Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: mistress_magpie on December 23, 2013, 05:40:18 PM

Title: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on December 23, 2013, 05:40:18 PM
I thought this might be an interesting way of learning a bit more about each other.

A three point status update is simply you, posting what's up with you today, in three bullet or numbered points.

So here's mine for today:

1) I am about to make some of my salad dressing as part of the christmas presents for my partner's family. Recipe available if anyone is interested.

2) I spent a few hours this morning scrabbling around looking to pirate a DVD rip of a movie for a gentleman who's wife is on bedrest.  Hope she enjoys it!

3) Tomorrow, my partner and I are driving to Nottinghamshire, to enjoy Christmas with his daughter and her family.  We have bought them all musical instruments for Christmas!

Feel free to post your three point status update in this thread!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: t1000 on December 23, 2013, 07:24:38 PM
1) I started my new job today.
2) I just had a celebratory Chinese take away for dinner. Now I am on here.
3) Off until the new year to start the new job proper. Tomorrow I will find things to do.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 23, 2013, 07:43:02 PM
1. I'll be leaving for the folks' place tonight to celebrate Christmas with them. But I'm only doing that after seeing Cirque du Soleil with my girlfriend in a few hours.
2. I just ate some spicy Japanese food (which I love) but my stomach doesn't seem to be agreeing with it.
3. Though I'm looking forward to spending a lot of time with my family during the holiday season, I'm also looking forward to completing a few of my applications towards masters programs.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on December 23, 2013, 09:37:46 PM
And now, I want japanese food :)

edited to add: well done on the new job, t1000, and good luck on the Masters' Applications Frost000!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: t1000 on December 23, 2013, 09:50:52 PM
And now, I want japanese food :)

edited to add: well done on the new job, t1000, and good luck on the Masters' Applications Frost000!

Thank you Mistress.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: insertcoolusername on December 23, 2013, 09:53:35 PM
1.  Sitting at my desk at work.  Left laptop at home so wife could use it, since she is limited in what she can do, and am missing playing poker at my desk.

2.  Got to see a picture of an attractive woman this morning, and wife was interested too.  Makes for a fun trip, and hoping to see more asap :)

3.  Making asparagus and chicken for dinner tonight, and tomorrow is steak, and stuffed mushrooms.  yum!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 24, 2013, 06:01:42 AM
And now, I want japanese food :)

edited to add: well done on the new job, t1000, and good luck on the Masters' Applications Frost000!

Muchos gracias! I hope you have a great Christmas with your loved ones!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on December 24, 2013, 09:52:06 AM
Picked up mead and a pair of excellent steel manacles yesterday.   Christmas mead! Yum!

On way up north with not much to do except post on Facebook and here. Stopping by a friends house to drop off her Christmas present, and also picking up a cajon, a large drum, as a Christmas present for someone else.  Then straight north.

There was supposed to be an apocalyptic storm, but it is incredibly pleasant and sunny!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: hilariousandco on December 24, 2013, 02:36:23 PM
1) Got up, made breakfast, got back in bed, then started posting on these forums.
2) Get out of bed again, make dinner, get back in bed, apply for jobs, then post on these forums.
3) Still posting on these forums, but am gonna get out of bed again to make something to munch.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on December 26, 2013, 04:53:06 PM
I saw call ducks, coots, and moorhens on my walk today.

my niece took her ferret Moe out, she got stopped by thousands asking questions about Moe :)

My sister has banned me giving the children bitcoin for presents. Hold it is!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: insertcoolusername on December 26, 2013, 04:58:56 PM
Woke up, ate breaky, and drank coffee.

Went to work, started trying to find more people to donate to charity thread in signature for childrens cancer

Posted on reddit, realized I do not like reddit

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on December 26, 2013, 05:17:40 PM
Reddit is awesome,  particularly /r/depthhub!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: yatsey87 on December 27, 2013, 11:42:21 AM
Get up. go to work
Come home. go to bed.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on December 27, 2013, 01:17:03 PM
Went on a walk with a ferret.  Now driving back south.

much wind!

I ate too much bacon. :)

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on December 27, 2013, 01:20:52 PM
Went on a walk with a ferret.  Now driving back south.

much wind!

I ate too much bacon. :)

This almost sounds like doge activity.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 27, 2013, 02:12:10 PM
Went on a walk with a ferret.  Now driving back south.

much wind!

I ate too much bacon. :)

This almost sounds like doge activity.

It's almost a haiku, too!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: CaptainBeck on December 27, 2013, 02:16:19 PM
1) Get back to some work... got some writing to finish for a CS vision conference in march.
2) Watch redbull soap box on dave.
3) Hope the house doesnt blow away to the land of Oz with this wind in the UK.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: yatsey87 on December 27, 2013, 02:19:26 PM
Went on a walk with a ferret.  Now driving back south.

much wind!

I ate too much bacon. :)

This almost sounds like doge activity.

It's almost a haiku, too!

Haha, it did read a bit like a haiku.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on December 27, 2013, 02:21:14 PM
Went on a walk with a ferret.  Now driving back south.

much wind!

I ate too much bacon. :)

This almost sounds like doge activity.

It's almost a haiku, too!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on December 27, 2013, 03:07:24 PM
Now this pic looks photoshopped :)

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 27, 2013, 06:57:04 PM
1) Back home after the holiday festivities and will be taking it easy all afternoon.
2) Will be looking at apartments in London for an idea as to how much it would cost (any London users are encouraged to PM me!).
3) Might go skating with the girlfriend later tonight. Should be fun!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Haidang1796 on December 29, 2013, 01:59:30 AM
1. I talked to a girl until 2am this morning and miss my soccer game on TV, though still it was recorded
2. slept until 10am and there's nothing to eat for lunch
3. want to play xbox but too lazy to do it, but still gonna do it later :))

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: CaptainBeck on December 29, 2013, 08:51:05 AM
1. I talked to a girl until 2am this morning and miss my soccer game on TV, though still it was recorded
2. slept until 10am and there's nothing to eat for lunch
3. want to play xbox but too lazy to do it, but still gonna do it later :))

What was the soccer game??

And that must be pretty lazy if you were to lazy to sit there and play xbox!!!  :P

Ps was she hot?

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Scyntech on December 29, 2013, 09:56:34 AM
1. had coffee while waiting for my 7850 to arrive

2. 7850 arrives, delivery woman was pretty darn sexy

3. Mining and Sleeping

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 29, 2013, 02:46:27 PM
1. Planning lunch with my little brother before he flies out of the city.
2. Will be working a little bit this afternoon to tie up loose ends.
3. May go watch The Hobbit 2 but am not too excited about it.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: hilariousandco on December 29, 2013, 02:48:49 PM

3. May go watch The Hobbit 2 but am not too excited about it.

There's a DVDscreener out.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 29, 2013, 04:00:48 PM

3. May go watch The Hobbit 2 but am not too excited about it.

There's a DVDscreener out.

I've seen the quality and I won't be touching it. It's meant to see on the big screen anyways. I won't even be paying for it to see it on the big screen, so I'm only "paying" with my time and energy to actually go to the theater (which is less than 5 minutes away on foot).

So no biggie... :)

I'm way more excited about Wolf of Wall Street, though.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on December 29, 2013, 04:46:36 PM
I need to do a website, post 12 munches on fetlife, and edit some meeting minutes. Re minutes, why the shitbugger did I volunteer to do that. Would somebody please remind me not to volunteer for things.

Has anybody ever gotten anywhere being paid bitcoin for making websites?

Got outdoors before the weather turned ominous, and I am going to be here late coding and complaining.


Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: hilariousandco on December 29, 2013, 04:49:22 PM

3. May go watch The Hobbit 2 but am not too excited about it.

There's a DVDscreener out.

I've seen the quality and I won't be touching it. It's meant to see on the big screen anyways. I won't even be paying for it to see it on the big screen, so I'm only "paying" with my time and energy to actually go to the theater (which is less than 5 minutes away on foot).

LOTR bore me to tears any way. I'm in no rush to check out these Hobbit films.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 29, 2013, 04:54:14 PM

3. May go watch The Hobbit 2 but am not too excited about it.

There's a DVDscreener out.

I've seen the quality and I won't be touching it. It's meant to see on the big screen anyways. I won't even be paying for it to see it on the big screen, so I'm only "paying" with my time and energy to actually go to the theater (which is less than 5 minutes away on foot).

LOTR bore me to tears any way. I'm in no rush to check out these Hobbit films.

I thought LOTR was fine, pacing-wise. But man, if LOTR was boring to you, stay the Hell away from at least the first Hobbit film. Way too long and self-indulgent. I know fans of Tolkien's world ate it up, but as a film fan first and foremost, I was pretty bored.

Hopefully the second one isn't as long and tedious!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: hilariousandco on December 29, 2013, 05:05:14 PM

3. May go watch The Hobbit 2 but am not too excited about it.

There's a DVDscreener out.

I've seen the quality and I won't be touching it. It's meant to see on the big screen anyways. I won't even be paying for it to see it on the big screen, so I'm only "paying" with my time and energy to actually go to the theater (which is less than 5 minutes away on foot).

LOTR bore me to tears any way. I'm in no rush to check out these Hobbit films.

I thought LOTR was fine, pacing-wise. But man, if LOTR was boring to you, stay the Hell away from at least the first Hobbit film. Way too long and self-indulgent. I know fans of Tolkien's world ate it up, but as a film fan first and foremost, I was pretty bored.

Hopefully the second one isn't as long and tedious!

My brother liked the films, but not the books. He says it's just chapters and chapters of them roaming around mountains doing nothing except eating bread haha. My Dad read the LOTR books to us as a kid, but I can only remember bits of the Hobbit.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: CaptainBeck on December 29, 2013, 05:59:23 PM
The hobbit was crap..... I'm a massive tolkien fan, but peter jackson just made up so much crap, and mixed and matched from different stories. It drags in so many places and clearly is setting up for a massive fight scene, which will probably be the lenght of the whole next movie!!!

Tired of peter jacksons crap!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on December 29, 2013, 06:29:13 PM
Purist here, the hobbit book and the lord of the rings books were fabulous.  Book-fans may also enjoy a russian-language work of fanfiction, The Last Ringbearer, is good - there's an excellent english translation of it findable online.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 29, 2013, 07:01:17 PM
I loved The Hobbit as a book when I was younger but haven't read it in many, many years.

LOTR, on the other hand, I tried to read a couple of times but found it way too dry for my liking. An entire page dedicated to describing a tree might be great for some (which I respect), but it's just too much for me.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Haidang1796 on December 30, 2013, 04:02:28 AM
1.woke up late
2.spent 30$ on clothes, which is probably the best thing of the whole day
3.stepped on dogs' shit -.-

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 30, 2013, 04:23:59 AM
1.woke up late
2.spent 30$ on clothes, which is probably the best thing of the whole day
3.stepped on dogs' shit -.-

Hopefully you didn't get any on your new clothes!

As for me, decided to skip The Hobbit for the time being. My girlfriend had a friend over so I decided to treat them and took both of them out to dinner.

Good times.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: CaptainBeck on December 30, 2013, 07:32:34 AM
1.woke up late
2.spent 30$ on clothes, which is probably the best thing of the whole day
3.stepped on dogs' shit -.-

Hopefully you didn't get any on your new clothes!

As for me, decided to skip The Hobbit for the time being. My girlfriend had a friend over so I decided to treat them and took both of them out to dinner.

Good times.

This dinner was paid for in BTC right???  :P or you just doing well on the Doge markets!!

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Haidang1796 on December 30, 2013, 09:04:32 AM
1.I think a girl like me
2.I dont want to risk our friendship
3.I also kind of like her too but we are not CLOSE to each other so it's not gonna last long
any advice would help ?

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: yatsey87 on December 30, 2013, 11:36:22 AM
1.I think a girl like me
2.I dont want to risk our friendship
3.I also kind of like her too but we are not CLOSE to each other so it's not gonna last long
any advice would help ?

Ask her?

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 30, 2013, 02:31:57 PM
1.woke up late
2.spent 30$ on clothes, which is probably the best thing of the whole day
3.stepped on dogs' shit -.-

Hopefully you didn't get any on your new clothes!

As for me, decided to skip The Hobbit for the time being. My girlfriend had a friend over so I decided to treat them and took both of them out to dinner.

Good times.

This dinner was paid for in BTC right???  :P or you just doing well on the Doge markets!!

All in good old fiat! I don't care too much about Doge either, though I do have some for a rainy day...

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: hilariousandco on December 30, 2013, 02:37:17 PM
I loved The Hobbit as a book when I was younger but haven't read it in many, many years.

LOTR, on the other hand, I tried to read a couple of times but found it way too dry for my liking. An entire page dedicated to describing a tree might be great for some (which I respect), but it's just too much for me.

Haha, I was wondering if my bro was exaggerating or not about this. I'd like to read them, but I've just got so much on my to read list and so little time.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Frost000 on December 30, 2013, 04:08:34 PM
I loved The Hobbit as a book when I was younger but haven't read it in many, many years.

LOTR, on the other hand, I tried to read a couple of times but found it way too dry for my liking. An entire page dedicated to describing a tree might be great for some (which I respect), but it's just too much for me.

Haha, I was wondering if my bro was exaggerating or not about this. I'd like to read them, but I've just got so much on my to read list and so little time.

Depending on what your list is like, I'd definitely prioritize other works first. Plus, even though everyone will say that reading the book is much better than seeing the film(s), the LOTR trilogy was very well made and other than a couple of details, I hear it captured the essence of the books really well.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: hilariousandco on December 30, 2013, 04:54:47 PM
I loved The Hobbit as a book when I was younger but haven't read it in many, many years.

LOTR, on the other hand, I tried to read a couple of times but found it way too dry for my liking. An entire page dedicated to describing a tree might be great for some (which I respect), but it's just too much for me.

Haha, I was wondering if my bro was exaggerating or not about this. I'd like to read them, but I've just got so much on my to read list and so little time.

Depending on what your list is like, I'd definitely prioritize other works first.

It's long, and I haven't got the time or patience to spend it on dull drudgery.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on January 03, 2014, 05:09:02 PM
1) Guardian didn't like my sample piece, but wants a pitch on the two pieces that I also listed as ideas.

2) I have just opened a 7 room dungeon and I do not have time to write pitches for the Grauniad.

3) I did not get into this business to work a million hours a week. BITCHY MAGPIE IS BITCHY

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: hilariousandco on January 03, 2014, 05:25:45 PM
1) Guardian didn't like my sample piece, but wants a pitch on the two pieces that I also listed as ideas.

You wrote a piece for the Guardian? what was it on?

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: mistress_magpie on January 03, 2014, 05:34:19 PM
Sex work jobs should be listed with Job Centre Plus :)

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: hilariousandco on January 03, 2014, 05:38:58 PM
Sex work jobs should be listed with Job Centre Plus :)

Haha really? I think they should dish out dolemoney in Bitcoin too.

Title: Re: Three Point Status Update
Post by: Haidang1796 on January 03, 2014, 07:56:30 PM
1. Ate a whole pizza and spicy chicken wings last night.
2. Had to wake up at night because lack of hydro. Drank 3 bottles of water :))
3. Slept in until 10am