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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Welsh on December 26, 2013, 03:58:18 PM

Title: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Welsh on December 26, 2013, 03:58:18 PM
I would like to know peoples input. Due to the amount of bugs that Battlefield has had upon launch and the huge success Call of duty has had upon launch. Which one do you prefer? It's a common question which normally gets a few debates going.

Over recent years I have preferred Battlefield. Even though with it's glitches, bugs and other sorts which spoilt some aspects of the game. It just felt more relaxed and more mature than Call of duty. But, because of the recent launch problems I have held back from playing either one. Just to give both a fair chance to work out any bugs. I'm going to be playing both games this weekend on the Playstation 4. I will complete bith campaigns before moving onto multiplayer.

I would like to hear others ideas and opinions on both games and which you prefer.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Lethn on December 26, 2013, 04:06:25 PM
If I absolutely had to pick, Battlefield 4, otherwise I wouldn't buy either of them, it's true that Battlefield 4 is fun definitely more so than Call of Duty which is just a glorified campaign and team deathmatch with powerup abilities, but the problem with Battlefield 4 isn't just the bugs and glitches which would be bearable, it's the stability. Game developers just don't test their own games any more especially on low end PC's or they rush them and don't put out enough content to make it worth the price, the pricing in particular on Battlefield 4 is outrageous and you know Call of Duty is just going to release another round of DLCs that should have been put in the full game and charge you more money.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Gabi on December 26, 2013, 04:23:37 PM
They both sucks.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Welsh on December 26, 2013, 04:24:54 PM
I'm glad you pointed out DLC. I disagree with the whole point of dlc. If you have already purchased the game then you should be able to have whatever comes with it in the future. These days when you have a game you don't actually have the full game. IN reality you have already purchased half of it. If I went to purchase a car and I found out later I would need to buy wheels, brakes and a new engine later on. I wouldn't buy it because it's incomplete. Most games don't advertise that there will be extra content released at a later date which you will be charged for. Even free to play games seem to like to charge for dlc to make their money worth. I haven't come across a developer that isn't greedy and doesn't release dlc just for extra money.

I heard EA did rush to release in order to compete with Call of duty. That’s one of the main reasons I have held out playing. I did start to play battlefield campaign but had issues with saving. At that point I decided for all the patches to be confirmed working and the game playable at least. I tried a little bit of Call Of Duty playing with the AI. But, didn't get the feel you would if online against others.

But, at the moment I'm thinking they both aren't worth it.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Lethn on December 26, 2013, 04:30:19 PM
What's interesting as well is I've discovered thanks to a thread someone posted on the official forums with people posting working computer specifications that realistically if you want to play Battlefield 4 properly and smoothly you need a bloody i7 processor lol I'm planning on getting one anyway because I'm sick of having a slow PC but that's how bad the optomisation is right now. The best part is when you look at the official forums and seeing morons calling everybody whiners and you just know the reason they can't tell anything is wrong is because they all have pricey high end PCs that can run anything but part of the problem with Battlefield 4 isn't having a low end PC it's that they threw in as many polygons and particles as their own computers would run but neglected to check whether it would run on anybody elses PC's.

Yeah, you've set me off now, I've been dealing with a lot of Battlefield bullshit lately :D.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Welsh on December 26, 2013, 05:03:45 PM
I see the point. EA's optimisation may not be the greatest. I've taken a quick look at the official forums and I must say there is a lot of people discussing that their computer is struggling to process the game. Also, people are reporting a lot of freezing even on i7 processors. As a gaming fan I expect bugs, crashes and late releases but it seems Battlefield hasn't even tested their product before releasing. So many quick fixes which they stated like the campaign saving issues. Instead of rushing the game in order to complete it before christmas they should have took the time in developing and testing it further. Maybe working out the bugs and making it more stable. Older computers would struggle because of the requirements of the game. However, they haven't helped themselves they could indeed optimise the game and improve. Most people can't afford the new hardware. So optimising it and making sure there are no game breaking issues they would increase their customers and profit.  Following some of the development updates I always thought they were rushing the game, even though EA are not the most 'loved' company in the world they have brought out some very nice games which run well and have become a success. Do you think Battlefield 4 has been a unsuccessful game and may destroy the battlefield franchise?

Sorry, for getting you started!  ;D

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Lethn on December 26, 2013, 05:38:22 PM
I think they have potentially lied about the minimum requirements as well because a lot of games do that lately, they claim such and such processor and graphics card will run it but when you actually load up the game you'll find it's only barely playable on the lowest settings and lol, don't mind it, it doesn't take much to set me off on a rant when it comes to the games industry.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Haidang1796 on December 26, 2013, 10:22:11 PM
I'm not a fan of the first person view kind of game ;D but I think I'd pick Ghost :)) it's looks good and I have never played Battlefield be4 :))

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: BulletProof_za on December 27, 2013, 06:47:02 AM
Battlefield 4!!!! Call of duty isnt worth buying i just wait for an online crack  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Welsh on December 27, 2013, 12:26:21 PM
I think they have potentially lied about the minimum requirements as well because a lot of games do that lately, they claim such and such processor and graphics card will run it but when you actually load up the game you'll find it's only barely playable on the lowest settings
Quite possible. When me and my friends are getting a new game to play on. Some struggle to run it. Even though they have leaps and bounds beyond the minimum requirements. I think they state lower requirements to get others to purchase their game to increase profit. Although, it's very difficult to play when it's stuttering. I haven't got a powerful computer and I struggle to run some games with meeting the recommended requirements. It's something which needs to be looked into I think. It's misleading the customer.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Gabi on December 27, 2013, 02:44:29 PM
Minimum requirements mean the game run, nothing more, just run.  :D

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Welsh on December 27, 2013, 06:04:58 PM
Minimum requirements mean the game run, nothing more, just run.  :D

I guess that's true. Doesn't mean it's playable just means it can launch and crash immediately.  ;D

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Haidang1796 on December 29, 2013, 01:42:16 AM
I think they have potentially lied about the minimum requirements as well because a lot of games do that lately, they claim such and such processor and graphics card will run it but when you actually load up the game you'll find it's only barely playable on the lowest settings and lol, don't mind it, it doesn't take much to set me off on a rant when it comes to the games industry.
that's true. My computer info said that I could play AC3 smooth, but it lag all the time

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Lethn on December 29, 2013, 09:27:02 AM
What it is, the major games developers are doing exactly what I feared years ago and they're developing games purely for high end systems and just pouring as many resources as they can into them while not quietly not giving a fuck about low end systems. While I can appreciate there are some things you can only do with a high end PC because of the resources required it makes me more and more paranoid/pissed off when I see them claiming it will run on high end systems with a completely straight face while you can clearly see they have thousands of polygons and ridiculous volumetric effects everywhere that are bound to break my PC.

In case you were wondering about what I've been ranting about guys, the reason I know about all this stuff is because I've been wanting to develop games since I was about 10, I learned how to use Maya but realised that I needed other skills to compliment it so I've been learning artwork for the ultimate goal of texturing etc. as well as looking at programming in my free time so I can hopefully get some kind of 3D game created so yeah, I know all the shitty moves these guys pull especially since I've been on the receiving end of them before :D.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: TheNewAnon135246 on December 29, 2013, 10:18:16 AM
If anyone is interested, I have a BF4 download code for sale for $20. PM me if you are interested.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Haidang1796 on December 30, 2013, 09:12:17 AM
Ghost has some new developments which I think are quite interesting, especially the dog part :))

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Welsh on December 30, 2013, 12:38:12 PM
Ghost has some new developments which I think are quite interesting, especially the dog part :))

I hated multiplayer. Having the guard dog was neat but it's the same old stuff were people run around like headless chickens. Although, I enjoyed the campaign. I like black ops campaign the most out of recent years but I must say I enjoyed this one better than mw3, black ops 2 and mw2. But, like I said multiplayer is the biggest pile of shit ever.

Battlefield I normally enjoy more. But, I'm still waiting for them to fix all these stupid bugs which should of been fixed eariler on. It's past christmas now and we are nearly in the new year and they haven't even fixed half of the problems.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: counter on March 25, 2014, 05:58:37 PM
I have not played Battlefield but I do play COD Ghosts frequently and I love it.  It can be a stressful game on many occasions but once you finally get the hang of the game it is quite satisfying.  I've seen video others playing B4 on YT and it is a sharp looking game but that is really all I can say bout it. 

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Kiki112 on March 25, 2014, 06:23:14 PM
For some reason I like all battlefield sequels more, I was never a fan of COD :/

since the BFBC2 I dumped COD :D

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: R0yalAir on March 26, 2014, 02:33:00 AM
Same here.
Battlefield is a pretty good game.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Icardi09 on March 26, 2014, 01:05:44 PM
never play COD : ghost yet
i've played BF4 and love the smooth graphics and nice multiplayer game

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: durrrr on March 26, 2014, 07:40:09 PM
i played battlefield 4 yesterday and i loved it. smooth and amazing graphics and so real.

call of duty is a whole diff game an although i havnt played ghosts. im sure its a good game but its completly different then battlefield.

battlefield 4 wins my vote.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: counter on March 27, 2014, 09:51:54 AM
I know this thread is about COD Ghosts and Battlefield 4 but I have to add that TitanFall is a great game something I'd consider a "game changer" so to speak.  I'd say check out some of the videos of it on youtube and see for yourself what it has to offer.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: MP5KU on March 27, 2014, 10:42:31 AM
Love BF3, Not so much BF4.

My brother got ghosts on the ps3 I tried it out.. Graphics suck though.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: skeet on March 27, 2014, 11:33:51 AM
I prefer Battlefield because it's much more realistic and fun. Lots people hate both Ghosts and Battlefield 4. If you like Close Quarter Combat (CQC) so Is CoD the best I guess, but If you want a real action packed war you should absolutely play Battlefield 4.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: eeee12344 on April 28, 2014, 11:20:16 AM
They both sucks.
I agree with you,very bad game.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: HYFR on April 28, 2014, 11:31:42 AM
I'm a COD fanboy so COD everytime.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: kololo on May 07, 2014, 03:52:56 AM
Same here.
Battlefield is a pretty good game.
Agree.Battlefield 4 is your best choice.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: sj2199 on May 07, 2014, 04:17:38 AM
Ghosts is not as good as other cod games.
but batlefield 4 is best

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: fritzi on May 07, 2014, 06:42:52 AM
I'll go for Battlefield 4, one of the best game I've played with awesome graphics.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: mShz on May 07, 2014, 08:25:05 AM
I'm COD hardcore player, but have to admit that BF4 is very very cool..

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Mythul on May 07, 2014, 09:10:29 AM
I am a COD fan, although I haven't played them in a while.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Slark on May 07, 2014, 05:38:25 PM
I am Battlefield fan. Huge fan. I played Battlefield 3 for more than 1000 hours. But to be honest Battlefield 4 is a flop. Rushed release, ton of bugs and on top of that they failed in creating good NETCODE for this game.   It is so much worse than in Battlefield 3. I just do not know why they fucked up this matter that hard. :|

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Warning__3 on May 07, 2014, 11:38:41 PM
I pre-ordered bf3 & bf4 and i got premium for both but i really regret getting premium for bf4..
so no matter how good next bf will be, i won't get it.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: totoy on May 08, 2014, 02:26:34 PM
Same here.
Battlefield is a pretty good game.
Agree.Battlefield 4 is your best choice.

I like BF4 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Hazir on May 08, 2014, 03:09:16 PM
I pre-ordered bf3 & bf4 and i got premium for both but i really regret getting premium for bf4..
so no matter how good next bf will be, i won't get it.

This is the truth, as huge battlefield fan I can tell you that Battlefield 4 was a major disappointment for me and many others hardcore players. Netcode in this game to this day is shit. Much worse than in BF3, where netcode was lacking but was bearable.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: dragone on May 08, 2014, 08:52:20 PM
I pick battlefield 4.  :D

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: DoggyStayle on May 09, 2014, 10:40:40 PM
I love cod and BF both are good to me

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Hazir on May 10, 2014, 01:45:16 AM
All I can say about Call of Duty series in tightly packed in this picture:

I wish it would be different with every next COD, every time I am more and more disappointed.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: eeee12344 on May 10, 2014, 04:54:29 PM
Absolutely Battlefield 4

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Whitehouse on May 10, 2014, 04:58:06 PM
New COD looks really awesome but I always like their games.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: sj2199 on May 11, 2014, 01:10:40 PM
A new game of cod series is going to be released

waiting for it..

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: BTCLotto on May 11, 2014, 01:13:25 PM
They both sucks.

This +1000

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: totoy on May 11, 2014, 05:57:34 PM
All I can say about Call of Duty series in tightly packed in this picture:

I wish it would be different with every next COD, every time I am more and more disappointed.

Lol  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Brooker on May 11, 2014, 06:04:25 PM
All I can say about Call of Duty series in tightly packed in this picture:

I wish it would be different with every next COD, every time I am more and more disappointed.

Lol  ;D ;D ;D

LOL No Vision. I think this new game is a little different, but it's still a first person shooter.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: coinsandcoins on July 19, 2014, 11:29:23 AM
I would pick battlefield 4

Because even though it was put out early to match ghosts it actually has new features to the game unlike Cod.

in Cod, to me, the first few were fun to play but over time it just felt like the only difference between the last game was the name.

With Battlefield every game has new game changing features, however even though BF4 was rushed and has a lot of bugs, there slowly getting patched.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Nobitcoin on July 20, 2014, 06:41:39 PM
Battlefield 4 even though the campaign mode is to short but the fragmenting of concrete and the attention to detail makes it more immersive and fresh.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: valvalis on July 20, 2014, 10:59:21 PM
I prefer to Battlefield 4, It's great game and It has amazing graphic. Call of Duty: Ghost just like a shit to me, I regret to buy this shit game.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Gogreen on July 21, 2014, 12:30:40 AM
I like battlefield 2 commander. And BF 4 .   I played both games.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: vm1990 on July 21, 2014, 09:27:21 AM

Tanks vs snipers  ;D
Helicopter noobs.

BF Rules

End of

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Baitty on July 21, 2014, 10:57:24 AM
A new game of cod series is going to be released

waiting for it..

That's going to be so bad.....yet again.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: JimClone on July 21, 2014, 03:38:53 PM
BF4 or Halo nothing else

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Baitty on July 21, 2014, 05:03:35 PM
Like I said before Battlefield I enjoyed BF4 when there was all that chaos about not being able to connect etc the campaign was great and multiplayer was better.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: ahappymau5 on July 21, 2014, 05:06:58 PM
If you have a decent PC, get battlefield but if you have a console play Ghosts. I prefer BF4 because the graphics are 100 times better and Ghost is nice because it doesn't require Origin.

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: monbux on July 21, 2014, 10:59:47 PM

Tanks vs snipers  ;D
Helicopter noobs.

BF Rules

End of

Problem is, both games have a good amount of immature players.  This results in less-realistic FPS, because everyone tries to crash a jet into a pole which falls and kills an enemy aircraft.  Or some shit like that.

I liked the old days, where teamwork was encouraged. :-/

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: DhaniBoy on July 22, 2014, 02:49:25 AM
I still don't play COD:Ghost and BF4, maybe next month i'll play it
i love BF3 more than COD:MW3, so i think i'll love BF4 more
COD game is like rambo type of FPS ;D

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Sydboy on July 22, 2014, 02:55:38 AM
bring back battlefield1942!!!!!!!!!
its the best game ever and will work on anyones pc now lol

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: Justin00 on July 22, 2014, 03:01:29 AM
Jesus, I used to play that game for hours; however bring back Call Of Duty 4.
That I played for months on end with friends.

bring back battlefield1942!!!!!!!!!
its the best game ever and will work on anyones pc now lol

Title: Re: Call Of Duty: Ghosts Vs Battlefield 4
Post by: acs267 on July 22, 2014, 03:05:58 AM
Call of Duty: Ghosts.

Ha. That's a joke.

I bought it for a discounted price on Amazon, about a week or two after it was released. Good thing I bought GTA V first. In Ghosts, you can get the most powerful gun with eight squad points. Keep that in mind.