Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: AT101ET on December 12, 2013, 12:41:31 AM

Title: Selling ideas
Post by: AT101ET on December 12, 2013, 12:41:31 AM
I know the thread seems weird, and in all honesty, it is!
I'm a rather creative person and i've come up with lots of great ideas in the past few years.
I'm currently working on one myself, but have plenty more that I just don't have the time or funds to do.
Therefore, I am selling my ideas to the public.
I have varius app ideas, website ideas and product ideas (hardware)
If you're looking for someone very creative, send me a PM and specify what you need.
I'm sure something can be arranged...


Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: nahtnam on December 12, 2013, 01:03:06 AM
No one will know if an idea is good or bad, until its complete so you could be giving a terrible idea or a really good one. Not the best/safest way to make money.

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: AT101ET on December 12, 2013, 01:06:46 AM
I won't sell anything without explaining the idea first.
And yes, the ideas aren't bad. Its how the people pursue them that can either make them, or break them.
It's how you create the good and how you publicise it.
I have an idea for an app that is guaranteed to be a success. I just don't have 100k to spend on developers.
If a developer would want to join me for equity, then I'd keep that idea myself.

Again, this thread was just an idea. Definitely not one of my best, but an idea nonetheless :)

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: nahtnam on December 12, 2013, 05:37:29 AM
I won't sell anything without explaining the idea first.
And yes, the ideas aren't bad. Its how the people pursue them that can either make them, or break them.
It's how you create the good and how you publicise it.
I have an idea for an app that is guaranteed to be a success. I just don't have 100k to spend on developers.
If a developer would want to join me for equity, then I'd keep that idea myself.

Again, this thread was just an idea. Definitely not one of my best, but an idea nonetheless :)

Np. I understand and this is a good idea, its just that people wont make money unless they pursue the idea FULLY. So do you sell the idea or do you ask for a percent in profits?

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: Essex343 on December 12, 2013, 08:33:43 AM
so what are your rates? :D

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: maurya78 on December 12, 2013, 08:57:28 AM
Why would anyone buy your ideas

It's a hilarious idea, if they are so great you would do them yourself

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: Ravocado on December 12, 2013, 08:59:51 AM
Oh cmon, really? Shut up and take my money! You have ideas that are guaranteed success? Then I bet you won't have problems selling them to real life investors or you could use some crowdfunding - kickstarter is a perfect place for someone with great idea and limited funds. So yeah selling you ideas here on forum...thanks, but no thanks.
You're currently working on one yourself - care to tell something more?

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: AT101ET on December 12, 2013, 10:00:35 AM
I'm quite young, so funding is the problem.
Some of my ideas aren't physical products, and there is no protection on my part.
If I show it to the world on kickstarter anyone can steal my idea.
And regarding my project, I can't share anything until my patent comes through.
And yes, I will be using kickstarter for it...
And when my site goes live, I may accept BTC and LTC as well :

So many questions...
If you're not interested, don't ask. Simples

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: ajax3592 on December 12, 2013, 10:52:18 AM
I won't sell anything without explaining the idea first.

Once you explained the idea to somebody, *poof* its gone. The guy might say I don't like your idea and can run away with your idea. Know what I'm saying? How will you manage, escrow your idea?

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: AT101ET on December 12, 2013, 11:07:15 AM
That's a good point.
If someone is genuinely interested, I will get them to sign an NDA. I will also make a record of all conversations between us as proof.
This may include PMs, emails to ensure it's not a hacked account, a perhaps even recorded telephone/skype calls.
Again, I'm not just going to give the idea away.
If someone asks me for an idea for a website or item, I will ensure that they have the means or ability to actually develop the idea first.
Only then will I go forth with proceedings.

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: trynmpo on December 12, 2013, 12:57:40 PM
are you serious  ??? you are selling ideas  ::)

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: Cshark on December 12, 2013, 02:20:54 PM

I think you gotta split this offer up into two parts: Small down payment for the idea, and if someone likes it, they can donate as much as they want to.

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: watts on December 12, 2013, 02:23:21 PM
Eh, why not, it's worth a shot. I've seen sillier ideas.

PMed you my Skype info.

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: jeppe on December 12, 2013, 09:37:29 PM
this post is a good idea, good luck selling them :D

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: Fraxinus on December 12, 2013, 09:40:20 PM
Ive been thinking about this for a long time now but like one above me said once you said it , they can run off with it. Unless you hold a patent that costs lots of money..

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: stompix on December 13, 2013, 09:53:43 PM
You;re talking first about selling ideas , then you claim that you're taking into account if it's possible for the person to start a business with that idea.
Now , that looks more like selling a plan not an idea.

So , you've be better off crowd funding your own ideas.

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: faizaa123 on December 13, 2013, 11:06:15 PM
people don't pay people for ideas.
people pay people for fruition of said ideas...

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: Mondy on December 14, 2013, 04:33:45 AM
people don't pay people for ideas.
people pay people for fruition of said ideas...

mhmm, and they could be failed ones aswell

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: AT101ET on December 14, 2013, 05:41:37 PM
people don't pay people for ideas.
people pay people for fruition of said ideas...

Well said...
For those that have doubts, Im a student who doesn't have the time or funds to start up all these projects.
As I said, I'm working on one myself. Once it goes live, I'll share it with all of you.

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: omahapoker on December 14, 2013, 06:27:38 PM
ideas you've come up with, 100 people have already though of it

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: stompix on December 14, 2013, 11:28:35 PM
ideas you've come up with, 100 people have already though of it

But if the idea isn't yet put in practice , it means that those 100 people  don't have the resources for it , and that no one with the resources for it actually has this idea.
So , this is when selling ideas comes into the picture

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: nahtnam on December 15, 2013, 07:09:30 AM
ideas you've come up with, 100 people have already though of it

But if the idea isn't yet put in practice , it means that those 100 people  don't have the resources for it , and that no one with the resources for it actually has this idea.
So , this is when selling ideas comes into the picture

Or it could be in development right now.

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: infinitybo on December 16, 2013, 02:42:28 PM
The idea only represents the beginning also there also being many paths to a particular destination that beginning with an idea is not very valuable.

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: Sergios on December 17, 2013, 09:27:52 AM
Selling ideas.. well I have my doubts. everyone has great ideas from time to time. Having a great idea isn't a guarantee for success. Luck does play a huge part as is timing, meeting the right people, etc. Furthermore you can claim you're an "expert" or "specialist" and that "you had such great ideas". There isn't a record of them and frankly it's the internet. everybody can say what he/she wants to portray themselves. I can claim that I'm a professor at Oxford/Harvard university with 12 houses 5 Ferrari's, 2 hot rods, 1 rat rod, a bunch of mistresses, all my ideas are "winners", etc. So be careful whom to trust. This smells like a scam in my opinion. Stranger things have been used before like desperate dudes and dudettes in search for love abroad. Some of these people were scammed for 10k pounds or more.

 I do not know you and you could be a genuine youngster with some excellent ideas but not the capital to work it out. Then I have some advice for you. Take it or leave it, that is up 2 you. You can work out some of your ideas to a certain point, so its sell-able. Then you go to some major companies or financiers and tell them what your idea is but do not focus too much on the idea itself but rather on the end result. (just basic marketing strategies actually). If you are a great salesperson, yes you can learn it to be, you can sell your ideas , provided that they are well put together. Abstract ideas NEVER sell or you have to finance it yourself, which is doubtful since you are asking people to buy your ideas. (that aren't worked out at all from what I can see).

Sorry for slamming you pretty hard but I call like I see them. but I gave you some free advice as compensation :)

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: psyclon on December 17, 2013, 12:37:12 PM
I know the thread seems weird, and in all honesty, it is!
I'm a rather creative person and i've come up with lots of great ideas in the past few years.
I'm currently working on one myself, but have plenty more that I just don't have the time or funds to do.
Therefore, I am selling my ideas to the public.
I have varius app ideas, website ideas and product ideas (hardware)
If you're looking for someone very creative, send me a PM and specify what you need.
I'm sure something can be arranged...


I have all sorts of ideas myself as well. Some may be exceptionally good, but yes, it's hard to use them well without connections.

Title: Re: Selling ideas
Post by: AT101ET on December 17, 2013, 12:54:24 PM
Well, thanks everyone for the support.
And for those that questioned me, you have every right to do so.
As I have said numerous times, the main thing stopping me is finance.
I'm in my last year of school, so working on developing the ideas whilst taking my A2s isn't ideal.
However, there is one project that I am pursuing. I will keep you updated and I'll create a new thread with a link to my Kickstarter campaign.
Until then, I'm going to have to lock this topic as I just don't see this going anywhere.
