Title: Envion - might be the first analouge hack of an ICO? Post by: Bencus on May 18, 2018, 08:21:01 AM First off, here are two links you need to check out first:
https://medium.com/@TradoGmbH/envion-founders-sue-for-worlds-first-analogue-ico-hacking-4fa42a636104 https://envion-recovery.org/ The first analogue ICO hack — illegally taking control of the entirety of the ICO funds without breaking into a single crypto wallet — might have happened. The value of the EVN token fell ~50% almost instantly. However, until it is absolutely certain that who is causing this, I will reserve judgement. Anyways, this is a mess at the moment. Surely, it looks like an exit scam, and I can only think about loosing my invested assets completely. But I believe noone had the intention from Envion to not deliver the planned and promised service. Title: Re: Envion - might be the first analouge hack of an ICO? Post by: Jandevries on July 24, 2018, 01:12:26 PM First off, here are two links you need to check out first: https://medium.com/@TradoGmbH/envion-founders-sue-for-worlds-first-analogue-ico-hacking-4fa42a636104 https://envion-recovery.org/ The first analogue ICO hack — illegally taking control of the entirety of the ICO funds without breaking into a single crypto wallet — might have happened. The value of the EVN token fell ~50% almost instantly. However, until it is absolutely certain that who is causing this, I will reserve judgement. Anyways, this is a mess at the moment. Surely, it looks like an exit scam, and I can only think about loosing my invested assets completely. But I believe noone had the intention from Envion to not deliver the planned and promised service. whats up with envion? what are the latest news? Title: Re: Envion - might be the first analouge hack of an ICO? Post by: plr on July 24, 2018, 01:21:02 PM First off, here are two links you need to check out first: https://medium.com/@TradoGmbH/envion-founders-sue-for-worlds-first-analogue-ico-hacking-4fa42a636104 https://envion-recovery.org/ The first analogue ICO hack — illegally taking control of the entirety of the ICO funds without breaking into a single crypto wallet — might have happened. The value of the EVN token fell ~50% almost instantly. However, until it is absolutely certain that who is causing this, I will reserve judgement. Anyways, this is a mess at the moment. Surely, it looks like an exit scam, and I can only think about loosing my invested assets completely. But I believe noone had the intention from Envion to not deliver the planned and promised service. whats up with envion? what are the latest news? I'm glad I'm not on it but there the price is not dropping or yet dropping $0.158837 USD (16.48%) it's always a sad news when a coin suddenly become a scam one or a dead coin Title: Re: Envion - might be the first analouge hack of an ICO? Post by: dsdsdndn on July 24, 2018, 01:27:36 PM Looks promising on the ICO stage, but the price now is going down
check on coinmarketcap, and looks hard to go up I'm happy not buy their ICO |