Bitcoin Forum

Local => Mercato valute => Topic started by: HostFat on December 27, 2013, 01:58:44 AM

Title: [ATTENZIONE] Prezzi dinamici dovrebbero funzionare di nuovo
Post by: HostFat on December 27, 2013, 01:58:44 AM now runs its own image proxy. GIFs will work now, and images will not be cached. However, images that don't load completely after a few seconds will still not work, and invalid URLs in [img] tags are less likely to work than before. Images must not be larger than 1.5 MB. You are only allowed to download so many images via the proxy before you're banned for a while, but no one acting reasonably should run into this. The proxy can't be used except through posts. Old image URLs will expire after a few months.

Fate qualche prova con i vostri ticker, dovrebbero essere tornati a funzionare.
Nel caso magari confermate :)

Title: Re: [ATTENZIONE] Prezzi dinamici dovrebbero funzionare di nuovo
Post by: mars78 on December 27, 2013, 08:10:20 AM now runs its own image proxy. GIFs will work now, and images will not be cached. However, images that don't load completely after a few seconds will still not work, and invalid URLs in [img] tags are less likely to work than before. Images must not be larger than 1.5 MB. You are only allowed to download so many images via the proxy before you're banned for a while, but no one acting reasonably should run into this. The proxy can't be used except through posts. Old image URLs will expire after a few months.

Fate qualche prova con i vostri ticker, dovrebbero essere tornati a funzionare.
Nel caso magari confermate :)

 funge :)

Title: Re: [ATTENZIONE] Prezzi dinamici dovrebbero funzionare di nuovo
Post by: btcstore on December 27, 2013, 08:54:57 AM
A me vanno