Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: timk225 on December 15, 2013, 07:01:48 PM

Title: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: timk225 on December 15, 2013, 07:01:48 PM
Back in August I bought 3 HIS Ice-Q 7950's off of Newegg for $230 each.  Now all their 7950s are $450 each.

I'm in this for profit, as I'm sure Newegg is, but being a big company, they need a better reason to jack the prices like this.  I propose we find someone in the Newegg warehouse, and bribe them to send out a few boxes of 7950's, as silent revenge and justice for their price gouging.

If I worked in their warehouse, I guarantee they would have "loaned" me quite a few GPUs, motherboards, CPUs, and RAM sticks and power supplies already for pulling this BS!

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: timk225 on December 15, 2013, 11:45:59 PM
"Highers their price"....  Someone failed English class! ???

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: empoweoqwj on December 16, 2013, 01:42:45 AM
Back in August I bought 3 HIS Ice-Q 7950's off of Newegg for $230 each.  Now all their 7950s are $450 each.

I'm in this for profit, as I'm sure Newegg is, but being a big company, they need a better reason to jack the prices like this.  I propose we find someone in the Newegg warehouse, and bribe them to send out a few boxes of 7950's, as silent revenge and justice for their price gouging.

If I worked in their warehouse, I guarantee they would have "loaned" me quite a few GPUs, motherboards, CPUs, and RAM sticks and power supplies already for pulling this BS!

They are a private company. They don't need a reason to alter their prices. If you don't like their price, shop elsewhere.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: RickJamesBTC on December 16, 2013, 02:34:16 AM
They probably do it because they are selling out of them. If GPU sales represent X% of their total revenue, then the constant sell out since ltc price spiked and the lack of availability from the vendors means that they have to raise prices to keep X% of revenue constant. This is a common tactic with products that have limited availability. It's not all greed, it's how they keep the business going. I like newegg a lot, thankfully I ordered a bunch of cards before the prices were raised and I'll wait till they come down again to buy more.

Also, once the difficulty doubles again, all these people who built new mining rigs will start offloading gear, newegg prices will crash because there will be no ROI and the only people buying millions of GPUs were miners. Ebay will be swamped with cards, instead of basically sold out.

Just have patience, or pay more now!

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: empoweoqwj on December 16, 2013, 02:48:25 AM
You should be grateful you have places like - graphics cards cost nearly double here in Thailand

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: Kluge on December 16, 2013, 02:52:52 AM
There's yet another ATI card shortage, so if you think you're entitled to cheap graphics cards, hire someone at an ATI card manufactory to quietly collect "rejects." (Ironically, you'd be making the shortage more severe) All the Internet is blaming Scryptcoins. :D The 270s were still reasonably priced last I looked.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: Oreganobag on December 16, 2013, 02:59:59 AM
You should be grateful you have places like - graphics cards cost nearly double here in Thailand

Buy used silly. 7950/7970s all being sold for 6000 - 7000 baht. All with warranties that last a couple years in case they crap out, too.

That being said, I've never paid more on a graphics card in Thailand than I would have in the USA. Maybe $20 - 50 more, but not even close to double.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: empoweoqwj on December 16, 2013, 04:06:03 AM
You should be grateful you have places like - graphics cards cost nearly double here in Thailand

Buy used silly. 7950/7970s all being sold for 6000 - 7000 baht. All with warranties that last a couple years in case they crap out, too.

That being said, I've never paid more on a graphics card in Thailand than I would have in the USA. Maybe $20 - 50 more, but not even close to double.

I meant compared with the great deals at NewEgg etc.

Also, hi-fi equipment is almost double what you can get at NewEgg

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: phazon307 on December 16, 2013, 04:17:39 AM
You should see how much they jacked up the prices on usb block erupters and BE Blades. I could more than quadruple the money I paid for them if I sold them now.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: empoweoqwj on December 16, 2013, 04:23:46 AM
You should see how much they jacked up the prices on usb block erupters and BE Blades. I could more than quadruple the money I paid for them if I sold them now.

Do NewEgg sell USB block erupters? I though the price on them would go down 1000% since they aren't economical any more. Maybe at eBay ;)

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: koshgel on December 16, 2013, 06:26:19 AM
These types of products alter their sale price quite often and at the same time

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: madcratebuilder on December 16, 2013, 12:55:11 PM
Most retailers raise prices for the Christmas season so when they claim they are 50% off, they are really regular price.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: philipma1957 on December 16, 2013, 01:11:44 PM
I purchased a hd7850 yesterday for 169 it will have a 20 dollar rebate so it will be 149.

this link will get you the rebate form.  the rebate will work from almost every seller

the card should do 380kh with lite coins  use pretty low power run fairly quiet

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: nate008 on December 16, 2013, 01:15:54 PM
Back in August I bought 3 HIS Ice-Q 7950's off of Newegg for $230 each.  Now all their 7950s are $450 each.

I'm in this for profit, as I'm sure Newegg is, but being a big company, they need a better reason to jack the prices like this.  I propose we find someone in the Newegg warehouse, and bribe them to send out a few boxes of 7950's, as silent revenge and justice for their price gouging.

If I worked in their warehouse, I guarantee they would have "loaned" me quite a few GPUs, motherboards, CPUs, and RAM sticks and power supplies already for pulling this BS!

Offer and demand. Don't get angry because we have a free economy.
Do you remember the HDD crisis a few years ago?

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: LightningBlade on December 16, 2013, 04:07:07 PM
Woohoo, loooks like I should start selling my miners...

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: Auspician on December 16, 2013, 11:21:35 PM
What always fascinates me about people who cry foul about "price gouging" is that they don't have a very good understanding of economics.  Basic supply and demand, really.  If demand increases and consumers buy up most of the supply, making the supply shrink (but demand remaining the same) the merchant is literally forced by the market to do one of two things: Keep prices the same, resulting in being out of stock on the hotly desired products, or raise the prices to the level the market will bear in order to keep inventory available for those who want it the most (represented by how much they are willing to pay for the product).

This means that if they didn't raise the prices, they would simply be out of stock and the cards would be outright unavailable.  Would you still be complaining then?  I bet you would.  And I bet you can agree that being able to purchase them for double the price is still a better alternative to not being able to purchase them at all.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: Rez on December 17, 2013, 12:35:14 AM




Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: empoweoqwj on December 17, 2013, 06:52:24 AM




Can you leave the caps at the door please.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: Sheldor333 on December 17, 2013, 12:36:35 PM
They want to maximize their profits, that is all they want to do. They saw an opportunity and they took it. They don't care about the consumers.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: os2sam on December 17, 2013, 12:51:59 PM
Supply and demand.

What else is there to say?

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: rallasnackbar on December 17, 2013, 01:28:02 PM





Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: Desensitizer on December 17, 2013, 04:19:11 PM
Like all big resallers Newegg works off supply and demand. There is a reason they raised the price of those cards so much, and the fact is that people want them. It sucks to be on the side of the consumer, but be grateful that you chose to buy those cards when they were so cheap. The same thing happened in the past when a hurricane wiped out the HDD factories and they raised the price of HDD's like crazy in response.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: BitCoinMiner01 on December 17, 2013, 04:35:51 PM
Simple supply and demand.  They were dealing with constant shortages of said product.  Many times I purchased dozens of these cards back in 2011 (6950's etc. back then) and gamers were cursing me out in the checkout line because they were always out of stock.  They're no more greedy than you are for wanting to purchase them for below market equilibrium price.

Hmmm, maybe we could just get the government to price-fix video cards... oh wait, that's exactly the type of behavior that crypto will eliminate.  Ha.  It's amazing how many statists there are in the crypto community.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: empoweoqwj on December 17, 2013, 05:06:53 PM
They want to maximize their profits, that is all they want to do. They saw an opportunity and they took it. They don't care about the consumers.

Its called capitalism. What America is built on.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: Skaterdiejosh on December 17, 2013, 05:42:23 PM
The blades on Amazon cost only 187$ each when I first ordered my first batch then within like 2 weeks later went up to 267 then 367 and to a high the week after of 546$ now back to 456$ as of writing this. Guess its all about supply and demand!! The crazy part is people are still paying at 546$ per card, wich anything over 250$ per card and you will maybe make your investment back in bitcoin if your lucky or possibly make some profit if shipping times are delayed on Pre-orders this March ...... 

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: timk225 on December 18, 2013, 01:50:53 AM
Oh I completely understand about supply and demand and capitalism, and I fully support it, at least when it works to my advantage.

Back in August-September-October, I mined 205 LiteCoins, and left them in my wallet until early December when the prices went up.  I sold them all between $35-$40 each, netting $7200 after PayPal fees.

So it's good when it works to my benefit, but if I wanted to buy GPUs now I'd be mad, and would wait until the prices dropped back down.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: empoweoqwj on December 18, 2013, 02:55:56 AM
Oh I completely understand about supply and demand and capitalism, and I fully support it, at least when it works to my advantage.

Back in August-September-October, I mined 205 LiteCoins, and left them in my wallet until early December when the prices went up.  I sold them all between $35-$40 each, netting $7200 after PayPal fees.

So it's good when it works to my benefit, but if I wanted to buy GPUs now I'd be mad, and would wait until the prices dropped back down.

I bought a few hundred bitcoins back when they were $5 or something, but got tired of waiting for the "pump" to work, and sold them for no profit. I blame Gox for not integrating when they said they would ;)

lesson learned. patience.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: bitpop on December 18, 2013, 02:58:41 PM
Newegg has been shady as hell. Ps4 bundle scams, betraying for masterpass and all kinds of other dishonest stuff. I used to support them but not any more, amazon 100% now.

Plus fuck eggpoints. I made tons of purchases and still 0 points!

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: LightningBlade on December 18, 2013, 03:09:51 PM
Back in August I bought 3 HIS Ice-Q 7950's off of Newegg for $230 each.  Now all their 7950s are $450 each.

I'm in this for profit, as I'm sure Newegg is, but being a big company, they need a better reason to jack the prices like this.  I propose we find someone in the Newegg warehouse, and bribe them to send out a few boxes of 7950's, as silent revenge and justice for their price gouging.

If I worked in their warehouse, I guarantee they would have "loaned" me quite a few GPUs, motherboards, CPUs, and RAM sticks and power supplies already for pulling this BS!

Supply and demand.. :)

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: Prolifik on December 19, 2013, 12:40:04 PM
Newegg has been shady as hell. Ps4 bundle scams, betraying for masterpass and all kinds of other dishonest stuff. I used to support them but not any more, amazon 100% now.

Plus fuck eggpoints. I made tons of purchases and still 0 points!

Eggpoints piss me off too. I've spent over $1000 there and 0!

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: bitpop on December 19, 2013, 12:46:04 PM
Yup im going to cum in neweggs mouth
Fuck them and fuck their nigger points

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: bitpop on December 19, 2013, 12:46:53 PM
The marketing guy must be fucking retarded
Does only ONE product give you points? Or what I cant fucking find it

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: Prolifik on December 19, 2013, 01:40:53 PM
The marketing guy must be fucking retarded
Does only ONE product give you points? Or what I cant fucking find it

I read something that said you get points when you buy something on your wishlist so I did that and NOTHING. It's like craptsy points but worse, HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!?

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: bitpop on December 19, 2013, 01:42:26 PM
Don't get me started. I've done tons of cryptsy, ZERO POINTS!

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: Noruka on December 19, 2013, 04:06:12 PM
They want to maximize their profits, that is all they want to do. They saw an opportunity and they took it. They don't care about the consumers.

they care about their stock holders. If you have a shortage of supply and demand is extremely high you raise the price. As simple as that. consumers will still put these cards out of stock even at the current price.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: DrG on December 19, 2013, 04:11:33 PM
They want to maximize their profits, that is all they want to do. They saw an opportunity and they took it. They don't care about the consumers.

they care about their stock holders. If you have a shortage of supply and demand is extremely high you raise the price. As simple as that. consumers will still put these cards out of stock even at the current price.

Newegg?  share holders?

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: bitpop on December 20, 2013, 01:17:02 AM
Private companies have share holders too

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: empoweoqwj on December 20, 2013, 02:48:57 AM
Yup im going to cum in neweggs mouth
Fuck them and fuck their *** points

Nasty language dude.

Title: Re: Where does Newegg get their balls big enough to double the prices?
Post by: pungopete468 on December 20, 2013, 03:49:38 AM
They want to maximize their profits, that is all they want to do. They saw an opportunity and they took it. They don't care about the consumers.

That's not how it works...

The price of an item has no relevance to how much they care about the consumer, they show consumer appreciation only by the quality of service which they offer... People who trade BitCoin should have a better understanding of this principle than "regular" people...

They could triple the old price and sell out in this market environment and I'm sure some businesses will. They set the "Sell" bid but the market demand will establish the "Buy" bid.