Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: BittBurger on December 12, 2013, 06:38:27 AM

Title: How you can help Bitcoin succeed
Post by: BittBurger on December 12, 2013, 06:38:27 AM
This may seem obvious but I have yet to hear it articulated like this.

Simply put:

Everywhere you go.  Ask the person behind the counter:  "Do you guys accept Bitcoin yet?"


You wont look stupid.  Just look like you want to pay in bitcoin.  And "aw bummer ... you dont?"

1)  They will say no, and ask what it is.  Your opportunity to say...

2)  "Pretty much no merchant fees, you guys really should check it out"

No merchant fees?   Seriously?   If its the owner, his / her ears will perk up immediately.


3)  Use the word "Yet" .... "Do you accept bitcoin yet?"  those who understand human psychology:  using this one word immediately make them feel like they're not current on something that's already in widespread use.

Believe me, when they hear "no merchant fees", they will go home and google.

Important:  Make sure you ask the manager, not the pimply faced teenager who won't bother mentioning it to anyone.

If only the teenager is there, tell them "Tell the owner about it, he will give you a raise for being the one to discover it".

When you go to Subway - "Do you guys accept Bitcoin yet?"
When you go to the Gas station ; "Do you guys accept Bitcoin yet?"
ESPECIALLY when you are at a mom and pop shop / boutique store:  "Do you guys accept Bitcoin yet?"

I was in a chocolate shop the other day.  Small little one.  Dude behind the counter.   Manager in back.

2 minute conversation just like the above.   When he heard "no merchant fees" (only a slight lie - if they sign up with coinbase its true) ... he wanted in.  Big time.

Ask about it everywhere you go, like the person you're asking is behind the times.

Trust me... this kind of crap is why things spread like wildfire.