Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: SolomonSollarsNSense on January 09, 2014, 05:31:04 PM

Title: [ANN] [SOLB - SOL] Sollar Bonds World's First Crypto-Bond [Ground Floor Thread]
Post by: SolomonSollarsNSense on January 09, 2014, 05:31:04 PM
Sollar Bonds!!

The Worlds first Crypto-Bond!
Issued for the Smart Currency in development, Sollars and Sense!

This is the essence of Sollar Bonds...

It’s an investment security deliberately created for Sollywood Inc. to freely raise funds for the EPIC vision of  
SOLLYWOOD and to GREATLY reward Early Believers and Investors who see it.


Dont be the FUDster Fool Who Missed Out!

Only early Believers and Investors

Only they will get


From this!

That is for having the balls to recognize a unique vision
and making a BOSS decision to financially invest and support
And it will be Sollywood Incs sole purpose to make them
insane returns
By doing exactly what we set out to do...



Dont Say No one Told You...

NOTE: Sollar Bonds are Zero-Coupon bonds. Zero-Coupon are bonds without an interest rate attached to them. They are instead sold at a steep discount price to its face value price depending on its maturity date. It’s simple and effective. Sollars and Sense is a prototype but the Sollar Bond platform still needs to be developed. It will be an open sourced project.

Sollar Bond Contract Properties

Amount to be in Network:
10,000,000,000 (10 Billion)

Face Value:
Each Bond issued is worth 1 Sollar/1 Dollar

Interest Rate:
No interest rate. Instead sold
at very steep discounts to its face value price.

Sold exclusively in crypto-currencies.

Date of Maturity:
10 years from Official Sale date.

As with a traditional US Zero-Coupon Treasury Bond you know exactly what the Face value price is and what your interest payments are (none). The price you will pay for each bond is listed below on the Pre Sale auction section. You know exactly when you’ll get your Sollars [maturity date] (your Crypto serves as initial investment). This is so long as you still have the Sollar Bonds and my company Sollywood Inc doesn’t default or go bankrupt. We do not have plans to default or go bankrupt. We only have plans to change the world with Sollars and Sense! But this still must be stated.

For Complete COMPLETE Details you can check out this full thread. It is VERY VERY thorough and long.

NOTE: Also check out the Risk Analysis section of this thread below

Donation Period (Unofficial PreSale)

Solomon Adekale (SolomonSollarsNSense) Sollywood Inc
Accepted Cryptos:
BitCoin, LiteCoin
Price of Each Bond:
0.00000007 BitCoin (Same as PreSale)
Buying Period:
Until official Pre Sale begins [Jan 12, 2014]

Donation Period has BEGUN!
Right now I’m taking donations in 4 Cryptos.
But only BitCoin and LiteCoin will be rewarded with Sollar Bonds.
The Pre-Sale begins this Sunday January 12, 2014 12PM (CST)

BitCoin BTC/Sollar Bonds

0.00007 BTC = 1000 Sollar Bonds
0.007 BTC = 100,000 Sollar Bonds
0.07 BTC = 1,000,000 Sollar Bonds
0.7 BTC = 10,000,000 Sollar Bonds
7 BTC = 100,000,000 Sollar Bonds

LiteCoin LTC/Sollar Bonds

1 LTC = 400,000 Sollar Bonds
5 LTC = 2,000,000 Sollar Bonds
10 LTC = 4,000,000 Sollar Bonds
20 LTC = 8,000,000 Sollar Bonds

Here are the Donation/PreSale addresses:

BTC - 1GKwDU3yNyk9baV2XLtbBWe4TkGiYBZHky

LTC - LcJJozUqF1s1LjpX6qB5p7eLsWXHFo1jku

NMC - NB1Sm1EzcxMZ9tSGrxSxhmT3Myoq3oxELd

PPC - PFaXsfcS2u8kEJbCfWt6WWwJzDnLrM5URj

This ends the announcement.

It's that simple...

You'll either get it or you won't... This project will instantly “Make $ense” to you or it won't.
By the end of this thread you’ll either be a staunch believer or an instant FUDster...

And you know what?

Either path is okay. The free market must be respected…

But regardless of your sentiment let this be clear!

This thread is THE ground floor invitation for YOU to be apart of a technological movement the world will never see again.

As captain of this movement, this beautiful ship, I’m inviting you to join me now at the deck before it takes off.

Because when it does, there will be no looking back…

Understand that what we are going to do will not only be the next big thing in digital currency, by the end of 2014 it will be blatantly clear to all,

that it is the last BIG thing in digital currency…

As the era of Gold as a MEANS TO VALUE AND EXCHANGE came to an end
with the introduction of something simpler and more useful as paper money...

So too will the era of #SmartGold...


Respectfully yield way with the introduction of something simpler

And more useful... #SmartMoney!
And it should come as no surprise... ;D

What we will observe here my friends is a pre installed feature encoded into this elegant computing system we call our universe...
It’s a program as universal and as old as time...
That programmed feature is


For as a Wise Man once intelligently said

"What has been will be again,
What has been done will be done again…

My friends, my friends… there is nothing,
I MEAN NOTHING, new under the sun..."

With that said. Hello All…

My name is
Solomon[/b][/size] 8)

If you’ve read my Introduction thread then you know I use my real name.
If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to do so.

I want to use this thread to formally introduce my currency and payment system Sollars and Sense.
And the crypto project I’m starting to get it fully developed. That project is…

Sollar Bonds!!

The Worlds first Crypto-Bond!
Issued for the Smart Currency in development, Sollars and Sense!

If you need a primer on what traditional bonds are Investopedia has a great video you can watch here:

Now before we get into Sollar Bonds lets understand a little bit about the Smart Currency
And Payment system it will be issued for…
[3rd Generation!!]

SOL – Sollars and Sense: The first Smart Currency and Payment system! Like your smart phone compared to dumb phones, Sollars and Sense is being built to be a Smarter Version of THE WORLD’s RESERVE CURRENCY and what Americans have in their Wallets and Bank accounts. Sollars and Sense is the alternative currency for everyday people and everyday transactions.

SOL – Completely independent From initial idea to code, Sollars is completely independent from BitCoin and any of its derivatives. Sollars and Sense was not a response to BitCoin or any other digital currency. Sollars started out 4 years ago as an ideal solution to the ridiculously DUMB pricing system of Hollywood and Television, hence #SmartMoney

SOL - Balanced blend As originally intended the Sollars and Sense currency and payment network will be a balanced mixture of proprietary components, API components and open source components. #Makes$ense

SOL – The Three Keys: Although there are many selling points for this currency there are three that we focus on.

(1) Intelligent (Smart)
(2) Universal (Borderless)
(3) Trustworthy (Secure)

Intelligent/Smart is at the core of why I originally started my own currency. It referred to an automated supply and demand pricing system with easy and convenient 1 click transactions. This even at micro-prices (1 cent, 3 Sense) which is non-existent in Hollywood economics and its business model. This currency would empower me as an Individual and Filmmaker to EMPOWER other INDIVIDUALS to support my films AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Over the years as I studied Information, Economics, Technology, and Banking my currency has become much much more ambitious in what it will do... And it will do it all

SOL- Technology-wise When it comes to actual tech the three keys will mean many things such as but not limited to:

(a) Programmable monetary policy
(b) Smart algorithms ie Supply and Demand [Others - Proprietary]
(c) Cryptographic security - [No-brainer as "smart" I always just assumed this]
(d) Protection and privacy controls
(e) Infrastructure design and architecture framework
(f) Private/public ledgers commonly referred to as the blockchain
(g) Distributed API components
(h) Distributed network securing and powering
(i) Borderless Peer-to-Peer transactions
(j) Smart Divisibility - introduced when the time is right, dont confuse regular folks
(k) Smart Fee structure - Proprietary  
(l) Central Accountability- Yes central authority that is accountable to the development and monetary policies of the sollars and sense ecosystem and subsequent digital economy

SOL- Private Currency and Product Sollars and Sense at its core is a private currency and product developed, distributed and issued by a private company (aka a Central Authority) on behalf of Consumers and its internal monetary policies.

FUDsters you have permission to go CRAZY! ;D

For everyone else it’s similar to the way iOS, iPhones and iPads are developed and issued by Apple (Central Authority)
on behalf of Consumers and their internal monetary policies

It’s the same way kindle, and Amazon Coin is developed and distributed by Amazon (Central Authority)
on behalf of Consumers and its internal monetary policies

it’s the same way Office, Surface, and Windows 8 is developed, distributed and issued by Microsoft (Central Authority)
on behalf of Consumers and their internal monetary policies,

It's the same way your grandma (Central Authority) develops and distributes her proprietary christmas cookies (private product) to your family

And most ironically it’s similar to the way the BitCoin foundation (Central Authority)
develops, issues and maintains updates on the bitcoin network and protocol on behalf of miners and consensus. Internal Monetary Policy

And also the way the BitCoin network is the sole central authority for issuing BitCoin’s based on its own internal and programmed monetary policy (mining)
which was encoded by a Central Authority mainly Satoshi Nakamoto.

Moral of the story... Central Authorities cannot be gotten rid of, their power can only be democratized by of course A CENTRAL AUTHORITY.

Here is a great article on BitCoin Central Authority for Issuance and Monetary Policy:


I believe in a free banking system closer in line with FA Hayeks vision of denationalized currencies. It just makes $ense.
Everyone who wants should be able to create his or her own monetary policies and currencies platforms if they so choose.
Skip the Central Banksters (Fiat) and Central Miners (BitCoin Central Banksters) both groups of fools have the same mindset.
They would like their systems to be declared best for all by fiat and or first movers status rather than the free market.
Let consumers decide what central authority and monetary policy they will trust and adopt. #FreeMarkets #Smart

Technology has shown there are plenty of configurations for Centralized Authorities and for Centralized authorities to flourish
while avoiding “single point of Failure” networks (FUDster favorite). Don’t allow your lack of imagination
or silly doctrines according to FUDsterism  hinder you from seeing the unlimited possibilities with technology.

[Now back to our regular scheduled programming]

SOL- Smart Printing: There is no end to the amount of Sollars and Sense that can be digitally printed and there shouldn’t be. Making $ense will be a limitless process. Long term a true competitor to fiat money needs to be able to grow with an economy while strategically avoiding inflation and deflation with their programmed monetary policies. We will do the same... #JustSmarter

SOL – Proof of Fiat Its the main way Consumers will CREATE our currency. Sollar and Sense is pegged to the American Dollar and Cent. Its a 1-1 Exchange and is built to be familiar aka no learning curve [I hope you know why that is important]. Consumers are in charge of digitally printing our money. And generating it is as simple and easy as generating tokens gift cards and virtual game currencies.They exchange fiat money to create ours. We simply set the exchange rates for different types of fiat monies into our system aka Proof of Fiat. The Consumer chooses to pay the exchange rate or not and we generate the currency on behalf of them.

NOTE: Fiat currencies NEVER enter the Sollars and Sense payment network as a substitute or otherwise EVER. Also as a private company we control the ecosystems in which our currency can be used. For now that is only within our Cable-Killer platform Sollywood TV… For now. #SmartReserves

As time goes on there may be other methods of obtaining Sollars and Sense that can easily be adopted. It will all be based on competitive market conditions or push back from deliberate and oppressive government regulations. This includes but are not limited to:

Proof of Work – No not necessarily mining [Proprietary]
Proof of Stake – Not necessarily Sollars and Sense [Proprietary]
Proof of Demand – Algorithmic or otherwise [Proprietary]
Proof of Skill – self-explanatory
Proof of Code/information – [Proprietary]
Proof of Assets/commodities – Self-explanatory
Proof of Status – [Proprietary]
Proof of Location – [Proprietary]

We have a diverse world with 7 Billion people in it. It is naïve to believe one way of obtaining a currency and "valuing elements" will fit all situations. Especially when that one way system has less than  1000 people owning half of it's #SmartCommodity. ( And that's your answer to replacing #Fiat? POW does not work for normal and everyday folks... (All methods of obtaining Sollars and Sense will be introduced when necessary or when the time is right) #Smart #Makes$ense

SOL- Current Iteration There is a prototype of Sollars and Sense currency and payment system. It works like a basic virtual game currency and is purchased in bulk with PayPal being the gateway.

SOL – Clear starting point The Hollywood and Television Industry on the platform Sollywood TV. Sollywood TV is exactly what it sounds like. The complete takeover of Hollywood and Television using an alternative currency and payment system. It's the first open marketplace where every type of content creator no matter how BIG or small is welcomed to "Make $ense" out of Consumers. Student filmmakers all the way up to Hollywood Studios, Netflix, Sports whomever... They are all welcomed. The catch is Content Creators MUST SELL AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Even if that price is 3 $ense.

Supply and Demand has finally found its way to Hollywood. It rules on Sollywood TV as a programmed monetary policy and we make sure that is the case by completely controlling the economics of pricing and transactions within Sollywood TV... HENCE Sollars and Sense.

NOTE: From the day that Sollars and Sense launches with Sollywood TV it will be a one to one exchange with the American Dollar. In it’s current iteration it is already a 1-1 exchange with the American Dollar. Sollar and Sense will launch with a private beta version of Sollywood TV. Both products will be STRIPPED DOWN VERSIONS.

Pitch Deck-
Angel List -

SOL – Clear End Goal

To replace paper money
As the means by which we value and exchange goods, services, wealth and or commodities…

Or in other words THE One World Currency. #SimpleAsThat.

And that concludes the introduction of Sollar and Sense currency and payment system.
Now lets introduce the crypto project to get this ship off to shore...

Anyone in their right mind can see what is going to be accomplish are big and hefty goals…

But it will be done.

And with some $ense  ;)

Now because of the nature of this platform I started brainstorming about how to raise capital for my vision outside of the traditional financial system and GREATLY reward early believers and investors if we are successful. I’m talking about returns that potentially have never been seen before like BitCoin’s potential ROIs with its early believers and investors. It took some time, but that "Aha" moment came...

And hit me HARD…

It went something like this...

Issue a simple denationalized investment security for Sollars and Sense on its own crypto network. The security would be to receive Sollars, [the currency being developed] at a future date. This in exchange for crypto-currencies now. The security would be issued as a “zero coupon” Crypto-Bond which can be held until its maturity date for its Face value price. Or once acquired, freely exchanged for any type of Crypto-Currency until its maturity date.

That is the essence of Sollar Bonds...

It’s an investment security deliberately created for me to freely raise funds for my vision
(off the grid) and to greatly reward early believers and investors who see it.


And let me make this clear FUDster Fool!

Only early Believers and Investors

Only they deserve nothing less than to get


From this!

That is for having the balls to recognize my unique vision
and making a BOSS decision to financially invest and support
And it will be my sole purpose to make them
insane returns
By doing exactly what we set out to do...

Create a simple currency platform FOR ALL...


You have a problem with that?



Your mom, Your Dad, Your house,

Those shoes, Your coding skills

That post you just FUDded all over

Your cat, Your Doge,

Your girlfriend, Her mom,

Coinye West

Your dreams, Your schemes

That last ScamCoin project [NEON]




And anyone you think supports you can all


There's Enough Room :P

NOTE: Zero-Coupon bonds are bonds without an interest rate attached to them. They are instead sold at a steep discount price to its face value price depending on its maturity date. It’s simple and effective.

Sollar Bond Contract Properties

Amount in Network:
10,000,000,000 (10 Billion)

Face Value:
Each Bond issued is worth 1 Sollar

Interest Rate:
No interest rate. Instead sold
at very steep discounts to its face value price.

Sold exclusively in crypto-currencies.

Date of Maturity:
10 years from Official Sale date.

As with a traditional US Zero-Coupon Treasury Bond you know exactly what the Face value price is and what your interest payments are (none). The price you will pay for each bond is listed below on the Pre Sale auction section. You know exactly when you’ll get your Sollars [maturity date] (your Crypto serves as initial investment). This is so long as you still have the Sollar Bonds and my company Sollywood Inc doesn’t default or go bankrupt. We do not have plans to default or go bankrupt. We only have plans to change the world with a digital currency but this still must be stated.

NOTE: Check out the Risk Analysis section of this thread below

The official Sollar Bond contract will be viewable with a PDF download on the website when it goes up.

SOLB – World’s First Crypto-Bond

SOLB - An investment security issued for development of the smart currency and payment system sollars and sense and the digital ecosystems it will be utilized in

SOLB - an investment tool deliberately created to raise capital and reward early believers and investors

SOLB- Also created as the primary way "monies" crypto or otherwise will be raised in the future from people who believe in me (Solomon Adekale) and my vision (Sollywood) regardless of location (Globe BABY!).

SOLB- POS/POT "interest" Algorithm Sollar Bonds have no traditional interest payments attached to them. But there will be a set number of bonds put aside that the Sollar Bond network will issue to bondholders within the network. This issuance will happen over the next ten years. The Sollar Bond Network's issuance to current bond holders will be based on three criteria:

(1) Securing the Network (POS)
(2) Amount of Sollar Bonds one has purchased and holds (POS)
(3) The amount of time one has held on to their Sollar Bonds (POT)

This programmed monetary policy serves three purposes

(1) To incentivize individuals to buy in auctions and be Investors not just "watchers"
(2) To incentivize individuals to secure the Sollar Bond network
(3) To discourage individuals to sell off bonds quickly

The algorithm as a concept came from studying the best crypto-currency platforms now in existence that could serve as a base for taking the Sollar Bond idea and making it a reality. Nxt comes in first, along with NameCoin, some elements of Quarks and also some open source tools in Open Transactions.

SOLB- Proof of Crypto Like Treasury Bonds, Sollar Bonds will be issued at online auctions at a certain price in various crypto currencies that we choose. We will be using BitCoin Talk for our 2014 auctions until the Sollar Bond platform is complete.

SOL-B Sollar Bonds will not be infinitely divisible to any degree

SOL-B Sollar Bonds are not, I REPEAT ARE NOT a crypto-currency. They are meant to easily be traded like one. They are in essence a bond issued on behalf of a private S-Corporation [Sollywood Inc] for development of their products. Sollars and Sense IS THE CURRENCY you are investing in THROUGH SOLLAR BONDS.

SOLB will be built with the following features:

- Sollar Bonds security unit (obviously)
- Sollar Bond POS/POT "Interest Rate" Algorithm  
Discourage Bond holders to sell off quickly, encourages Bondholders to buy more and be invested, Encourages bondholders to secure the network, and hold on to bonds longer.
- Sollar Bond Accounts (wallets) - similar to Nxt
Online ones obtainable by us Sollywood Inc and a simple clean UI Sollar Bond accounts for Mac and Windows
- Color Bonds/Meta Data Tagging/Multi-Sigs [M of N]
Security features to lock Bonds to an account. These types of "tags" will only be able to be removed with an additional private key before selling off. This is relevant because we will not issue Sollars unless the account and Sollar Bonds have the same tag or no tag at all.
- Public Record - aka Blockchain
- Centralized Auction/Decentralized Marketplace
This feature is for my company to issue bonds, for bondholders to sell bonds and for individuals to buy bonds
- Reputation System
- Voting System
- Basic DDoS Protection [and advanced if possible]

NOTE: This will be a completely open source project so anyone in the community will be able to build services around Sollar Bonds or accept bounties that we issue. And if this platform is successful, others can use the source code to raise money for themselves and their projects. This would also be considered an open sourced component to Sollars and Sense. Finally I’m open to any suggestions on what should be built into this system. Nxt is an obvious candidate for a proper fork into the Sollar Bond platform with certain tweaks. Open Transactions is also a great runner up, along with NameCoin.

Building the Sollar Bond Dev Team

I consider myself an information technologist, but unfortunately I am not applied. I understand a lot about Software/Hardware on many levels but I don’t write code. My traditional background is in filmmaking and cinema production. I hold both a Bachelors Degree in film directing and a Masters Degree in cinema production management. That means if I had a budget I know how to produce and direct blockbuster film such as Ironman Man of Steel etc etc [they don't call me Sollywood for nothing.] Check out my LinkedIn Profile. You can see a fraction of what I’ve done [with no budget.]

With that said, I am looking for a highly skilled lead developer to start building the platform and building the core development team. This lead developer would also manage the open source community of devs we may acquire. I will be taking care of the other half of this important equation. That is business development, marketing, executive decisions for my company and community management. Compensation for work will come in the form of both Sollar Bonds and possible monies depending on how many Sollar Bonds are sold and what resources can be allocated where. Money and Bond allocation to individuals on the dev team will depend on level of involvement in the project and long term commitments. In terms of bonds you will be well compensated for GREAT work.

Lead Developer IS NOT A MERCENARY POSITION! I need someone who sees my vision and has the proper technical skills to make it happen and will stay dedicated long term. If you are interested you can PM me with your email address. Include your LinkedIn profile (if you have one) and or links to something that shows you have what it takes to develop this platform and lead the technology side of this project. I would prefer a lead developer with an in depth knowledge and experience of developing crypto-currencies. I’ll also be reviewing your BitCoin Talk posts. Don’t need any trolls ruining this show.

2014 is going to be an amazing year for alternative currencies and none is more ripe to make $ense for the general public like Sollars. Let’s make it happen together!

Sollar Bond Auctions

The plan to issue initial Sollar Bonds will come in four phases.

(A) Donation Period (Unofficial Presale)
(B) Pre-Sale
(c) Official Sale
(D) Extended Sale

I will be using BitCoin Talk threads as an auction space to facilitate and record transactions for Sollar Bonds. There is also an accompanying Sollar Bond order book made with a Google Spreadsheet. You can see the Google spread sheet here:

Its a buy only read only Order book. Only I along with anyone I personally designate on the Sollar Bond team will be allowed to enter transactions into the order book. These transactions will correspond with the auction thread on BitCoin Talk. I have no time or patience for trolling. As with typical bonds, Sollar Bonds will be sold in 1000s and selling will be on a first come first serve basis. Individuals are free to purchase Sollar Bonds in increments of the price tier they are purchasing, this is up until the next price tier (see Pre-Sale section below for price tier information)

Donation Period (Unofficial PreSale)

Solomon Adekale (SolomonSollarsNSense) Sollywood Inc
Accepted Cryptos:
BitCoin, LiteCoin
Price of Each Bond:
0.00000007 BitCoin (Same as PreSale)
Buying Period:
Until official Pre Sale begins [Jan 12, 2014]

Donation period starts now. That’s right, right this second. As the creator of this project and currency if you like my efforts or my vision consider donating to this project. I’ve worked extremely hard to bring this massive venture to where it is today and I’m gonna work even harder to make it a reality for the world tomorrow. I’ve invested my own time and money and that’s because I know it will bring a positive change to individuals around the world. So I have one word for you…


Trust is a necessary component for life
Whether that is trusting a person
A computer
Or yourself...
Trust is a MUST for all transactions.
That's why its a Main KEY for Sollars and Sense...
Trustlessness is nonsense.
It doesn’t exist.
Now Im not asking you to trust me...
Matter of Fact, I'm Nigerian  ;D
I do not want you to trust me.
I want you to be skeptical
Do some due diligence
Go through this not once
Not twice
But 30 times
And then...


Whether that is for me and this project
Or against it
Trust Your Gut…

Again if you think my efforts with this project are worthy, then donate. It can be BIG, it can be small, either way they will be greatly appreciated. All donations are greatly appreciated. If the donation matches any of the price tiers for the PreSale your kind gesture will be rewarded with Sollar Bonds and recorded. Simply notify me and I’ll record the transaction. Also post your transaction ID number and address to this thread.

Right now I’m taking donations in 4 Cryptos.
But only BitCoin and LiteCoin will be rewarded with Sollar Bonds.

Here are the Donation addresses:

BTC - 1GKwDU3yNyk9baV2XLtbBWe4TkGiYBZHky

LTC - LcJJozUqF1s1LjpX6qB5p7eLsWXHFo1jku

NMC - NB1Sm1EzcxMZ9tSGrxSxhmT3Myoq3oxELd

PPC - PFaXsfcS2u8kEJbCfWt6WWwJzDnLrM5URj


The PreSale for Sollar Bonds is scheduled to start Jan 12, 2014 12PM (CST).

There will be 1 Billion Sollar Bonds up for sale.
Buy orders are first come, first serve.
The Sale will run for one month.  
This sale is made specifically to mimic the 2009 conditions of BitCoin and see whose got balls...


Then Make $ense

Solomon Adekale (SolomonSollarsNSense) Sollywood Inc
The Only Nigerian Prince You'll Ever Trust With Your Money... Cuz He's Really An American

Amount available:
1 Billion Sollar Bonds

Price for Each:
0.00000007 BitCoin
Buying Period:
One Month

Other Accepted Cryptos:

BitCoin BTC/Sollar Bonds

0.00007 BTC = 1000 Sollar Bonds
0.007 BTC = 100,000 Sollar Bonds
0.07 BTC = 1,000,000 Sollar Bonds
0.7 BTC = 10,000,000 Sollar Bonds
7 BTC = 100,000,000 Sollar Bonds

LiteCoin LTC/Sollar Bonds

1 LTC = 400,000 Sollar Bonds
5 LTC = 2,000,000 Sollar Bonds
10 LTC = 4,000,000 Sollar Bonds
20 LTC = 8,000,000 Sollar Bonds

Official Sale!!

The Official Sale is scheduled for February 9, 2014 12PM (CST).
This date will only change if we run out of Sollar Bonds in the PreSale auction.
Then the official sale may start earlier.
Vis versa it may start later.

Solomon Adekale (SolomonSollarsNSense) Sollywood Inc

Amount issued:
500 Million Sollar Bonds

Price for Each:
0.0000007 BitCoin

Buying Period:
3 Months

Other Accepted Cryptos:
LiteCoin (only one tier, may change)

0.0007 BTC = 1000 Sollar Bonds
0.07 BTC = 100,000 Sollar Bonds
0.7 BTC = 1,000,000 Sollar Bonds
7 BTC = 10,000,000 Sollar Bonds
70 BTC = 100,000,000 Sollar Bonds

LiteCoin LTC

20 LTC = 800,000 Sollar Bonds

Please message me before you buy Sollar Bonds with LiteCoin for the official sale.
If enough folks are purchasing with BitCoin we may not accept LiteCoin.
Its just less of a hassle and simplifies our converting process.

Extended Sale

The extended sale will only begin if we run out of Sollar Bonds to sell within the three-month period.
The extended sale will have no end period.

Solomon Adekale (SolomonSollarsNSense) Sollywood Inc

Amount Available:
400 Million Sollar Bonds

Price for Each:
0.005 cents/BitCoin equivalent at date

Other Accepted Cryptos:

Buying Period:

NOTE: An additional 100 Million Sollar Bonds will be used for Giveaways, bounties, Salaries, accessories to salaries, kickstarters and other useful endeavors that benefit Sollywood and its Early SOLievers/Investors.

That is a total of up to 2 Billion Sollar Bonds that are scheduled to be up for sale and or issued in the first of the ten-year period. The rest of the bonds will be sold periodically when additional funds need to be raised. When the Sollar Bond platform is complete and bonds are properly dispursed bondholders are free to sell and trade for whatever crypto they would like. They are also free to hold on to it as is intended.

Any cryptos raised issuing Sollar Bonds during this period will be considered part of our Seed Round of funding. See Due Diligence links section and Goals and Objectives section for complete details.

If you buy in any of these periods make sure you post on the various social networks like Facebook/Reddit/Twitter and other sites about what WE are doing here. The PR is mutually beneficial.

People want something different?

Something completely fresh and new?

Well this is it!!  ;D

And the ground floor to get involved is here!

I’ll be using this thread to post updates on this project and all that’s happening in Sollywood.

Want to get involved with promotional or other business dev aspects? PM me or post a reply in this thread.

Sollars and Sense will reach it’s end goal and we will be the ones to change America and the rest of the world.
Don’t be the FOOL who passed up a gem hiding in plain sight!

#WontMake$ense ???

If you like what’s going on at Sollywood +1 this thread and donate to this project.
The donation period has already started. PM me or write in this thread if you have questions.


BTC - 1GKwDU3yNyk9baV2XLtbBWe4TkGiYBZHky

LTC - LcJJozUqF1s1LjpX6qB5p7eLsWXHFo1jku

NMC - NB1Sm1EzcxMZ9tSGrxSxhmT3Myoq3oxELd

PPC - PFaXsfcS2u8kEJbCfWt6WWwJzDnLrM5URj

Title: Re: [ANN] [SOLB - SOL] Sollar Bonds World's First Crypto-Bond [Ground Floor Thread]
Post by: refer_2_me on January 09, 2014, 05:33:46 PM