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Local => Off-Topic (Italiano) => Topic started by: HostFat on December 22, 2013, 05:10:44 PM

Title: Oculus Rift
Post by: HostFat on December 22, 2013, 05:10:44 PM
Che ne pensate di questa tecnologia? :)
Al di la dei videogiochi, mandiamo anche in pensione tutti i cinema?  :o ;D

Quote from: KillerCrocker
Just finished watching my first vr cinema movie. Jurasisc Park 3d hsbs 1080p.

It was pretty good experience. No motion sickness, it felt more/less like a real cinema !
With a better screen this thing will do marvels. Even now, the feeling of being there is strong. I am more offputted by bad colors more than pixels I think, tho resolution is really bad(but all in all watchable and enjoyable).

And 3d was fantastic. Not only the cinema was in immersive 3d but the movie itself was coming onto me :p its tough to explain. The OR is comfortable and I had no problems with it for duration of whole movie. Only my headphones made top of my head hurt.

I will surely watch more movies but with speakers next time. And I need to do something about that black levels ffs.

Title: Re: Oculus Rift
Post by: nonn069 on December 23, 2013, 12:34:16 AM
wow, incredibile !!  ;D

Title: Re: Oculus Rift
Post by: bertani on December 23, 2013, 05:58:29 AM
Molto interessante, ma serviranno ancora diversi mesi prima di trovarlo in vendita (fine 2014).

Title: Re: Oculus Rift
Post by: gubi66 on December 23, 2013, 06:54:09 PM
Sarebbero gli stessi caschi virtuali di 20 anni fa solo stereo?
Non capivo perche non presero piede allora...magari e' la volta buona.

Title: Re: Oculus Rift
Post by: Noodles.Asso on December 23, 2013, 11:16:29 PM
Lo voglio1!!! ;D

Title: Re: Oculus Rift
Post by: bertani on December 24, 2013, 03:23:32 PM
Sarebbero gli stessi caschi virtuali di 20 anni fa solo stereo?
Non capivo perche non presero piede allora...magari e' la volta buona.

Probabilmente perchč ora che si riesce a riprodurre la realtą in modo pił realistico, il tutto ha pił senso :)

Title: Re: Oculus Rift
Post by: androz on December 25, 2013, 05:21:49 PM
io vorrei il modello vintage della Spectacular Optical Corporation  ;D

Title: Re: Oculus Rift
Post by: 3devilred on December 30, 2013, 08:04:04 AM
Che ne pensate di questa tecnologia? :)
Al di la dei videogiochi, mandiamo anche in pensione tutti i cinema?  :o ;D

Quote from: KillerCrocker
Just finished watching my first vr cinema movie. Jurasisc Park 3d hsbs 1080p.

It was pretty good experience. No motion sickness, it felt more/less like a real cinema !
With a better screen this thing will do marvels. Even now, the feeling of being there is strong. I am more offputted by bad colors more than pixels I think, tho resolution is really bad(but all in all watchable and enjoyable).

And 3d was fantastic. Not only the cinema was in immersive 3d but the movie itself was coming onto me :p its tough to explain. The OR is comfortable and I had no problems with it for duration of whole movie. Only my headphones made top of my head hurt.

I will surely watch more movies but with speakers next time. And I need to do something about that black levels ffs.

penso sia una tecnologia come il 3d, va e viene ma non prendera' mai piede.