Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: sdp on December 30, 2013, 09:11:53 AM

Title: Electrum 1.800,000
Post by: sdp on December 30, 2013, 09:11:53 AM
I have released a modified version of 1.8

All numbers are displayed with thousands separators.  The way of displaying numbers will vary according to the language settings of the machine.  This makes things more readable.  You can download its source from:

I have no intention to catch up to 1.9.5 in the near future.  Nearly anything else I can do will provide a greater reward.  It should be easy for any python programmer to look at changes between 1.8 (from spesmilo/electrum) and this version using say GNU diff to get an idea of how to update the source if needed. 

Wallets that have been used with 1.9.5 cannot go back and use 1.8 or 1.800,000.  Use 1.800,000 only with new wallets that have not been opened by software newer than 1.8. 

I would love to see if the numbers look right in non-Arabic number areas such as Egypt and Israel.