Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: shadowdorothy on December 20, 2013, 04:10:08 AM

Title: So many crypto currencies, so many questions.
Post by: shadowdorothy on December 20, 2013, 04:10:08 AM
For the last year or so I have been watching the various cryptocurrencies and have recently decided to jump in. And as a result I have many questions.

I've read up about keeping passwords safe and the like for online wallets. But what if I prefer to use a basic qt wallet that is on my computer instead? What methods should I use to keep those wallets safe? I already have a firewall installed on my pc, so what's next?

I've seen QR codes used for both money transfer and offline cold storage wallets. How do people go about making a cold storage wallet QR code? And what are vanity codes? Are they just like regular codes?

Do I ever have to use an exchange to pay for something? Can't I just use the wallet qt send function?

And my last question. Why do cryptocurrencies have transaction fees? I remember reading about the whole allure of the crypto market was to avoid such things. That transaction fees where of the fiat devil so to speak, but just about every major crypto currency has them. What's the point?

Anyway, glad to finally be joining the crypto users.

Title: Re: So many crypto currencies, so many questions.
Post by: bitpop on December 20, 2013, 09:05:56 AM
Yes there's a fee but it goes to miners to keep the network running and it's very small. Like $0.01 for any amount. Some are even free.


Use qt and encrypt it. But if you have a virus already then it's pointless.

Vanity is like a special address like in my signature. Don't worry about that now. To you it's just a regular address.

Title: Re: So many crypto currencies, so many questions.
Post by: bitpop on December 20, 2013, 09:06:23 AM
I recommend with 2 passwords and 2FA

Title: Re: So many crypto currencies, so many questions.
Post by: shadowdorothy on December 21, 2013, 01:02:11 AM
I recommend with 2 passwords and 2FA

Thank you. This gives me quite a it of info.

My system is virus, malware and whatever else free. I run a scan every day to be sure, with over 5 different programs. Or as one of my Info tech professors stated "Protect your data. Even if you think it's useless someone else might not." Took those words to heart.

So I have one more question now. If I already have an address can I use it on And can I do it with other cryptocurrencies?

Title: Re: So many crypto currencies, so many questions.
Post by: nerFohanzo on December 21, 2013, 01:10:38 AM
So I have one more question now. If I already have an address can I use it on is used for generating paper wallets only

And can I do it with other cryptocurrencies?

liteaddress should do the same, never used it though and dont know if it is secure. Other altcoins dont have paper wallets generator afaik

Title: Re: So many crypto currencies, so many questions.
Post by: shadowdorothy on December 21, 2013, 01:16:52 AM
liteaddress should do the same, never used it though and dont know if it is secure. Other altcoins dont have paper wallets generator afaik

Ah, that's a shame. I use other cryptocurrencies ATM because they are much cheaper to buy. I won't have a single BTC, or even mBTC, for a while. I have a wallet, I just don't have any coins in it.

Maybe I can find someone with a makerbot to print me a few QR codes for my other non-BTC wallets.