Bitcoin Forum

Other => Archival => Topic started by: cryptoirc on January 03, 2014, 06:41:50 PM

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: cryptoirc on January 03, 2014, 06:41:50 PM
I have to say I'm amazed at how gullible people are. I don't know if I'm amazed or upset about it.

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: wizzardTim on January 03, 2014, 07:53:32 PM

^^ so this is the new thread?

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: MsCollec on January 03, 2014, 08:48:52 PM

^^ so this is the new thread?

no,i think he's a scammer

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: mercury on January 03, 2014, 10:10:19 PM
i think we have the  first recorded  scam upon a scam  ;D

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Visncoin on January 03, 2014, 11:53:52 PM
As of the first IPO thread published, there are lots of arguments and doubt. Our internal team made an urgent discussion and made the decision - Change the full name of VSC to Visncoin, the abbreviation will keep to VSC, a good name can have a good start. The logo will update later. We will work hard to show our determination. We believe that we can't be successful without your strong support. Thanks for the early 124 donors, you deserve all the extra rewards!!!

Visncoin:Born for circulation
-Method of payment and Circulation based on BTC-Gold

Using VSC,Simple like using your Visa

2013.12.29 Important update:
2013.12.30 Update: Allocation Scheme of VSC!!
2013.12.30 Update: Stop the unnecessary argument
2014.01.03 Update: Website is under construction

VSC  IPO,Take off now ! ! !                                                        Amount:96.81403714BTC Has Received



Remind:Do not forget to pm me

Why do we need Visncoin?

Most of the time a dollar is in your wallet in the morning and in the afternoon it’s in the Starbuck’s register. We rarely keep the same dollars in our pocket for more than days at a time, no matter how rich or poor we might be. My experience in the bank industry has taught me if there is no circulation, the dollar is just a piece of paper. Conversely, if that same dollar circulates, its value will be doubled. Take a look at your BTC, how long have you kept your bitcoin in your personal wallets? From the moment you get them, they often do not move outside of the confines of your wallet addresses.

There are many reasons for that but one of them are that BTC wallets are very inconvenient to use:
-   They are 8G or more
-   We have to wait for confirmation that amounts to 10 minutes of our time or more
-   You cannot use them for every purchase you’d like to make (You’re starving but cannot use your BTC to buy a hamburger at a specific burger joint)

There are many problems with BTC preventing it from widespread use. BTC in a lot of ways is gold, and we don’t directly use gold as trade for goods and services. It’s not practical. We don’t walk into KFC offering a unit of gold in exchange for a bucket of chicken. BTC is the same way. For a digital currency to function in everyday commerce a coin must be easy to use, easy to carry, lightweight, and without copious amounts of data. Visncoin is that answer.
What is Visncoin?

Visncoin is a convenient, safe and reliable method of payment.
How? If you have a deep knowledge of BTC, you know BTC is actually a book -- recording the data source and destination. Visncoin only selects what’s useful to us in the Blockchain. Visacoin is not trying to create an entirely new blockchain like every other cryptocurrency. Instead, it is trying to make the existing BTC blockchain more efficient. Visncoin’s only purpose is to achieve the format necessary for a simple and easy BTC transaction with the use of a card or smartphone. Buy what you want with no waiting, no matter when, no matter where.

How can we get Visncoin?

As mentioned above, Visncoin is not creating its own blockchain, but is selecting from the BTC blockchain. This can accelerate the process of our transaction. Thusly, Visncoin is another form of BTC.

Given this feature we don't have to develop a coin and waste everyone's time on mining. So we are using crowdfunding, similar to the way MSC has.

If you want to get VSC do the following:

1. Deadline: After get 200 members donations, we will shut the door of the crowdfund. The deadline is coming, be quick, only 76 members remaining.
2. Limit: In the design, we don't stipulate a minimum and maximum limit. You can send 1mbtc, or1000btc. You choose.
3. Method: Send any amount of BTC to 1ASRELUJaTRXHVkXNeqJy6hJXLKsZAumS9 (By the Visncoin foundation management).(Do not forget to pm me),this will affect how much VSC will you get.

How much Visncoin can we get
Depends on the following three factors:
A: Total BTC of project received.
B: How much BTC you sent.
C: When you send it during the project period (The first month in can get extra rewards).

Allocation  Scheme of VSC

The total number:   420,000,000.

1) 252,000,000vsc,(60%):

Allocated to investors,before the 50th

pm** me

The First Period,Done!!

2) 126,000,000vsc,(30%):

Allocated to investors,From the 51st
ji**ite  (99th here)

51st-100th,1.05 times Additional incentives
101st-150th,1.03 times Additional incentives
151st-200th,1.02 times Additional incentives
According to the order of the record:

3) 42,000,000vsc,(10%):

420,000(0.1%): Retained by The VSC Foundation
 41,580,000(9.9%): Used to pay Remuneration,Reward,Advertising

Reminder: If you have sent your donations to the previous address and PM me, please do not worry, I will keep you updated later. All later donations need to send to the new address 1ASRELUJaTRXHVkXNeqJy6hJXLKsZAumS9 for genesis block generation purposes. No one will be missed.

Extra rewards:

In order to encourage everyone to actively participate in the project, I own part of the BTC as a reward. The first person who sends more than 1 BTC will get the same number of BTC as a reward. The first 50 members in can get extra 1.1X, the remaining 150 members 1.05X.


We have a ton of work to do. You can help, and get paid for your work!

We have:
1. Working to build wallets and independent software projects.
2. Writing specs for various features.
3. A PR company.
4. Project Management
5. Hiring

And many more…
    To find a project,  Please apply by emailing

   We also need to set up a foundation to manage the daily affairs. Including but not limited to the following content:
   1)Release the latest progress of the project,
   2)Supervise the use of money
   3)Solve technical problems
   4)To solve the public doubt
   If you are an honest man(It is more important than any other requirements),and have the time and the ability to management the team,
You can contact me by email(,

Now I need at least three people to help me finish prophase works.


Medium and long-term plan will be released.



VSC Logo Design Contest:

I didn't realize that a project will have so many questions on the first day,I all day in response to the question,Really frustrating!!!

New Progress
Short-term plans:
1) Designing a logo of vsc

2) Build a formal website

3)Finished whitepaper
Is writing

Medium-term plan:
1)Set up a Foundation
In different countries and regions
2)Recruitment software developers
((Wallet For Windows.luinx and Mac os.released sourcecodes))
3)Develop an API(for iPhone and android)

In this Step,
development the main functions of vsc:
Secured transactions
Credit facility
Automatic transfers between accounts
Foreign Currency Exchange
Electronic money

Some notes:
1)This project has only just begun. Lots of work waiting to be done,I have gave up my Christmas holidays
Many people want to see the fruits immediately, They want to want to wake up tomorrow and be a millionaire,. We need hard work to achieve that.
2)This project is like a baby. There are many aspects that need to improve,. There may be all kinds of problems, but we cannot deny the viability of Visncoin because of flaws that might arise.
3)I'm tired of responding to a variety of suspicions on the project ,so,I will only answer questions about technical issues. If you do not believe, that is fine but please leave. This project is open source.,
4) I must remind: everyone that any project has the possibility of failure, including this one, mscs plight has confirmed this, I'd rather you see it as an attempt ,a kind of opportunity which  can change the BTCworld. If it fails, I would lose all my btc, so I will try my best to make it successful.

I will always publish any new progress I make.

Thanks to those who have encouraged me!!

Good news is that the genesis block has added for the top 50 investors. The others are in progress. Before we release the alpha version, there still lots of testing work to do. Thank you for your patience. We will have our own website soon:
Stop the unnecessary argument!!!
To let investors understand clearly, we have started a new thread:

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: crunchynut on January 04, 2014, 12:03:42 AM
yo dawg, we heard you like scam so we put a scam in your scam.

please don't get fooled dear investors who are picking their investment opportunities wisely and based on pure potato science. the correct bitcoin address for purchasing your place in the history of whatever this scamcam #90233 is promising:


stop the argument. invest now:

(this bitcoin address is supported by the ron paul 2012 campaign)

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: MsCollec on January 04, 2014, 12:06:14 AM
Now this has turned to a JOKE.......VISACOIN END THIS IPO NOW
@Visncoin  a scumbag looking for quick cash..i just sent you a PM(i'm having problem sending you the 40 BTC from the pool because i was told that my balance has to be 50BTC before i can withdrawn so please send me 10BTC and i will invest 40BTC in your scam Visncoin IPO

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Visncoin on January 04, 2014, 12:21:21 AM
So many noises, read the thread carefully and make your decision. I said our team change the BTC address for genesis block purpose. We are trying to find out which way is better.

1. Concensus+POS
2. concensus+POS+POW

For more details we can learn from the ancestor:

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: MsCollec on January 04, 2014, 12:25:29 AM
So many noises, read the thread carefully and make your decision. I said our team change the BTC address for genesis block purpose. We are trying to find out which way is better.

1. Concensus+POS
2. concensus+POS+POW

For more details we can learn from the ancestor:


Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Visncoin on January 04, 2014, 12:39:01 AM
So many noises, read the thread carefully and make your decision. I said our team change the BTC address for genesis block purpose. We are trying to find out which way is better.

1. Concensus+POS
2. concensus+POS+POW

For more details we can learn from the ancestor:


So many noises, read the thread carefully and make your decision. I said our team change the BTC address for genesis block purpose. We are trying to find out which way is better.

1. Concensus+POS
2. concensus+POS+POW

For more details we can learn from the ancestor:


Your are not good at lying. I would like make a copy here. And we are trying to contact Invictus-Innovations Incorporated to see if we can join the DACs.

Contentcopy of the link

Statement of Social Consensus a.k.a. “Social Contract”

Google defines a Social Contract as “an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits.” Another term that means the same thing is Social Consensus.  We use the terms interchangeably, but prefer Consensus because it is more accurate and because the term “contract” may invite undeserved scrutiny by regulators in many jurisdictions.   It also emphasizes the two-way nature of the consensus.   It is beyond our control to prevent a copycat from forking our open source code in a way that fails to honor our promises.  It is up to the market to reject this, or not.

Our first and only formal Social Contract prior to this is for ProtoShares.  It was published in our October newsletter and again in our forum on Nov 3, prior to genesis on Nov 5, 2013:

At our DAC’s pre-published launch time, Invictus will initialize the DAC’s genesis block
to precisely match the current unspent outputs of its corresponding ProtoShares blockchain.

A week later we informally generalized this to at least 10% of all our DACs.  

All chains shall be derived from ProtoShares,
with a 1:1 mapping and 10% of the ultimate money supply of that chain.

The 10% requirement is a minimum, since any number greater than that also satisfies the promise.  The 1:1 mapping and 10% minimum together set an upper limit on the number of shares a DAC may allocate.  If only 1.5M PTS exist at DAC release, then 15M is the derived upper limit to number of shares for that DAC.  We reserve the right to scale the share count to the needs of each DAC while preserving percentages for all stakeholders.

In this document, we are for the first time formally defining our view of the integrated Social Consensus for ProtoShares, AngelShares and BitShares. We also clean up the language to better comply with the laws of our jurisdiction. To that end, Invictus will only develop, endorse, support and promote DACs that meet all of the following applicable consensus requirements:

For all third party DACs:

Allocate at least 10% of its equity to ProtoShares holders at genesis.

For all Invictus sponsored DACs:

Allocate at least 10% of its equity to ProtoShares holders at genesis.
Allocate at least 10% of its equity to AngelShares holders at genesis.
Allocate the last 80% at the discretion of each DAC developer.

We have chosen 50-50 for our first DAC to equally honor mining-lottery and patron-donor schools of thought.  

For our first BitShares DAC:

Allocate 50% of its shares to ProtoShares holders at genesis.
Allocate 50% of its shares to AngelShares holders at genesis.

We will scale the total share count to 4 million shares, equally divided between the two schools.

This makes all of our early supporters “official BitShares distributors” for those who arrive later!
We can't think of a more fair and decentralized way to make shares available to them.

We hope you agree.

Specifications for the last 80% of other future DACs will vary with developer according to their business model and marketing strategies and shall be specified prior to their genesis.   Until they are defined formally on this page, all forum discussion is for the purpose of reaching consensus, and any sharing of our current thinking does not constitute a commitment to any specific course of action.

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Visncoin on January 04, 2014, 04:10:48 AM
HI Visacoin (new Visncoin) developer,

Why have you got the time to make the website, changed the coin name, replied people, posted more posts for IPO, but you can't even spend half a minute to correct my investment figure in your IPO summary table?
My investment is 2.5 BTC, but only 1 BTC is shown.  I have informed you about my investments several times in the past a few days.

Using the provided block explorer
Everybody can check using my BTC account number: 13gVWinUNnqAEDrnEDLwjeVPoLet4K8CBL.
Everybody can see that I have investigated two times (1.5 BTC, 1 BTC) with a total of 2.5 BTC.

Then Everybody can check my investment record (row 54, Ir**Ang) the IPO with the following link:

Your irresponsible attitude has made me as well as other investors worry whether VisnCoin (VisaCoin) is just a scam!

Sorry for late response, update your information

If there are others missed, just PM me Visncoin or wait Visacoin comes back. After called Visacoin, he is on vacation and has limited access to internet, so I will update all the information, just PM me again. Can I have some sleep???

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: spud3861 on January 04, 2014, 04:46:36 AM
Different link from original spreadsheet? (

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: ireneang on January 04, 2014, 04:59:45 AM
Dear VisnCoin,

"Thanks" for updating my investment in "your" IPO summary (different link). *%$#* However, VisaCoin has not yet replied to certify your validity, and my invested amount has not yet been updated in VisaCoin's IPO summary.

Without VisaCoin's confirmation about your role in his IPO, I would remind everybody to be careful about whether VisnCoin is just a SCAM or not.

"On Vacation" is not an excuse, VisaCoin can pass his account password to Visncoin to announce all the changes.

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Visacoin on January 04, 2014, 06:39:58 AM
Warning!!!!Visncoin is a fraudsters!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on January 04, 2014, 06:44:57 AM
3. Method: Send any amount of BTC to 1ASRELUJaTRXHVkXNeqJy6hJXLKsZAumS9 (By the Visncoin foundation management).(Do not forget to pm me),this will affect how much VSC will you get.

The address doesn't match the one from the OP.

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: MsCollec on January 04, 2014, 06:56:54 AM
Warning!!!!Visncoin is a fraudsters!!!!!!!!!!!!

See who is back,  can I  claimed the bounty for the bug

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Visncoin on January 04, 2014, 07:13:08 AM
Warning!!!!Visncoin is a fraudsters!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warning!!!!Visncoin is a fraudsters!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are you talking about??? Did you forget all the meeting minutes we discussed yesterday? You said we have to use a new BTC address to generate genesis block for remaining investors, why so capricious!!! I can't believe it!!! If you want to do all the job by yourself, it is OK, Just return my donations back!!! I am out!!!

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Visacoin on January 04, 2014, 07:26:34 AM
Warning!!!!Visncoin is a fraudsters!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warning!!!!Visncoin is a fraudsters!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are you talking about??? Did you forget all the meeting minutes we discussed yesterday? You said we have to use a new BTC address to generate genesis block for remaining investors, why so capricious!!! I can't believe it!!! If you want to do all the job by yourself, it is OK, Just return my donations back!!! I am out!!!

Get out!!!!I do not know who you are,You are a despicable liar,I have to report to the moderator

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Come-from-Beyond on January 04, 2014, 07:35:26 AM
Calm down, girls. U both will get enough bitcoins.

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Gamer67 on January 04, 2014, 07:39:05 AM
A couple more exclamation points and I might start to believe you.

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Visncoin on January 04, 2014, 08:22:28 AM
Warning!!!!Visncoin is a fraudsters!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warning!!!!Visncoin is a fraudsters!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are you talking about??? Did you forget all the meeting minutes we discussed yesterday? You said we have to use a new BTC address to generate genesis block for remaining investors, why so capricious!!! I can't believe it!!! If you want to do all the job by yourself, it is OK, Just return my donations back!!! I am out!!!

Get out!!!!I do not know who you are,You are a despicable liar,I have to report to the moderator

OK, let's talk by phone, I don't want to lose my face and reputation in one of the world's biggest forum! Thank you.

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: BitTrade on January 04, 2014, 08:28:22 AM
Warning!!!!Visncoin is a fraudsters!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warning!!!!Visncoin is a fraudsters!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are you talking about??? Did you forget all the meeting minutes we discussed yesterday? You said we have to use a new BTC address to generate genesis block for remaining investors, why so capricious!!! I can't believe it!!! If you want to do all the job by yourself, it is OK, Just return my donations back!!! I am out!!!

Get out!!!!I do not know who you are,You are a despicable liar,I have to report to the moderator

I don't trust anyone who posts in red. 

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Visncoin on January 04, 2014, 08:58:51 AM
As talked with Visacoin, no more BTC send to the old address, every BTC sent to the old address after the 129th transaction will be returned. If you still want to invest the project, please send to the new address. Thank you.

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Visncoin on January 04, 2014, 09:07:33 AM
VisaCoin developer,



0.63154278 BTC

2014-01-01 04:24:43

I have sent you 0.63 BTC

Don't worry, he will update once every two days. Thank you.

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: bitcoinpaul on January 04, 2014, 10:01:49 AM

Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: Coinbitz on January 04, 2014, 11:00:12 AM
VisaCoin developer,



0.63154278 BTC

2014-01-01 04:24:43

I have sent you 0.63 BTC

Don't worry, he will update once every two days. Thank you.


Title: Re: [VSC]Visacoin:Born for circulation--based on BTC-Gold--Project start
Post by: safersecs on January 04, 2014, 11:49:51 AM
This stuff makes me just mad though. Basically people are working their asses off and trying to create something, and in the end they would probably would've earned way more by just pulling scams. There is nothing about art in "con artist" - I mean just take a look at the discussion, at the whole makeup of this damn thread. Is it actually that easy to scam people? Dude, I can't believe it.
Visacoin, get a PGP key and unless something is signed by you, it's made by another scammer.
In the end, you better send your money to visacoin and no impersonation of him so that this can go on for a little more; I really try to find amusement and not just resignation in these events.
Sorry for anyone that has too much money and too less of a clue :(
Also sorry for the rant but wtf...