Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: wolftaur on August 30, 2011, 05:08:54 AM

Title: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: wolftaur on August 30, 2011, 05:08:54 AM
Matthew N. Wright, the head of this supposed organization, has stated the following in a public post on this forum:

As for thinking girls who prance around as sluts getting raped deserve it, deserve is a strong word, but pretty much all guys think that don't they?

Like being a white dude strolling through the bronx, being a jew hanging out in front of hitler's house, or selling dvds out of the back of your car in a police station parking lot-- it's common sense.

Why girls are 'surprised' it happens is what makes me stop wanting to care.

The full and unedited original post can be seen at (

I would strongly, strongly suggest any business or entity considering business with this person's organization reconsider any relationship with this person or any organization he controls. I, for one, won't even consider patronizing or recommending any business that wants to associate with someone who thinks rape victims deserved to be raped.

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: someotherguy on August 30, 2011, 05:15:41 AM
Well that was quick...

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on August 30, 2011, 05:46:46 AM

It's amazing how a one word titled thread named after a popular tourist destination in Asia can cause the fall (potential) of two ventures.

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: someotherguy on August 30, 2011, 05:57:57 AM

It's amazing how a one word titled thread named after a popular tourist destination in Asia can cause the fall (potential) of two ventures.

Ahh I do love the free market at work.  A little messy sometimes but it gets the job done.

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: The_Duke on August 30, 2011, 06:02:05 AM

It's amazing how a one word titled thread named after a popular tourist destination in Asia can cause the fall (potential) of two ventures.

The real cause is ofcourse not a forum thread, but the twisted ideas of the people behind those ventures.

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: wolftaur on August 30, 2011, 06:13:11 AM

It's amazing how a one word titled thread named after a popular tourist destination in Asia can cause the fall (potential) of two ventures.

The real cause is ofcourse not a forum thread, but the twisted ideas of the people behind those ventures.

Yeah. And you know, honestly, I like to think I was trying really hard to be fair in that thread even though I opposed that destination... But seeing the statements that spawned this thread was really a lot more than I found myself able to be "fair" or "understanding" about.

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: silverchair on August 30, 2011, 07:41:38 AM
Did he really say that  >:(

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: wolftaur on August 30, 2011, 07:44:59 AM
Did he really say that  >:(

Yes, he did. That's why my post included the URL to his original post as proof. I don't make strong public accusations if I can't back them up, and I backed that one up with the URL on this forum to his own post.

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: bitrebel on August 30, 2011, 08:11:34 AM
If anything, the people I work with take great offense by your arrogance in including them in my mispeakings. Also, I explained I was wrong after doing some serious thinking both in how I wrote it and in how I felt. It does make sense and now you're just one more person on a long list of people who won't be helping me get things done to help all of us. Surprise, surprise. Someone on the forum is not going to be helpful.  ::)

In all seriousness, I apologize (and apologized) for the way I wrote that, but you really need to understand that it's unfair of you to group organizations I work in with some random quotes like it means something. If Bill Gates said he hates clowns, would you say Microsoft is anti-circus?

I encourage more of this as I need more reason to leave this forum for the ones that are actually productive. Keep it coming. I'm almost halfway over to SomethingAwful myself in my quest to actually do something with Bitcoin instead of just talking about it and bashing everyone who comes along with an idea or two.

Another thing-- since when did civilization retard itself to the point that even when someone makes a statement, judgement comes before education? I've spoken with many people who had misrepresented themselves, asked if they really meant it and explained how it looked it others, and had them gasp at how they didn't realize they were coming across. I mean. Come on. Is there really that little love and forgiveness on this forum? Am I really just a satanist blogger on a church website or what?

The Internet is an Impersonal Vehicle.

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: GideonGono on August 30, 2011, 08:17:09 AM
Did he really say that  >:(

Read the full post, it's not as bad as OP makes it out to be.

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: wolftaur on August 30, 2011, 08:23:59 AM
If anything, the people I work with take great offense by your arrogance in including them in my mispeakings. Also, I explained I was wrong after doing some serious thinking both in how I wrote it and in how I felt. It does make sense and now you're just one more person on a long list of people who won't be helping me get things done to help all of us. Surprise, surprise. Someone on the forum is not going to be helpful.  ::)

Please list the businesses that support your statements about rape victims asking for it. I'm sure everyone in the forum who knows someone who was raped would just love to know.

In all seriousness, I apologize (and apologized) for the way I wrote that, but you really need to understand that it's unfair of you to group organizations I work in with some random quotes like it means something. If Bill Gates said he hates clowns, would you say Microsoft is anti-circus? I'm confident you can find a quote in history for any human being that would put them in a bad light, even you. Is that reason for hanging them without inquiry?

You didn't say you hate clowns. You say rape victims share the blame. How dare you attempt to trivialize such an issue. I suspect that if Bill Gates made the public statement you made Microsoft's checkbook would absolutely feel it and very, very quickly.

I encourage more of this as I need more reason to leave this forum for the ones that are actually productive and honest.

Don't let the door hit you in your unbelievably insensitive and unwelcome ass on the way out.

It's the best thing for someone like me who has way too much energy, way too many good ideas, and is being stifled by nit pickers.

I read your viewpoints on rape. I know what passes for a good idea to you. If that's the kind of idea you come up with, then please, do get lost. I can't see anyone with common decency mourning the loss of your "intellect."

Another thing-- since when did civilization retard itself to the point that even when someone makes a statement, judgement comes before education? I've spoken with many people who had misrepresented themselves, asked if they really meant it and explained how it looked it others, and had them gasp at how they didn't realize they were coming across. I mean. Come on. Is there really that little love and forgiveness on this forum? Am I really just a satanist blogger on a church website or what?

Spend six months taking care of your eighty year old landlady who is in a wheelchair like I did because of a sex crime. Then we'll talk.

Spend two weeks in the hospital and two years on mobility assistance devices because you tried to stop your next door neighbor's ex-boyfriend from raping her on her front lawn when you were on the way home from the store. Then we'll talk.

Spend the entire rest of your life trying to get over the loss of the first person you fell in love with after they committed suicide because they were drugged and raped, and the rapist convinced a jury the drug use was the victim's idea. Then we'll talk.

I can assure you none of those people were "asking for it."

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: d'aniel on August 30, 2011, 08:36:30 AM
I really take the criticism personally, but not in a bad way. I learn quickly. I need moar1!
Then here's some constructive criticism: (

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: d'aniel on August 30, 2011, 09:32:32 AM
I guess honesty doesn't have to always be brash and rude though and that's kind of what I got from that.
Oh, brash and rude was what I was going for.  By recommending Bitcoin, community members have put their reputations on the line.  So when the self-appointed Bitcoin public figures make fools of themselves, they should expect to feel the consequences of the damage they do.

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: julz on August 30, 2011, 09:41:23 AM

I say I was wrong (I was wrong) and apologize not only for my poor representation of my real opinions, but in my thoughtlessness and momentary lapse of judgement on a topic of such sensitivity. I'm sorry. I really am.

So you think you were being criticized for the way the opinion was presented, and for lack of sensitivity in expressing it.. and that people didn't understand the underlying opinion itself?
Would I be wrong to suggest that the underlying opinion is a turd - and you're still trying to polish it?

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: BlockHash on August 30, 2011, 12:53:44 PM

I say I was wrong (I was wrong) and apologize not only for my poor representation of my real opinions, but in my thoughtlessness and momentary lapse of judgement on a topic of such sensitivity. I'm sorry. I really am.

So you think you were being criticized for the way the opinion was presented, and for lack of sensitivity in expressing it.. and that people didn't understand the underlying opinion itself?
Would I be wrong to suggest that the underlying opinion is a turd - and you're still trying to polish it?

You'd only be half right.

I say I was wrong (I was wrong) and apologize not only for my poor representation of my real opinions, but in my thoughtlessness and momentary lapse of judgement on a topic of such sensitivity. I'm sorry. I really am.

I'm apologizing for thoughtlessness. It was a turd. I recognize the turd. I apologize for the turd. In addition, I apologize for having dropped a polished turd and not recognizing it as a turd at first.

Btw-- what does it mean when someone's 'coin' is cut in half below their name? I noticed theymos and Nafarous both have 4.5 coins. Is that based on how many people ignore or report them? Couldn't be, could it? Can someone report theymos? Lol

You've done nothing but create giant stinking turds since you came valiantly marching into this forum proclaiming you and your "associates" are the BBB of the Bitcoin community. I've seen the posts that they have put up over on SA about you. It seems they've pretty much got you figured out, too bad this community hasn't come to the same conclusion yet.

I find it completely ridiculous that you merely "misspoke" when it comes down to a sensitive subject such as rape. It's clear after the Wagner stuff came to late yesterday that there are a few sick individuals who feel that rape is excusable and completely the fault of the victim if they dress sexy. To explain it as a misspeak is rather disingenuous.

Title: Re: Warning about the "United Association of Bitcoin International"
Post by: lettucebee on August 30, 2011, 01:17:05 PM
Matthew put foot in mouth, immediately retracted and apologized. Wolftaur fails to mention that in this thread and is just picking a fight, won't let it go, bad on him. Let it go, wolf.