Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: dank on December 26, 2013, 12:32:33 AM

Title: Mining makes me sick
Post by: dank on December 26, 2013, 12:32:33 AM
Literally.  I haven't had the slightest cold in over a year.  Plug up a rig, boom, instasickness.  I would cough more just being around these fresh from china electroheaters.  I looked up if computers could contribute to this, and I found the electroimpulse-whateverwaves can charge viruses and bacteria to stick to stay airborne and stick to your lungs more.  Along with that, I'm sure their electronic field offsets the natural electronic and magnetic fields of earth.  Especially when you're running your rig 100% at 80+* C with fans on 90% further distributing and filtering particles.

I'm not saying mining is going to make you sick.  But I am saying it does not benefit your health.  It did make me sick, but of course, maybe that was just got telling me money hurts the soul.

Join me in turning off your rig for the remainder of the night.  It will enlighten your house, if not the world.  You may find it feels better to not consume resources to make money.

nb4 dank wants lower difficulty thoughts, this post would never slump the hash power behind any currency, I just want you to think about this if you're reading and try for yourself.

Sorry for lack of technical jargin, it's christmas and I just wanted to post this real fast.

And no, I'm not really sick anymore, but when I cough it still sounds the same.

Further evidence to attest to my beliefs that money and possessions posses your soul.  Looks like it's about time to stop the presses.

Merry christmas

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: BitcoinBarrel on December 26, 2013, 12:41:10 AM
If you sleep with your rig in the same room it's a good idea to keep your door open with plenty of air circulation.

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: dank on December 26, 2013, 01:05:20 AM
This one is in the basement but the HVAC system runs through it so it spreads throughout the house.  When I first started it, I would cough when the heat turned on, definitely something to it.

Doesn't mean mining will kill you, but it ain't good for you.

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: dank on December 26, 2013, 04:21:21 AM
Excuse the spelling & grammar.

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: leannemckim46 on December 26, 2013, 03:37:20 PM
Never put your rig in your room, its dangerous.... They create weird smell other then heat :)

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: Code4Coinz on December 26, 2013, 11:27:39 PM
or maybe you just contracted something from an unsanitary surface and got sick.

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: BuhTuglia on December 27, 2013, 01:32:25 AM
I agree pretty much with what you're saying about money and possessions, but I think I see the other side of the coin clearer than most, at least most folks in the USA... Like it or not, money is pretty damn necessary to survival in the modern world, no matther what political system you live under.

I had a stroke six years ago, and was unable to work for five years. Try that someday. Not a literal penny coming in. I blew through three hundred grand of retirement (fifty grand alone on hospital bills) and tried to raise a teenaged daughter with a head full of cotton and no income. I lost my house and cars, and now live in a little rent house that I managed to hang onto, just because it was already paid off. Luckily my parents helped some, and finally I learned to walk and talk and control my bowels again, and at last was able to get a job again. Money is pretty necessary to survival in the modern world, like it or not. I was never a rich guy, and I never cared much for the "finer" things of life, though I probably lived "comfortably", but now I've spent four or five years in the "basement" of our society, and it's no picnic. I have a totally different way of looking at things, even though I'm still not a high roller. I don't even mine for the money, it's more of a hobby, I keep most of what I make anyway.

I have no idea where I'm going with this, I just wanted to say, like it or not, money is here to stay. I bet even in a "perfect" communist or socialist state, where most of your needs are taken care of, money is still pretty damn important.


Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: drb0n3z on December 27, 2013, 09:50:34 AM
I definitely agree that you need air circulation. Post up a fan in front of a window to either bring air in and circulate it or push air out. Also, doing this about once a week to your entire apartment/house is a good way to keep you from getting sick!

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: xZork on December 27, 2013, 09:58:27 AM
Who are you? Jeffery Amherst?

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: ineedit on December 27, 2013, 10:10:56 AM
Never put your rig in your room, its dangerous.... They create weird smell other then heat :)

According to my wife nowhere near as weird as some of the smells I can create  :P

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: surebet on December 27, 2013, 02:40:21 PM
So instead of reimbursing squall you bought a mining rig?

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: timk225 on December 27, 2013, 03:38:04 PM
If you think you feel sick now, wait until the electric bill comes in!   ;D

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: bitpop on December 28, 2013, 03:04:10 PM
Get an air cleaner with uvc

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: uartasic on December 28, 2013, 03:36:02 PM
Literally.  I haven't had the slightest cold in over a year.  Plug up a rig, boom, instasickness.  I would cough more just being around these fresh from china electroheaters.  I looked up if computers could contribute to this, and I found the electroimpulse-whateverwaves can charge viruses and bacteria to stick to stay airborne and stick to your lungs more.  Along with that, I'm sure their electronic field offsets the natural electronic and magnetic fields of earth.  Especially when you're running your rig 100% at 80+* C with fans on 90% further distributing and filtering particles.

I'm not saying mining is going to make you sick.  But I am saying it does not benefit your health.  It did make me sick, but of course, maybe that was just got telling me money hurts the soul.

Join me in turning off your rig for the remainder of the night.  It will enlighten your house, if not the world.  You may find it feels better to not consume resources to make money.

nb4 dank wants lower difficulty thoughts, this post would never slump the hash power behind any currency, I just want you to think about this if you're reading and try for yourself.

Sorry for lack of technical jargin, it's christmas and I just wanted to post this real fast.

And no, I'm not really sick anymore, but when I cough it still sounds the same.

Further evidence to attest to my beliefs that money and possessions posses your soul.  Looks like it's about time to stop the presses.

Merry christmas

you would be shocked what the PCBs ooze in noxious chemicals when operating at elevated temps for long periods. not to mention some of the components especially caps give off.
disregard the RoHS and PB Free embossing on the boards, in a closed heated environment they can have long term adverse effects to your health. what you may be feeling is the tip of the iceberg.
open a window or have the exhaust blowing out away from where you sleep/sit/eat.

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: drrussellshane on December 29, 2013, 03:17:38 AM
Miner's lung!

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: cnblue on December 29, 2013, 03:31:36 AM
Try Cloud mining from


after your done with mining you can reseller your mining power.

=D so its a plus

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: smooth on December 29, 2013, 11:49:55 PM
Try Cloud mining from


after your done with mining you can reseller your mining power.

=D so its a plus

A plus? You misspelled rip off.  Up front price is double what it should be and if you look at the history the prices drop just like other miners, so you don't get good resale value either.

And that's on top of the risk the entire site is a ponzi scheme and doesn't even have any miners. How would you know?

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: bitpop on December 30, 2013, 02:44:08 AM
Try Cloud mining from


after your done with mining you can reseller your mining power.

=D so its a plus

Scum bag

Title: Re: Mining makes me sick
Post by: Nullu on December 30, 2013, 03:30:55 AM
Hope that's not why I've been feeling like crap all week.