Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: DarkMiningBTC on January 06, 2014, 06:44:24 AM

Title: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: DarkMiningBTC on January 06, 2014, 06:44:24 AM
I want to know when you guys think is the best time to invest in BTC? I usually invest when BTC crashes and gets down to $500. The past 2 times this happened in the past month I've invested $5-10K each time and made alot of profit. I'm thinking are the crashes the best time? And when do you guys think the next crash will happen (So far loving the crash for profit but hating it because , well its a crash). 1 more thing , why do people get scared when the price drops? I mean come on do you think a crypto currency that is going to revolutionize the world will just fricking fall to a dollar and stay there? get real seriously haha.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Frost000 on January 06, 2014, 06:56:42 AM
Simply invest whenever you think it'll be going higher soon. There's no big formula about it...

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: jonanon on January 06, 2014, 07:06:02 AM
There is no 'best' time to invest. Usually this can only be found with the benefit of hindsight.


Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: BTCisthefuture on January 06, 2014, 07:13:30 AM
Like others said it's hard if not impossible to find a "best time".

Ultimately it comes down to your finincal situation, how much you are willing to risk losing, how much you can afford and how do you think the price will crash so you wait for that or will it keep rising so you get in now.

Thinking about the long term future of bitcoin, I would say now is a great time to still invest because bitcoin is still in it's infancy. It's still true that MOST places dont accept bitcoin, but likely that might not be the case in the coming years so you might want to get in now.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 06, 2014, 07:37:06 AM
Nobody knows. Because you don't know whether the next set of news is going to be good or bad. 50/50

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Bitcoinpro on January 06, 2014, 07:50:13 AM
the only good time to buy bitcoin is now

the only good time to sell bitcoin is never

this formula to date has held pretty strongly

their is only a 10 day window where this has not held true

and that could be erased pretty soon

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Revelations86 on January 06, 2014, 08:21:49 AM
Now is always better than tomorrow.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Elwar on January 06, 2014, 08:37:25 AM
Do not invest in bitcoin.

Convert to them.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: kwoody on January 06, 2014, 08:47:10 AM
It is entirely possible that MtGox price will never go below $1000 again. Given trends, indicators, upcoming big merchants accepting BTC, big investors, etc etc... I'd say it's very likely that BTC won't drop below $1000 unless SHA256 gets broken or something.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Jace on January 06, 2014, 09:23:46 AM
I want to know when you guys think is the best time to invest in BTC?
The best time to invest in Bitcoin was five years ago. The second best time is NOW.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: TPN on January 06, 2014, 09:29:22 AM
Best time to invest is now, don't let "time" take the chances from you.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: CaptainBeck on January 06, 2014, 09:29:54 AM
If you are buying and selling BTC and never really "hodlin" your arent investing you are speculating.

If you buy BTC and wait a good while thur ups and downs then you are investing.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: freedomno1 on January 06, 2014, 09:32:58 AM
Now :)
But for long speculating I guess also Now since were heading to 1K

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on January 06, 2014, 10:05:35 AM
the crashes are good times yes. when you do this strategy, you do alot better than the most.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 06, 2014, 10:12:57 AM
Since none of us own a time machine, the answer can only be NOW

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: cdog on January 06, 2014, 02:37:35 PM
lol @ BTC "crashing" to $500

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: CaptainBeck on January 06, 2014, 02:44:53 PM
It all depends on what you think OP.

If you think it will never go below the current price then you buy now.

If you think it will crash below the current price, then u buy when you believe the crash happens.

If you think its only down hill from here, then dont buy at all.

Its all down to you thou.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: madmadmax on January 06, 2014, 03:02:18 PM
Wait for the next inevitable attack on BTC by the gov, wait for all the investors/speculators and other trash to cash out, buy low then wait for fellow anarchists at heart to buy low as well.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: bitrider on January 06, 2014, 03:03:15 PM
I want to know when you guys think is the best time to invest in BTC?
The best time to invest in Bitcoin was five years ago. The second best time is NOW.


Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: bitrider on January 06, 2014, 03:07:45 PM
Wait for the next inevitable attack on BTC by the gov, wait for all the investors/speculators and other trash to cash out, buy low then wait for fellow anarchists at heart to buy low as well.

this is probably the most useful practical advice here - except "just buy now". Buy when others are selling. This takes a real belief in bitcoin's future. Because at the time it will look very ugly, and the boards will be screaming "sell" and only a few will be yelling HOLD. That is what separates the men from the boys. I've been both in my bitcoin journey.  ;)

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: chesthing on January 06, 2014, 03:46:30 PM
It all depends on what you think OP.

If you think it will never go below the current price then you buy now.

If you think it will crash below the current price, then u buy when you believe the crash happens.

If you think its only down hill from here, then dont buy at all.

Its all down to you thou.
Unfortunately this is the truth, no one knows what will happen any more than you. Wall street guys and their chart analysis included. All the reading of others' opinions in the end won't make your mind up any faster, the only thing you will come away with is more confusion - so stop wasting time reading. That is except for the news coming out of China, pay very close attention to that.
At this point your only 2 choices are suck it up or watch and wait, but you already knew that.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: piramida on January 06, 2014, 03:48:20 PM
I usually invest when BTC crashes and gets down to $500.

Yes, that is the correct way. 500 would change, though, I think we are already past that, so the only question that you need to answer to profit from BTC speculation - is when the "crash" is over.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: nastybit on January 06, 2014, 03:51:10 PM
Or you can ignore short term bubbles and crashes and invest long term, maybe for a couple 2/3 of years.
Agree with post above, it's all up to you and how much you can lose! good luck :-)

I usually invest when BTC crashes and gets down to $500.

Yes, that is the correct way. 500 would change, though, I think we are already past that, so the only question that you need to answer to profit from BTC speculation - is when the "crash" is over.

You can't really predict the bottom (Unless you used the empirical rule: bottom is 2*previous_ATH)
But I agree with you, maybe $6-700 was an easy entry point

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: sgbett on January 06, 2014, 03:53:32 PM
Do not invest in bitcoin.

Convert to them.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: CaptainBeck on January 06, 2014, 03:58:33 PM
Over all cost doesnt really matter. What you can afford matters. OP you are here because u believe BTC is worth something, so u might aswell invest and hope like the rest of us that u wake up 2moro and its going up.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: TERA on January 06, 2014, 04:12:15 PM
Best time to buy is at the bottom when the shit hits the fan. Nothing beats having your position secured with a 25% profit an hour after you buy.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: nastybit on January 06, 2014, 04:17:12 PM
Best time to buy is at the bottom when the shit hits the fan. Nothing beats having your position secured with a 25% profit an hour after you buy.

And how do you know if you just clean your face and the fan turns around at your direction AGAIN?
Aaah it's so easy to talk hindsight :-)

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: TERA on January 06, 2014, 04:19:34 PM
Best time to buy is at the bottom when the shit hits the fan. Nothing beats having your position secured with a 25% profit an hour after you buy.

And how do you know if you just clean your face and the fan turns around at your direction AGAIN?
Aaah it's so easy to talk hindsight :-)
Its been very easy to identify short term bottoms by looking for a certain volume level and aggression of large buy orders / buys on gox and stamp.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Dafar on January 06, 2014, 04:31:27 PM
Best time to buy is at the bottom when the shit hits the fan. Nothing beats having your position secured with a 25% profit an hour after you buy.

And how do you know if you just clean your face and the fan turns around at your direction AGAIN?
Aaah it's so easy to talk hindsight :-)
Its been very easy to identify short term bottoms by looking for a certain volume level and aggression of large buy orders / buys on gox and stamp.

The fan could be very high if the shit is actually real shit against bitcoin... i.e someone figures out a way to crash the network, fatal bug discovered in the protocol that makes everyone switch to a different ALT, someone figuring out how to destroy or create/copy bitcoin without mining

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: TERA on January 06, 2014, 04:45:24 PM
Yeah obviously not a fatal protocol related issue that spells the death of bitcoin. I mean the usual FUD and/or bubble pop.

Recently the fud trend has been: X drops out of the market. People think X was the sole source of bitcoin investment and dump all at any price. Replace X with: mtgox, silk road, china, etc.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: xephyr on January 06, 2014, 05:26:07 PM
I want to know when you guys think is the best time to invest in BTC? I usually invest when BTC crashes and gets down to $500. The past 2 times this happened in the past month I've invested $5-10K each time and made alot of profit. I'm thinking are the crashes the best time? And when do you guys think the next crash will happen (So far loving the crash for profit but hating it because , well its a crash). 1 more thing , why do people get scared when the price drops? I mean come on do you think a crypto currency that is going to revolutionize the world will just fricking fall to a dollar and stay there? get real seriously haha.

Sounds like you have a good plan and can manage to trade without becoming emotional about it. Just wait for the next panic sell on heavy volume and pick up more coins at a discount.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: igorr on January 06, 2014, 06:25:48 PM
I think, now is the best time for get out of the game. Bitcoin goes to 10 USD  !!!

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: T.Stuart on January 06, 2014, 06:26:47 PM
I think, now is the best time for get out of the game. Bitcoin goes to 10 USD  !!!

Trolling!  :D

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: igorr on January 06, 2014, 06:30:19 PM
Bitcoin Exchange offices do not have real money for all of your Bitcoin !!!  ???   100%
They have about 10% cash, and 90% chash not have !!!

I personally would not paid a 100USD for 10 million Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: TERA on January 06, 2014, 06:50:42 PM
Bitcoin Exchange offices do not have real money for all of your Bitcoin !!!  ???   100%
They have about 10% cash, and 90% chash not have !!!

I personally would not paid a 100USD for 10 million Bitcoin.
Well if I was looking to cash out a large amount of coins (say 10,000s), I probably would not use "exchange offices". Id make an offer to SecondMarket, Fortress, or maybe even Loaded. Btc is where it is at now because the primary investors are not on exchanges.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: BitchicksHusband on January 06, 2014, 06:55:33 PM
I told a whole lot of friends that were "waiting" to buy:

1. To buy when the first digit was a 5.  They would have nearly doubled their investment in 2 weeks.
2. Once they missed that, to buy immediately.
3. Once they didn't do that, to buy before Christmas.
4. Once they didn't do that, to buy before New Year's Day.

Now they have missed that window.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: igorr on January 06, 2014, 07:02:57 PM
Bitcoin Exchange offices do not have real money for all of your Bitcoin !!!  ???   100%
They have about 10% cash, and 90% chash not have !!!

I personally would not paid a 100USD for 10 million Bitcoin.
Well if I was looking to cash out a large amount of coins (say 10,000s), I probably would not use "exchange offices". Id make an offer to SecondMarket, Fortress, or maybe even Loaded. Btc is where it is at now because the primary investors are not on exchanges.

10,000 's funny, iIt is so little

I told a whole lot of friends that were "waiting" to buy:

1. To buy when the first digit was a 5.  They would have nearly doubled their investment in 2 weeks.
2. Once they missed that, to buy immediately.
3. Once they didn't do that, to buy before Christmas.
4. Once they didn't do that, to buy before New Year's Day.

Now they have missed that window.

You forget,
5. lose all

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Eusebio on January 07, 2014, 12:26:15 AM
i wonder when another crash will strike

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Dragonkiller on January 07, 2014, 12:35:27 AM
best time to invest is right now. there is a chance we will have another crash, but then you probably won't buy. it is human nature. right now, you wish it was $500. when $500 comes, sentiment would have changed. at that time you'd have to be very strong minded to buy and not wait for it to go lower when it is dropping.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 07, 2014, 05:41:55 AM
It all depends on what you think OP.

If you think it will never go below the current price then you buy now.

If you think it will crash below the current price, then u buy when you believe the crash happens.

If you think its only down hill from here, then dont buy at all.

Its all down to you thou.

Don't overcomplicate. History has taught us that BUY NOW works just fine.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 07, 2014, 05:42:57 AM
i wonder when another crash will strike..

I prefer the term "correction", since the price always ends up higher afterwards. Crash implies something far worse.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Eusebio on January 08, 2014, 01:11:57 PM

Don't overcomplicate. History has taught us that BUY NOW works just fine.

except for those who bought at 1200$

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: T.Stuart on January 08, 2014, 01:17:55 PM

Don't overcomplicate. History has taught us that BUY NOW works just fine.

except for those who bought at 1200 $

Not if they hodl and are content with anything between 300% to 1300% growth by the end of the year.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: JimboToronto on January 08, 2014, 01:28:14 PM

Don't overcomplicate. History has taught us that BUY NOW works just fine.

except for those who bought at 1200 $

Last summer you could have said "except for those who bought at $200."

A year ago you could have said "except for those who bought at $30."

In Oct 2010 after the price fell from $0.11 to $0.01 you could have said "except for those who bought at a dime."

History has show that buying bitcoins at any price and holding for a mere 2 years has yielded generous profits.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Eusebio on January 08, 2014, 01:28:53 PM

Don't overcomplicate. History has taught us that BUY NOW works just fine.

except for those who bought at 1200 $

Not if they hodl and are content with anything between 300% to 1300% growth by the end of the year.

that is very optimistic:) do you really believe China government will allow BTC to grow above 2000$ this year?

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: segeln on January 08, 2014, 01:29:13 PM
Don't overcomplicate. History has taught us that BUY NOW works just fine.
except for those who bought at 1200 $
Not if they hodl and are content with anything between 300% to 1300% growth by the end of the year.
sorry, but I got bored with those short-sighted guys

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: segeln on January 08, 2014, 01:30:48 PM
that is very optimistic :)   do you really believe China government will allow BTC to grow above 2000 $ this year?
Did`nt you realize China is of no importance anymore?

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: JimboToronto on January 08, 2014, 01:46:57 PM

Don't overcomplicate. History has taught us that BUY NOW works just fine.

except for those who bought at 1200 $

Not if they hodl and are content with anything between 300% to 1300% growth by the end of the year.

that is very optimistic :)   do you really believe China government will allow BTC to grow above 2000 $ this year?

China government?? "Allow" Bitcoin?

What are you talking about? Even if the USA government outlawed Bitcoin in their country, it would continue increasing exponentially in value with adoption around the world. Bitcoin is an open-source protocol running on a global peer-to-peer network.

No offense, but you sound like someone who discovered Bitcoin in the last 6 months. Have you even read Satoshi's white paper?

Perhaps noobs should spend more time in the noob section before being allowed to post in the general forums.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Eusebio on January 08, 2014, 01:54:59 PM
that is very optimistic :)   do you really believe China government will allow BTC to grow above 2000 $ this year?
Did`nt you realize China is of no importance anymore?

havent noticed that yet. i have only noticed that BTC price reacts immediately to any news from china.  
and here are recent BTC trading volumes:

huobi is chinese exchange.

nevermind, will see how it will be. i know that hardcore BTC fans are real fanatics and they believe that it will reach 100 000$ soon, and they will not accept diferent opinion under any circumstances. yet:)

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 08, 2014, 02:09:06 PM

Don't overcomplicate. History has taught us that BUY NOW works just fine.

except for those who bought at 1200 $

Well, firstly, there were very few that bought at $1200 ....

Secondly, corrections always happen, and with bitcoins, have always been followed by massive rises. So people that bought at $1200 just need to be patient for a month or so. Its' not that difficult

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Eusebio on January 08, 2014, 02:31:41 PM
Best time to buy is at the bottom when the shit hits the fan. Nothing beats having your position secured with a 25% profit an hour after you buy.

And how do you know if you just clean your face and the fan turns around at your direction AGAIN?
Aaah it's so easy to talk hindsight :-)
Its been very easy to identify short term bottoms by looking for a certain volume level and aggression of large buy orders / buys on gox and stamp.

what is the best method of monitoring those buy orders on gox and stamp?

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Wilhelm on January 08, 2014, 03:22:00 PM
i wonder when another crash will strike..

I prefer the term "correction", since the price always ends up higher afterwards. Crash implies something far worse.

Even worse is the term "collapse" :D

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: segeln on January 08, 2014, 03:52:41 PM
No-Go Words:

Oort cloud



please add more

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: CaptainBeck on January 08, 2014, 03:55:27 PM
Never invest.

This exaggerated bubble is going to crash soon and will evenly correct after collapse so its best to wait for the adjusting period.

 :P  :P

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: segeln on January 08, 2014, 04:15:03 PM
This exaggerated bubble is going to crash soon and will evenly correct after collapse so its best to wait for the adjusting period.
 :P  :P
nice to put all words in one sentence

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: piramida on January 08, 2014, 04:17:32 PM
that is very optimistic :)   do you really believe China government will allow BTC to grow above 2000 $ this year?
Did`nt you realize China is of no importance anymore?

havent noticed that yet. i have only noticed that BTC price reacts immediately to any news from china.  

BTC price does not react to news from china. BTC price reacts to people selling on a news from china. There are many people who trade bitcoin but either
a. don't understand it or b. know there are alot of newbies who don't understand it and will drive the price lower so they will be able to buy in.

I.e., the news from China don't affect bitcoin future in the slightest, but they allow for temporary price speculation at the expense of newbs. You pick the camp - either you ignore this temporary slide and hodl, or try to time the market and take some cheap coins from the newbs, but then you should be careful or you risk ending up in the third, least pretty, group - the newbs who sell at the "news" bottoms.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Wilhelm on January 08, 2014, 04:17:38 PM
please add more

End-game :D

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Eusebio on January 08, 2014, 04:28:43 PM


Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: segeln on January 08, 2014, 04:30:43 PM
 all added

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: TERA on January 08, 2014, 06:47:51 PM
Oort cloud

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: segeln on January 08, 2014, 07:12:37 PM
Oort cloud
which one where to ?
Moon to No- Go word
Rocket as well
but the other?

What is Oort (cloud)?

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: CaptainBeck on January 08, 2014, 07:18:21 PM
What is Oort (cloud)?

Is a cloud outside our solar system made of space junk.

All these new words are forcing me to make a longer and longer one word sentence, that way i'm balanced

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: segeln on January 08, 2014, 07:22:12 PM
What is Oort (cloud)?
Is a cloud outside our solar system made of space junk.
so I will add it
This exaggerated bubble is going to crash soon and will evenly correct after collapse so its best to wait for the adjusting period.
related to
All these new words are forcing me to make a longer and longer one word sentence, that way i'm balanced
so,a new sentence ,please

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: undeadbitcoiner on January 08, 2014, 07:49:27 PM
Bitcoin Is not fully driven by News, Its Driven by Traders
We think Chinese are selling Bitcoin because of Chinese news (NO)
We are wrong, Actually what Chinese are doing is
Driving Price Down as much as they can and Dumping Bitcoin in Lower Price
Whenever price goes down just check to know they are buying 1000% more then entire world market
Chinese are collecting Cheap Bitcoin and flowing Negative news in Market as much as they can but actually there is nothing going to Happen in China.
Traders are not going to listen Chinese Government they just trade.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 09, 2014, 02:39:05 AM

Don't overcomplicate. History has taught us that BUY NOW works just fine.

except for those who bought at 1200 $

Not if they hodl and are content with anything between 300% to 1300% growth by the end of the year.

that is very optimistic:) do you really believe China government will allow BTC to grow above 2000$ this year?

And how does the Chinese government control BTC, lol

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Eusebio on January 09, 2014, 10:58:03 AM
when it goes up to much China bans something related with it. they dont like when it goes up

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: merkin51 on January 09, 2014, 11:08:43 AM
I have $15k ready to invest in bitcoin but can't bring myself to do it right now, seems like no one knows what's going to happen in the near future. Have people got a price in mind for btc to break through, that will signal a real uptrend? Would it need to be a new ATH from here?

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Light on January 09, 2014, 11:12:02 AM
I have $15k ready to invest in bitcoin but can't bring myself to do it right now, seems like no one knows what's going to happen in the near future. Have people got a price in mind for btc to break through, that will signal a real uptrend? Would it need to be a new ATH from here?

Just wait for another announcement from China or the likes that has a detrimental impact upon BTC and you will see the price drop. At that point you want to buy in near the bottom so that you can ride it out and wait for BTC to eventually rise once again. Be careful though BTC is extremely volatile so don't invest anything your not willing to lose in the long term.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 09, 2014, 11:13:42 AM
I have $15k ready to invest in bitcoin but can't bring myself to do it right now, seems like no one knows what's going to happen in the near future. Have people got a price in mind for btc to break through, that will signal a real uptrend? Would it need to be a new ATH from here?

A confirmed ATH would indeed be a signal to invest in bitcoins. However, the downside is:

a) you don't get as many bitcoins as you would by investing NOW say
b) There could be some bad news following the ATH, and the price halves again ;)

Once again, there is no right strategy for investing in bitcoins. Its a risky venture. All we know is in a typical month, the price at the end is nearly always higher (often much higher) than the price at the start.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Eusebio on January 09, 2014, 11:24:04 AM
that was the theory when the price was far from 1000$. when it reached 1000$ everything changed because its a new highs, new psychological barrier. for most of the people on this earth 1000$ is already a moon. and chinese government also started to react when it reached 1000$. so i would not put much hopes that it will reach 2000$ this year

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: koryu on January 09, 2014, 11:32:10 AM
I have $15k ready to invest in bitcoin but can't bring myself to do it right now, seems like no one knows what's going to happen in the near future. Have people got a price in mind for btc to break through, that will signal a real uptrend? Would it need to be a new ATH from here?

i think its risky to invest at the moment. there is just too much daytrading in china right now, they buy at 4600 cny and sell at 5100 cny. they just want to make easy profit.
nobody really knows what happens. if it goes down to 4300 cny i expect a heavy downtrend and panic sell. if it goes to 5300 a uptrend could start.

on the one hand there is fear about ghash reaching 50%, and 31st january deadline, on the other hand there are also good news like zynga.

i believe that it will go up again >1000$ this year but i am sure there will be a better moment to buy cheap coins than now. so i place my bids @500-600$  be patient and can sleep well ;)

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 09, 2014, 01:36:19 PM
I have $15k ready to invest in bitcoin but can't bring myself to do it right now, seems like no one knows what's going to happen in the near future. Have people got a price in mind for btc to break through, that will signal a real uptrend? Would it need to be a new ATH from here?

i think its risky to invest at the moment. there is just too much daytrading in china right now, they buy at 4600 cny and sell at 5100 cny. they just want to make easy profit.
nobody really knows what happens. if it goes down to 4300 cny i expect a heavy downtrend and panic sell. if it goes to 5300 a uptrend could start.

on the one hand there is fear about ghash reaching 50%, and 31st january deadline, on the other hand there are also good news like zynga.

i believe that it will go up again >1000$ this year but i am sure there will be a better moment to buy cheap coins than now. so i place my bids @500-600$  be patient and can sleep well ;)

ghash, like all miners, have absolutely no incentive to destabalize the network. Completely the opposite in fact.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: koryu on January 09, 2014, 03:30:58 PM
I have $15k ready to invest in bitcoin but can't bring myself to do it right now, seems like no one knows what's going to happen in the near future. Have people got a price in mind for btc to break through, that will signal a real uptrend? Would it need to be a new ATH from here?

i think its risky to invest at the moment. there is just too much daytrading in china right now, they buy at 4600 cny and sell at 5100 cny. they just want to make easy profit.
nobody really knows what happens. if it goes down to 4300 cny i expect a heavy downtrend and panic sell. if it goes to 5300 a uptrend could start.

on the one hand there is fear about ghash reaching 50%, and 31st january deadline, on the other hand there are also good news like zynga.

i believe that it will go up again >1000$ this year but i am sure there will be a better moment to buy cheap coins than now. so i place my bids @500-600$  be patient and can sleep well ;)

ghash, like all miners, have absolutely no incentive to destabalize the network. Completely the opposite in fact.

imo there is still fear just because double spending could happen technically.  its not only about if ghash do it, if someone take control over ghash he can attack the bitcoin network. so you have to trust ghash and that ghash is secure.
so i guess most bitcoin holders would prefer not having a pool with 51%+. thats why i would rate ghash growing as bad news.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 10, 2014, 02:26:43 AM
I have $15k ready to invest in bitcoin but can't bring myself to do it right now, seems like no one knows what's going to happen in the near future. Have people got a price in mind for btc to break through, that will signal a real uptrend? Would it need to be a new ATH from here?

i think its risky to invest at the moment. there is just too much daytrading in china right now, they buy at 4600 cny and sell at 5100 cny. they just want to make easy profit.
nobody really knows what happens. if it goes down to 4300 cny i expect a heavy downtrend and panic sell. if it goes to 5300 a uptrend could start.

on the one hand there is fear about ghash reaching 50%, and 31st january deadline, on the other hand there are also good news like zynga.

i believe that it will go up again >1000$ this year but i am sure there will be a better moment to buy cheap coins than now. so i place my bids @500-600$  be patient and can sleep well ;)

ghash, like all miners, have absolutely no incentive to destabalize the network. Completely the opposite in fact.

imo there is still fear just because double spending could happen technically.  its not only about if ghash do it, if someone take control over ghash he can attack the bitcoin network. so you have to trust ghash and that ghash is secure.
so i guess most bitcoin holders would prefer not having a pool with 51%+. thats why i would rate ghash growing as bad news.

Except they have just announced they are dealing with it ....

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: undeadbitcoiner on January 10, 2014, 06:13:17 AM
that was the theory when the price was far from 1000$. when it reached 1000$ everything changed because its a new highs, new psychological barrier. for most of the people on this earth 1000$ is already a moon. and chinese government also started to react when it reached 1000$. so i would not put much hopes that it will reach 2000$ this year
Few Months back when Price was in 200's range we also didnt even think price will rise upto 1000 the same thing will happen again, this is called bitcoin world and bitcoin crazy.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: ThePatient on January 10, 2014, 06:40:52 AM
I have $15k ready to invest in bitcoin but can't bring myself to do it right now, seems like no one knows what's going to happen in the near future. Have people got a price in mind for btc to break through, that will signal a real uptrend? Would it need to be a new ATH from here?

i think its risky to invest at the moment. there is just too much daytrading in china right now, they buy at 4600 cny and sell at 5100 cny. they just want to make easy profit.
nobody really knows what happens. if it goes down to 4300 cny i expect a heavy downtrend and panic sell. if it goes to 5300 a uptrend could start.

on the one hand there is fear about ghash reaching 50%, and 31st january deadline, on the other hand there are also good news like zynga.

i believe that it will go up again >1000$ this year but i am sure there will be a better moment to buy cheap coins than now. so i place my bids @500-600$  be patient and can sleep well ;)

ghash, like all miners, have absolutely no incentive to destabalize the network. Completely the opposite in fact.

imo there is still fear just because double spending could happen technically.  its not only about if ghash do it, if someone take control over ghash he can attack the bitcoin network. so you have to trust ghash and that ghash is secure.
so i guess most bitcoin holders would prefer not having a pool with 51%+. thats why i would rate ghash growing as bad news.

Except they have just announced they are dealing with it ....

gee, that makes me feel a whole lot better.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 10, 2014, 08:01:31 AM
I have $15k ready to invest in bitcoin but can't bring myself to do it right now, seems like no one knows what's going to happen in the near future. Have people got a price in mind for btc to break through, that will signal a real uptrend? Would it need to be a new ATH from here?

i think its risky to invest at the moment. there is just too much daytrading in china right now, they buy at 4600 cny and sell at 5100 cny. they just want to make easy profit.
nobody really knows what happens. if it goes down to 4300 cny i expect a heavy downtrend and panic sell. if it goes to 5300 a uptrend could start.

on the one hand there is fear about ghash reaching 50%, and 31st january deadline, on the other hand there are also good news like zynga.

i believe that it will go up again >1000$ this year but i am sure there will be a better moment to buy cheap coins than now. so i place my bids @500-600$  be patient and can sleep well ;)

ghash, like all miners, have absolutely no incentive to destabalize the network. Completely the opposite in fact.

imo there is still fear just because double spending could happen technically.  its not only about if ghash do it, if someone take control over ghash he can attack the bitcoin network. so you have to trust ghash and that ghash is secure.
so i guess most bitcoin holders would prefer not having a pool with 51%+. thats why i would rate ghash growing as bad news.

Except they have just announced they are dealing with it ....

gee, that makes me feel a whole lot better.

Well its a whole lot better than just ignoring the issue

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: egghead123 on April 08, 2014, 12:09:44 PM
I think, now is the best time for get out of the game. Bitcoin goes to 10 USD  !!!

I will buy all your bitcoins at 10 usd now if you wish?

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Predatorian on April 08, 2014, 01:49:50 PM
I think, now is the best time for get out of the game. Bitcoin goes to 10 USD  !!!

I will buy all your bitcoins at 10 usd now if you wish?

same here, but it's not gonna happen, btc going to be strong like in december 13'.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: Elwar on April 10, 2014, 05:42:24 AM
Some good panic.

Now would be a good time.

I wish my IRS refund would go through sooner. This is some tasty panic.

Title: Re: Best time to invest in BTC???
Post by: freedomno1 on April 10, 2014, 07:45:26 AM
Some good panic.

Now would be a good time.

I wish my IRS refund would go through sooner. This is some tasty panic.

I wonder what next years tax sheet will look like
Bought Bitcoins at 90 sold at 500-1000
Buy now at 500 sell at 2000-2500 or 250 to 450 :)