history!

What a great start to the awards! I hope you're having as much fun as I'm having! But alas, it's time for a short intermission! Don't you worry though, tonight we're featuring live music from Black Sun Empire. This song perfectly captures the intense battle all cyrptocurrencies are waging for right to reign supreme.


Alright we're back. Let's continue the show! It's time to get a little more serious. Next up we start classifying the heavy hitters in the crypto world. First it's the coins that were the first to add new features, and are attempting to be serious contenders - IE not scams or jokes.


Created by none other than Sunny King, this coin labels itself as the first scientific proof-of-work crypto. This coin attempts to find Prime numbers, something that apparently has a rich history in mathematics. Currently at least three world records have been broken thanks to this coin, and it's future benefits may prove useful indeed.

Peercoin: Primecoin's younger sister and the first coin created by Sunny King. The first coin to implement proof-of-stake, Peercoin attempts to bring far more energy efficiency and security through non-reliance  on miners. This is ultimately trying to avoid an uncertain future down the road in regards to Bitcoin transaction fees and the ASIC miner arms race.

Namecoin: Namecoin allows access to an alternative DNS system that lies outside of a centralized control. This would enable people to to avoid censorship and reduce outages. Although I haven't of anything too significant regarding this, it may prove to be incredibly useful in the future with this whole world-wide dystopia coming out way.

                                        And the winner is.....................

                                                                                                                                                                With it's unique design and curious developer, it's held the #3 spot for over half of 2013.


Up next.. we take a look at the alt cryptos that have made the biggest impact in this young new movement.


Litecoin: Litecoin has been paving the way for all other cryptos and slowly forcing Bitcoin purists into realizing a future where only Bitcoin exists just won't happen. Every record Litecoin breaks gives hope to all other alt coins out there. It's seen explosive growth this year, growing larger than all the other alt coins combined.

Peercoin: Always 20 steps behind Litecoin, Peercoin has still made great strides this year. It remains the highest alt coin that has a feature significantly different than Litecoin, and someday aims to take Litecoin on. A fantastic year for PPC!

: YAC coin showed us all that crypto's potential is incredible and.... just kidding.

                                                 And the winner is........................


                                                        All hail the King of Alt Coins.

And now we slow it down and take a journey into our second and final intermission. This time the music comes from Rameses B and captures the idea that we're all into this together and cryptos have a bright future in 2014 and beyond. 


Alright folks. The time has come. It's the time everyone has been waiting for. It is time to crown the one and only Crypto Currency of 2013.



                                                                                                                  Thank you Bitcoin. Thank you.
And that's the show folks. Hope you had fun. Oh! The prizes. Just post a response detailing your compliments, anger, insults, questions, statements, anything and on January 1st 2014 I will announce a winner for a very special prize. Thanks for coming, and be sure to tune in next year for the 2014 Cryptocurrency awards!

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: CrytoEnthusiast on December 11, 2013, 07:31:01 AM
Oh god, what a good time I had reading this. I love it :D

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: RoooooR on December 11, 2013, 07:35:22 AM
What an enjoyable topic. Lol.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 11, 2013, 07:49:13 AM
Agree with everything except PPC. I don't think they deserve the award because their algorithms failed. PoS is vulnerable which is why they had to centralize it. Maybe if they got it working without easy attacks and centralization they would deserve it.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: AuroraHF on December 11, 2013, 07:55:04 AM
Much better than the YouTube Music Awards or the horrible gaming awards a few weeks ago.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Sophokles on December 11, 2013, 08:02:12 AM
Thanks for this! Made my day.  ;D

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 11, 2013, 08:02:23 AM
Thank you for your feedback everyone!

Agree with everything except PPC. I don't think they deserve the award because their algorithms failed. PoS is vulnerable which is why they had to centralize it. Maybe if they got it working without easy attacks and centralization they would deserve it.

Nothing in PPC has 'failed'. The checkpoints are just a safety measure until it is reasonable to remove them. As this coin is designed with the long term in mind I have no problem with it. Bitcoin had the luxury of being the first coin that did not have as many people interested in cryptos at the time. Feathercoin has been successfully attacked twice this year I believe. Other coins as well. The checkpoints will be removed starting in client version 0.5(0.4 is due out in a week or two).

I do not see his caution in regards to his long term oriented cryptocurrency as a stain on the innovation of the coin overall.

The award stands.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 11, 2013, 08:07:13 AM
Thank you for your feedback everyone!

Agree with everything except PPC. I don't think they deserve the award because their algorithms failed. PoS is vulnerable which is why they had to centralize it. Maybe if they got it working without easy attacks and centralization they would deserve it.

Nothing in PPC has 'failed'. The checkpoints are just a safety measure until it is reasonable to remove them. As this coin is designed with the long term in mind I have no problem with it. Bitcoin had the luxury of being the first coin that did not have as many people interested in cryptos at the time. Feathercoin has been successfully attacked twice this year I believe. Other coins as well. The checkpoints will be removed starting in client version 0.5(0.4 is due out in a week or two).

I do not see his caution in regards to his long term oriented cryptocurrency as a stain on the innovation of the coin overall.

The award stands.

The reason for the checkpoints was the ease of a 51% attack using the PoS. If the innovation doesn't work I wouldn't consider it innovative.

Quote from: gmaxwell
the problem with PoS is, ironically, that there is nothing at stake. When you PoW mine you expend costly resources and the expense only has a return if your blocks have a chance of making it into the longest chain... you're wasting energy going off to mine a losing fork.

in PoS you expend no resource, your PoS mine in one chain doesn't preclude you from PoS mining infinite forking chains.

PPC was exploited via this basically as soon as PoS mining became possible: someone started mining many alternative histories, finding ones where his coins got selected in block after block.

PC was revised so that the identity of the PoS stake was depended on past PoW blocks, ... making it forever dependant on PoW for security too... the weird incentives still remain, though you can no longer use it to mine all the blocks without also having hashpower.

initially the developer signatures were just supposted to bootstrap it until PoS was mining most blocks, ... but its remained due to pos turning out to be less awesome than expected.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 11, 2013, 08:14:31 AM
The reason for the checkpoints was the ease of a 51% attack using the PoS. If the innovation doesn't work I wouldn't consider it innovative.

But the innovation does work it just turned out it needed to be approached differently than a regular coin. New ideas lead to new problems. It's not like PoS was turned off completely, it's benefits are being reaped as of today.

Do not argue with the cryptogenic council. They do not make mistakes sir.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 11, 2013, 08:27:09 AM
The reason for the checkpoints was the ease of a 51% attack using the PoS. If the innovation doesn't work I wouldn't consider it innovative.

But the innovation does work it just turned out it needed to be approached differently than a regular coin. New ideas lead to new problems. It's not like PoS was turned off completely, it's benefits are being reaped as of today.

Do not argue with the cryptogenic council. They do not make mistakes sir.

>it needed to be approached differently than a regular coin.

So are we agreement that that different approach is centralization?

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 11, 2013, 08:39:43 AM
So are we agreement that that different approach is centralization?

Oh yes. That's a known fact. The disagreement was whether or not that made PoS a 'failure' or non-innovative. That would be like saying someone who invented a cell phone that never needed to be charged wasn't innovative just because they had to put a temporary cap of 10 calls per day on it.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 11, 2013, 08:52:36 AM
So are we agreement that that different approach is centralization?

Oh yes. That's a known fact. The disagreement was whether or not that made PoS a 'failure' or non-innovative. That would be like saying someone who invented a cell phone that never needed to be charged wasn't innovative just because they had to put a temporary cap of 10 calls per day on it.
Pretty bad analogy. The problem with PoS isn't that it limits anything. It's that it creates a central point of failure and isn't decentralized. The whole purpose for PoS was to make the coin 51% resilient, but now with checkpoints it is not even 0.1% proof. (The 0.1% being the checkpoint signer).

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Brewins on December 11, 2013, 08:56:08 AM
made my year, if you have a dogecoin wallet, ill give you some

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: mladen00 on December 11, 2013, 09:06:20 AM
nice post


Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 11, 2013, 09:27:36 AM
So are we agreement that that different approach is centralization?

Oh yes. That's a known fact. The disagreement was whether or not that made PoS a 'failure' or non-innovative. That would be like saying someone who invented a cell phone that never needed to be charged wasn't innovative just because they had to put a temporary cap of 10 calls per day on it.
Pretty bad analogy. The problem with PoS isn't that it limits anything. It's that it creates a central point of failure and isn't decentralized. The whole purpose for PoS was to make the coin 51% resilient, but now with checkpoints it is not even 0.1% proof. (The 0.1% being the checkpoint signer).

I see what you're saying. The council will not change the award though.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: masterOfDisaster on December 11, 2013, 09:51:40 AM
Agree with everything except PPC. I don't think they deserve the award because their algorithms failed. PoS is vulnerable which is why they had to centralize it. Maybe if they got it working without easy attacks and centralization they would deserve it.

Firstly: @Yurizhai
Nice post! Very entertaining.

Secondly: @t3a
In earlier stage it would indeed have been rather the PoW that has been vulnerable to "> 50% attacks" than the PoS (because the PoW of Peercoin utilizes SHA-256 like Bitcoin and there are legions of SHA-256 devices in the wild...).

The Peercoin network is already quite far on its way to transition to PoS. If you have a look at this block explorer ( you see that only 7 of the last 50 blocks have been PoW blocks. So a "> 50% attack" with PoW is not really possible.
With PoS a "> 50% attack" is still possible but much more difficult and costly than attacking a "PoW only" coin! Absolute security is not possible but the relative security of PoS is higher than the security of PoW. If you want to attack using the PoS process, you need more money (in relation to a PoW attack).
It is an illusion that there is an "easy attack" for PoS ;)

I have made a calculation some weeks ago.
Feel free to point out errors in it:

And as previously stated: the checkpoints will phase out.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: GameKyuubi on December 11, 2013, 10:05:40 AM
I appreciate this thread  ;D

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Tenchi on December 11, 2013, 11:33:13 AM
wow           such awards                      wow
very shibe            dogecoin to the moon               very skyrocket         wow
          very thanks              doge approves  wow
wow         very millionaire

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: RenegadeMind on December 11, 2013, 11:41:23 AM
DOGE so wow               much prize                       so winner

                    nice show                   vry compete

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 11, 2013, 04:43:12 PM
Agree with everything except PPC. I don't think they deserve the award because their algorithms failed. PoS is vulnerable which is why they had to centralize it. Maybe if they got it working without easy attacks and centralization they would deserve it.

Firstly: @Yurizhai
Nice post! Very entertaining.

Secondly: @t3a
In earlier stage it would indeed have been rather the PoW that has been vulnerable to "> 50% attacks" than the PoS (because the PoW of Peercoin utilizes SHA-256 like Bitcoin and there are legions of SHA-256 devices in the wild...).

The Peercoin network is already quite far on its way to transition to PoS. If you have a look at this block explorer ( you see that only 7 of the last 50 blocks have been PoW blocks. So a "> 50% attack" with PoW is not really possible.
With PoS a "> 50% attack" is still possible but much more difficult and costly than attacking a "PoW only" coin! Absolute security is not possible but the relative security of PoS is higher than the security of PoW. If you want to attack using the PoS process, you need more money (in relation to a PoW attack).
It is an illusion that there is an "easy attack" for PoS ;)

I have made a calculation some weeks ago.
Feel free to point out errors in it:

And as previously stated: the checkpoints will phase out.

You need money to perform the attack in the first place, but finding alternative histories where you're awarded the PoS block is computationally inexpensive.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 11, 2013, 06:44:52 PM
I appreciate this thread  ;D


Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: stongamuse on December 11, 2013, 07:14:17 PM

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: illdeletethis on December 11, 2013, 08:51:21 PM
would protoshares count as an innovative altcoin?

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: spud3861 on December 11, 2013, 09:02:24 PM
Very good. Thank you for taking the time to compile it.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: MsCollec on December 11, 2013, 09:11:07 PM
This very entertaining, add more category next year and giveaway for guests.
Congrats to all doge wowwide

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 12, 2013, 01:06:32 AM
This very entertaining, add more category next year and giveaway for guests.
Congrats to all doge wowwide

Next year the awards will be a week long event with 1-2 categories released each day.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: coolbeans94 on December 12, 2013, 10:20:37 PM
It always becomes a debate about Peercoin, doesn't it?

Peercoin has come a long way in the last year, a lot of these arguments against it are outdated now. Peercoin is a lot more secure than it was a year ago. The only reason Peercoin is less secure than Bitcoin now is because it's market cap is smaller, but the higher Peercoin's market cap, and the longer it survives, the more secure it will get. On the flip side Bitcoin will become less and less decentralized and less and less secure because all it's security rests on the miners and energy. Peercoin has a lot of potential.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 12, 2013, 10:34:06 PM
The only reason Peercoin is less secure than Bitcoin now is because it's market cap is smaller
Name one person in the thread who said that

but the higher Peercoin's market cap, and the longer it survives, the more secure it will get.
Not really. The cost of a PoS attack will remain very high until the end of time.

On the flip side Bitcoin will become less and less decentralized and less and less secure because all it's security rests on the miners and energy. Peercoin has a lot of potential.
Having it rest on miners and energy is good because the miners actually have to use a resource, there is a cost unlike PoS 51% attack.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: sn3aks on December 12, 2013, 11:19:16 PM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: pand70 on December 12, 2013, 11:30:26 PM
I agree with pretty much everything in this crypto awards. Maybe a better styling in the op should've made it a little more enjoyable to read.  :P
In any case i think the nominees and winners reflect the average person views on the crypto-currency world right now.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 13, 2013, 01:12:20 AM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Market cap is fun and everything, and it's a very real possibility that QRK could overtake PPC in market cap soon. However PPC has the advantage of being around and known for longer than two seconds. This will lead to some pretty nice wins in 2014 and I think in the end QRK won't stand a chance. I'm more interested in long term prospects, not flavor of the month pumps.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 13, 2013, 01:39:14 AM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Market cap is fun and everything, and it's a very real possibility that QRK could overtake PPC in market cap soon. However PPC has the advantage of being around and known for longer than two seconds. This will lead to some pretty nice wins in 2014 and I think in the end QRK won't stand a chance. I'm more interested in long term prospects, not flavor of the month pumps.

Who cares what you're interested in, and your crystal ball is upside down, PPC is a GREAT coin and i hold a lot. However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Qrk will continue to rise as will PPC that much is obvious. To be honest more people ask about QRK than PPC right now, and it is trending much higher. People have invested a lot into QRK you think they are going to throw it all away because you say it is a pump and dump. Do you have the btc to pump QRK at that volume?  I know most people have bought and will hold now expecting big gains, that in itself ensures big gains. These are not day traders these are people investing for longer term.

First annual crypto crybaby award to Baroness yurizhai  - i guarantee you have no QRK but have some LTC and PPC.

LTC and PPC will not increase like QRK that is my crystal ball for you. Let's wait and see who is correct in 1 years time. PPC has less distribution than QRK and has been on the market WAY WAY longer.

ltc and ppc are good investments but not guaranteed either.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 13, 2013, 01:45:40 AM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Market cap is fun and everything, and it's a very real possibility that QRK could overtake PPC in market cap soon. However PPC has the advantage of being around and known for longer than two seconds. This will lead to some pretty nice wins in 2014 and I think in the end QRK won't stand a chance. I'm more interested in long term prospects, not flavor of the month pumps.

Who cares what you're interested in, and your crystal ball is upside down, PPC is a GREAT coin and i hold a lot. However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Qrk will continue to rise as will PPC that much is obvious. To be honest more people ask about QRK than PPC right now, and it is trending much higher. People have invested a lot into QRK you think they are going to throw it all away because you say it is a pump and dump. Do you have the btc to pump QRK at that volume?  I know most people have bought and will hold now expecting big gains, that in itself ensures big gains. These are not day traders these are people investing for longer term.

First annual crypto crybaby award to Baroness yurizhai  - i guarantee you have no QRK but have some LTC and PPC.

LTC and PPC will not increase like QRK that is my crystal ball for you. Let's wait and see who is correct in 1 years time. PPC has less distribution than QRK and has been on the market WAY WAY longer.

ltc and ppc are good investments but not guaranteed either.

Quark is an obvious scamcoin. There isn't an advantage to using 6 different hashing algorithms, it is just what they had to throw together to make it unique. Please don't try that circular logic "Quark will become popular because it's popular". Actually go ahead, when the creator dump it's going to be a fun to watch.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 13, 2013, 01:48:24 AM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Market cap is fun and everything, and it's a very real possibility that QRK could overtake PPC in market cap soon. However PPC has the advantage of being around and known for longer than two seconds. This will lead to some pretty nice wins in 2014 and I think in the end QRK won't stand a chance. I'm more interested in long term prospects, not flavor of the month pumps.

Who cares what you're interested in, and your crystal ball is upside down, PPC is a GREAT coin and i hold a lot. However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Qrk will continue to rise as will PPC that much is obvious. To be honest more people ask about QRK than PPC right now, and it is trending much higher. People have invested a lot into QRK you think they are going to throw it all away because you say it is a pump and dump. Do you have the btc to pump QRK at that volume?  I know most people have bought and will hold now expecting big gains, that in itself ensures big gains. These are not day traders these are people investing for longer term.

First annual crypto crybaby award to Baroness yurizhai  - i guarantee you have no QRK but have some LTC and PPC.

LTC and PPC will not increase like QRK that is my crystal ball for you. Let's wait and see who is correct in 1 years time. PPC has less distribution than QRK and has been on the market WAY WAY longer.

ltc and ppc are good investments but not guaranteed either.

Quark is an obvious scamcoin. There isn't an advantage to using 6 different hashing algorithms, it is just what they had to throw together to make it unique. Please don't try that circular logic "Quark will become popular because it's popular". Actually go ahead, when the creator dump it's going to be a fun to watch.

LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.  The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.

The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better. It is a well distributed coin compared to many others.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 13, 2013, 01:51:56 AM

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Wait. Hold. THE. PHONE. You mean this award list was mostly intended as a tongue in cheek joke? You mean this obviously holds no real weight and was just for fun? Holy shit everyone! Cryptohunter is an absolute GENIUS.

However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Please objectively explain to me how QRK is  a GREAT coin.

By the way, I DO hold QRK. That doesn't mean I won't dump it at a moment's notice because I don't trust it and it also doesn't mean I'll pretend it's awesome.

And do you actually know how distributed it is? Or are you just parroting the little myth buster page?

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 13, 2013, 02:03:22 AM

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Wait. Hold. THE. PHONE. You mean this award list was mostly intended as a tongue in cheek joke? You mean this obviously holds no real weight and was just for fun? Holy shit everyone! Cryptohunter is an absolute GENIUS.

However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Please objectively explain to me how QRK is  a GREAT coin.

By the way, I DO hold QRK. That doesn't mean I won't dump it at a moment's notice because I don't trust it and it also doesn't mean I'll pretend it's awesome.

And do you actually know how distributed it is? Or are you just parroting the little myth buster page?

Okay you're joking and you think QRK is great and not a scam coin. Thanks that's cleared that up.

Objectively tell me how LTC is a greater coin that QRK. Then tell me how BTC is a greater coin than LTC. Why is LTC in theory better than the 100 shitclones of it?  It is not better it is the same code. The important part is the distribution and by that i don't mean the mining only. Miners instamined QRK and dumped so much the price was stuck at 200 -37 for months. THESE ARE FACTS YOU CAN'T DENY. The market ignored it then, the market wants it now.

So long as the coin is reliable and does its job, then the actual tech of the coin is not so important. ALthough in future who is to say multi algo is not an advantage? who is to say scrypt or prime is better or worse than sha256?

I'm parroting the same blockchain output that was compared to the outputs from the coins you rate so highly. NOTICE THE TOP 100 PPC WALLETS HOLD A HIGHER PERCENTAGE OF PPC THAN THE TOP 100 QRK WALLETS.  Also watching the volume and rate of exchange on cryptsy seeing 500k lots of it dumped into the market at 11000 when it had been 29000 before tells me the market is doing its job well with QRK, it has shaken a lot of whales out. It is actually better to have a huge spike and then semi crash, than a steady rise because whales don't dump on steady rises.

You many hold a little QRK, but you obviously hold a lot more PPC and LTC in terms of overall value. You are like everyone else, just talking up the coins you have most of and down the coins you don't. The market is not watching your awards thread so it does not really matter. However your tongue in cheek awards could stumble people thinking of investing in crypto.

You have no clue what will go up and down anymore than anyone else does. QRK could rise way way faster and stay there above PPC and even LTC you have no crystal ball.

PPC and LTC have a lot of critics too. I like them both and hold both but would not like to say they have a better future than QRK. Try to keep your portfolio more balanced and then you will not have to come across as such a shill yourself.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: duuuuude on December 13, 2013, 02:04:12 AM
its actually very easy check out any forum for hte past six month and you will see how much quark was mined by everyone and how long it was out on the market, no premine, and by your definition every coin in the world is a scam coin.   But i like all the hate quark getting, it shows how big its getting, they used to hate Litecoin prime and others the same way. and they went no where if anything they only got bigger.  Why cant you say you just dont like or understand quark, instead of being all quick to say scam, i could atleast respect your opinion.


Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 13, 2013, 02:33:02 AM

Okay you're joking and you think QRK is great and not a scam coin. Thanks that's cleared that up.

No I really really don't think it's great. It's got a nice market cap. It's logo is pretty sweet. Umm that's it.
Objectively tell me how LTC is a greater coin that QRK. Then tell me how BTC is a greater coin than LTC. Why is LTC in theory better than the 100 shitclones of it?  It is not better it is the same code. The important part is the distribution and by that i don't mean the mining only. Miners instamined QRK and dumped so much the price was stuck at 200 -37 for months. THESE ARE FACTS YOU CAN'T DENY. The market ignored it then, the market wants it now.

BTC is great because it's the reason why we're all here and every win it gains is a win for crypto in general. LTC because of the same thing, but for alt coins specifically. LTC is the leading converter of Bitcoin purists.

So long as the coin is reliable and does its job, then the actual tech of the coin is not so important. ALthough in future who is to say multi algo is not an advantage? who is to say scrypt or prime is better or worse than sha256?

Oh I get it. If any coin does even the slightest thing different that makes it a GREAT coin because no one knows the future!

Your standards are pretty low. Explain to me the benefits of multi algo right here and now, not some potential future.

I'm parroting the same blockchain output that was compared to the outputs from the coins you rate so highly. NOTICE THE TOP 100 PPC WALLETS HOLD A HIGHER PERCENTAGE OF PPC THAN THE TOP 100 QRK WALLETS.  Also watching the volume and rate of exchange on cryptsy seeing 500k lots of it dumped into the market tells me the market is doing its job well with QRK.

I have more faith that the wallets in the top 100 for PPC are different people as opposed to Quark. Of course this can't be proven in either case.

You many hold a little QRK, but you obviously hold a lot more PPC and LTC in terms of overall value. You are like everyone else, just talking up the coins you have most of and down the coins you don't. The market is not watching your awards thread so it does not really matter. However your tongue in cheek awards could stumble people thinking of investing in crypto.

No I don't do that. You're an absolute QRK butt buddy pretending to love all coins. If I was all about talking about coins I hold you'd see me talking about Stablecoin, Securecoin, and Grandcoin. I hold a significant amount of those, and I've never even mentioned them. NEVER. Not in this thread or any other thread.

You have no clue what will go up and down anymore than anyone else does. QRK could rise way way faster and stay there above PPC and even LTC you have no crystal ball.

Never said I did. Yawn. BBQcoin could overtake Bitcoin too.

PPC and LTC have a lot of critics too. I like them both and hold both but would not like to say they have a better future than QRK. Try to keep your portfolio more balanced and then you will not have to come across as such a shill yourself.

No one  is coming off as a shill more than you. You sound so desperate to protect QRK it's actually ridiculous. It's not getting shit on more anything other than Ripple for no reason, but you pretend that it is.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 13, 2013, 02:59:28 AM

Their motivation for crying scam is obvious... Jealousy and remorse for mining other coins and investing in coins that are not less technically perhaps but simply have not taken off like QRK.

what will you say in 1 year if quark is bigger than it is now? bigger than PPC and LTC????? in 5 years in 10 years ??? you will admit you were wrong and explain to those you told Qrk was a scam why they have missed out on a great opportunity.

Multi algo has already stopped this being a coin for wealthy asic owners only already. Who knows how much of an advantage it will become in the future. You tell me exactly why is not an advantage to have coins based on different algos?? is it a bad thing, tell prime coin sunny king he has wasted his time, what about scrypt ? waste of time should have just kept with sha256? no advantages possible? different algos not worth looking at because you say so?

Things have to have an advantage right now and not a potential advantage in the future or they should not exist?? why??  If sha256 turned out not to  be as secure as we all thought then perhaps having other algos would be a great advantage.

Again wrong about me only loving QRK, yes it is one of my favs for the future, i am not alone the market shows its a fav for a LOT of people, far more than don't appreciate it. You are the very loud minority as the market shows.  

Why did you not buy QRK at 37, 237 1037 10037 20037 ....wait you may still be able to yourself a favour buy some, not just the 1 or 2 you have now, buy 50k 100k of them and diversify so you don't have to sit there moaning and crying louder and louder as it marches toward 100000 or 1000000.

QRK is not getting shit on at all by anyone that matters, hence the rising price and desirability. I am just trying to help you look less foolish next year when your scam coin award from the previous year went on to be one of the greatest investments of all time.

You have no clue what will happen at all, no more than anyone else. However how you can call quark a scam when the free market at such high volume is demanding qrk. Is everyone except you just totally stupid?  you are the only smart person around?  you and all the other butthurt noobs that missed out on QRK?  everyone else should just listen to you right? the free market needs to get into grandcoin and dogecoin or whatever you say?

Sorry i can agree ppc and ltc are great coins but i will not agree qrk is less great or a scam. You have provided ZERO evidence for it being a scam. You are trying to say your awards were just a joke but i can see you bashing qrk everywhere. I am just going to keep on pushing you back with the facts.  

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 13, 2013, 03:09:32 AM
My word.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: defaced on December 13, 2013, 03:27:54 AM
10/10 would read again.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: PinkPotatos on December 13, 2013, 03:30:56 AM

Their motivation for crying scam is obvious... Jealousy and remorse for mining other coins and investing in coins that are not less technically perhaps but simply have not taken off like QRK.

what will you say in 1 year if quark is bigger than it is now? bigger than PPC and LTC????? in 5 years in 10 years ??? you will admit you were wrong and explain to those you told Qrk was a scam why they have missed out on a great opportunity.

Multi algo has already stopped this being a coin for wealthy asic owners only already. Who knows how much of an advantage it will become in the future. You tell me exactly why is not an advantage to have coins based on different algos?? is it a bad thing, tell prime coin sunny king he has wasted his time, what about scrypt ? waste of time should have just kept with sha256? no advantages possible? different algos not worth looking at because you say so?

Things have to have an advantage right now and not a potential advantage in the future or they should not exist?? why??  If sha256 turned out not to  be as secure as we all thought then perhaps having other algos would be a great advantage.

Again wrong about me only loving QRK, yes it is one of my favs for the future, i am not alone the market shows its a fav for a LOT of people, far more than don't appreciate it. You are the very loud minority as the market shows.  

Why did you not buy QRK at 37, 237 1037 10037 20037 ....wait you may still be able to yourself a favour buy some, not just the 1 or 2 you have now, buy 50k 100k of them and diversify so you don't have to sit there moaning and crying louder and louder as it marches toward 100000 or 1000000.

QRK is not getting shit on at all by anyone that matters, hence the rising price and desirability. I am just trying to help you look less foolish next year when your scam coin award from the previous year went on to be one of the greatest investments of all time.

You have no clue what will happen at all, no more than anyone else. However how you can call quark a scam when the free market at such high volume is demanding qrk. Is everyone except you just totally stupid?  you are the only smart person around?  you and all the other butthurt noobs that missed out on QRK?  everyone else should just listen to you right? the free market needs to get into grandcoin and dogecoin or whatever you say?

Sorry i can agree ppc and ltc are great coins but i will not agree qrk is less great or a scam. You have provided ZERO evidence for it being a scam. You are trying to say your awards were just a joke but i can see you bashing qrk everywhere. I am just going to keep on pushing you back with the facts.  

qq sockpuppet its a parody post

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 13, 2013, 03:41:54 AM
sorry, but the guy is a well know QRK hater, parody or not his message is clear on the board, as is yours. I've seen you around on the QRK threads far too often.

Noobs come here see this kind of junk regardless of it now being called a parody, a joke, not serious, and get the wrong idea.  Just want to make sure the facts are presented not just 1 persons quarkless viewpoint of crypto.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: PinkPotatos on December 13, 2013, 03:50:59 AM
sorry, but the guy is a well know QRK hater, parody or not his message is clear on the board, as is yours. I've seen you around on the QRK threads far too often.

Noobs come here see this kind of junk regardless of it now being called a parody, a joke, not serious, and get the wrong idea.  Just want to make sure the facts are presented not just 1 persons quarkless viewpoint of crypto.

noobs come here and might read your post and think qrk is the second coming of christ and not understand you are just a bag holder so it worx both wayz

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 13, 2013, 03:57:36 AM
sorry, but the guy is a well know QRK hater, parody or not his message is clear on the board, as is yours. I've seen you around on the QRK threads far too often.

Noobs come here see this kind of junk regardless of it now being called a parody, a joke, not serious, and get the wrong idea.  Just want to make sure the facts are presented not just 1 persons quarkless viewpoint of crypto.

noobs come here and might read your post and think qrk is the second coming of christ and not understand you are just a bag holder so it worx both wayz

LOL noob you just went full retard on me, please stop it. How can i be a bag holder right now? that does not even make sense. Do you just hear these words and vomit them out randomly?

Yeah people holding qrk they mined are bag holders....  Lucky you're not a bag holder hey.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 13, 2013, 06:24:02 AM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Market cap is fun and everything, and it's a very real possibility that QRK could overtake PPC in market cap soon. However PPC has the advantage of being around and known for longer than two seconds. This will lead to some pretty nice wins in 2014 and I think in the end QRK won't stand a chance. I'm more interested in long term prospects, not flavor of the month pumps.

Who cares what you're interested in, and your crystal ball is upside down, PPC is a GREAT coin and i hold a lot. However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Qrk will continue to rise as will PPC that much is obvious. To be honest more people ask about QRK than PPC right now, and it is trending much higher. People have invested a lot into QRK you think they are going to throw it all away because you say it is a pump and dump. Do you have the btc to pump QRK at that volume?  I know most people have bought and will hold now expecting big gains, that in itself ensures big gains. These are not day traders these are people investing for longer term.

First annual crypto crybaby award to Baroness yurizhai  - i guarantee you have no QRK but have some LTC and PPC.

LTC and PPC will not increase like QRK that is my crystal ball for you. Let's wait and see who is correct in 1 years time. PPC has less distribution than QRK and has been on the market WAY WAY longer.

ltc and ppc are good investments but not guaranteed either.

Quark is an obvious scamcoin. There isn't an advantage to using 6 different hashing algorithms, it is just what they had to throw together to make it unique. Please don't try that circular logic "Quark will become popular because it's popular". Actually go ahead, when the creator dump it's going to be a fun to watch.

LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.  The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.

The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better. It is a well distributed coin compared to many others.

It seems like every altcoin pumpers counter-argument against any faults in the currency is claiming the user didn't get in early. Why don't you try some logic and not ad hominem.

I didn't get in on Bitcoin or Namecoin before they took off, but I still see the merits in each.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: A_Free_Man on December 13, 2013, 06:30:01 AM
Quark is a Scam-coin, mainly because massive premine. Then the arguement OHYOURMADBECAUSEYOUDIDN'TGETINONITEARLY!!! It didn't publicly exist for anyone to get in on who wasn't part of the secret circle.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Hampuz on December 13, 2013, 06:36:07 AM
Haha! Awesome thread! Cant wait for the midseason awards of 2014, that'll come right? :)

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: masterOfDisaster on December 13, 2013, 11:37:58 AM

Basically I want to second your thought; having coins or not having coins has to do with their perception.
But I'd like to correct the correlation: it's not necessarily like people don't have this-or-that-coin and call it scam afterwards.
It may be more like people consider something scam/not interesting first and avoid spending money for it then ;)
I don't even consider QRK scam. I simply don't see its uniqueness or advantage over other coins. It has a round of different hashing algorithms.
Nice. But is that all?
If you want CPU only PoW you might like Primecoin, which at least have the chance to make a dual use of its PoW (that approach might fail, but it is not as intrinsically useless as hashing - regardless of the used algorithm).
And if you just want some different hashing, Litecoin is great (but that train has started some time ago...). PPC introduced PoS and I find that great!

Now you can call me QRK-hater or PPC-fanboy.

At least I can try to explain why I prefer PPC over QRK (people interested in an argument rather than bashing might find a start here: (

To sum it up: I'm more interested in a investment than in speculation (yes, I have PPC, no, I don't have QRK).
Market adoption might not accompany the (in my opinion) superior design of PoS, but I hope it does ;)

At the moment lots of people want to make a quick buck. I recommend treating all coins like penny stocks if you want to make a quick buck: get parts of all of them. You will not know which one is to be pumped next.
I have no time for that. I have gathered information. I have evaluated it. I have come to a conclusion. Others might come to different conclusions.
My conclusion is: Proof-of-Stake is a superior concept of securing the blockchain and hence the coins and their value. Full stop.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 13, 2013, 02:18:45 PM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Market cap is fun and everything, and it's a very real possibility that QRK could overtake PPC in market cap soon. However PPC has the advantage of being around and known for longer than two seconds. This will lead to some pretty nice wins in 2014 and I think in the end QRK won't stand a chance. I'm more interested in long term prospects, not flavor of the month pumps.

Who cares what you're interested in, and your crystal ball is upside down, PPC is a GREAT coin and i hold a lot. However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Qrk will continue to rise as will PPC that much is obvious. To be honest more people ask about QRK than PPC right now, and it is trending much higher. People have invested a lot into QRK you think they are going to throw it all away because you say it is a pump and dump. Do you have the btc to pump QRK at that volume?  I know most people have bought and will hold now expecting big gains, that in itself ensures big gains. These are not day traders these are people investing for longer term.

First annual crypto crybaby award to Baroness yurizhai  - i guarantee you have no QRK but have some LTC and PPC.

LTC and PPC will not increase like QRK that is my crystal ball for you. Let's wait and see who is correct in 1 years time. PPC has less distribution than QRK and has been on the market WAY WAY longer.

ltc and ppc are good investments but not guaranteed either.

Quark is an obvious scamcoin. There isn't an advantage to using 6 different hashing algorithms, it is just what they had to throw together to make it unique. Please don't try that circular logic "Quark will become popular because it's popular". Actually go ahead, when the creator dump it's going to be a fun to watch.

LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.  The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.

The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better. It is a well distributed coin compared to many others.

It seems like every altcoin pumpers counter-argument against any faults in the currency is claiming the user didn't get in early. Why don't you try some logic and not ad hominem.

I didn't get in on Bitcoin or Namecoin before they took off, but I still see the merits in each.

I just told you in baby speak why quark is not inferior to other coins, please go back and read. NMC yes is actually more interesting in a way, sadly the market does not agree at this point that it is more interesting :(

Sorry i stick to the facts - you would not be here crying if you had some QRK simple as that.  Buy some and feel better about yourself.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 13, 2013, 02:31:15 PM

Basically I want to second your thought; having coins or not having coins has to do with their perception.
But I'd like to correct the correlation: it's not necessarily like people don't have this-or-that-coin and call it scam afterwards.
It may be more like people consider something scam/not interesting first and avoid spending money for it then ;)
I don't even consider QRK scam. I simply don't see its uniqueness or advantage over other coins. It has a round of different hashing algorithms.
Nice. But is that all?
If you want CPU only PoW you might like Primecoin, which at least have the chance to make a dual use of its PoW (that approach might fail, but it is not as intrinsically useless as hashing - regardless of the used algorithm).
And if you just want some different hashing, Litecoin is great (but that train has started some time ago...). PPC introduced PoS and I find that great!

Now you can call me QRK-hater or PPC-fanboy.

At least I can try to explain why I prefer PPC over QRK (people interested in an argument rather than bashing might find a start here: (

To sum it up: I'm more interested in a investment than in speculation (yes, I have PPC, no, I don't have QRK).
Market adoption might not accompany the (in my opinion) superior design of PoS, but I hope it does ;)

At the moment lots of people want to make a quick buck. I recommend treating all coins like penny stocks if you want to make a quick buck: get parts of all of them. You will not know which one is to be pumped next.
I have no time for that. I have gathered information. I have evaluated it. I have come to a conclusion. Others might come to different conclusions.
My conclusion is: Proof-of-Stake is a superior concept of securing the blockchain and hence the coins and their value. Full stop.

As you say - different hashing algos = Nice.

It can only be seen as an advantage.

But quark now has mass market appeal and much larger volume that the coins it has pushed past. This causes wider distribution - that is the key point. It has momentum now, it was only for sale for nothing for months because ppl didn't know about it.    QRK is fair price and will rise from here like other coins possibly faster due to the momentum it has now. The mistake people are making is looking at the market cap.  They forget QRK is already almost mined right?  so it is not expensive at all considering the minting. It was only very cheap before.

QRK does not have to be miles BETTER than other coins, it has to be as good yes and of course it is.  I consider multi algo an advantage over single algo.

Why is BTC 900 bucks??

PPC is worth  a lot more per coin that QRK even taking into consideration the full minting number?  do you realise this we are saying QRK is still in the 20cents right, hence why it is still nowhere near being over valued. PPC has a lot of critics too actually but i like POS too so i am not one of them.

If you compare the total minting of the coin to its price you will see QRK is inline or below most other coins. BTC only has 10x less coins yet is 900 dollars to 20c so you can see there qrk is still in the early stages.

I never heard one valid reason why QRK at this point is above it's fair value. Full stop.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 13, 2013, 08:16:12 PM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Market cap is fun and everything, and it's a very real possibility that QRK could overtake PPC in market cap soon. However PPC has the advantage of being around and known for longer than two seconds. This will lead to some pretty nice wins in 2014 and I think in the end QRK won't stand a chance. I'm more interested in long term prospects, not flavor of the month pumps.

Who cares what you're interested in, and your crystal ball is upside down, PPC is a GREAT coin and i hold a lot. However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Qrk will continue to rise as will PPC that much is obvious. To be honest more people ask about QRK than PPC right now, and it is trending much higher. People have invested a lot into QRK you think they are going to throw it all away because you say it is a pump and dump. Do you have the btc to pump QRK at that volume?  I know most people have bought and will hold now expecting big gains, that in itself ensures big gains. These are not day traders these are people investing for longer term.

First annual crypto crybaby award to Baroness yurizhai  - i guarantee you have no QRK but have some LTC and PPC.

LTC and PPC will not increase like QRK that is my crystal ball for you. Let's wait and see who is correct in 1 years time. PPC has less distribution than QRK and has been on the market WAY WAY longer.

ltc and ppc are good investments but not guaranteed either.

Quark is an obvious scamcoin. There isn't an advantage to using 6 different hashing algorithms, it is just what they had to throw together to make it unique. Please don't try that circular logic "Quark will become popular because it's popular". Actually go ahead, when the creator dump it's going to be a fun to watch.

LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.  The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.

The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better. It is a well distributed coin compared to many others.

It seems like every altcoin pumpers counter-argument against any faults in the currency is claiming the user didn't get in early. Why don't you try some logic and not ad hominem.

I didn't get in on Bitcoin or Namecoin before they took off, but I still see the merits in each.

I just told you in baby speak why quark is not inferior to other coins, please go back and read. NMC yes is actually more interesting in a way, sadly the market does not agree at this point that it is more interesting :(

Sorry i stick to the facts - you would not be here crying if you had some QRK simple as that.  Buy some and feel better about yourself.

>I just told you in baby speak why quark is not inferior to other coins, please go back and read.

Here is your comment:

>LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.
This doesn't address why quark isn't inferior.

>The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.
This doesn't address why quark isn't inferior.

>The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better.
The creator and his buddies do hold most of the coins, he made rewards halve every 3 weeks for a reason.

>Sorry i stick to the facts - you would not be here crying if you had some QRK simple as that. Buy some and feel better about yourself.
This post and your comment history (;u=92110 (;u=92110)) prove that you are only here to pump Quark. Quark is a scamcoin, but I guess if you can make money off of it, it doesn't matter to you.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 13, 2013, 08:25:41 PM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Market cap is fun and everything, and it's a very real possibility that QRK could overtake PPC in market cap soon. However PPC has the advantage of being around and known for longer than two seconds. This will lead to some pretty nice wins in 2014 and I think in the end QRK won't stand a chance. I'm more interested in long term prospects, not flavor of the month pumps.

Who cares what you're interested in, and your crystal ball is upside down, PPC is a GREAT coin and i hold a lot. However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Qrk will continue to rise as will PPC that much is obvious. To be honest more people ask about QRK than PPC right now, and it is trending much higher. People have invested a lot into QRK you think they are going to throw it all away because you say it is a pump and dump. Do you have the btc to pump QRK at that volume?  I know most people have bought and will hold now expecting big gains, that in itself ensures big gains. These are not day traders these are people investing for longer term.

First annual crypto crybaby award to Baroness yurizhai  - i guarantee you have no QRK but have some LTC and PPC.

LTC and PPC will not increase like QRK that is my crystal ball for you. Let's wait and see who is correct in 1 years time. PPC has less distribution than QRK and has been on the market WAY WAY longer.

ltc and ppc are good investments but not guaranteed either.

Quark is an obvious scamcoin. There isn't an advantage to using 6 different hashing algorithms, it is just what they had to throw together to make it unique. Please don't try that circular logic "Quark will become popular because it's popular". Actually go ahead, when the creator dump it's going to be a fun to watch.

LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.  The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.

The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better. It is a well distributed coin compared to many others.

It seems like every altcoin pumpers counter-argument against any faults in the currency is claiming the user didn't get in early. Why don't you try some logic and not ad hominem.

I didn't get in on Bitcoin or Namecoin before they took off, but I still see the merits in each.

I just told you in baby speak why quark is not inferior to other coins, please go back and read. NMC yes is actually more interesting in a way, sadly the market does not agree at this point that it is more interesting :(

Sorry i stick to the facts - you would not be here crying if you had some QRK simple as that.  Buy some and feel better about yourself.

>I just told you in baby speak why quark is not inferior to other coins, please go back and read.

Here is your comment:

>LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.
This doesn't address why quark isn't inferior.

>The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.
This doesn't address why quark isn't inferior.

>The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better.
The creator and his buddies do hold most of the coins, he made rewards halve every 3 weeks for a reason.

>Sorry i stick to the facts - you would not be here crying if you had some QRK simple as that. Buy some and feel better about yourself.
This post and your comment history (;u=92110 (;u=92110)) prove that you are only here to pump Quark. Quark is a scamcoin, but I guess if you can make money off of it, it doesn't matter to you.

LOL give it a rest noob, read back more than 1 post regarding why i said QRK is not inferior in anyway to the other coins you mention. What you are quoting is not the reason i have given time and time again.

Sorry that you feel the market must describe to you why QRK isn't inferior, it is you that must say why it is inferior to the market to make any changes to QRK - get it??  The market seems to have decided it is not at all inferior, another green day for quark in a sea or red. How long with you cry before jumping aboard? Your portfolio sinks today whilst you could have helped yourself more buy holding some QRK :)

Scam scam scam scam scam scam scam...please do yourself a favour and stop screaming scam for the coming years as QRK rises, you'll damage your vocal chords.

TELL ME HOW QRK IS INFERIOR - that is my challenge to you - STICK TO THE FACTS - is all i ask.  The distribution has been covered to death, so i'm not sure what you will come up with, however i wait with interest.

The dev and his buddies lol ..the entire market are his buddies it would seem ... that's a good one.

I will copy and paste this from now on so it starts to sink in...


FIRST RULE ABOUT QRK - NEVER TALK ABOUT QRK to those that don't have any.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 13, 2013, 09:12:54 PM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Market cap is fun and everything, and it's a very real possibility that QRK could overtake PPC in market cap soon. However PPC has the advantage of being around and known for longer than two seconds. This will lead to some pretty nice wins in 2014 and I think in the end QRK won't stand a chance. I'm more interested in long term prospects, not flavor of the month pumps.

Who cares what you're interested in, and your crystal ball is upside down, PPC is a GREAT coin and i hold a lot. However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Qrk will continue to rise as will PPC that much is obvious. To be honest more people ask about QRK than PPC right now, and it is trending much higher. People have invested a lot into QRK you think they are going to throw it all away because you say it is a pump and dump. Do you have the btc to pump QRK at that volume?  I know most people have bought and will hold now expecting big gains, that in itself ensures big gains. These are not day traders these are people investing for longer term.

First annual crypto crybaby award to Baroness yurizhai  - i guarantee you have no QRK but have some LTC and PPC.

LTC and PPC will not increase like QRK that is my crystal ball for you. Let's wait and see who is correct in 1 years time. PPC has less distribution than QRK and has been on the market WAY WAY longer.

ltc and ppc are good investments but not guaranteed either.

Quark is an obvious scamcoin. There isn't an advantage to using 6 different hashing algorithms, it is just what they had to throw together to make it unique. Please don't try that circular logic "Quark will become popular because it's popular". Actually go ahead, when the creator dump it's going to be a fun to watch.

LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.  The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.

The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better. It is a well distributed coin compared to many others.

It seems like every altcoin pumpers counter-argument against any faults in the currency is claiming the user didn't get in early. Why don't you try some logic and not ad hominem.

I didn't get in on Bitcoin or Namecoin before they took off, but I still see the merits in each.

I just told you in baby speak why quark is not inferior to other coins, please go back and read. NMC yes is actually more interesting in a way, sadly the market does not agree at this point that it is more interesting :(

Sorry i stick to the facts - you would not be here crying if you had some QRK simple as that.  Buy some and feel better about yourself.

>I just told you in baby speak why quark is not inferior to other coins, please go back and read.

Here is your comment:

>LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.
This doesn't address why quark isn't inferior.

>The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.
This doesn't address why quark isn't inferior.

>The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better.
The creator and his buddies do hold most of the coins, he made rewards halve every 3 weeks for a reason.

>Sorry i stick to the facts - you would not be here crying if you had some QRK simple as that. Buy some and feel better about yourself.
This post and your comment history (;u=92110 (;u=92110)) prove that you are only here to pump Quark. Quark is a scamcoin, but I guess if you can make money off of it, it doesn't matter to you.

LOL give it a rest noob, read back more than 1 post regarding why i said QRK is not inferior in anyway to the other coins you mention. What you are quoting is not the reason i have given time and time again.

Sorry that you feel the market must describe to you why QRK isn't inferior, it is you that must say why it is inferior to the market to make any changes to QRK - get it??  The market seems to have decided it is not at all inferior, another green day for quark in a sea or red. How long with you cry before jumping aboard? Your portfolio sinks today whilst you could have helped yourself more buy holding some QRK :)

Scam scam scam scam scam scam scam...please do yourself a favour and stop screaming scam for the coming years as QRK rises, you'll damage your vocal chords.

TELL ME HOW QRK IS INFERIOR - that is my challenge to you - STICK TO THE FACTS - is all i ask.  The distribution has been covered to death, so i'm not sure what you will come up with, however i wait with interest.

The dev and his buddies lol ..the entire market are his buddies it would seem ... that's a good one.

I will copy and paste this from now on so it starts to sink in...


FIRST RULE ABOUT QRK - NEVER TALK ABOUT QRK to those that don't have any.

>read back more than 1 post regarding why i said QRK is not inferior in anyway to the other coins you mention. What you are quoting is not the reason i have given time and time again.
That's because I explained why that comment was wrong and you responded with saying I was upset I didn't have any.

Sorry that you feel the market must describe to you why QRK isn't inferior, it is you that must say why it is inferior to the market to make any changes to QRK - get it??  The market seems to have decided it is not at all inferior, another green day for quark in a sea or red. How long with you cry before jumping aboard? Your portfolio sinks today whilst you could have helped yourself more buy holding some QRK :)

Scam scam scam scam scam scam scam...please do yourself a favour and stop screaming scam for the coming years as QRK rises, you'll damage your vocal chords.
The market decided that Bernie Madoffs fund wasn't a scam for much longer than Quark has existed.

>TELL ME HOW QRK IS INFERIOR - that is my challenge to you
It has lower hashing power than Bitcoin and has no advantages. Using 6 different hashing algorithms just makes the network vulnerable to someone who makes specialized hardware.

You seem to be mistaking crying for pointing out flaws, but you seem to be so delusional about quark that you assume anyone who points out flaws in it is "crying".

>STICK TO THE FACTS - is all i ask.
I have been contradicting your points using facts. You have been speculating (with no factual evidence) and padding your comments with insults (which shows that your arguments don't hold weight on their own).

Do you really think me calling you a noob would make my argument sound stronger? It just is childish. I have never seen someone above 15 act this way.

I have given you the facts and you have responded with name calling and ad homenim. If you would like to actually understand what is wrong with Quark you should look at these:

I am done responding until you can provide a response not based on logical fallacies and name calling that shows you have some knowledge of economics and cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Yurizhai on December 13, 2013, 09:23:29 PM
Gentlemen, please. Quarkcoin is an honored winner here. The best scam coin of 2013 was not given lightly. Show some respect and take the squabbling elsewhere.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 13, 2013, 09:50:37 PM
hmm looks like some one owns a ton of peer coin and is mad quark coin is about to pass it in market cap. ::)

Market cap is fun and everything, and it's a very real possibility that QRK could overtake PPC in market cap soon. However PPC has the advantage of being around and known for longer than two seconds. This will lead to some pretty nice wins in 2014 and I think in the end QRK won't stand a chance. I'm more interested in long term prospects, not flavor of the month pumps.

Who cares what you're interested in, and your crystal ball is upside down, PPC is a GREAT coin and i hold a lot. However QRK is a GREAT coin and this will not go away.

Your crypto awards mean nothing, it is only your opinion which means nothing. Why would people listed to you over MAX or BILL and a lot of people that have been here a lot longer than you. Oh yeah they are shills and know nothing and you have infinite wisdom. LOL

Qrk will continue to rise as will PPC that much is obvious. To be honest more people ask about QRK than PPC right now, and it is trending much higher. People have invested a lot into QRK you think they are going to throw it all away because you say it is a pump and dump. Do you have the btc to pump QRK at that volume?  I know most people have bought and will hold now expecting big gains, that in itself ensures big gains. These are not day traders these are people investing for longer term.

First annual crypto crybaby award to Baroness yurizhai  - i guarantee you have no QRK but have some LTC and PPC.

LTC and PPC will not increase like QRK that is my crystal ball for you. Let's wait and see who is correct in 1 years time. PPC has less distribution than QRK and has been on the market WAY WAY longer.

ltc and ppc are good investments but not guaranteed either.

Quark is an obvious scamcoin. There isn't an advantage to using 6 different hashing algorithms, it is just what they had to throw together to make it unique. Please don't try that circular logic "Quark will become popular because it's popular". Actually go ahead, when the creator dump it's going to be a fun to watch.

LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.  The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.

The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better. It is a well distributed coin compared to many others.

It seems like every altcoin pumpers counter-argument against any faults in the currency is claiming the user didn't get in early. Why don't you try some logic and not ad hominem.

I didn't get in on Bitcoin or Namecoin before they took off, but I still see the merits in each.

I just told you in baby speak why quark is not inferior to other coins, please go back and read. NMC yes is actually more interesting in a way, sadly the market does not agree at this point that it is more interesting :(

Sorry i stick to the facts - you would not be here crying if you had some QRK simple as that.  Buy some and feel better about yourself.

>I just told you in baby speak why quark is not inferior to other coins, please go back and read.

Here is your comment:

>LOL just obvious to you and every other person that missed out on QRK.
This doesn't address why quark isn't inferior.

>The market does not seem to find it obvious at all.
This doesn't address why quark isn't inferior.

>The creator does not hold most of the coins, that is only the story you tell yourself and others to feel better.
The creator and his buddies do hold most of the coins, he made rewards halve every 3 weeks for a reason.

>Sorry i stick to the facts - you would not be here crying if you had some QRK simple as that. Buy some and feel better about yourself.
This post and your comment history (;u=92110 (;u=92110)) prove that you are only here to pump Quark. Quark is a scamcoin, but I guess if you can make money off of it, it doesn't matter to you.

LOL give it a rest noob, read back more than 1 post regarding why i said QRK is not inferior in anyway to the other coins you mention. What you are quoting is not the reason i have given time and time again.

Sorry that you feel the market must describe to you why QRK isn't inferior, it is you that must say why it is inferior to the market to make any changes to QRK - get it??  The market seems to have decided it is not at all inferior, another green day for quark in a sea or red. How long with you cry before jumping aboard? Your portfolio sinks today whilst you could have helped yourself more buy holding some QRK :)

Scam scam scam scam scam scam scam...please do yourself a favour and stop screaming scam for the coming years as QRK rises, you'll damage your vocal chords.

TELL ME HOW QRK IS INFERIOR - that is my challenge to you - STICK TO THE FACTS - is all i ask.  The distribution has been covered to death, so i'm not sure what you will come up with, however i wait with interest.

The dev and his buddies lol ..the entire market are his buddies it would seem ... that's a good one.

I will copy and paste this from now on so it starts to sink in...


FIRST RULE ABOUT QRK - NEVER TALK ABOUT QRK to those that don't have any.

>read back more than 1 post regarding why i said QRK is not inferior in anyway to the other coins you mention. What you are quoting is not the reason i have given time and time again.
That's because I explained why that comment was wrong and you responded with saying I was upset I didn't have any.

Sorry that you feel the market must describe to you why QRK isn't inferior, it is you that must say why it is inferior to the market to make any changes to QRK - get it??  The market seems to have decided it is not at all inferior, another green day for quark in a sea or red. How long with you cry before jumping aboard? Your portfolio sinks today whilst you could have helped yourself more buy holding some QRK :)

Scam scam scam scam scam scam scam...please do yourself a favour and stop screaming scam for the coming years as QRK rises, you'll damage your vocal chords.
The market decided that Bernie Madoffs fund wasn't a scam for much longer than Quark has existed.

>TELL ME HOW QRK IS INFERIOR - that is my challenge to you
It has lower hashing power than Bitcoin and has no advantages. Using 6 different hashing algorithms just makes the network vulnerable to someone who makes specialized hardware.

You seem to be mistaking crying for pointing out flaws, but you seem to be so delusional about quark that you assume anyone who points out flaws in it is "crying".

>STICK TO THE FACTS - is all i ask.
I have been contradicting your points using facts. You have been speculating (with no factual evidence) and padding your comments with insults (which shows that your arguments don't hold weight on their own).

Do you really think me calling you a noob would make my argument sound stronger? It just is childish. I have never seen someone above 15 act this way.

I have given you the facts and you have responded with name calling and ad homenim. If you would like to actually understand what is wrong with Quark you should look at these:

I am done responding until you can provide a response not based on logical fallacies and name calling that shows you have some knowledge of economics and cryptocurrencies.

Look, you seem reasonable enough. Let me just go over what our differences are.

QRKS design -

 i like the multi algo - i don't see why you are saying it makes the coin less secure.  I see it as an advantage because 1 it stops asic miners from sha256 and any new scrypt asics for now, 2 it is different from just sha256 so that if sha256 turned out to be less secure that we thought, the other algos are still there.  In the future there could be more advantages .

You don't like it and say it is less secure. You also say there is no possible advantage to having multi algo in the future.

QRKS distribution

I agree, the fast tumbling block rewards and low diff made it an instamine heaven. However this actually did not really matter now because if you look, the first few days it hit the exchange a LOT of it was dumped, it continued to be dumped for months, much more than people bought it. The price drove down and down until it was too expensive to even mine it for the price it was fetching 37-200 for ages.

Next came the price rocket, the market started picking up and mass buying started to happen. A lot of distribution on the way up. I know lots of miners and previous buyers cashed out on the way up and then even rebuying again as if it looked like it would never stop. Lots of redistribution.  Then fear, has it risen to far too fast...boom smack down 30000 down to 10000  huge dumps i mean 500k dumps at a time even down at 11000.. WHY?  fear is it going back to 200??  whales dumping again mass distribution. This kind of fear only happens with rocket up and smack downs. Coins that rise slowly do not inspire fear buying and fear selling in such massive dumps. Miners or early buyers do not dump with nice gradual gains hence the distribution is less. Qrk is already as well distributed as coins much older.

You do not believe this and stick to the theory that mining is number 1 in distribution and that QRK is a scam because it was instamined. You prefer more gradual mining tapering more slowly.

Really there is not yet enough evidence to say whether that is better or not. I mean consider this... how many people have mining rigs or high end cpu they will leave burning day and night in their home?

Not that many really, however how many investors are there looking for opportunity = lot. I say the market distributes coins more widely and more fairly than mining does.

Instamining is not really a scam in the true sense. If you are there at the launch you can instamine with everyone else. Like not hearing about the release of apple shares or being there for any opportunity that is time governed right.

However yes, i agree in the past i have been screaming and shouting about missing instamining opportunities. I hated digi because although not instamined as such that coin and wdc and all other fast coins favour low latency big miners and even if you are there at launch you cant get any coins, just orphans and rejects.  They are not really instamined anyway in the true sense of the word.

Now the bit i think people mostly miss. Instamining in the past has resulted in MASS DUMPING on exchanges on the 1st few days, i mean the golden rule for anyone who has been around for a while is NEVER buy at the start. Because miners will dump but the buyers who are eager to buy fade out after the first day and the price slumps huge and never really picks up again. I mean follow the graphs back on all coins.  Miners knew i need to dump my instamined coins early or they go to being worth nothing.  SO that is what we all tried to do and then if you missed that period of selling you just left the coins there on the market for what you could get for them.  Over the months you would end up selling but didn't get that much for them.

That is the distribution right there.  The jealousy at the instaminers is misplaced, if they managed to get rid of their loads at the start they made a good chunk. If not they got something back for their effort and electricity but nothing like you think.  Most of the instaminers never knew QRK would ever again even reach day 1 prices on the exchange. The people who got the best deal here with QRK and all other of the last wave of coins were the people that bought cheap for the market price.  This is simply the case.  Sure a few miners probably held on to a load. MY method is always keep 30% sell the rest on day 1 of the exchange or as near to that as possible. I even accused exchanges of only letting certain people know when they were taking a coin on. I have always said they should have announced it in advance so everyone had a chance to load their coins on to the exchange. This i do not think will happen in future, i mean look at even doge coin, people are holding on to this like it is gold and it is working the price is going up? will it even reach exchange?? who knows.

You can not call into question the markets distribution, it is the same in all markets buy for the market rate which is determined by the supply and demand. There was simply way too much QRK supply to the market people dumping it because they had a lot. There is now a lot of demand simple as that.  The demand did not come from the same people dumping it..not until some panic bought back in.

To call QRK or any coin that is not PREMINED a scam and say it is anything like madoff is simply not true, it is not even in the same league.  On exchanges you do get fake pumps, however this has gone way past a possible fake pump. This is now people asking me at the gym, what about this new coin QRK, MEC, DIGI,  since they know i was interested in BTC and LTC. These new coins are becoming known and the market will decide if they want them or not.

QRK again is not over priced, it is reaching a fair price based on minting number. Anyone saying it is a pump has not done their homework and most of them have appeared on the board after QRK was released and don't have access to it at the price it was before. The only other mass group of ppl hating on QRK are BTC purists but you will find they hate on every coin because they are inferior in their mind.

Let's revisit QRK in 1 year and see who was correct. You have your views, i have my views the market has it's view.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 13, 2013, 11:46:23 PM
QRKS design -

 i like the multi algo - i don't see why you are saying it makes the coin less secure.  I see it as an advantage because 1 it stops asic miners from sha256 and any new scrypt asics for now, 2 it is different from just sha256 so that if sha256 turned out to be less secure that we thought, the other algos are still there.  In the future there could be more advantages .
Multiple hashing algorithms only delays the ASICs. Bitcoin was fortunate enough to have their first ASIC creators distribute the hardware rather than attempt a 51% attack. Quark being unable to mine on GPU (if I understand correctly) makes them even more vulnerable to the jump from CPU to ASICs. Along with that, if the last-used hashing algorithm has a vulnerability, the mining will be ruined. Even if neither of those problems occur, multiple hashing algorithms is at most equivalent to sha256, not superior.

QRKS distribution

I agree, the fast tumbling block rewards and low diff made it an instamine heaven. However this actually did not really matter now because if you look, the first few days it hit the exchange a LOT of it was dumped, it continued to be dumped for months, much more than people bought it. The price drove down and down until it was too expensive to even mine it for the price it was fetching 37-200 for ages.

Next came the price rocket, the market started picking up and mass buying started to happen. A lot of distribution on the way up. I know lots of miners and previous buyers cashed out on the way up and then even rebuying again as if it looked like it would never stop. Lots of redistribution.  Then fear, has it risen to far too fast...boom smack down 30000 down to 10000  huge dumps i mean 500k dumps at a time even down at 11000.. WHY?  fear is it going back to 200??  whales dumping again mass distribution. This kind of fear only happens with rocket up and smack downs. Coins that rise slowly do not inspire fear buying and fear selling in such massive dumps. Miners or early buyers do not dump with nice gradual gains hence the distribution is less. Qrk is already as well distributed as coins much older.
Looking at cryptsy, it has had a volume of 2 million in the time it has existed. This is the equivalent of the first 1000 blocks (1000 blocks were mined in the first 2 hours of mining).

In my opinion, having rewards halve in 3 weeks is a bad thing. I don't think a currency can succeed if a small handful of individuals control 90% of the currency. This is a problem with Bitcoin, especially Satoshi, but not to the same extent.

You do not believe this and stick to the theory that mining is number 1 in distribution and that QRK is a scam because it was instamined. You prefer more gradual mining tapering more slowly.
I believe the founder knew what he was doing when he made rewards halve in 3 weeks. He knew he would get a large chunk of that

Really there is not yet enough evidence to say whether that is better or not. I mean consider this... how many people have mining rigs or high end cpu they will leave burning day and night in their home?

Instamining is not really a scam in the true sense. If you are there at the launch you can instamine with everyone else. Like not hearing about the release of apple shares or being there for any opportunity that is time governed right.
It's really comes down to whether it serves any purpose other than speculation. When Apple issued stock it was so they could spend investors money on growing them company so they could pay them a dividend.

You can not call into question the markets distribution, it is the same in all markets buy for the market rate which is determined by the supply and demand. There was simply way too much QRK supply to the market people dumping it because they had a lot. There is now a lot of demand simple as that.  The demand did not come from the same people dumping it..not until some panic bought back in.

To call QRK or any coin that is not PREMINED a scam and say it is anything like madoff is simply not true, it is not even in the same league.  On exchanges you do get fake pumps, however this has gone way past a possible fake pump. This is now people asking me at the gym, what about this new coin QRK, MEC, DIGI,  since they know i was interested in BTC and LTC. These new coins are becoming known and the market will decide if they want them or not.
Madoff was only a counterexample to your claim that if the market says it's expensive, then it's a good idea. Quark has clearly been pumped, I may be wrong about the dump part, but many people got in early and are advertising it, making subreddits, forum posts, etc.

Let's revisit QRK in 1 year and see who was correct. You have your views, i have my views the market has it's view.
Sounds good.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: cryptohunter on December 14, 2013, 12:29:42 AM
With regard the algos, i'm not sure what you say is correct. The guy who was working on the GPU miner said that he could get it efficient on some of the algos but not all. I'm not sure why it would be easier for it to go straight to asic over a single algo?  why will asics find it any easier to hash multiple algos over single ones? i see what you mean that if asics came out and there were no gpu mining then it would be easier for a 51% attack, but i don't see how jumping gpu altogether is going to happen.

The other things i am certain you must be wrong on are this

"Looking at cryptsy, it has had a volume of 2 million in the time it has existed."

 where are you getting this from?  i have seen dumps of 500k or more in one trade and 200k dumps multiple times, this is all in one day?  . Some on this forum bought 600,000  on ebay for £400. Most orders that are going through all day every day are for multiple 1000's. It can not be true the total volume is 2 million traded ever. Someone said they did 4million dollars volume in one day on QRK, that is 16million QRK in a day. Where are you reading this?  

I do not believe the dev mined hardly any coins, i am deadly serious about that. The dev himself almost said nothing and was very quite on the forum for months this is the opposite to what devs do when they have a big share of coins. Also i know some very powerful miners jumped on, there were people hiring amazon instances, vps nodes. The dev would have had to have had super cpu hash to get many of the coins. I know of one huge QRK miner that had sold out way too early because he did start saying negative things as the price rocketed and became more and more negative as the price got higher. Previously he had liked QRK.

Anyway i know you have chosen to believe QRK is in the hands of a few. However the top 100 wallets show it is as distributed or as near distributed as PPC LTC and NMC. I have sat there glued to cryptsy for days on end and orders for 1000's are happening every few seconds. It is impossible that 2M volume is the total. I would think that would be per day and much more. Some say the big wallet owners have spread it to different wallets but again you could say this about any coin, also go on cryptsy next time the price rockets up or dives you will see huge buying and dumping, i mean massive orders. The 500k QRK at 11000 or 1000 looked like a fake wall, but it actually got eaten up. He lost a fortune there, it has more than doubled since then.

Like you say, let's wait and see. I actually have more vested interest in seeing various other coins rise since i have followed the coins with the biggest communities thinking they would rise most quickly. Strange though that has not happened with some. I would have bet DGC and CGB would have rocketed beyond the rest of the market MEC has done to and extent and WDC shocked me after sinking for months the rocketed back. I am not saying they will have big rises, but really the certainly should do. These coins were the darlings of this board for months, and have good devs. Their rise is long over due in my opinion. Of course feel free to pick your own best new opportunities, i am just speculating like everyone else.

Nobody really knows which of the currencies will be the big opportunities here. I actually think if the exchanges do not take on every new clone that pops up then every single coin will see dramatic price increases just through supply and demand. People want to build a nice portfolio of crypto so that's the demand. Most coins have a reduced block reward even if not as sharp as QRK so supply will taper off.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Sharky444 on December 14, 2013, 01:17:26 PM
You forgot about Kimcoin! The coin to rule them all!!

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: tiaguitah on December 14, 2013, 06:38:21 PM
you forgot datacoin OP :( on the most inovative

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Nano Fiber on December 14, 2013, 09:06:15 PM
This was a fun read, looking forward to next year's awards :P

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: t3a on December 14, 2013, 09:46:00 PM
With regard the algos, i'm not sure what you say is correct. The guy who was working on the GPU miner said that he could get it efficient on some of the algos but not all. I'm not sure why it would be easier for it to go straight to asic over a single algo?  why will asics find it any easier to hash multiple algos over single ones? i see what you mean that if asics came out and there were no gpu mining then it would be easier for a 51% attack, but i don't see how jumping gpu altogether is going to happen.
ASICs would find it slightly more difficult for multiple algorithms, but it's not about how hard it is, it's about how much more powerful an ASIC will be. GPU mining is difficult for some of these algorithms, so the network won't be as protected from 51% attacks by the GPUs.

"Looking at cryptsy, it has had a volume of 2 million in the time it has existed."

 where are you getting this from?  i have seen dumps of 500k or more in one trade and 200k dumps multiple times, this is all in one day?  . Some on this forum bought 600,000  on ebay for £400. Most orders that are going through all day every day are for multiple 1000's. It can not be true the total volume is 2 million traded ever. Someone said they did 4million dollars volume in one day on QRK, that is 16million QRK in a day. Where are you reading this?  
My mistake, I was looking at the top day volume.

Anyway i know you have chosen to believe QRK is in the hands of a few. However the top 100 wallets show it is as distributed or as near distributed as PPC LTC and NMC. I have sat there glued to cryptsy for days on end and orders for 1000's are happening every few seconds. It is impossible that 2M volume is the total. I would think that would be per day and much more. Some say the big wallet owners have spread it to different wallets but again you could say this about any coin, also go on cryptsy next time the price rockets up or dives you will see huge buying and dumping, i mean massive orders. The 500k QRK at 11000 or 1000 looked like a fake wall, but it actually got eaten up. He lost a fortune there, it has more than doubled since then. 
You can't determine how much money to richest people have by looking at the top wallets. You can own more than one wallet

Ultimately I believe there has to be a purpose for a coins existence, some advantage over all the other coins that exist. Right now it is just used for speculation. The reason Bitcoin has a high price is because people see value in it as a currency, people are right now buying millions of dollars of goods and services with it, and in the future they will buy even more. What advantage as a currency does Quark have? I don't see any, which is why I believe the reason it has a high price is because speculators are betting on other speculators buying it.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: Netnox on December 15, 2013, 11:43:57 AM
lol Quark is better ditrsibuted than PPC, 64% of PPC is in top 100 wallets, while Quark has 59% only after 5 months. Nice FUD op

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: landomata on December 15, 2013, 12:09:20 PM


Great read!

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: thejepper on December 15, 2013, 12:26:40 PM
Hahaha this is awesome. Great read.

Title: Re: First annual crypto-currency awards! Featuring host 'Baroness' Yurizhai Krayt~!
Post by: colombuszka on January 11, 2018, 06:13:52 PM
Just found this gem in the forum.  What the actual hell :D