Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 01:31:34 PM

Title: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 01:31:34 PM
I'm glad I saw this issue brought up in another thread because I currently have Martin working a new design, therefore I would appreciate clarification on this concern before I give him the go ahead and continue tooling.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Piper67 on August 19, 2011, 01:36:14 PM
Heh... I'm trying to delve into the recesses of my mind to find the drawer where I keep my high school Latin. And yet, part of me thinks that for a group that doesn't seem to know the difference between "except" and "accept", or between "affect" and "effect", this thread might just be a tad precious, no?

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 01:41:15 PM
Heh... I'm trying to delve into the recesses of my mind to find the drawer where I keep my high school Latin. And yet, part of me thinks that for a group that doesn't seem to know the difference between "except" and "accept", or between "affect" and "effect", this thread might just be a tad precious, no?

Good point and, I for one, would accept any advise you offer.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Piper67 on August 19, 2011, 01:44:12 PM
Heh... I'm trying to delve into the recesses of my mind to find the drawer where I keep my high school Latin. And yet, part of me thinks that for a group that doesn't seem to know the difference between "except" and "accept", or between "affect" and "effect", this thread might just be a tad precious, no?

Good point and, I for one, would accept any advise you offer.

I would have probably gone with "in numeris vires"... but again, Latin was a long time ago for me. I'm sure there are other classically-inclined bitcoin enthusiasts on this board.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: helloworld on August 19, 2011, 01:58:26 PM
Heh... I'm trying to delve into the recesses of my mind to find the drawer where I keep my high school Latin. And yet, part of me thinks that for a group that doesn't seem to know the difference between "except" and "accept", or between "affect" and "effect", this thread might just be a tad precious, no?

Good point and, I for one, would accept any advise you offer.

Hahah you did that on purpose didn't you?

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 02:37:40 PM
Heh... I'm trying to delve into the recesses of my mind to find the drawer where I keep my high school Latin. And yet, part of me thinks that for a group that doesn't seem to know the difference between "except" and "accept", or between "affect" and "effect", this thread might just be a tad precious, no?

Good point and, I for one, would accept any advise you offer.

Hahah you did that on purpose didn't you?

Spiccioli, magnus distinctus.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: spiccioli on August 19, 2011, 02:52:35 PM
let's ask bid bad G


hmm... not clean cut... but Vires in Numeris it is IMO (I wish I had Latin class in High School or Uni).


as I said in the other thread, big bad G doesn't know Latin :)


Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: amincd on August 19, 2011, 02:56:02 PM
Vis in Numeris

The guy who said the correct expression is 'Vis in Numeris' sounded like he knew what he was talking about. I take claim of anonymous guy on the forum over the collective wisdom of the internet.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: spiccioli on August 19, 2011, 02:56:14 PM
Heh... I'm trying to delve into the recesses of my mind to find the drawer where I keep my high school Latin. And yet, part of me thinks that for a group that doesn't seem to know the difference between "except" and "accept", or between "affect" and "effect", this thread might just be a tad precious, no?


if it is as you say then such a group should not use Latin ;)


Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Piper67 on August 19, 2011, 03:04:48 PM
Heh... I'm trying to delve into the recesses of my mind to find the drawer where I keep my high school Latin. And yet, part of me thinks that for a group that doesn't seem to know the difference between "except" and "accept", or between "affect" and "effect", this thread might just be a tad precious, no?


if it is as you say then such a group should not use Latin ;)


I agree... in the true decentralised nature of bitcoin, I think we should come up with the same phrase in Esperanto!

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 03:12:55 PM
Heh... I'm trying to delve into the recesses of my mind to find the drawer where I keep my high school Latin. And yet, part of me thinks that for a group that doesn't seem to know the difference between "except" and "accept", or between "affect" and "effect", this thread might just be a tad precious, no?


if it is as you say then such a group should not use Latin ;)


I agree... in the true decentralised nature of bitcoin, I think we should come up with the same phrase in Esperanto!

Let's not exclude a coin with an Ebonics phrase, if we go that route. FlashMobCoin anyone?

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: trout on August 19, 2011, 03:15:18 PM
lingua latina non penis canina est

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: julz on August 19, 2011, 03:18:30 PM
Heh... I'm trying to delve into the recesses of my mind to find the drawer where I keep my high school Latin. And yet, part of me thinks that for a group that doesn't seem to know the difference between "except" and "accept", or between "affect" and "effect", this thread might just be a tad precious, no?


if it is as you say then such a group should not use Latin ;)


I agree... in the true decentralised nature of bitcoin, I think we should come up with the same phrase in Esperanto!

How about something more modern, and designed with the idea of better human-computer communication - Lojban!

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Piper67 on August 19, 2011, 03:21:49 PM
Heh... I'm trying to delve into the recesses of my mind to find the drawer where I keep my high school Latin. And yet, part of me thinks that for a group that doesn't seem to know the difference between "except" and "accept", or between "affect" and "effect", this thread might just be a tad precious, no?


if it is as you say then such a group should not use Latin ;)


I agree... in the true decentralised nature of bitcoin, I think we should come up with the same phrase in Esperanto!

How about something more modern, and designed with the idea of better human-computer communication - Lojban!

Or we can make it truly universal and put a representation of an atom of hydrogen... like the Voyager probes

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Piper67 on August 19, 2011, 03:26:13 PM
And we should also change the name of this thread to:

Augustus, aenigma habemus

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 03:43:11 PM
And we should also change the name of this thread to:

Augustus, aenigma habemus

BRB! I'm going to look that up.

OK! I'm back. Shouldn't it be: Augustus, habemus ænigma! ?

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: YoYa on August 19, 2011, 03:49:54 PM
Vedi Vici Veni  ;)

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: timmey on August 19, 2011, 04:04:26 PM
let's ask bid bad G


hmm... not clean cut... but Vires in Numeris it is IMO (I wish I had Latin class in High School or Uni).

I wouldn't trust Google when it comes to language. Have you ever tried Google Translate?  :D

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: KeyserSoze on August 19, 2011, 04:14:27 PM
NOt sure what phrase you're looking for... Are you looking for "truth in numbers" or some other phrase? Something like "in numerus veritas" but you should really ask someone who knows for sure because it can get really sticky with the endings. There is the popular "truth in wine" example that might mean it should be "numero":

edit: i see, you're not looking for "truth". I'd shy away from "vires" for marketing reasons. At first glance it could scare people.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: D.H. on August 19, 2011, 04:17:04 PM
I wouldn't trust Google when it comes to language. Have you ever tried Google Translate?  :D

Hey, let's do that!

"Vires in Numeris" -> "Strength in Numbers"
"Vis in Numeris" -> "Do you want in Numbers"
"vis in numeris" -> "to do in the numbers"

Pick your choice.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 04:24:38 PM
I wouldn't trust Google when it comes to language. Have you ever tried Google Translate?  :D

Hey, let's do that!

"Vires in Numeris" -> "Strength in Numbers"
"Vis in Numeris" -> "Do you want in Numbers"
"vis in numeris" -> "to do in the numbers"

Pick your choice.

This sucks! Now I'm totally confused. No wonder the Roman Empire fell. They couldn't even agree on defining a simple phrase. Lucky for US we have...

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: spiccioli on August 19, 2011, 04:34:45 PM
My INTP's intuition tells me that there is something right about

in numeris vires

Sorry but,

what follows is what you can find googling for "vis in numeris"

De numeris: MS Hannover, Landeskirchlichen Archiv D 10 Nr. 1 (PfA Bissendorf HS 20) ff. 186r-195v [inc: Quanta sit vis in numeris noverant hii…

The beginning ('incipit' in latin, which is 'inc:' in the reference above) says: Those (they?) were aware of how much strength (how much value) is in numbers...


Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: spiccioli on August 19, 2011, 04:36:44 PM

This sucks! Now I'm totally confused. No wonder the Roman Empire fell. They couldn't even agree on defining a simple phrase. Lucky for US we have...




Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Piper67 on August 19, 2011, 04:37:15 PM
Forto En Numeros... that's it in Esperanto, I think.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: epii on August 19, 2011, 04:40:47 PM
Forto En Numeros... that's it in Esperanto, I think.
Actually, that would be "Forto En Nombroj" (strength in numbers [of things]) or "Forto En Ciferoj" (strength in figures / digits).

Even if it's dog Latin that I originally used internet groupthink to translate, I'm thrilled that my "Vires in Numeris" motto has caught on as well as it has.  :D

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Vladimir on August 19, 2011, 04:41:33 PM

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: spiccioli on August 19, 2011, 04:45:57 PM

"damn intuition sometimes is dead wrong" said I after looking at this (


but note how efficient G has became lately

Really, --edit-- big bad G --edit-- it's freightening...


Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: spiccioli on August 19, 2011, 04:49:02 PM
Forto En Numeros... that's it in Esperanto, I think.
Actually, that would be "Forto En Nombroj" (strength in numbers [of things]) or "Forto En Ciferoj" (strength in figures / digits).

Even if it's dog Latin that I originally used internet groupthink to translate, I'm thrilled that my "Vires in Numeris" motto has caught on as well as it has.  :D

Oh yes,

and there is even another coin which uses it!

but I saw it too late to 'fix' it :)


Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: epii on August 19, 2011, 04:58:28 PM
A peek at a Latin dictionary confirms what spiccioli is saying about vires meaning "forces" in the military sense.

Just out of curiosity, how would one say, "you flourish (vireo) in numbers?"

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: epii on August 19, 2011, 05:00:46 PM

"damn intuition sometimes is dead wrong" said I after looking at this (


but note how efficient G has became lately

Really, it's freightening...


Also, I think I speak for everyone when I say, get that stick out of your ass.  We'd have capitulated to your point sooner if you hadn't been so sanctimonious about it.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: k9quaint on August 19, 2011, 05:02:03 PM

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Vladimir on August 19, 2011, 05:04:51 PM

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: spiccioli on August 19, 2011, 05:06:43 PM
A peek at a Latin dictionary confirms what spiccioli is saying about vires meaning "forces" in the military sense.

Just out of curiosity, how would one say, "you flourish (vireo) in numbers?"

If you mean 'I grow thanks to the numbers' I'd say  'numeris augeo'.


Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 05:12:57 PM
My INTP's intuition tells me that there is something right about

in numeris vires

Sorry but,

what follows is what you can find googling for "vis in numeris"

De numeris: MS Hannover, Landeskirchlichen Archiv D 10 Nr. 1 (PfA Bissendorf HS 20) ff. 186r-195v [inc: Quanta sit vis in numeris noverant hii…

The beginning ('incipit' in latin, which is 'inc:' in the reference above) says: Those (they?) were aware of how much strength (how much value) is in numbers...


"damn intuition sometimes is dead wrong" said I after looking at this (


but note how efficient G has became lately

It's worse than you think, Vladimir. Did you look at the time stamps of both postings? g (I use small case because I read somewhere that their algorithms can't detect it--yet) had the search results for that phrase a clear seven minutes prior to its posting here on this forum, therefore knew what you were going to think before you did.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: spiccioli on August 19, 2011, 05:21:37 PM
Thank you spiccioli for bringing this up. The very least I can do now it to make sure that "vis in numeris" is on's logo.

And next time I go to an Uni I'll make sure that I take some Latin classes.

You're welcome.


btw, I did write, a couple of months ago, to RSantana maker of the coinedbits coin, since he used the same motto for his coins, telling him the same thing about vis/vires!

This whole Lating thing is something that keeps returning and I'm starting to think that it keeps returning because it really is a beatiful motto, which clearly states something about bitcoins which so unique to them... but being "wrong" it cannot settle down like those ghosts in ancient castles :)

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: jgraham on August 19, 2011, 05:38:28 PM
I'm glad I saw this issue brought up in another thread because I currently have Martin working a new design, therefore I would appreciate clarification on this concern before I give him the go ahead and continue tooling.

I always think it's funny when I find an English idiom that has a pretty exact (and nearly literal) rendering in Chinese.


"Think twice" also has a sister saying in Chinese except it's more like "think thrice"  :)

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: AngelusWebDesign on August 19, 2011, 05:40:39 PM
I might be able to help -- what phrase are you looking for? This thread is a bit confusing, to say the least.

I took all 3 years of Latin (Latin I, II and III) in 2 years.  

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 05:44:20 PM
I might be able to help -- what phrase are you looking for? This thread is a bit confusing, to say the least.

I took all 3 years of Latin (Latin I, II and III) in 2 years.  

Strength in Numbers

And while you're at it, what is the Latin word for Bitcoin?

I just now thought of something else. My dad's real name was Bronus before it was shorten to Bruno while at Ellis Island. I'm now wondering if I'm a Latin Lugan.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: timmey on August 19, 2011, 06:17:49 PM
btw, I did write, a couple of months ago, to RSantana maker of the coinedbits coin, since he used the same motto for his coins, telling him the same thing about vis/vires!

Damn, why didn't i buy some coinedbits coins before >:(...... those error coins will sure be worth something somewhen!

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Vladimir on August 19, 2011, 06:22:16 PM
Since we are on Latin here I now have a perfect motto for namecoin:

Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 07:24:04 PM
Since we are on Latin here I now have a perfect motto for namecoin:

Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes

Noli equi dentes inspicere donati.

In God's name, I sure the hell hope we're not rearing flashbacks in any ex-choirboy's mind if they happen to stumble upon our Latin posts. (damn! upon proofreading, this doesn't read right on so many levels)

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Vladimir on August 19, 2011, 07:31:17 PM
I am sure that if namecoin "early adopters" have to chose from these two options they would prefer yours. lol

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 19, 2011, 07:32:36 PM
I am sure that if namecoin "early adopters" have to chose from these two options they would prefer yours. lol

Slow down! I'm still editing my post.

And now that somebody brought it up  ;), what if:

Would it be called BlessedCoin?

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: bitterness on August 19, 2011, 08:13:40 PM
Note vis is a defect noum meaning not all forms do exist.

vis, f.  strength

singular / plural
normative: vis / vires
genitive: - / virium
dative: - / viribus
accusative: vim* / vires
ablative: vi* / viribus
vocative: vis / vires

*will scare those emacs folks, might be a good thing :P

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: dayfall on August 19, 2011, 08:18:58 PM
Forto En Numeros... that's it in Esperanto, I think.

Forto En Numeroj.  

Yeah, I hate the -j for plurals, too.  Hey, how about an Esperanto fork!  Scamanto.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: epii on August 19, 2011, 11:09:37 PM

"damn intuition sometimes is dead wrong" said I after looking at this (


but note how efficient G has became lately

Really, it's freightening...


Also, I think I speak for everyone when I say, get that stick out of your ass.  We'd have capitulated to your point sooner if you hadn't been so sanctimonious about it.
On the other hand, I respect that you didn't flame me back, spiccioli.  Sorry for the snark.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: evolve on August 19, 2011, 11:42:17 PM
I agree... in the true decentralised nature of bitcoin, I think we should come up with the same phrase in Esperanto!

this is actually a clever idea.....and well suited to bitcoin imo

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: epii on August 20, 2011, 12:36:21 AM
Forto En Numeros... that's it in Esperanto, I think.

Forto En Numeroj.  

Yeah, I hate the -j for plurals, too.  Hey, how about an Esperanto fork!  Scamanto.
Nombroj - numbers [of things]; cardinal numbers
Numeroj - numerals; ordinal numbers
Ciferoj - ciphers, figures, digits

If the emphasis is on many people, it should be nombroj.  If the emphasis is on encryption, it should be ciferoj.

If... everything's in order, it should be numeroj?

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Venkatesh Srinivas on August 20, 2011, 02:53:30 AM
For those of you mining,

per numerandum nummi 

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: marcus_of_augustus on August 20, 2011, 08:30:13 AM

Eadem mutata resurgo

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 20, 2011, 09:33:03 AM

Eadem mutata resurgo

Great phrase! I was just wondering when you were going to get your butt over here to leave a comment. Thanks much, marcus_of_augustus, for adding to this.

I once wrote a report on Jacob Bernoulli in high school. Boy, I wish Wikipedia was around then. I had to settle on my grandfather's worn and outdated edition of Funk & Wagnalls. He once told me he read every book of that set cover-to-cover.

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: spiccioli on August 20, 2011, 12:10:57 PM
Note vis is a defect noum meaning not all forms do exist.

vis, f.  strength

singular / plural
normative: vis / vires
genitive: - / virium
dative: - / viribus
accusative: vim* / vires
ablative: vi* / viribus
vocative: vis / vires

*will scare those emacs folks, might be a good thing :P

I have it a little different (while we're at it)






btw.  'viribus unitis' can be (and has been) a motto (it means 'putting our forces together').  In our case it could be used by a pool :)

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 20, 2011, 04:10:43 PM
First off, I wish to thank all those who have contributed to this thread thus far. As the poll indicates, the choices are relatively close. At the moment, we're leaning towards using Vin in Numeris (trailing in the poll) for the following reasons:

  • Seems most accurate.
  • Less syllables to read.
  • Cleaner looking when engraved on leather.
  • Less tooling time, though minute.
  • The Google image search for "Vis in Numeris" only has a handful of results, thus will create more Bitcoin awareness down the road.

Please feel free to tear apart, or add to, the reasons I've just outlined.

Here's an interesting tidbit: Guess what is listed first when searching for "Vis in Numeris" on Google?

Title: Re: Augustus, we have a problem!
Post by: Vladimir on August 20, 2011, 05:22:22 PM
btw.  'viribus unitis' can be (and has been) a motto (it means 'putting our forces together').  In our case it could be used by a pool :)

spiccioli, I am your biggest fun! Thank you for great suggestions.. 'viribus unitis' is now official motto of MMC pool.

check out

Other pools get lost now!  >:(