Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Anonymous on August 31, 2011, 05:00:50 AM

Title: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Anonymous on August 31, 2011, 05:00:50 AM
So I get a massive amount of trolls today sending me @replies.!/caylenb/status/108691453345136640
@GLDNLNTMRN because @bitcoinmedia was harboring that bruce guy knowing he was convicted for mortgage fraud& found out theyll be investigated!/PlanetofFinks/status/108742705030496256
@bitcoinmedia hey i think it cool that youre weirdo pervert freak scam artist and youre starting a viable alternate economy. google ron paup!/tresdessert/status/108668706451767296
@bitcoinmedia wouldn't you say distributing an imaginary, worse-than-useless currency is also "spreading fud"

This one was actually funny
@bitcoinmedia i want to taxidermy your body and fill it with bitcoins

@bitcoinmedia is not in any way related to bruce wagner or the bitcoin show. The site also has nothing to do with

Im an aussie who has never left the country.

In case any of you internet detectives get an idea to knock on my door in the mistaken idea Im a pedo scam artist.
Come at me.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: SomeoneWeird on August 31, 2011, 05:03:21 AM
Yerp, I can confirm nam is btcmedia.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Weaver on August 31, 2011, 06:52:04 AM
But are you Tom Williams? ;D

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Anonymous on August 31, 2011, 06:53:39 AM
But are you Tom Williams? ;D

No I am Tod Williams.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Weaver on August 31, 2011, 06:57:57 AM
But are you Tom Williams? ;D

No I am Tod Williams.
and I am Tom Villiams.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Anonymous on August 31, 2011, 07:23:03 AM
But are you Tom Williams? ;D

No I am Tod Williams.
and I am Tom Villiams.


Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Nefario on August 31, 2011, 07:30:02 AM
Tod? So what was all this Bruce crap you were telling me?
Just for that I'm not sending the donation to your "My baby ate a dingo" charity.


Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: helloworld on August 31, 2011, 07:44:38 AM

I am two mills.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Anonymous on August 31, 2011, 08:14:12 AM
Tod? So what was all this Bruce crap you were telling me?
Just for that I'm not sending the donation to your "My baby ate a dingo" charity.


He said he sent you a pm saying "My body is ready".

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: SomeoneWeird on August 31, 2011, 09:41:23 AM
But are you Tom Williams? ;D

No I am Tod Williams.
and I am Tom Villiams.


Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: wolftaur on August 31, 2011, 10:25:15 AM


Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: ctoon6 on September 01, 2011, 10:16:11 PM
why is this guy afforded the name anonymous?

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 01, 2011, 10:25:12 PM
why is this guy afforded the name anonymous?

He isn't. He deleted his forum account and all the posts he made remained as being posted as an anonymous guest, that's all.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Jonathan Ryan Owens on September 02, 2011, 02:03:23 AM

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: wolftaur on September 02, 2011, 06:27:52 AM
why is this guy afforded the name anonymous?

He was kicked off the forums for threatening people.

The forum software apparently just uses 'Anonymous' when the poster ID in the database is no longer a valid user reference.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: BitcoinPorn on September 11, 2011, 10:47:31 AM
He was kicked off the forums for threatening people.

Link please.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: SomeoneWeird on September 11, 2011, 12:34:38 PM
He was kicked off the forums for threatening people.

Link please.

+1. This is bullshit.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 05, 2014, 07:25:07 AM
If anybody knows who BitcoinMedia is, please let me know. Meanwhile, I hunting the info myself and will update this thread once I uncover who he was.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 05, 2014, 07:34:27 AM
If anybody knows who BitcoinMedia is, please let me know. Meanwhile, I hunting the info myself and will update this thread once I uncover who he was.

Actually, I'm seeking who Anonymous (the OP of this thread) was, of which I'm getting closer.

1.Bruce Wagner has nothing to do with bitcoin media-how many times does this have to be repeated? cryptoexchange was intending to launch on the show and has nothing to do with bruce either.
2.Ive had long discussions with cryptoexchanger and believe the platform they are bringing out will be great for bitcoin. They have spent a great deal of money on security and getting everything in order. Maybe if you spent less time wearing a tin foil hat and speaking to people they would share stuff with you .
3. I copy and pasted a forum post.
4.Ive defended the bitcoinmedia blog since noagendamarket left with people saying it has gone to shit.
5.Which competing exchange told you to post this shit in the forum and why didnt you contact people first with your concerns ? Lots of things get posted on the blog from youtube videos to reviews to personal opinions. Take what you read with a grain of salt because bitcoinmedia has been a totally volunteer job which I see no one else stepped up for. The pr department of bitcoin is non existent. Why post this on the forum which looks like an accusation of impropriety because it talks about a new bitcoin exchange?
6. What is mt gox paying you to do their dirty work ? Its about time a professional exchange was started to compete with them. The fact 90% of bitcoin infrastructure is owned by them and as soon as a promising competitor wants to start up they get attacked seems a bit suspicious to me. This post reeks of a hit piece.

FWIW I get a lot of behind the scenes access to many different sites before they are released. Dont be jealous be happy there is someone in the community these sites trust enough to entrust with their news. No wonder some businesses avoid bitcoin because of bitcoin forum members calling them scammers.

P.S. CoinMedia is not a journalist. Calling them a "media outlet" is retarded. Its a BLOG.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 05, 2014, 07:42:22 AM
Found it: noagendamarket

IMHO, he was a bit of a fool for thinking he can provoke a mass of trolls on Twitter. Trolls and hackers, when in large groups, no matter how unskilled or foolish you think they may be - it's best to "play dead" or ignore them. If you turn it into a battle of egos, the mob's always going to win.

Having said that, some of the shit said about his family members was deplorable. If the trolls are so convinced they have the logical high-ground anyway, why the need for personal attacks and/or threats (well, I suppose threats is a case of tit for tat with NAM, but still)?

noagendamarket was my friend, his name wasn't bruce (although that would have been funny being as he's in Australia), and was an awesome guy.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 05, 2014, 07:52:22 AM
I just want to point out the glaring stupidity of what you are doing by attacking bitcoin.
They're not attacking Bitcoin. They may be attacking you (I haven't been keeping up), but speak for yourself.

They have dug up enough crap on Bruce that his time as any kind of spokesperson for Bitcoin is obviously over. For that, I think we should be grateful. Thank god these things were revealed now rather than in a year or so when Bitcoin is hopefully a much bigger thing.

Yes in that way its probably a good thing. I doubt anyone will want to be a public face of bitcoin if they are worried someone might do something to their family for speaking up.

Satoshi did a wise thing by disappearing.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 05, 2014, 08:21:04 AM
Now, this is fuckin' weird:

As seen above, Atlas, a.k.a. Immanuel Go, is calling out noagenda (noagendamarket(?)), but you can clearly see Immanel Go is Anonymous in this case.

But, noagenda(market) is not affiliated with his now Anonymous moniker nowhere on this forum. (BTW, I'm not claiming that they are one in the same.)

Here's the really change part: About three weeks ago Atlas called me from...wait for it...Australia, possessing a distinct Aussie accent, in spite of being born and raised in Texas.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 05, 2014, 08:23:45 AM
why is this guy afforded the name anonymous?

He isn't. He deleted his forum account and all the posts he made remained as being posted as an anonymous guest, that's all.

But, Immanuel Go, a.k.a. Atlas, also now shows being Anonymous, but Immanuel Go is not replaced with Anonymous when quoted like noagenda(market) is.

Title: Re: BitcoinMedia is not Bruce Wagner.
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 05, 2014, 08:46:12 AM
This post may not be related with the above, but found it interesting nonetheless in the same vein.

I remember his ramblings. Constantly talking about how he was suicidal or questioning himself, seeing ghosts and thinking he was a space alien reincarnated or some equally insane gibberish.

Source?  This is fabricated entirely out of thin air.

Since this is unlocked now, see

I'm sorry, I was confusing you with Atlas.

Following the link...

Why not give the wallet and data to someone who can handle it and is trustworthy? Like genjix or phantomcircuit? I'd also handle it for you (though I'm busy and it may take me a while to deal with it, so someone else would be better).

Apologies if you spit out coffee on your laptop like I did when I read the above.