Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: bitpop on January 08, 2014, 11:41:02 PM

Title: Maxconnections and Armory
Post by: bitpop on January 08, 2014, 11:41:02 PM
I have maxconncections=40 and if I get that many connections it seems Armory cant connect. I thought armory used rpc which isnt counted. Getinfo still works so rpc is working.

How do I reserve a connection for armory? I have to keep restarting bitcoind at this point. Is armory using a p2p connection? And raw db? But no rpc?

Title: Re: Maxconnections and Armory
Post by: empoweoqwj on January 09, 2014, 02:08:36 AM
Armory has its own sub-forum :)

Title: Re: Maxconnections and Armory
Post by: etotheipi on January 09, 2014, 03:44:24 AM
Armory uses almost entirely P2P.  The RPC is only used if you have Armory manage Bitcoin-Qt/bitcoind for you, in which case it basically only uses it to determine & report synchronization state.  Beyond that, everything goes through P2P.  This makes it agnostic to the backend Bitcoin engine... if someone wants to use a different engine (which doesn't really exist yet), then they can swap it no problem.

That's an overstatement at the moment, since Armory does still rely on the blk*.dat files, but even that will be removed (hopefully soon).

I'm not sure if there's a way to reserve a connection for a given IP address.  I bet there is.  You could probably find out pretty quickly on the #bitcoin-dev IRC channel.  Or just post in the parent forum.  Make sure you report back here with the answer, since I'm kind of curious myself.

Title: Re: Maxconnections and Armory
Post by: bitpop on January 09, 2014, 03:57:27 AM
Yes so reserving a connection is paramount then. I run a node to help the network but I also need armory. Increasing my maxconnections hoping it won't fill up will hurt my bandwidth.

Using a trusted remote node once block files aren't needed would be nice. I run other nodes on vps which can take massive connections.

My other option is to stop taking connections to my local one. Our restarting every time. But I don't know it won't work until armory rapidly flashes disconnected and upon restart does a long scan.

Title: Re: Maxconnections and Armory
Post by: bitpop on January 09, 2014, 04:05:00 AM
Rpc is used to transmit tho right? That would be hard to do for remote node due to security.

Title: Re: Maxconnections and Armory
Post by: spin on January 09, 2014, 09:48:50 AM
You can't reserve a connection as far as I'm aware.  
Read up on addnode and connect here:

But you can't use those to connect to armory I think.

My idea would be:
1. I would move your public connections to a different node.  And keep this as private node only node almost?
2. Channge this node's conf to connect/addnode to all your other nodes (only).

I have actually been thinking of using such a almost offline wallet where firewall is set to only allow connections from bitcoind to a specific IP on port 8333 to an internet facing node. Everything else is dropped.

You have then
Armory <----> Bitcoind   <---->  firewall <---> [public facing node bitcond] <----> internet
Everything on the left of the firewall is then basically an offline pc other than the one connection being allowed.

Title: Re: Maxconnections and Armory
Post by: TierNolan on January 09, 2014, 10:14:04 AM
A tweak would be to have armory listen for an incoming connection and only accept one (from localhost).

There is better security in Armory making the connection though.  It 100% trusts the local node.

Title: Re: Maxconnections and Armory
Post by: bitpop on January 09, 2014, 10:36:59 AM
Yeah since I'm running dedicated public nodes, I might privatize my local one.

Title: Re: Maxconnections and Armory
Post by: goatpig on January 11, 2014, 04:08:00 AM
try bind=localhost in bitcoin.conf