Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware => Topic started by: TerraHasher on December 21, 2013, 03:10:41 AM

Title: What to do with dead V2 blades
Post by: TerraHasher on December 21, 2013, 03:10:41 AM
Well, over the past few months i have acquired a good number of V2 blades that are dead, many that i am sure still have good chips on them, they are just having other issues. Not hashing, constant yellow light on the ethernet port, not seeming to get power even bypassing the fuse, etc. Rather than just scrap them knowing there are still plenty of good components on them, i figured i would reach out to the community and see if anyone has any suggestions on what to do with them or if there is still some way to make something usable out of them. The ones that had obvious problems i have already combined parts to make working boards, but i have a good few that i have no idea whats the real problem, and no idea what to do with them to make something usable out of them.

Any suggestions would be great.

Title: Re: What to do with dead V2 blades
Post by: TerraHasher on December 25, 2013, 12:03:42 AM
Well since nobody had any solutions. i have come up with my own community solution for all of us with this problem, let's hope there is still some community left in the bitcoin world and not just a bunch of me, me, me folks, as this could defiantly help a LOT of people.

More info can be found here: