Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: djbrooks111 on January 05, 2014, 03:53:59 AM

Title: GHS/BTC price via Twitter
Post by: djbrooks111 on January 05, 2014, 03:53:59 AM
Hi Bitcointalk!

My name is David and I have recently begun my adventure with Bitcoin!  IRL I am actually a Computer Science major in college, yes, I know some of you are going to tell me to not get involved since I am still in college, but I am in for the long haul.  Anyway, being a CS major, I decided to put my skills to use.  As some of you might already know, there is a Twitter account that gives the current price from Coinbase every hour, on the hour.  Well, I decided to talk this account (that I do not own) to another level and created my own Twitter bot.  Basically, as of right now, the Twitter account will tweet each hour, on the hour, what the current price of GHS/BTC is on  This account was launched today and I am looking to get it out there so you guys, the community, can take advantage of it.

BTW, there is nothing in this for me except to be able to share my CS skills with the world! *Go Programmers*

Anyway, you can find the bot at (

Thanks for your time everyone!  Hopefully you find my bot useful.  As a last note, this bot cannot harm you at all since all is does is tweet the current price of  In the future, if the account gets popular, I will definitely add more information to each tweet, such as high, low, averages, but I wanted to start off easy.
