Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: samysamy1 on December 26, 2013, 03:09:28 AM

Title: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: samysamy1 on December 26, 2013, 03:09:28 AM
Sorry that I might sound stupid  ::), but I'm trying to understand more about Bitcoin.
Is it a piece of software (central) connected to all Bitcoin clients or is it stored in the Bitcoin client itself? And how do the developers manage to make adjustments to the software. If they are able to access it than wouldn't it be easy for the governments to shut it down?

Thanks  ;)

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: Serge on December 26, 2013, 03:23:49 AM
You kind of answered your own question. :)

every bitcoin client ("client" means software on user's end) has its own copy of database which is called blockchain, it's being shared p2p throughout network for transaction updates/validations.   

bitcoin client doesn't auto-update to newer versions with code changes and modifications. each user decides for themselves if they want to download and update client to a newer version of the client.

another important point: the software is open source and anyone theoretically can review the code before installing it.

Bitcoin wouldn't get thus far otherwise

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: bitpop on December 26, 2013, 09:42:16 AM
It might help to first understand torrents if you're interested in p2p

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: samysamy1 on December 27, 2013, 07:01:52 PM
OK but there are some points that needs more clarification:

- We don't know who created Bitcoin and who delivers updated for the wallets. Anyone with an evil intention can take over the dev team and produce and updated wallet that can spy on us.

- We don't know the exact source code. Even though if it's open source, we don't know for sure whether some codes have been left out on purpose to keep us dump - the hashcode was initially created by the NSA (illuminati).

- I know that one of the illuminati's goal is to create a 1 world orde (incl. 1 world currency and a 1 world satanic religion) but how Bitcoin could fit in this picture is still a puzzle - maybe it's just a first step to make us easily accept cryptocurrency and create a false sense of anonymity (as they always do - same concept as bogus freedom). We know that JP Morgan tried to get a patent for an old an similar concept, and together with the Hashcode it is not farfetched to think that it might evolve to a controlled world wide currency.

- And the media attention. Since the media is also controlled by the same elite, you would think they won't give attention and broadcast something that threatens their established system.

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: grue on December 27, 2013, 07:09:32 PM
- We don't know the exact source code. Even though if it's open source, we don't know for sure whether some codes have been left out on purpose to keep us dump - the hashcode was initially created by the NSA (illuminati).

- I know that one of the illuminati's goal is to create a 1 world orde (incl. 1 world currency and a 1 world satanic religion) but how Bitcoin could fit in this picture is still a puzzle - maybe it's just a first step to make us easily accept cryptocurrency and create a false sense of anonymity (as they always do - same concept as bogus freedom). We know that JP Morgan tried to get a patent for an old an similar concept, and together with the Hashcode it is not farfetched to think that it might evolve to a controlled world wide currency.
not sure if serious...

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: DannyHamilton on December 27, 2013, 08:15:25 PM
Anyone with an evil intention can take over the dev team and produce and updated wallet that can spy on us.

And how exactly are they going to convince me to run this updated wallet on my computer?

We don't know the exact source code. Even though if it's open source, we don't know for sure whether some codes have been left out on purpose to keep us dumb

Clearly you don't know the meaning of the words "open source".  It is not possible for "some codes" to "have been left out".  If they were, then we would know because it is "open source" which means we DO "know the exact source code".

- I know that one of the illuminati's goal is to create a 1 world order (incl. 1 world currency and a 1 world satanic religion) but how Bitcoin could fit in this picture is still a puzzle - maybe it's just a first step to make us easily accept cryptocurrency and create a false sense of anonymity (as they always do - same concept as bogus freedom). We know that JP Morgan tried to get a patent for an old an similar concept, and together with the Hashcode it is not farfetched to think that it might evolve to a controlled world wide currency.

- And the media attention. Since the media is also controlled by the same elite, you would think they won't give attention and broadcast something that threatens their established system.

I see a bunch of paranoid delusions, but I don't see any additional questions in there.

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: samysamy1 on December 27, 2013, 09:02:24 PM
Anyone with an evil intention can take over the dev team and produce and updated wallet that can spy on us.

And how exactly are they going to convince me to run this updated wallet on my computer?

And how would you know that it doesn't contain any spyware? Maybe you and me are running one  ???

We don't know the exact source code. Even though if it's open source, we don't know for sure whether some codes have been left out on purpose to keep us dumb

Clearly you don't know the meaning of the words "open source".  It is not possible for "some codes" to "have been left out".  If they were, then we would know because it is "open source" which means we DO "know the exact source code".

You're right, I don't know much about coding, but have you examined your wallet and is it exactly as the available code?

- I know that one of the illuminati's goal is to create a 1 world order (incl. 1 world currency and a 1 world satanic religion) but how Bitcoin could fit in this picture is still a puzzle - maybe it's just a first step to make us easily accept cryptocurrency and create a false sense of anonymity (as they always do - same concept as bogus freedom). We know that JP Morgan tried to get a patent for an old an similar concept, and together with the Hashcode it is not farfetched to think that it might evolve to a controlled world wide currency.

- And the media attention. Since the media is also controlled by the same elite, you would think they won't give attention and broadcast something that threatens their established system.

I see a bunch of paranoid delusions, but I don't see any additional questions in there.

No this is simply the truth  :'( - just some research into the ones who run the world (governments, bankers, big corporations, pharmacies, music/hollywood industry (this is the most visible of them all), news etc.) will bring you to a complete different truth and you will understand why they try to control us - terms like: masons, freemanonary, illuminati, false flag attacks, mind control, kabbalah (Jewish magic), satanists, devil worship/demons/shape shifters/lucifer, paganism/Egyptian/Babylonian idols and pyramids.

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: DannyHamilton on December 27, 2013, 09:40:18 PM
Anyone with an evil intention can take over the dev team and produce and updated wallet that can spy on us.
And how exactly are they going to convince me to run this updated wallet on my computer?

And how would you know that it doesn't contain any spyware? Maybe you and me are running one  ???

Because it is "open source", so I can look at the source code and see if it contains spyware.  Everyone else can do the same.  If it does contain spyware, then the average user who is incapable of reading source code can depend on the fact that many users such as myself will send out lots of warnings if spyware is discovered in the source. (Or are you assuming that there is a vast conspiracy whereby EVERY SINGLE PERSON capable of reading source code will be somehow magically brainwashed into maintaining the lie put forth by the person, or group, with the evil intention?)

We don't know the exact source code. Even though if it's open source, we don't know for sure whether some codes have been left out on purpose to keep us dumb
Clearly you don't know the meaning of the words "open source".  It is not possible for "some codes" to "have been left out".  If they were, then we would know because it is "open source" which means we DO "know the exact source code".

You're right, I don't know much about coding, but have you examined your wallet and is it exactly as the available code?

Yes.  And you can either do the same, or accept the fact that a conspiracy that includes every person on earth that is capable of reading source code would be impossible to maintain.

- I know that one of the illuminati's goal is to create a 1 world order (incl. 1 world currency and a 1 world satanic religion) but how Bitcoin could fit in this picture is still a puzzle - maybe it's just a first step to make us easily accept cryptocurrency and create a false sense of anonymity (as they always do - same concept as bogus freedom). We know that JP Morgan tried to get a patent for an old an similar concept, and together with the Hashcode it is not farfetched to think that it might evolve to a controlled world wide currency.

- And the media attention. Since the media is also controlled by the same elite, you would think they won't give attention and broadcast something that threatens their established system.
I see a bunch of paranoid delusions, but I don't see any additional questions in there.

No this is simply the truth  :'( - just some research into the ones who run the world (governments, bankers, big corporations, pharmacies, music/hollywood industry (this is the most visible of them all), news etc.) will bring you to a complete different truth and you will understand why they try to control us - terms like: masons, freemanonary, illuminati, false flag attacks, mind control, kabbalah (Jewish magic), satanists, devil worship/demons/shape shifters/lucifer, paganism/Egyptian/Babylonian idols and pyramids.

Still don't see any questions there.

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: samysamy1 on December 27, 2013, 10:17:47 PM
Anyone with an evil intention can take over the dev team and produce and updated wallet that can spy on us.
And how exactly are they going to convince me to run this updated wallet on my computer?

And how would you know that it doesn't contain any spyware? Maybe you and me are running one  ???

Because it is "open source", so I can look at the source code and see if it contains spyware.  Everyone else can do the same.  If it does contain spyware, then the average user who is incapable of reading source code can depend on the fact that many users such as myself will send out lots of warnings if spyware is discovered in the source. (Or are you assuming that there is a vast conspiracy whereby EVERY SINGLE PERSON capable of reading source code will be somehow magically brainwashed into maintaining the lie put forth by the person, or group, with the evil intention?)

We don't know the exact source code. Even though if it's open source, we don't know for sure whether some codes have been left out on purpose to keep us dumb
Clearly you don't know the meaning of the words "open source".  It is not possible for "some codes" to "have been left out".  If they were, then we would know because it is "open source" which means we DO "know the exact source code".

You're right, I don't know much about coding, but have you examined your wallet and is it exactly as the available code?

Yes.  And you can either do the same, or accept the fact that a conspiracy that includes every person on earth that is capable of reading source code would be impossible to maintain.

Thank you for the explanation above  :D

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: BurtW on December 27, 2013, 10:21:21 PM
If Bitcoin was not open source then we would not be here.  Simple as that.

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: bitpop on December 27, 2013, 11:52:48 PM
I'm not afraid! Yup you got it! Please help spread the word because I won't be around much longer.

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: michagogo on December 28, 2013, 09:08:06 PM
- We don't know who created Bitcoin and who delivers updated for the wallets. Anyone with an evil intention can take over the dev team and produce and updated wallet that can spy on us.
It's true that the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is unknown, but the current developers are well-known, most of them by their real names.

- We don't know the exact source code. Even though if it's open source, we don't know for sure whether some codes have been left out on purpose to keep us dump - the hashcode was initially created by the NSA (illuminati).
All the source code is available, and it can easily be proven that the release binaries are built from that exact source code, thanks to the gitian building process -- multiple people, myself included, independently build each release and post the results publicly at, and anyone who wants can very easily build for themselves and compare the hashes.

Title: Re: Where is the Bitcoin software stored ?
Post by: Trongersoll on December 28, 2013, 10:25:49 PM
There is a deifference between "knowing" something and "thinking that you know" something. Conspiracy Theory people deal in their "belief" that things are the way that they say they are and everyone else just doesn't get it. Arguing with them is just like arguing any religion, you will never change their minds and they will be smug, knowing that their beliefs are right and you are wrong. ::)