Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: GreekBitcoin on December 22, 2013, 05:57:02 PM

Title: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 22, 2013, 05:57:02 PM
The tl;dr version :

1. Create a droplet 2CPU 2GB Ram Ubuntu 13.10 64x . Please use my referral
2. Copy paste or write this: wget -O && chmod +x && ./ DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy 4
3. ? ? ? ? ?
4. Profit. Check it here:

The long clear version:

1) Go to Digital Ocean with my referral link :  
2) Make an account there and pay with paypal or credit card at least 10 dollars.
3) Use this promo code for 10 dollars more: OMGSSD10   . If this promo doesnt work google search for another one.
4) At Digital Ocean create a droplet and put a hostname like Miner1 for example.
5) Choose how many CPUs and Region. I believe 2 CPUs 2GB ram is the most cost effective. (Choose at least 1GB memory)
6) Choose Ubuntu 13.10 x64 and then press "create droplet". You will receive an email with your droplet's IP and password
7) Download PuTTY by clicking here:
8 ) Run putty.exe and at Host Name put the emailed IP address and press open. At warning message press Yes.(Or whatever to just continue)
9) Login as: "root" (You just right root and enter ) and for password put your emailed password and enter.
10) Then copy and paste (you paste by just pressing right click on putty) this and press enter:

wget -O && chmod +x && ./ DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy 4

*Of course change the DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy to your address!
*4  at the end is the number of threads you are using. I choose 4 threads when i choose 4 CPUs.  But you can experiment and see what is better. Maybe more is better.


After about 10 minutes you have already started mining. You should see your balance here:

Dont close putty!!! I will tell you how you can actually close Putty without terminating mining in the future.

I will send you 2 DTC only if you use my referral link and fund Digital Ocean with 10 dollars. Send me PM if you do so.

A few things more:
If you create 1 droplet and you want to stop paying money from your balance you have to destroy the droplet. Not just shutdown.
If something doesnt work try to reboot your droplet. Maybe even destroy it and create it again. But beware that this will cost like 1 hour of using it. 0.03 dollars for 2CPU droplet.
If your balance falls to zero it will continue to mine and charge until you destroy. So have in mind when you have to destroy your droplet.
Sometimes Digital Ocean really sucks and is slow....

Read more about Datacoin here: . Ask you questions there or at the forum:

Right now i believe datacoin is highly undervalued and in the future it will have enough value for this to be profitable. I expect 3.5DTC per day. Support Datacoin and its innovation! Support decentralized storage!
You can make total 5 droplets this way. But you pay each one by the hour. But i advice to take it easy and see how things work. Make your profitability calculations and decide.
Difficulty is getting bigger and bigger everyday! Mine while you can!

Thanks this guy for this guide and maybe send him some donations:
Easier way:
wget -O && chmod +x && ./ <username> <proclimit>

P.S. Datacoin as a fork of Primecoin uses primeminer ;)

I just updated the link. Now you automatically download "screen" and you run primeminer with screen. This way by pressing ctrl A and then D you detach screen and you can safely close putty without stopping mining. You can again attach your mining screen with "screen -r". On this update i also automatically download "DataMinerWatch" but i dont run it. See here if you want to run it. I recommend it 100%

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 22, 2013, 06:40:11 PM
Whatever problem occures just ask!

Ask away everything. I am not expert but i will do my best to answer!

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 23, 2013, 05:32:34 AM
In order to take the free Datacoin you have to send me a printscreen of your payment! Also dont forget to send your address too.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: koppit on December 23, 2013, 05:41:12 AM
I had set this up on digitalocean earlier - it has a console window built into it under "access". Technically, you don't need to bother with putty ;)

The only downside is that the hashrate isn't the greatest, and they have no custom plans to max out cpu cores (they have a 16, 20, 24-core option) while keeping everything else minimal. Basically, if you want 24 cores, you get 1tb of space you don't need.

I had also researched multithreading and the optimal number of threads, and apparently a single thread per core is the most efficient, it drops quite substantially after you start doubling up (16 threads on 8 cores for instance). See here:

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 23, 2013, 05:48:26 AM
I had set this up on digitalocean earlier - it has a console window built into it under "access". Technically, you don't need to bother with putty ;)

The only downside is that the hashrate isn't the greatest, and they have no custom plans to max out cpu cores (they have a 16, 20, 24-core option) while keeping everything else minimal. Basically, if you want 24 cores, you get 1tb of space you don't need.

I had also researched multithreading and the optimal number of threads, and apparently a single thread per core is the most efficient, it drops quite substantially after you start doubling up (16 threads on 8 cores for instance). See here:

The built in console is fucked up. Lags too much and you cant copy paste! With putty you just copy paste the line and you are already mining!

As for the hashrate yes i agrre with you. Sometimes it is good sometimes it isnt. And they dont let 100% of the core actually. Like 60%. And because you dont need space and ram thats why i say that the most cost effective right now is 8 CPU droplet!

Although i agree with you and i will probably also say that i will change my values to 1 thread per cpu, sometimes i noticed it was better to have more threads...dunno why.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 23, 2013, 10:07:22 PM
If you want to the other pool:

wget -O && chmod +x && ./ DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy.x1 2

of course change to your address! And you can change .x1 at the end of the address if you want for each worker so that you know which worker earns what. Its like 1st pc is .x1 second pc .x2 etc...

and here you can see your balance for this pool :

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: metraque on December 24, 2013, 04:06:03 PM
I do mining just for profits, but I'm following those steps and investing precious XMAS time just because I believe in DataCoin, please guys don't dissapoint me.

DataCoin is going to the moon in short, hopefully this mining method don't get shut down by DigitalOcean

Thank you guys for making DataCoin!


anyone is having problems with this guide? I'm not getting paid  :'(


Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: metraque on December 24, 2013, 08:58:48 PM
HAPPILY Mining and awayting for my DTC


Please do not select 8 cores setup, is not cost effective, you get more cpus by choosing VARIOUS droplets of 2cpus and 2gb ram .

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 25, 2013, 03:09:56 AM
Hi. You didnt pay 10 dollars so i can get your referral. Maybe you paid only 5.

But anyway i sent you 1.1 DTC.


As for the number of cpus i think you are right and i will change it i think...

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 25, 2013, 06:54:01 AM
I followed metraque's  advice and i has to say it is clearly better!

Now from 5 2CPU droplets i get around 2.5chains per day while with 1 8CPU i was getting something like 2.2-2.3 chains per day.

And instead of paying 0.238$ per hour i pay 0.15$ per hour.

So thanks a lot!

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: metraque on December 25, 2013, 07:19:54 AM
Thank you for the free DTC :D

I'm testing if running more threads per droplet and per CPU do more chains per day. I'll tell you in an hour.

And clearly this coin is gooing to the moon in the next months, or less.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 25, 2013, 08:00:42 AM

""  ./primeminer -pooluser=DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy.x1  -poolpassword=0 -poolip= -poolport=8336 -poolshare=6 -genproclimit=2  ""

And for the pool, I'm using the chinese one, and thanks for the cmd line foradjust threads per CPU :D now I can change that parameter and not make a dropplet and then run the script you provided and wait a lot :P

Edit: the terminal throws this error: -bash: ./primeminer: no such directory or file

I answer here because others might want to know about this too. So when mining has started you can terminate it with Ctrl+C because you may want to change a parameter. For example you may want to change threads or your address or even pool. The automatic script i use in the OP can be used again of course but makefile will take 5 minutes or so and its not efficient to do this everytime. So you can run this:

./primeminer -pooluser=DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy.x1  -poolpassword=0 -poolip= -poolport=8336 -poolshare=6 -genproclimit=2

Now the error you have is because you try to run the program "primeminer" but you are not in the folder that you have downloaded it. (Download happened automatically with the script of the OP)

so see at terminal where you are. I think you will be on root or just ./ (its the same). So you have to type cd primecoin/src in order to go to the directory that primeminer is and then run the line above.

Now if you are not in the root folder (root folder is the main one. Something like C: on windows) but in another folder if you type "cd .." you go back one folder. You do this until you get to root and then "cd primecoin/src" and then run the script.

Hope this helps

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: Papacrusher on December 25, 2013, 08:01:54 AM
Sorry, just wanted to jump in with a noob question.  I notice that DO has the option to pay monthly, but is that amount you pay changed for the amount of data used by mining?  Basically I'm asking if they have say a $10/month plan, would mining cause you to go over their threshold and incur more charges?  Thanks for any advice and guidance on this.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 25, 2013, 08:06:56 AM
Sorry, just wanted to jump in with a noob question.  I notice that DO has the option to pay monthly, but is that amount you pay changed for the amount of data used by mining?  Basically I'm asking if they have say a $10/month plan, would mining cause you to go over their threshold and incur more charges?  Thanks for any advice and guidance on this.

According to DO:

How do I choose between monthly and hourly billing?
There is no difference between monthly and hourly billing. All droplets are billed hourly, up until a monthly cap. We have estimated that each month has about 672 hours (28 days). If you use your server for less than 672 hours during the month, you will be billed for each hour that you used it. If you use your server for more than 672 hours that month, you will be billed at the monthly cost, which is no greater than 672 hours.

Personally i calculate by the hour...Mind the price is per droplet. If you have 5 droplets 2cpu 2gb its 0.03$ per hour each so 0.15 per hour all of them

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: Papacrusher on December 25, 2013, 08:34:44 AM
Sorry, just wanted to jump in with a noob question.  I notice that DO has the option to pay monthly, but is that amount you pay changed for the amount of data used by mining?  Basically I'm asking if they have say a $10/month plan, would mining cause you to go over their threshold and incur more charges?  Thanks for any advice and guidance on this.

According to DO:

How do I choose between monthly and hourly billing?
There is no difference between monthly and hourly billing. All droplets are billed hourly, up until a monthly cap. We have estimated that each month has about 672 hours (28 days). If you use your server for less than 672 hours during the month, you will be billed for each hour that you used it. If you use your server for more than 672 hours that month, you will be billed at the monthly cost, which is no greater than 672 hours.

Personally i calculate by the hour...Mind the price is per droplet. If you have 5 droplets 2cpu 2gb its 0.03$ per hour each so 0.15 per hour all of them

Thanks for the feedback.  How many hours per day are you running?

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 25, 2013, 08:38:23 AM
All. Although i have a feeling that it is better to mine when workers are low the pool.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 25, 2013, 05:09:17 PM
I made some changes. Actually i changed the pool the script was  mining because i want to divert some power to the second pool too. If any problems occur please post here! not by pm. This way others can see solutions and others can answer questions too!

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: metraque on December 25, 2013, 05:45:43 PM
This is the performance of an experiment I did with DO droplets:

W     Payment Mean       Worker Specs   
1G8   0,000167259      1G8:   1GB, 1CPU, 8 threads
1G2   0,000029975      1G2:   1GB, 1CPU, 2 threads
1G4   0,000005644      1G4:   1GB, 1CPU, 4 threads
-G0   0,000026668      -G0:   2GB, 2CPU, 16 threads

So, it seems that more threads per cpu means more profits, but with 1GB or above droplets, because 512MB ones throw errors. I'm trying out with doubling all threads of the droplets, let's see if the payment mean doubles or not.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: metraque on December 25, 2013, 05:54:38 PM
It seems like the fact that I'm running all the workers (except from 1G8) from minutes ago, is skewing the results. I'm waiting an hour to see what's going on with this experiment.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 25, 2013, 06:09:09 PM
Yes i wrote in the OP to choose at least 1GB memory. There is a way though but i dont like it.

Have in mind that you cant really take results if you dont let them for a day or at least if you didnt put them to work all together because workers in the pool change according to the time of the day...

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: zwang97 on December 25, 2013, 08:36:55 PM
Thanks for the guide. Started mining right away on DO.

One question, has the pool moved?

DTC: DFbbj5E7dUt2Vj1hZYr1QU8m2xRoNNqLc8

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: carajillu on December 25, 2013, 08:49:45 PM
The most $/chains per day option is the 5$/month droplets, you get twice value than in the 20$/month ones

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 25, 2013, 08:55:13 PM

the tl;dr version :
1. Create a droplet 2CPU 2GB Ram Ubuntu 13.10 64x
2. Run this: wget -O && chmod +x && ./ DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy 2
3. ? ? ? ? ?
4. Profit

Thanks for the guide. Started mining right away on DO.

One question, has the pool moved?

DTC: DFbbj5E7dUt2Vj1hZYr1QU8m2xRoNNqLc8

There are two pools. I have both in the thread. I just changed the OP so that whoever does this will mine on the second pool cause we have to increase second's pool workers. A few messages down you can see the first pool line. I will make everything even more clear tomorrow.

for the 1 DTC please read OP

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 25, 2013, 10:41:24 PM
Thanks for the guide. Started mining right away on DO.

One question, has the pool moved?

DTC: DFbbj5E7dUt2Vj1hZYr1QU8m2xRoNNqLc8


I sent you in the address you posted me on PM even though i didnt get any referral ;)

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: zwang97 on December 25, 2013, 11:13:35 PM
How many droplets did you create to get 3.5DTC per day?

The tl;dr version :

I expect 3.5DTC per day. Support Datacoin and its innovation! Support decentralized storage!

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 25, 2013, 11:24:05 PM
How many droplets did you create to get 3.5DTC per day?

The tl;dr version :

I expect 3.5DTC per day. Support Datacoin and its innovation! Support decentralized storage!

According to this calculator with 2.5chains per day you get 3.67DTC per day...Of course it is just an estimate.

You get 2.5chains per day with 5 2cpu 2gb droplets.

But when i started the thread i was talking about 1 8CPU droplet. That makes aroun 2.3 chains per day

However it is totally more cost effective to build 5 2cpu droplets than 1 8cpu. Almost half the money.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 26, 2013, 05:59:49 AM
Just started mining in digital ocean.

My DTC address is DTjqePWFB7gft9rgNeLmUd5gwFxU3mJimx

Tell me how can I attach images in private messages and I will attach proof if needed.



Sent ;)

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 26, 2013, 07:54:38 AM
So as i have already said you must not close putty or the process will stop. I will add this at the OP soon:

i use putty from windows. If you close putty the process will be terminated. however i use screen so i dont need to have it open all the time.

what you could try is to stop miner with ctrl+c and do this:

sudo apt-get install screen

then you run the process like this:

screen -S 1 ./primeminer -pooluser=DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy  -poolpassword=PASSWORD -poolport=1335 -poolshare=6 -genproclimit=2

now you are running the process with screen.

if you know press ctrl+A and afterwards ctrl+D you are out of screen but process still runs. Now you can close putty without stoping the miner. when you want to check again you connect and just run "screen -r"

btw to run the above line you must be on cd primecoin/src of course

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 27, 2013, 11:48:19 AM
people were asking how many droplets you can create. You can create max 5 when you first register there.

If you want to create more you have to speak to them via support.

They dont mind if we mine cryptos with 5 droplets but they dont like to give more droplets for miners.

That being said have in mind this if you want to ask them for more droplets.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 28, 2013, 12:24:53 AM
Someone was mining for my address. You have to change the address to yours!

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: metraque on December 28, 2013, 04:42:10 AM
Attaching this to the thread, surely it's interesting for you!

How to get your miners run all day long without having your PC on with putty running.

Supervisor is a very good tool to help you monitoring your miners. Just an easy way to get your miner run automatically on boot and don't stop when you're sleeping. This beautiful tool restarts primeminer if something goes wrong (and doesn't sleep  ;)).

Assuming you've already installed primecoin miner in a Ubuntu machine and know (at least a bit) how to use it, here we go!


apt-get install supervisor

If you're not root (like with W. Azure) add "sudo" at the beggining of the command.

mkdir -p /var/log/supervisor
touch /etc/supervisor/conf.d/primecoin.conf
nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/primecoin.conf


This will open a text editor. Paste the following with a right click.

Finally, if you installed primeminer not using root privileges, (W. Azure case), change "/root/" for "/home/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/" (W.Azure default: azureuser).


command=/root/primecoin/src/primeminer -pooluser=D8dkQanAJdTgADPzMtyMdjdFbXGQVdJq8Z.A0 -poolpassword=0 -poolip= -poolport=8336 -poolshare=6 -genproclimit=8





(just if you don't mind mining for me, change the address D8dkQanAJdTgADPzMtyMdjdFbXGQVdJq8Z for your one of your wallet's public keys  ;D)

Press Ctrl + X to exit and save

/etc/init.d/supervisor stop
/etc/init.d/supervisor start

Congrats, your are a miner now :) You can see your miner in action with the command

tail -f /var/log/supervisor/primecoin.log

You can later check your earnings with the mining pool visiting (change the last long string with your wallet)

Credits for FULL GUIDE:

Tip me if you find this will save you money (time is money, so it will surely do :P). I have like 10 VPSes and it helps a lot!

LTC: LN1bRH8Sr2WHZ4Ce4SWe7gpnNe3V16wzNt
FRK: FNahZGdKHeRWCd4ifVTcFq6McPD79qv4Zb
NMC: N4fTNXhLGNdFe1boKPd1YiqcQNMVNbaarx
PTS: PaFx21wDVkZix2WAy2bcWdXbtRYttcsRej
BTC: 1MdxyjzoRGM3vkkLn1qoRgifTgtFLy3qk5

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: btc1210 on December 28, 2013, 04:45:10 AM
More digital ocean referral spam.

Stop trying to convince newbies to waste money on cpu cloud mining.

Go Away.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: metraque on December 28, 2013, 04:52:33 AM
More digital ocean referral spam.

Stop trying to convince newbies to waste money on cpu cloud mining.

Go Away.

Ok, So, What is the more profitable mining for you? BTC? Come on, don't hate, we're all here trying to make some money and learn. If you don't like this post just go away. This is getting better and better for me, I'm not leaving CPU mining!

Some other tips:

Don't forget to choose Ubuntu 13.10 x64, it's faster to install and deploy on Digital Ocean, and Windows Azure.

And if you're taking this seriosly, you have to check this list of free trials: there are some hidden, better do a fast look to all pages, I've seen coupons upto $2000 dollars (Google Cloud).

Soon I'll do a guide to mine with W. Azure, it's easy and you get more money.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: btc1210 on December 28, 2013, 06:01:40 AM
You're making money off of people who don't know any better.

Newcomers be warned.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 28, 2013, 09:38:23 AM

Right now i believe datacoin is highly undervalued and in the future it will have enough value for this to be profitable.

Go play with Catcoin retardo...

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on December 31, 2013, 02:04:43 AM
This might be very helpful. I havent tested it yet because christmas. If you test it and it works write here. Also send the guy a few DTC!

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: renodaret on January 03, 2014, 03:11:32 PM
got 4 virtual machines mining this
2x 8 cpu
2x 2 cpu

never mined primecoin so its pretty neat to me.

what is the block reward? i have been mining for a while and barley got 1 coin.

btw i got all these machines for free for like 1 month. $200 credit on windows azure.
pm me i will show you how.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 03, 2014, 03:38:16 PM
got 4 virtual machines mining this
2x 8 cpu
2x 2 cpu

never mined primecoin so its pretty neat to me.

what is the block reward? i have been mining for a while and barley got 1 coin.

btw i got all these machines for free for like 1 month. $200 credit on windows azure.
pm me i will show you how.

Block reward is about 10 DTC right now. But this can get bigger with more transactions and data upload up to around 50DTC . So the more people are using it the block reward is better and this is good for late adopters and miners.

Yesterday for example i saw a reward with 12DTC.

with 20cpu i would say you gonna make around 10 per day. Maybe more. Dunno what is going on with azure.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: renodaret on January 03, 2014, 03:44:05 PM
how many coins will there be total?

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 03, 2014, 03:46:52 PM
how many coins will there be total?

2 billions. This will happen in a few hundred years though so it doesnt matter.

today i read somewhere that there wont be more than 4-5 million until next year. cant remember where i read this. After 6 weeks now there are around 1.630.000 coins out.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: renodaret on January 03, 2014, 05:00:53 PM
ok good. sounds like we have scarcity working for us
prob see dtc/btc .001 fairly easily

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 03, 2014, 05:07:56 PM
ok good. sounds like we have scarcity working for us
prob see dtc/btc .001 fairly easily

The thing is that the price dropped today because someone dumped around 7000 on bter. Bter isnt very reliable and people afraid of it so there is not enough volume going on there and it is easy to drop and increase. The coin needs to get on cryptsy. When this happen i believe it will easily pass 0.001. I am sad it isnt already past this level.

But with all the shitcoins out there this coin doesnt take all the attention it deserves. It needs to be more known...

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: renodaret on January 03, 2014, 05:52:39 PM
well i will mine it with my free month at azure. hopefully get 50 or so before it hits cryptsy.

is it on any other exchanges or just bter? bter is down btw

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 03, 2014, 05:55:39 PM
well i will mine it with my free month at azure. hopefully get 50 or so before it hits cryptsy.

is it on any other exchanges or just bter? bter is down btw

coinsE with extremely small volume. we are in contact with vircurex,coinedup and btc38 and of course with cryptsy.

Vote here btw ;) :

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***1DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: Elendariel on January 05, 2014, 11:12:38 AM
Attaching this to the thread, surely it's interesting for you!

Thankyou for the guide metraque, i deposited a sum of 200 doges to your wallet   :)

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 10, 2014, 03:10:48 AM
I just updated the link. Now you automatically download "screen" and you run primeminer with screen. This way by pressing ctrl A and then D you detach screen and you can safely close putty without stopping mining. You can again attach your mining screen with "screen -r". On this update i also automatically download "DataMinerWatch" but i dont run it. See here if you want to run it. I recommend it 100%

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: extro24 on January 11, 2014, 09:02:37 PM
I'm just mining on 8 physical cores - 4 on an i5 PC and 4 on 2 duo core PC's.  I am getting about 1chain/d and 1DTC per day.  Using primeminer on xpool.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 12, 2014, 03:25:14 AM
I'm just mining on 8 physical cores - 4 on an i5 PC and 4 on 2 duo core PC's.  I am getting about 1chain/d and 1DTC per day.  Using primeminer on xpool.

I think this is a bit low since my i3 laptop gets 0.35-0.4 chains/d alone. 2 cores 4 threads. but its sandy bridge though so i suppose your i5 is older than sandy bridge. (i dont know much things about cpus...)

As for the duo cores they must be quite old...arent they?

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: extro24 on January 12, 2014, 04:49:31 AM
Running an i5 3320M @ 2.6GHz.  So actually a 2 core with 4 threads.
Yes, the 2 cores are both very old.  But surprisingly useful.

The i5 gave me 2 segmentation faults so far.  So I think I should run it as a 2 core.

EDIT:  Running the i5 as a 2 core gave me almost the same no. of chains/d:  0.411 versus 0.46

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 12, 2014, 05:03:17 AM
Running an i5 3320M @ 2.6GHz.  So actually a 2 core with 4 threads.
Yes, the 2 cores are both very old.  But surprisingly useful.

The i5 gave me 2 segmentation faults so far.  So I think I should run it as a 2 core.

This happens too me many times on DO. The last days however i used 4019's DataMinerWatch and it restarts mining when it fails. And it is actually very good. Although i think there are some bugs, for sure now mining dies a lot less times!

If you want to check it:

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: Franconomasky on January 12, 2014, 06:46:30 AM
Hi, I am new, and I do like the idea of cloud mining, first thing first, I am running Windows XP on my computer, so do I have to change to Ubuntu, can I just use Windows XP? Thanks.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: extro24 on January 12, 2014, 06:51:32 AM
Thanks Greek.

 :o Jeez.  Gpool at 22k workers.

Xpool still very small at 170 workers.

Franco you can use primeminer for Windows and Linux.  On Xpool website line 1. choose Windows

DO is web based.  There is a console when you run your droplet.  You don't need linux.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: Franconomasky on January 12, 2014, 10:20:14 AM
I managed to have primepersec as 5, whatever that means, now,




9.95575458, what it means?

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: extro24 on January 12, 2014, 11:40:52 AM
Greek, did you try Amazon EC2?  I see they don't have Ubuntu but Debian.  Shouldn't be too difficult to run primeminer on Debian.

Franco chains/d is what is really important.  Primes per second I never look at.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: Franconomasky on January 12, 2014, 12:52:39 PM
"chainsperday" : 0.00444241,

What that means? Is that good, or bad?

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 12, 2014, 02:38:44 PM
Greek, did you try Amazon EC2?  I see they don't have Ubuntu but Debian.  Shouldn't be too difficult to run primeminer on Debian.

Franco chains/d is what is really important.  Primes per second I never look at.

No i havent cause i have a problem with my credit card right now. But i am gonna try it today i think...Also Debian shouldnt be any difference than Ubuntu. Same things may work. Maybe you dont need sudo in front of the lines or small things like that....

"chainsperday" : 0.00444241,

What that means? Is that good, or bad?

It means that you mine extremely slow. My laptop mines at 0.35 chains/day at least. What CPU do you use? Its like from a mobile phone :P

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: extro24 on January 13, 2014, 09:43:20 AM
I see Amazon charges $0.02 for a Debian instance.  I suppose the processor cost is in addition to this cost.

The basic console is free, and it is a linux console.  I suppose I should just makefile.unix for primeminer.

But could I clone the basic console for free?  I suppose not lol.

You haven't seen any Amazon EC2 promos?  They had a $100 promo but that seems to have disappeared.

INMHO I think you should change your title to "Easiest Guide for Cloud Mining Datacoin", because I think we should discuss all the VPS providers.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: Franconomasky on January 13, 2014, 10:46:56 AM
1) Go to Digital Ocean with my referral link : 
2) Make an account there and pay with paypal or credit card at least 10 dollars.
3) Use this promo code for 10 dollars more: OMGSSD10   . If this promo doesnt work google search for another one.
4) At Digital Ocean create a droplet and put a hostname like Miner1 for example.
5) Choose how many CPUs and Region. I believe 2 CPUs 2GB ram is the most cost effective. (Choose at least 1GB memory)
6) Choose Ubuntu 13.10 x64 and then press "create droplet". You will receive an email with your droplet's IP and password
7) Download PuTTY by clicking here:
8 ) Run putty.exe and at Host Name put the emailed IP address and press open. At warning message press Yes.(Or whatever to just continue)
9) Login as: "root" (You just right root and enter ) and for password put your emailed password and enter.

Hi, I have done up to here, but got stuck, because I do not know how to copy n paste the long command onto the black screen. Can you help me, please?

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 13, 2014, 10:51:43 AM
1) Go to Digital Ocean with my referral link : 
2) Make an account there and pay with paypal or credit card at least 10 dollars.
3) Use this promo code for 10 dollars more: OMGSSD10   . If this promo doesnt work google search for another one.
4) At Digital Ocean create a droplet and put a hostname like Miner1 for example.
5) Choose how many CPUs and Region. I believe 2 CPUs 2GB ram is the most cost effective. (Choose at least 1GB memory)
6) Choose Ubuntu 13.10 x64 and then press "create droplet". You will receive an email with your droplet's IP and password
7) Download PuTTY by clicking here:
8 ) Run putty.exe and at Host Name put the emailed IP address and press open. At warning message press Yes.(Or whatever to just continue)
9) Login as: "root" (You just right root and enter ) and for password put your emailed password and enter.

Hi, I have done up to here, but got stuck, because I do not know how to copy n paste the long command onto the black screen. Can you help me, please?

If you use putty you just copy and with right click you paste on putty. If you dont use putty you cant paste.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 13, 2014, 10:54:18 AM
I see Amazon charges $0.02 for a Debian instance.  I suppose the processor cost is in addition to this cost.

The basic console is free, and it is a linux console.  I suppose I should just makefile.unix for primeminer.

But could I clone the basic console for free?  I suppose not lol.

You haven't seen any Amazon EC2 promos?  They had a $100 promo but that seems to have disappeared.

INMHO I think you should change your title to "Easiest Guide for Cloud Mining Datacoin", because I think we should discuss all the VPS providers.

I made yesterday an amazon account too. What i understand is that they give 750 hours of a free micro instance. But it is really slow. around 0.17chains per day. I have it running right now. But why only Debian? I used Ubuntu 13.10.

I am thinking of making a guide for amazon ec2 too.

As for promos yes there was that 100 dollars but i dont know how and if it still applies...

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: extro24 on January 13, 2014, 11:25:45 AM
Do you know if you can clone the free micro instance?  Where and how?

If you can clone 100 then 0.17 chains/d becomes 17 chains/d or about 17DTC per day.

I suppose 720 hours means 2 micro instances for one month or 60 micro instances for 12 hours. 

You don't perhaps know how much Amazon charges for the free micro instance when you go over 720 hours?

I am unfortunately also having problems with my credit card.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 13, 2014, 11:28:54 AM
no i dont know about the cost. And also about cloning it. But i will check later and try to asnwer.

1)i need to really do a complete guy for amazon ec2
2)i want to make this guide like 2 times more explanatory...
3) I want to make a guide for DataMinerWatch

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: extro24 on January 13, 2014, 11:34:44 AM
Ah.  I see the t1.micro is $0.02/h

Cheapest is the spot prices:  for m1.small $0.007/h

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: Franconomasky on January 13, 2014, 01:49:12 PM

It means that you mine extremely slow. My laptop mines at 0.35 chains/day at least. What CPU do you use? Its like from a mobile phone Unquoted.

My CPU is a Pentium Dual Core chip bought from 2009, a bit old.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: bronsky666 on January 13, 2014, 05:09:55 PM
Hello all,

can someone tell me how many DTC we are supposed to mine by day  (in theory) with a speed of say 1 chains/day ?

And is there any interest to do it at this speed, considering that there are people mining around 0,5-1 DTC by minutes (by looking at GPOOL stats), or is it really too weak ?

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 13, 2014, 05:23:06 PM
Hello all,

can someone tell me how many DTC we are supposed to mine by day  (in theory) with a speed of say 1 chains/day ?

And is there any interest to do it at this speed, considering that there are people mining around 0,5-1 DTC by minutes (by looking at GPOOL stats), or is it really too weak ?

Here is a calculator. It is for solo mining but it should be around the same. It doesnt work for me right now but i dont know why. Anyway i think with the raising diff right now for 1ch/d about 1.5-2 DTC. Very broad calculation.

As i say in the OP i believe the coin is currently heavily undervalued. I personally believe that it will get really bigger when the spam with all shitcoins stops and people start caring about innovative and serious coins.

The point is that there is never actually a coin that you can mine that is profitable. The window of profitability closes very fast as people understand which coin this is and start mining it asap making it unprofitable. So you have to choose a coin that you will believe in the future will be still here and have a good price. Thats why it is an investment.

On the other hand you can always gamble with shitcoins. Actually from giveaways and some early mining, only first 2 days, of those shitcoins i managed to gain around 1 BTC. For nothing. And i bought more DTC :P But the hype with shitcoins is almost over now...

Thats what i personally believe and i hope i helped.

Ah i forgot about the part of others mining many. Well its capitalism. He who invest more will gain more. You cant mine as many Bitcoins per day with a usb asic miner as guys with 100Th machines. But you may still have a gain.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: extro24 on January 13, 2014, 07:16:39 PM
Actually, after looking at Amazon's prices it seems that it is actually cheaper to buy DTC than to mine them with EC2.  Maybe it would have worked with that $100 free credit they had.

I am just going to buy a bunch of old PC's, stick them in my garage and mine with my own hardware.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: bronsky666 on January 13, 2014, 07:28:07 PM

Here is a calculator. It is for solo mining but it should be around the same. It doesnt work for me right now but i dont know why. Anyway i think with the raising diff right now for 1ch/d about 1.5-2 DTC. Very broad calculation.

As i say in the OP i believe the coin is currently heavily undervalued. I personally believe that it will get really bigger when the spam with all shitcoins stops and people start caring about innovative and serious coins.

The point is that there is never actually a coin that you can mine that is profitable. The window of profitability closes very fast as people understand which coin this is and start mining it asap making it unprofitable. So you have to choose a coin that you will believe in the future will be still here and have a good price. Thats why it is an investment.

On the other hand you can always gamble with shitcoins. Actually from giveaways and some early mining, only first 2 days, of those shitcoins i managed to gain around 1 BTC. For nothing. And i bought more DTC :P But the hype with shitcoins is almost over now...

Thats what i personally believe and i hope i helped.

Ah i forgot about the part of others mining many. Well its capitalism. He who invest more will gain more. You cant mine as many Bitcoins per day with a usb asic miner as guys with 100Th machines. But you may still have a gain.

Thanks for the link, I have similar figures on my side  ;)

On the principle I fully agree with you, I do not pretend to do short term profit, and that's why I chose coins based on what there is beyond it

But when I see people mining 100-500 times faster then me, I can only think that, even if one day the price increases (in several month/years), there will be people having 100.000 to 1.000.000 coins, and the 90% "1chain/d people" having gathered  probably not more than 1000 coins

So do you think that this situation of "10% of people owning 90%" of the coins does not make the situation worthless for the "other 90%" ?
Does anybody here have an experience to share on altcoin success and owning ratio ?

My figures are probably not fully exact, but that's probably close to the reality based on the gpool stats

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 13, 2014, 08:51:38 PM
Actually, after looking at Amazon's prices it seems that it is actually cheaper to buy DTC than to mine them with EC2.  Maybe it would have worked with that $100 free credit they had.

I am just going to buy a bunch of old PC's, stick them in my garage and mine with my own hardware.

You must also consider electricity ;)

bronsky666 no it doesnt cause the 10% cant sell all those coins without damaging the economy. So if the want to make money they have to be fair and do whatever they do for the whole community. And most times they are the ones who make giveaways or pay for applications that make the coin better or make advertisments etc...

Btw 1 man has 10% of whole bitcoin :P And if you see nxt for example everything was premined. Thought that for me is sure that will collapse....

It would be nice to see though how decentralized is the coin from holders aspect though....

Anyway dont ask me about economics :P

P.S. You will never mine something with the same power as the big guys ;) Unfortunately if you did then the coin would have no value....

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: infofront on January 19, 2014, 08:36:16 PM
As far as I can tell, unless you have free credits or something, it would be cheaper to just buy datacoins than cloud mine them. Even to mine them on your home PC, the profits are going to be razor thin when you factor electricity in.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 19, 2014, 08:58:18 PM
As far as I can tell, unless you have free credits or something, it would be cheaper to just buy datacoins than cloud mine them. Even to mine them on your home PC, the profits are going to be razor thin when you factor electricity in.

Well price dropped so yes. Still i believe it is undervalued and it will soon go up...Personally i mine since this supports the coin but i also buy Datacoins whenever i have some spare BTC.

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: pindis on January 20, 2014, 06:16:56 PM
I have alot of problems lately with my droplets being rebooted without my "permission".. also network errors.. How to I start mining after it's rebooted?

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: GreekBitcoin on January 20, 2014, 07:25:49 PM
I have alot of problems lately with my droplets being rebooted without my "permission".. also network errors.. How to I start mining after it's rebooted?

you have to do something like this for gpool for example:

 ./primecoin/src/primeminer -pooluser=DQsoZjorSHBXDUhVkYn7VuSfzG2RfYLpuy.x1  -poolpassword=0 -poolip= -poolport=8336 -poolshare=6 -genproclimit=4

i will make in a couple of says a super explanatory guide. but for now i am in a hurry! have to go to the airport!

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: bronsky666 on January 20, 2014, 07:57:48 PM

To relaunch automatically after reboot of the droplet : (

To force restart of primeminer in case of loss of connection, I found no suitable/easy solution .. some ideas if you google "primewatcher and primecoin", but that require more unix skills than I have

Title: Re: ***Easiest Guide For DO Cloud Mining Datacoin***2DTC giveaway!MiningforDummies!
Post by: pindis on January 20, 2014, 08:49:00 PM

To relaunch automatically after reboot of the droplet : (

To force restart of primeminer in case of loss of connection, I found no suitable/easy solution .. some ideas if you google "primewatcher and primecoin", but that require more unix skills than I have
yeah man.. i have absolutely no skills what so ever with unix either. think i'm just letting this be what it is now..