Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: cryptohoodz on May 09, 2018, 09:31:51 AM

Title: Question about deleted appreciated..thanks!
Post by: cryptohoodz on May 09, 2018, 09:31:51 AM

I kindly would like to learn the reason of deleting my post from yesterday.
The url was:
The topic was: at what price would you sell all your bitcoins?
I posted it in the Bitcoin general discussion section. I was genuinely interested to learn the perspective of other community members.
The topic addressed the 'myth' of HODL in a semi-playful way; some people really swear by it, but I'm wondering; does HODL last if BTC reaches a certain price?
And if so, at which price?

The post contained several lines of text in addition to several possible numbers: from 10k to 10 mln (so it wasn't just a 1 sentence post).

After a few hours there were a lot of replies with various degrees off substance (not just 'at x usd' and that's it, but some people really shared their considerations and which % of their bitcoin portfolio they would phase out depending on different price points), also from senior members of this board.

I checked the forum guidelines but cannot find which rule I might have violated?

I am a happy user and modest contributor to this forum and would like to continue to do so.
Can someone please share feedback why the post was deleted so I can prevent this in the future?

Thank you very much.

PS: I am posting this topic in this part of the forum, because of other similar posts from other members and I could not find any other section where to post / or who to mail.

Title: Re: Question about deleted appreciated..thanks!
Post by: mdayonliner on May 09, 2018, 10:02:55 AM
The topic was: at what price would you sell all your bitcoins?
Do you understand topic like this were already asked several times. The mods are trying to remove redundant topics to keep the forum clean. May be this is the reason they removed your topic.

Title: Re: Question about deleted appreciated..thanks!
Post by: cryptohoodz on May 09, 2018, 10:06:31 AM

Thanks for the feedback. I was not aware that someone else might have posted this topic in the past.
Next time I consider posting a topic, I shall search a bit more on the forum to check if my idea has not been posted before to prevent redundant content.


Title: Re: Question about deleted appreciated..thanks!
Post by: sham100899 on May 09, 2018, 10:59:16 AM
Aside from being redundant one of the reason is it is not constructive, specially if the topic is a question, because I once posted a topic that I asked a question about their experience and it got deleted because it is redundant, and not constructive and quality one. make sure if you post something , someone might get benefit from your post.

Title: Re: Question about deleted appreciated..thanks!
Post by: cryptohoodz on May 09, 2018, 11:54:25 AM

Thanks for your feedback. Sure, I understand that a topic with low added value for someone else is not a good contribution to the community. I agree that having low quality topics like 'when is btc gonna moon' and 'how can i store my btc' does not add any substance to the body of knowledge on this site. And like I said, if other members already posted a similar thread in the past, it doesn't add much if someone posts something very similar.

Another scenario: if we assume a certain topic is original, but it gets deleted because it has perceived low added value for others, the judgement of what constitutes low added value can be subject to some degree of personal opinion. I personally find the answers on the question at which price people would consider selling their btc quite intriguing. It gives insight into the possible sell offs of btc if it touches certain price points; based on some comments in that post form community members, it became clear to me that after reaching a new 'round' number (10k, 20k, 30k), a lot of people could just sell of because of the psychological aspect of hitting a certain round number.
Some people might think this is very logical, but for me the feedback people gave actually confirmed this assumption. It was also interesting to read that most people don't want to sell all their bitcoins regardless of the price, although when it hits 10 mln. a lot will have sold the majority of their btc  :D


Title: Re: Question about deleted appreciated..thanks!
Post by: hilariousetc on May 09, 2018, 12:46:29 PM
The topic was: at what price would you sell all your bitcoins?
I posted it in the Bitcoin general discussion section.

It was posted in the wrong section for a start. Any discussion regarding the price belongs in the Speculation sub, but topics like these pop up numerous times a week and all it essentially is is another chance for spammers just to post a random number and they will so so in their hundreds.