Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: TehGuy on January 05, 2014, 04:36:46 AM

Title: Ubuntu/OSX wallets wont compile
Post by: TehGuy on January 05, 2014, 04:36:46 AM
So I was creating my own altcoin for the giggles (and some self-educational purposes) using this guide: [and using the Barcoin source, as the foocoin source doesn't exist anymore]

Everything went fine, got a genesis block on both the testnet and the actual net and such (though there were issues in the source code so I had to rip some from mooncoin or whatever would compile)

Then I got down to compiling the wallets.

OSX (Mavericks, specifically) spits out some error about the dock [something in the src/qt/ file] upon doing $make -f Makefile (even with other altcoins such as mooncoin... wtf man)

Ubuntu 13.10 just says there's nothing to freakin make (after running qmake "USE_UPNP=-" like the guide says [and other sites that popped up when I googled the issue])
There was another issue with Ubuntu as well, something about not having lrelease but I cannot remember what I was doing at the time to prompt that

Here's the source I'm working with if anyone could provide some assistance:

This guide's been a pain in my arse since I started (and restarted many times due to many compile errors) 2-3 days ago, but it's the only one I [read: google] could find :I