Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Baleinium on December 12, 2013, 08:36:27 AM

Title: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 12, 2013, 08:36:27 AM
Dear all,

Almost everyone has sex, and most people occasionally watch porn. Many people purchase erotic products online such as lubes and condoms. Despite all this a lot of people still feel that sex is a rather embarrassing topic and almost everyone prefer to  keep it private. The online erotic industry is very large, but it is held back due to people being very reluctant to use payment methods that connects their personal identity to their purchases.

Bitcoins are great, but they are designed to be a "serious" currency and something that can ultimately compete with VISA and MasterCard. Because of this I do not think it a good idea to have Bitcoins associated with erotic content. Look at the damage illegal drug sites such as Silk Road has done to Bitcoins. If you throw sex in the mix critics will use it as a sledgehammer against Bitcoins for years to come, despite pornography and erotic articles being legal in most countries. Furthermore Bitcoins are designed to be rather slow and most people will not want to wait an hour or two for payment of erotic movies etc to go through.

Because of this Sexcoins is a very interesting concept. It is likely that we will see a lot of people using Bitcoins to purchase  things like cars, houses, Blu-ray players etc within a year or two when it has gone more mainstream. It is also very likely that the very same people will be more comfortable purchasing an erotic article using another payment method entirely to keep their sexual life separated from their more "professional" life. Of course Sexcoins are not anonymous as the transactions can be traced, but they are more discrete than most payment methods. The fact that they are not completely anonymous is actually a good thing in this context, because this discourages illegal use. The purpose is simply to add a level of discretion to a market that most people consume but consider embarrassing.

Here are the rules ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Whoever does the best job of promoting Sexcoins will be declared the winner on January the 10th. This can mean writing a letter to a newspaper and having them publish an article, writing a well-thought out tweet or blogpost etc. The winner will be chosen by me and quality is far more important than quantity so please be tasteful and do not spam.

The prices are as follows:
1st - 20 000 Sexcoins
2nd - 7000 Sexcoins
3rd - 3000 Sexcoins

Furthermore if the price of 1 Sexcoins on January the 10th is greater than 1$ I will double the prices! That means that the winner of the first price will get more than 40 000 $!

To show that I am serious the first six people who post their wallets will receive 1000 Sexcoins each.

Good luck!

UPDATE: Psybits took home the price :) Congratulations to him for the massive contribution!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: crike on December 12, 2013, 08:38:42 AM

Thanks :)

Edit: 1000 SXC received, thank you!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: ninjaboon on December 12, 2013, 08:39:05 AM
great idea. My friend was talking about this coin 2 weeks back.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: lerelerele on December 12, 2013, 08:41:50 AM

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Oldminer on December 12, 2013, 08:42:21 AM


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: icaros on December 12, 2013, 08:43:02 AM

Thanks :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: AuroraHF on December 12, 2013, 08:43:25 AM
I would love some Sexcoins, ;).


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: mattle74 on December 12, 2013, 08:43:57 AM
Nice idea!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Reece523 on December 12, 2013, 08:44:14 AM

edit: boo I'm seventh.

Good luck with the promotion :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: caffeinewriter on December 12, 2013, 08:44:21 AM

Good luck to all!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: liuqi on December 12, 2013, 08:44:45 AM

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: 1btcdream on December 12, 2013, 08:50:01 AM
It's highly impossible that the price of sexcoin will reach the level of your expectation. You just need a big marketing promotion here around the web and not just asking for the help of every individuals who posting in this thread.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: lammedraak on December 12, 2013, 08:51:23 AM

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Dr.What on December 12, 2013, 08:54:41 AM
Sexcoin just came. If you haven't kicked this bitch out of bed then it's your fault.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: sevoque on December 12, 2013, 09:01:46 AM
I'm on this as we speak, know a few people in the tech world who might bite at the story. Will keep you posted

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: lerelerele on December 12, 2013, 09:04:59 AM
The first thing to do is repair the blockchain explorer please

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: CrytoEnthusiast on December 12, 2013, 09:05:36 AM
I'm not sure I'm within the six people, but I'm super serious about promoting this coin and I WILL rock this contest! I'll appreciate your consideration with the first 1k coins.


I have some crazy ideas so you'll be hearing from me for sure!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: btc4ever on December 12, 2013, 09:25:19 AM
I applaud this contest.

It seems to me that all we really need is one camgirl, camsite, or escort service to begin publically accepting sexcoin, and that would open the floodgates.

To would be contestants, I would suggest promoting by befriending an independent camgirl and explain to her that you just made a ton of money when sexcoin went up 20+ times, and if she accepts it then she could get a whole bunch of sexcoin, increase her fame and popularity, and also help increase the value of sexcoin so that maybe she becomes rich in under a year.

How to befriend?  Well, I'm no expert, but I would suggest becoming a client, and offering to pay with sexcoin.  Also, wouldn't hurt to visit a night club or two, or hire an escort.  Personal connections and face time and showing her sites like are sure to work better than an impersonal web page or twitter feed.


Edit:  Or even simpler.  Just tell her that if she accepts sexcoin, you will reimburse her an equivalent amount in USD.  or a 90/10 split.  something like that.  So she isn't carrying all the volatility risk, but still has some upside potential.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: lerelerele on December 12, 2013, 10:21:35 AM
SXC1000 received thank you a lot

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Oldminer on December 12, 2013, 10:27:04 AM
Coins received,thanks :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: gunmaster217 on December 12, 2013, 10:28:07 AM


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Amph on December 12, 2013, 10:30:26 AM

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: AussieBTC on December 12, 2013, 10:41:23 AM

Excellent idea, I'm in, so where do we post what we did..just in here?

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: MajkiSer on December 12, 2013, 10:51:31 AM

I have some good idea.
Can I get coins for more inspiration.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: 4w4k3ning on December 12, 2013, 10:54:19 AM

I love SexCoin!This is a great coin!!!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: wadili89 on December 12, 2013, 10:57:07 AM
before the work some sexcoins would be perfect. SE286NnsyEUU7pCyyXrqcy5tZCfKdZ9hJi

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: syrusek on December 12, 2013, 11:03:47 AM

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: muratdur on December 12, 2013, 11:16:56 AM
ooo men, send me pls  very good coin


I'm giving one hundred percent support

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: fennesz on December 12, 2013, 11:18:48 AM
It's so tiring to document every marketing effort though!

I've been putting a few good words in on reddit and the misc concerning sexcoins.. I truly believe sexcoins have a strong future, because they solve one of the main obstacles that has prevented me and many people i know from ever purchasing anything adult-related. I've never wanted my credit card or my irl details being associated with any sort of porn transaction, and sexcoins completely resolve that issue.

I think $1 is a fair target, assuming BTC finds some kind of stability soon

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Snail2 on December 12, 2013, 11:19:26 AM
I'm happy to support SXC, as we all know money and sex makes the world go round. A mix of these two could make miracles :).
(Actually this could be a good slogan for you guys ;D.)


Thanks :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: AuroraHF on December 12, 2013, 11:22:43 AM
Guys please note that he only gave the free SXC to the first 6 posters. I'm working on the article as we speak.

Check out to see if it's out.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: AussieBTC on December 12, 2013, 11:56:14 AM

I've just contacted about 40 porn sites and asked them to consider sexcoin as prefered payment.
All it takes is one major one to accept it, then rest will follow.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Fraxinus on December 12, 2013, 12:18:25 PM
This is awesome!

Will certainly help the cause! Bought my first sexcoins yesterday   ;)


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: cadernera on December 12, 2013, 12:21:02 PM

Very nice idea

I guess it has to be in english, isn't it?

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: psybits on December 12, 2013, 02:06:22 PM
I'm in to win it - I think SXC has a bright future due to its industry specific targeting and the great dev team / supporters - I'm going to blow your mind :)

Be in touch again in a week or so :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 12, 2013, 06:01:13 PM
Thank you very much for your interest everyone! The 6000 coins have been given out but you can still win the 20 000 or 40 000. Also, please post your progress here so that I know who is doing what.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 12, 2013, 06:08:26 PM
I want to enter the competiton but I don't know what to do? ???
Sorry, perhaps I was a bit unclear in my description. The idea is to promote SXC in whatever way you like. You can for example try to have a newspaper write about them, get a website to accept them as payment, help getting it added to a new exchange etc. It's supposed to be a bit open-ended to allow people to be as creative as possible. Hope that clears it up :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: myweblife on December 12, 2013, 06:10:06 PM

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: MEPHuk on December 12, 2013, 06:16:31 PM
Just in case - SCp7jZ4rN3f3VxUNi9xFaBWJj69DSo41H5

Tried to buy some of these other day but cryptsy screwed up :(


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Lala on December 12, 2013, 06:18:35 PM
Just got a wordpress theme for my domain so I can start blogging for it.

Also, I sent you a PM please read :)

Trying my hardest to promote now.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: psybits on December 12, 2013, 07:13:41 PM
Thank you very much for your interest everyone! The 6000 coins have been given out but you can still win the 20 000 or 40 000. Also, please post your progress here so that I know who is doing what.

I am doing a Press Release which will go out to the Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance, Reuters, 500 other online news websites, many Bitcoin news websites, Bitcoin PR Buzz, and more.

If I win the first prize I will also do a second Press Release (which will have the same distribution) as a thank you :)

I'll also run a decent cost-per-click campaign to drive traffic to and help raise awareness.

If I win I will also pay 5 Bitcoin bloggers to write a decent article about SXC - why not.

I will update as soon as it has gone out - in a few days or so - please do not give away all of the coins yet!!


P.S You can also see testimonials for the service I provide here

If I win I will do all of the above extras too!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: HansW on December 12, 2013, 07:35:30 PM

Thanks :)!

I will do my best

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: tuvok007 on December 12, 2013, 07:44:38 PM

Can I get one sexcoin pleaseeeeeeee

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Kane49 on December 12, 2013, 08:10:40 PM
Hi, i registered earlier today.

It will be an adult video streaming website aggregating other streaming portals.
Big problems with current streaming sites are

1. True Duplicates
2. Differing Quality Duplicates
3. Small Portions of Clips being released as full clips
4. Inaccurate Tagging
5. Tags that are essentially the same
6. Inability to exclude tags from search results
7. Inability to force tags being present in search results
8. Inability to logically associate tags

And i will try to solve at least some of these all the while doing that under the sexcoin name :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 12, 2013, 08:31:27 PM
WOW! Some amazing ideas so far and we are only a day in! I don't know what to say.. some of the ideas posted here and in some of the PM:s I've received are much more ambitious than anything I was expecting. My only concern is that if this continues it will be difficult to pick a winner :) That's my problem though so just keep up the good work!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Apropos on December 12, 2013, 08:48:45 PM
So...posted on Hefner's page, see how that goes.  :)

Sex will always sell.  Donate Sexcoins - SKJ1gSh4tjxQDnNxiZdH88EJunfjLeoye9

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: nrhs05 on December 12, 2013, 09:01:44 PM
I can't wait for people to stop dumping large amounts so they price can start go to up, still lost of big holders trying to dump from the increase the other day!

As far as ideas... really the big things to do would be spread the wealth, and spread good name!  I do feel like it would fit nicely on a lot of website, where as some have said people will not need to use thier "serious" bitcoin and can use their "fun" sexcoins!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: zxm7001 on December 13, 2013, 07:36:31 AM

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Carra23 on December 13, 2013, 07:48:25 AM
SM52x3nCWahkuUNmQKRDXNbjE9QWiKvfiS Thanks!!

Big dumps are good in redistributing the SXCs. I bought 200, and will get more if price goes below 0.001 LTC.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: snoogans310 on December 13, 2013, 09:18:57 AM

very generous prize, will see what i can do.  8)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 13, 2013, 05:47:07 PM
SM52x3nCWahkuUNmQKRDXNbjE9QWiKvfiS Thanks!!

Big dumps are good in redistributing the SXCs. I bought 200, and will get more if price goes below 0.001 LTC.
Very good point. I wouldn't worry to much about the dumps. Afterall the price went up almost 1000% a few days ago so it would be very strange if it didn't go back down for a while. Also the entire market is very unstable right now with bitcoins unable to find it's ground and this always makes people less willing to buy altcoins.

PS. For everyone posting their wallets. I appreciate your tenaciousness but I hope I was clear enough in the OP that only the first six people would get the free coins :) I might have another handout in a few days but for now I won't be giving out any more.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: sevoque on December 13, 2013, 05:48:08 PM
bale, sent you PM.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: RavinTavin on December 13, 2013, 06:09:35 PM
Hmm... I got 1,000 from the creator once. I get free tickets to exxxotica and I am a marketing major.  I would semi consider taking SXC for some things in my room, but anything is better than nothing I guess. People would at least see the coins name.

If you are still giving some out:



Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: danny0201 on December 13, 2013, 06:21:22 PM

thanks! I will do my best  ;)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: odin99 on December 13, 2013, 10:52:25 PM
Hmm... I got 1,000 from the creator once. I get free tickets to exxxotica and I am a marketing major.  I would semi consider taking SXC for some things in my room, but anything is better than nothing I guess. People would at least see the coins name.

If you are still giving some out:



i think the current approach should be that if a client pays a certain % of membership with sexcoins, they get added benefits... this would be a good way to start using the currency. and a good investment, since sexcoin is going to increase in value.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: hostmaster on December 14, 2013, 03:07:48 PM
 ;D SHnx3TWYfJNQFj73594N9GLDY96XcU292D SXCs appreciated.
I believe in you.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: cheetah3 on December 14, 2013, 03:41:54 PM
Will be happy to promote! Really great coin that made me feel happy when one day at morning I saw it has price increased 10x  ;)



Lol why quiet in this blog? giveaway finished? sob sob cant believe it...

I trust SEXCoins truely, lol if i not sold mine 1k SXC I really feel good now thats true he he

Ready open domain and start to promote seriously

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: GordoZ on December 14, 2013, 08:16:35 PM
I want too!
Good luck to the sexcoin project!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Gontxi on December 14, 2013, 08:53:08 PM
Sex coin is the best... :)


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 14, 2013, 09:54:30 PM
Will be happy to promote! Really great coin that made me feel happy when one day at morning I saw it has price increased 10x  ;)



Lol why quiet in this blog? giveaway finished? sob sob cant believe it...

I trust SEXCoins truely, lol if i not sold mine 1k SXC I really feel good now thats true he he

Ready open domain and start to promote seriously
I've gotten lots of PM:s and e-mail. I would prefer it if people would post their ideas here to keep the thread up to date, but I suppose they don't want to give away what their working on which I can understand. Lots of things happening behind the scenes though. As far as the giveaways, yes their finished for the moment :) Might have another one in a few days.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: corsairx11 on December 14, 2013, 10:01:09 PM
 :) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on December 14, 2013, 10:41:33 PM
How much does it cost to buy 2000 of these?

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: STEPPAH on December 15, 2013, 12:18:12 PM
How can I register to Sexcointv to start earning some sexcoins?
There is only a list of videos and that's it.
Are there any other websites I can check to earn and transfer coins to my wallet (already downloaded)?

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: almogavar on December 15, 2013, 12:53:46 PM
I just started to mine sexcoin, some help pls?


 ;D ;D

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 15, 2013, 06:07:02 PM
How can I register to Sexcointv to start earning some sexcoins?
There is only a list of videos and that's it.
Are there any other websites I can check to earn and transfer coins to my wallet (already downloaded)?

I think it's best if I just refer you to this thread ->
If you read it I'm sure you'll find the answer to your question :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: btc4ever on December 15, 2013, 06:12:52 PM
i think that sexcoin needs its own cam site asap, something like girlsgonebitcoin, which has already gotten some press.

"Will using Bitcoin to buy sex trigger a financial revolution - or cause the digital currency to crash and burn?"

I bet some of the people reading this could make it happen.   any takers?

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: FPCN on December 16, 2013, 08:37:15 AM
I'd spend 20,000 SXC on a prostitute and make it the headline.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: boxuser on December 16, 2013, 09:12:31 AM
not sure if ppl after 7 will get some to, but well i give it a try, at least i hope, thanks alot, and i will see what i can come up with



Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: corsairx11 on December 17, 2013, 08:58:53 AM
i will!!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: btc4ever on December 19, 2013, 06:40:50 AM
so who is working to win this contest?

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: CoinBuzz on December 19, 2013, 07:25:10 AM

seems interesting.  ;)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: odin99 on December 19, 2013, 07:41:04 PM
yeah, anyone got an update on this? any sexcoin in action?

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Gogogo0607 on December 19, 2013, 07:44:37 PM


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: phazon307 on December 19, 2013, 07:48:14 PM
Whats next drugcoin, beatoffcoin,hitmancoin. No offense couldn't resist.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 19, 2013, 10:05:12 PM
yeah, anyone got an update on this? any sexcoin in action?
It's still going so feel free to jump in. Lots of things coming after the holidays :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: lyno on December 19, 2013, 10:16:51 PM
Whats next drugcoin, beatoffcoin,hitmancoin. No offense couldn't resist.

Citizen of a anglo-islamistic country? No offense couldn't resist.  :P

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: bobyman on December 19, 2013, 10:24:24 PM
i can do some pr.
i am in public relation and advertising.


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: fendlestick on December 19, 2013, 10:33:33 PM - in the lead, comon peeps!

Start simple.

1. A Youtube video demonstrating the wallet, how to send a coin, how to create an address and where you can change the sound effects.
2. Upload a gallery to imagefap under the user 'sexcoin is porn' or something. Write in the description that someone paid you SXC to upload the gallery.
3. Contact exchanges and ask them to list SXC/BTC pair, don't just send one email, send 1 a day for a week <---- IMPORTANT
4. Go and post in the cryptsy threads for a SXC/BTC pair. PM the OP's.
5. Make a simple fan website, nothing fancy, just rehash the content from the thread OP, to give the pools etc some link juice.

I am sure you can all be a bit more creative than just posting wallet addresses and begging for coins.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: psybits on December 20, 2013, 05:40:18 AM
SXC Press Release is up on our site and receiving tons of traffic:

It is going out with the full service at and I will update the thread soon (in a couple of days) with the results :)

It's also on our twitter and facebook- but this is nothing compared to what's coming.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 20, 2013, 07:36:18 PM
SXC Press Release is up on our site and receiving tons of traffic:

It is going out with the full service at and I will update the thread soon (in a couple of days) with the results :)

It's also on our twitter and facebook- but this is nothing compared to what's coming.
Great job! I think you are in the lead so far :) Everyone else needs to pick up the pace if they want in.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: fendlestick on December 20, 2013, 07:41:51 PM
SXC Press Release is up on our site and receiving tons of traffic:

It is going out with the full service at and I will update the thread soon (in a couple of days) with the results :)

It's also on our twitter and facebook- but this is nothing compared to what's coming.


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: callawey on December 20, 2013, 07:45:08 PM
ohh yes


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: phazon307 on December 22, 2013, 07:28:06 PM
Whats next drugcoin, beatoffcoin,hitmancoin. No offense couldn't resist.

Citizen of a anglo-islamistic country? No offense couldn't resist.  :P
Nope just think Sexcoin sounds funny is all.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: SprichtZarathustra on December 22, 2013, 07:53:13 PM


Now work on the usability. Cryptosextoys is a great initiative f.i.
Can't wait to see this coin grow!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 22, 2013, 08:33:58 PM
Guys don't just post your wallets. You'll not get shit unless you work for it or there is another giveaway. All the beggars just dilutes the real discussion on these forums.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: psybits on December 22, 2013, 09:47:15 PM
SXC Press Release is up on our site and receiving tons of traffic:

It is going out with the full service at and I will update the thread soon (in a couple of days) with the results :)

It's also on our twitter and facebook- but this is nothing compared to what's coming.
Great job! I think you are in the lead so far :) Everyone else needs to pick up the pace if they want in.

Great :) I'll be uploading the first pdf distribution report for you to look at later today :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: psybits on December 29, 2013, 06:14:39 PM
You can download the press release report with over 370 online news sites the SXC press release appeared on here:

Here is some other notable distribution:


There is also more to come soon!

My SXC is S8vSwzuTe8be7dkso8yNuTNz4jvtvaBAvM


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: psybits on December 31, 2013, 07:26:46 AM
Here is some more of the distribution :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on December 31, 2013, 01:13:50 PM
Here is some more of the distribution :)
Fantastic! Thanks buddy :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: psybits on January 02, 2014, 04:40:26 AM
Some more mentions of SXC in mainstream media:

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: qiuzhixin15 on January 02, 2014, 04:48:03 AM


Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on January 03, 2014, 09:12:25 PM
Allright guys we have a week left until the competition is over! Time to post what you have contributed with as well as getting the last bit of effort in. So far psybits is clearly in the lead so those who want to beat him will have to pick up the pace ^^

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on January 10, 2014, 12:32:32 PM
A few more hours to go! I need to see the results posted here to make a judgment so you guys get a few more hours until I pick the winners. So far though I've seen many ideas but very little actual results with the exception of psybits massive efforts. To be honest I'm contemplating giving the entire purse to him unless someone can show anything substantial in the next few hours ^^

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: psybits on January 10, 2014, 12:40:38 PM
A few more hours to go! I need to see the results posted here to make a judgment so you guys get a few more hours until I pick the winners. So far though I've seen many ideas but very little actual results with the exception of psybits massive efforts. To be honest I'm contemplating giving the entire purse to him unless someone can show anything substantial in the next few hours ^^

Wow - that's very generous Baleinium. If I receive the full bounty I will do another Press Release for SXC when required - covering points of your choosing. As a thank you.

I also think someone should be contacting online services in the adult industry and letting them know why they should accept SXC (semi-anonymous for their clients, the great potential upside of SXC, as it is nowhere near it's value potential). Someone also needs to develop a service which enables SXC "subscription payments" - as most of the industry is based on this model. Alas, I am too busy for these projects but I believe these would propel SXC to new heights. Perhaps a future bounty should be offered for the subscription payments service? Or is this already possible with Coinpayments? If so this should also be mentioned to all of the adult services in a professional email sent to them from the SXC team.

The coin needs to start aggressively targeting its target market.

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: hoian0809 on January 10, 2014, 01:16:53 PM

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: Baleinium on January 10, 2014, 10:38:21 PM
And it's over! 30 000 SXC sent to psybits for the awesome efforts. People had a lot of really good ideas in the begining but sadly the enthusiasm dwindled as the price went down together with the sinking Bitcoin price. Thankfully psybits delivered and for his contribution I've sent him the entire price. If anyone do have any new promotional ideas they are welcome to contact me and we could perhaps work something out, but as of now this competition is over :)

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: psybits on January 11, 2014, 10:02:21 AM
And it's over! 30 000 SXC sent to psybits for the awesome efforts. People had a lot of really good ideas in the begining but sadly the enthusiasm dwindled as the price went down together with the sinking Bitcoin price. Thankfully psybits delivered and for his contribution I've sent him the entire price. If anyone do have any new promotional ideas they are welcome to contact me and we could perhaps work something out, but as of now this competition is over :)

Thanks Baleinium - here's to a bright future for SXC!

I still think you need to offer a bounty for a service which offers SXC subscription payments - and then email adult websites letting them know about this!

Title: Re: Help promote Sexcoins and make enough money to buy a new car!
Post by: wktian on January 18, 2014, 09:21:03 AM