Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: yakuza699 on December 20, 2013, 02:40:03 PM

Title: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on December 20, 2013, 02:40:03 PM
I will give 0.08BTC to person who will create a step by step video on how to send with 0 trasaction fee.(waiting days to send with 0 fee doesn't count send hihger amounts then 10btm on doesn't count count wallets such as coinbase who offers 0 fee doesn't count showing this process ( with this ( step by step does count)

Edit Before no one created a video i want to tell that you only need to show that proccess.

Escrow available.

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: eoakland on December 20, 2013, 02:46:23 PM

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: johnmatrix on December 20, 2013, 02:46:40 PM
what message do you want to leave? i can do that

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: 1000000 on December 20, 2013, 03:53:29 PM

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: everythingbitcoin on December 20, 2013, 04:57:40 PM
Creating a manual offline transaction isn't super difficult, you just need to be careful and think about what you're doing.

Make sure you have the public bitcoin address and the private key before continuing.

Here's what I do (This assumes you are sending some BTC to one address, some back to yourself as change and some as a transaction fee)

1  Create a bootable Live linux CD
2  Download and save it to a USB memory stick.
3  Open and pasted it into a text editor
4  This (from 3) is a list of all the unspent transactions for the bitcoin address, I like to manually pick the transactions I want to use as inputs. eg. if I want to send 1 bitcoin, I might reference a 0.5 and an 0.6 BTC transaction rather than a 5BTC transaction.
5  Remember that the transactions are in 1/100,000,000ths of a bitcoin.
6  Remove the transactions you don't want to use as inputs, to do this, delete the transaction from the text editor including the "{" and the "},"
7  If you removed the last transaction in the list, check that there isn't a comma after the last transaction.
8  Save the contents of this text file to the USB stick with the brainwallet code.
9  Shut Down, disconnect your computer from the network, disconnect the hard drive(s) and boot into the live linux CD.
10  Open the brainwallet code in an internet browser
11  If your private key starts with a 5 (uncompressed) or an L (compressed), skip onto step 15.
12  You need to convert your private key to a format which starts with a 5 or an L.
13  If it's a 64 character hex code, type it into the "secret exponent" section of the generator tab and copy the private key.
14  If it's a brainwallet (passphrase), type your passphrase into the "passphrase" section of the generator tab and copy the private key
15  Go to the transactions tab
Type in the private key, click Cancel when asked to download the transaction history (it won't work as you're air gapped anyway).
17  Verify that the "Source address" is your bitcoin address
18  Click "Edit Inputs" and paste in the test of the unspent transactions.
19  The BTC box next to source address will update to show the value of the transactions you've selected - This is the number of bitcoins you will loose if you mess up transaction fees, so be careful.
20  Take the number of bitcoins from 19 and subtract your transaction fee (eg: 0.0003) - The result is the number of BTC you need to spend (including change).
21  Edit the Destination address to be the address you want to pay and set the amount.
22  Click the
  • button to add another destination address and enter your bitcoin address (for change) and set the amount to be the result from 20 minus the payment to your destination.
23  Now, on a calculator, add up the two payment amounts and add in your transaction fee. This should perfectly match the amount in the reference transactions from step 19.
24  Scroll to the bottom and click Re-sign. This signs the transaction.
25  Copy the contents of "Raw Transaction" to a text editor and save it to a USB stick
26  Shut down, reconnect hard drives, networks and boot up.

You now have a signed transaction which is not yet on the bitcoin network. You now need to push it onto the bitcoin network.

We will do a final test of the transaction.

1  Visit (title should be Decode Raw Transaction)
2  Paste in the raw transaction and click "Submit Transaction"
3  Scroll to the bottom of the result and check the following:
4  vout_sz is the number of destination addresses (it does not include transaction fees)
5  hash is the transaction hash which will be searchable on, etc (once submitted)
6  vin_sz is the number of input transactions you referenced
7  out contains sections (per destination address), so check the "address" values are what you expected to pay coins to.
8  Also add up the "value" sections and divide them by 100,000,000 to get the total bitcoins to be sent (the difference between this and all the referenced inputs will be paid as mining fees)

If you are completely happy with the above checks, you can now broadcast the transaction.

1  Go to (Title is Broadcast Transaction)
2  Paste in the raw transaction and click Submit.
3  It should say "Transaction accepted" if all was good.

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: BitcoinBarrel on December 20, 2013, 06:03:37 PM
My bwain eksploded  :o

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: infinitybo on December 21, 2013, 02:34:28 AM
Yakuza699, If you want to do a raw transaction using Bitcoin-Qt just follow these steps :

First generate an address offline:

[offline]$ bitcoind getnewaddress

Then, send it 50 coin:

[online]$ bitcoind sendtoaddress n1gqLjZbRH1biT5o4qiVMiNig8wcCPQeB9 50

Now, grab the transaction that was paying it. We'll need the txid, and the
scriptpubkey paying our offline wallet.

[online]$ bitcoind getrawtransaction a9d4599e15b53f3eb531608ddb31f48c695c3d0b3538a6bda871e8b34f2f430c 1
    "hex" : "0100000001344630cbff61fbc362f7e1ff2f11a344c29326e4ee96e787dc0d4e5cc02fd06900000 0004a493046022100ef89701f460e8660c80808a162bbf2d676f40a331a243592c36d6bd1f81d6b df022100d29c072f1b18e59caba6e1f0b8cadeb373fd33a25feded746832ec179880c23901fffff fff0100f2052a010000001976a914dd40dedd8f7e37466624c4dacc6362d8e7be23dd88ac000000 00",
    "txid" : "a9d4599e15b53f3eb531608ddb31f48c695c3d0b3538a6bda871e8b34f2f430c",
    "version" : 1,
    "locktime" : 0,
    "vin" : [
            "txid" : "69d02fc05c4e0ddc87e796eee42693c244a3112fffe1f762c3fb61ffcb304634",
            "vout" : 0,
            "scriptSig" : {
                "asm" : "3046022100ef89701f460e8660c80808a162bbf2d676f40a331a243592c36d6bd1f81d6bdf02210 0d29c072f1b18e59caba6e1f0b8cadeb373fd33a25feded746832ec179880c23901",
                "hex" : "493046022100ef89701f460e8660c80808a162bbf2d676f40a331a243592c36d6bd1f81d6bdf022 100d29c072f1b18e59caba6e1f0b8cadeb373fd33a25feded746832ec179880c23901"
            "sequence" : 4294967295
    "vout" : [
            "value" : 50.00000000,
            "n" : 0,
            "scriptPubKey" : {
                "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 dd40dedd8f7e37466624c4dacc6362d8e7be23dd OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
                "hex" : "76a914dd40dedd8f7e37466624c4dacc6362d8e7be23dd88ac",
                "reqSigs" : 1,
                "type" : "pubkeyhash",
                "addresses" : [

And lets get an address to return those coins to:

[online]$ bitcoind getnewaddress

Now, from our online node we're going to draft the transaction to
return the coin from the offline wallet to the online one:

[online]$ bitcoind createrawtransaction '[{"txid":"a9d4599e15b53f3eb531608ddb31f48c695c3d0b3538a6bda871e8b34f2f430c","vout":0}]' '{"mkZBYBiq6DNoQEKakpMJegyDbw2YiNQnHT":50}'
01000000010c432f4fb3e871a8bda638350b3d5c698cf431db8d6031b53e3fb5159e59d4a900000 00000ffffffff0100f2052a010000001976a9143744841e13b90b4aca16fe793a7f88da3a23cc71 88ac00000000

One the offline wallet we decode the transaction to validate that its doing
what we expect. Note: Since we don't have the input transaction we don't
know the input value and this txn could be paying a ton of change out
to fees.

[offline]$ bitcoind decoderawtransaction 01000000010c432f4fb3e871a8bda638350b3d5c698cf431db8d6031b53e3fb5159e59d4a900000 00000ffffffff0100f2052a010000001976a9143744841e13b90b4aca16fe793a7f88da3a23cc71 88ac00000000
    "txid" : "d9f33ed2740eef77e40e72b692c4cf1feb6ab10d8adaaf27eb394fa5064b1160",
    "version" : 1,
    "locktime" : 0,
    "vin" : [
            "txid" : "a9d4599e15b53f3eb531608ddb31f48c695c3d0b3538a6bda871e8b34f2f430c",
            "vout" : 0,
            "scriptSig" : {
                "asm" : "",
                "hex" : ""
            "sequence" : 4294967295
    "vout" : [
            "value" : 50.00000000,
            "n" : 0,
            "scriptPubKey" : {
                "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 3744841e13b90b4aca16fe793a7f88da3a23cc71 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
                "hex" : "76a9143744841e13b90b4aca16fe793a7f88da3a23cc7188ac",
                "reqSigs" : 1,
                "type" : "pubkeyhash",
                "addresses" : [

If we're lucky, we'll sign. We need to provide the scriptpubkey of the
inputs we're signing so our offline wallet knows which of its keys
to use.

[offline]$ bitcoind signrawtransaction 01000000010c432f4fb3e871a8bda638350b3d5c698cf431db8d6031b53e3fb5159e59d4a900000 00000ffffffff0100f2052a010000001976a9143744841e13b90b4aca16fe793a7f88da3a23cc71 88ac00000000 '[{"txid":"a9d4599e15b53f3eb531608ddb31f48c695c3d0b3538a6bda871e8b34f2f430c","vout":0,"scriptPubKey":"76a914dd40dedd8f7e37466624c4dacc6362d8e7be23dd88ac"}]'
    "hex" : "01000000010c432f4fb3e871a8bda638350b3d5c698cf431db8d6031b53e3fb5159e59d4a900000 0006b48304502201123d735229382f75496e84ae5831871796ef78726805adc2c6edd36d23e7210 022100faceab822a4943309c4b6b61240ae3a9e18ed90a75117c5dc4bfd8f7e17a21d301210367c e0a1c3b3e84cece6dad1a181d989d8e490b84f5431a1f778a88b284c935e6ffffffff0100f2052a 010000001976a9143744841e13b90b4aca16fe793a7f88da3a23cc7188ac00000000",
    "complete" : true

Then we'll carry the transaction over to the online wallet and
announce it:

[online]$ bitcoind sendrawtransaction 01000000010c432f4fb3e871a8bda638350b3d5c698cf431db8d6031b53e3fb5159e59d4a900000 0006b48304502201123d735229382f75496e84ae5831871796ef78726805adc2c6edd36d23e7210 022100faceab822a4943309c4b6b61240ae3a9e18ed90a75117c5dc4bfd8f7e17a21d301210367c e0a1c3b3e84cece6dad1a181d989d8e490b84f5431a1f778a88b284c935e6ffffffff0100f2052a 010000001976a9143744841e13b90b4aca16fe793a7f88da3a23cc7188ac00000000

And we can see the online wallet has been paid:

[online]$ bitcoind listtransactions "" 1
        "account" : "",
        "address" : "mkZBYBiq6DNoQEKakpMJegyDbw2YiNQnHT",
        "category" : "receive",
        "amount" : 50.00000000,
        "confirmations" : 0,
        "txid" : "7822dda72d9bf421d2f3eedc678bf58c6e4c10cdd047b9e137559ad384933ef5",
        "time" : 1344221517

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: TrailingComet on December 21, 2013, 05:35:07 AM
Have the 0.02 been paid out already?

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: yakuza699 on December 22, 2013, 02:00:30 PM
Have the 0.02 been paid out already?

No it wasn't yet and i cancel it now i am paying 0.026BTC to person who will create a video on how to send with 0 transaction fee with little amounts like 10satoshis and so on with wallet and it's private keys i always fault that raw transaction is the only way to send with 0 transaction fee but now i know that it is not the only way.

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: infinitybo on December 22, 2013, 02:43:59 PM
So basically you ask for a service, you receive your service, in the end you don't pay.

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: yakuza699 on December 22, 2013, 04:27:01 PM
So basically you ask for a service, you receive your service, in the end you don't pay.

I know i know i dind't pay 0.02 but i really gonna pay that 0.026 plus 6btm because i didn't payed 20btm.

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: Lightwave on December 23, 2013, 04:55:15 PM
You owe everything bitcoin 0.02btc dude, he gave you what you wanted, you can't just change it after offering this service....

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: mistress_magpie on December 23, 2013, 05:46:45 PM
Indeed yakuza I would recommend paying the original person, and paying much more for the video

Title: Re: 0.02btc for person who tells me how to do a raw transaction
Post by: yakuza699 on January 03, 2014, 03:36:03 PM
You owe everything bitcoin 0.02btc dude, he gave you what you wanted, you can't just change it after offering this service....

Ok i will pay everythinkbitcoin 0.02BTC, everythinkbitcoin give me your btc address.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 03, 2014, 06:19:38 PM
Still no video please pm me with your video.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: mistress_magpie on January 03, 2014, 09:15:32 PM
Have you paid everythingbitcoin yet? Nobody is going to make your video for you unless you use escrow, or pay everythingbitcoin, or possibly both :)

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 04, 2014, 10:42:50 AM
Have you paid everythingbitcoin yet? Nobody is going to make your video for you unless you use escrow, or pay everythingbitcoin, or possibly both :)

I can do both everythinkbitcoin needs to enter his address here i will then pay him and show the tx so you can believe me and i can put money into escrow right now just tell me what esrow should i use.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: bitcoin44me on January 04, 2014, 11:18:03 AM
10 satoshi for no fee? It will be considered as spamming the blockchain and requires high fees, or age to proceed.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 04, 2014, 12:11:22 PM
10 satoshi for no fee? It will be considered as spamming the blockchain and requires high fees, or age to proceed.

I know what i am doing so you gonna create a video?

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 05, 2014, 08:16:51 PM
Bump still waiting for the video recomend what escrow should i use?

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 06, 2014, 04:52:12 PM
Still waiting for the video...

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 07, 2014, 05:40:01 PM
Waiting for the video...

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: BawsyBoss on January 07, 2014, 09:15:58 PM
Bump still waiting for the video recomend what escrow should i use?
There are many out there. Search the forums.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 13, 2014, 01:28:44 PM
Still didn't recieved the video.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: mistress_magpie on January 13, 2014, 01:51:36 PM
Nobody's gonna do it mate unless you pay the first guy. How many times do we have to say this?

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: marcotheminer on January 13, 2014, 04:25:34 PM
Bump still waiting for the video recomend what escrow should i use?

John. (John K.) Escrow

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 13, 2014, 05:42:25 PM
Nobody's gonna do it mate unless you pay the first guy. How many times do we have to say this?

He needs to post his btc address here then i can show the tx that i payed if i just pay to him in  pm and show tx here how can you believe that this is his address?

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 13, 2014, 05:43:14 PM
Bump still waiting for the video recomend what escrow should i use?

John. (John K.) Escrow

Okay i will use it.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: MoneyGod on January 13, 2014, 06:18:01 PM
Bump still waiting for the video recomend what escrow should i use?

John. (John K.) Escrow

Okay i will use it.
now as he agree to escrow some one must try this and do for him

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 13, 2014, 06:21:51 PM
Bump still waiting for the video recomend what escrow should i use?

John. (John K.) Escrow

Okay i will use it.
now as he agree to escrow some one must try this and do for him

Just pm'ed John.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 14, 2014, 03:06:07 PM
Still waiting for the video.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 16, 2014, 04:58:18 PM
Still didn't recieved the video...

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: BawsyBoss on January 16, 2014, 06:44:22 PM
Has John said anything?

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: deepceleron on January 16, 2014, 06:58:24 PM
10 satoshi for no fee? It will be considered as spamming the blockchain and requires high fees, or age to proceed.
Actually, that is below the minimum and is a non-standard transaction. Search for 5460.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 17, 2014, 05:52:24 PM
Has John said anything?

Last active January 12 so no because he didn't even logged in i sent him a pm that i cancel it and i will contact

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: BawsyBoss on January 17, 2014, 07:40:37 PM
10 satoshi for no fee? It will be considered as spamming the blockchain and requires high fees, or age to proceed.
Actually, that is below the minimum and is a non-standard transaction. Search for 5460.

Ah, this guy is right. I had forgotten about it.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: on January 18, 2014, 12:06:59 AM
Escrow address is:

Quoted OP for Ref purpose.
I will give 0.08BTC to person who will create a step by step video on how to send with 0 trasaction fee.(waiting days to send with 0 fee doesn't count send higher amounts then 10btm on doesn't count count wallets such as coinbase who offers 0 fee doesn't count showing this process ( with this ( step by step does count)

Edit Before no one created a video i want to tell that you only need to show that proccess.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 18, 2014, 01:15:30 PM
Escrow address is:

Quoted OP for Ref purpose.
I will give 0.08BTC to person who will create a step by step video on how to send with 0 trasaction fee.(waiting days to send with 0 fee doesn't count send higher amounts then 10btm on doesn't count count wallets such as coinbase who offers 0 fee doesn't count showing this process ( with this ( step by step does count)

Edit Before no one created a video i want to tell that you only need to show that proccess.

That is it money put on escrow!

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 20, 2014, 01:04:49 PM
Hey money put on escrow all you need to do now is just to create a video.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: btcton on January 20, 2014, 03:29:14 PM
Who are you using for escrow? They should post here if they are really doing it. Also, the posts above are right about the minimum satoshi limit.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 20, 2014, 04:54:51 PM
Escrow address is:

Quoted OP for Ref purpose.
I will give 0.08BTC to person who will create a step by step video on how to send with 0 trasaction fee.(waiting days to send with 0 fee doesn't count send higher amounts then 10btm on doesn't count count wallets such as coinbase who offers 0 fee doesn't count showing this process ( with this ( step by step does count)

Edit Before no one created a video i want to tell that you only need to show that proccess.

btcton i am using press on that link and you will see that i send 81btm there.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: Kiki112 on January 20, 2014, 08:56:59 PM
is this done?

if it isn't
contact me on PM

I'll be glad to do it :)
I have some experience with video editing from before :)

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: btcton on January 21, 2014, 03:20:35 AM
Escrow address is:

Quoted OP for Ref purpose.
I will give 0.08BTC to person who will create a step by step video on how to send with 0 trasaction fee.(waiting days to send with 0 fee doesn't count send higher amounts then 10btm on doesn't count count wallets such as coinbase who offers 0 fee doesn't count showing this process ( with this ( step by step does count)

Edit Before no one created a video i want to tell that you only need to show that proccess.

btcton i am using press on that link and you will see that i send 81btm there.
Ah, my bad. I didn't notice that post being from himself.

Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on January 21, 2014, 01:13:16 PM
is this done?

if it isn't
contact me on PM

I'll be glad to do it :)
I have some experience with video editing from before :)


Title: Re: 0.08btc for person who will create a video on how to send with 0 fee
Post by: yakuza699 on February 03, 2014, 07:22:06 PM
Closed found by my self.