Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 01, 2011, 04:28:30 PM

Title: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 01, 2011, 04:28:30 PM

In the spirit of describing what this thread's about because I don't want a member jumping in on page 12 and stating he/she wished the OP would have gone into greater detail in his first post but since he didn't I'm now late to the party, I offer up the following.

I may have accidentally stumbled upon who Tom Williams is late last night. But after four hours of reading with 17 tabs open (I normally only have 3-4 opened--at the very most), I was too tired to...yada yada yada! The title to this thread should be enough to pique interest, let alone know what it's about.

I'm running late in getting a load of lumber delivered, so allow me to just post a couple links now. When I get back, I don't want to see this moved to Off-Topic.

First, I found this:

From info gleaned there, I found this: redacted for the time being--believe I linked the wrong Tom from my tangled mess

I don't have time now, but I'm also able to link Russian connections. (allinvain may also prove interesting)

Full disclosure: I'm not a member of SA and I've only visited, then started to read, their thread on Bitcoin two days ago (I find it an interesting read). My biggest fear now is that they may do the digging and take full glory in any discoveries before I have an opportunity to present what I've uncovered. But, such is life!

major edit job here by me, BRUNO.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: MajorMiner on September 01, 2011, 04:45:00 PM
Phinnaeus Gage, I want to know more!!!! Dont leave me hanging like this man!!!! Seriously.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Cryptoman on September 01, 2011, 04:49:08 PM
I thought the SA misanthropes already decided Bruce Wagner and Tom Williams were one and the same. 

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: fcmatt on September 01, 2011, 04:52:35 PM
50731,hammerfortyfour,t.williams XXX,$1$9mBiP58h$GZe04yV8OUJQPKR2E0y9N1

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: fcmatt on September 01, 2011, 04:53:54 PM
I thought the SA misanthropes already decided Bruce Wagner and Tom Williams were one and the same. 

No. They would think he was in on it for the constant promotion of mybitcoin on his tv show.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: MajorMiner on September 01, 2011, 04:56:25 PM

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: fcmatt on September 01, 2011, 04:58:57 PM

something awful forums.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: indio007 on September 01, 2011, 05:24:05 PM
Allinvain seems to have been running some sort of e-money exchange website back in 2007.

Email at the top of the page matchs the email in the MTGOX dump

Here's another site.

No where on either site does he mention getting robbed for BTC.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: the founder on September 01, 2011, 05:29:18 PM
dude likes to gamble.

remember though the chances are VERY high that the name tom williams was fraud in the first place.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: indio007 on September 01, 2011, 05:39:26 PM
Here's the archive on his site for the month it was allegedly stolen.

Hi everyone. I am totally devastated today. I just woke up to see a very large chunk of my bitcoin balance gone to the following address:


Transaction date: 6/13/2011 12:52 (EST)

No mention.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: indicasteve on September 01, 2011, 05:44:40 PM (

Same guy as the OP.  Different guy than imho.   And I also doubt Tom Williams is his real name.

But I did have to take a second glance when I clicked 'Updates' on his profile.  :)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: phungus on September 01, 2011, 05:44:48 PM was hosted on OpenBSD or another *BSD variant.

The Tom Williams LinkedIn profile looks like it's for a Microsoft nerd. C#, ASP.Net...

Doesn't seem to add up.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: indio007 on September 01, 2011, 05:54:49 PM was hosted on OpenBSD or another *BSD variant.

The Tom Williams LinkedIn profile looks like it's for a Microsoft nerd. C#, ASP.Net...

Doesn't seem to add up.

That could be just what he does for a living. Maybe he would use open source but BoA won't let him.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: bitrebel on September 01, 2011, 06:47:57 PM

Something Smells Awful Forums....

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: elggawf on September 01, 2011, 06:58:10 PM
SA goons keep talking about how Tom Williams allegedly attended the Bitcoin Conference in NYC unmolested, but I've never seen any credible citation for this - anyone know anything about that?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: stsbrad on September 01, 2011, 07:23:13 PM
I was there. everyone had to introduce themselves while standing. it was very awkward but nobody skipped a beat. I guess he could have been there and used a fake name but it is unlikely. also why would he have attended? what could he possibly have gained from that?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 01, 2011, 07:32:49 PM
I was there. everyone had to introduce themselves while standing. it was very awkward but nobody skipped a beat. I guess he could have been there and used a fake name but it is unlikely. also why would he have attended? what could he possibly have gained from that?

Research for his next scam, probably.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: BitVapes on September 01, 2011, 09:14:58 PM
Interesting.  A web programmer for a bank - that is pretty much exactly who you would be looking for to be behind a site like and he just so happens to have the same name.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: fcmatt on September 01, 2011, 09:23:34 PM
Am I naive in thinking that the exchanges (mtgox) must have quite a clue what happened to mybitcoin's coins
and who the person is behind the website? Did they ever make a statement saying they knew nothing
that could help?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: DrYe5 on September 01, 2011, 09:53:14 PM
OP: You wrote all of that post and said nothing. Ignored.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 01, 2011, 10:31:18 PM
OP: You wrote all of that post and said nothing. Ignored.

I'm back now, but going to take a nap. I had it all laid out this morning (when the sun was coming out) but had to get some shut eye. If I tried to do it now, I would eff it all up. But let me leave you with this, if my memory serves this tired brain correctly, a close fried on Tom Williams directly links to Bruce. Without opening up a tap and double checking, there's this Russian dude who signed up to Mt. Gox between Bruce and Ed (not the only Russian connection I uncovered). Also double check the first couple or so names after Ed signed up. The trip today wore my ass out for even during driving I kept rolling this information around in my head.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: the founder on September 01, 2011, 10:57:47 PM
SA goons keep talking about how Tom Williams allegedly attended the Bitcoin Conference in NYC unmolested, but I've never seen any credible citation for this - anyone know anything about that?

People were openly bashing the guy there.  If he was there then he has nerve.  I know because the flexcoin table had the most people asking "are you another mybitcoin".   Mostly because it just happened and was fresh in everyone's head...  Including mine..  We still have some legacy from it.  For example flexcoin has a 15 confirm policy due to what Tom "claimed" happened.

Paranoid maybe but that diaster in focus did up the standard for security..   

Even if security wasn't what happened..  My feeling was theft but I dint know.  I never had coins at mybitcoin...

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Chris Acheson on September 02, 2011, 02:20:38 AM
SA goons keep talking about how Tom Williams allegedly attended the Bitcoin Conference in NYC unmolested, but I've never seen any credible citation for this - anyone know anything about that?

I heard the rumor that he was there too but there is nothing credible backing that up.

They were also talking about some Swedish guy with a backpack stealing laptops.  I never heard anything about it here, so I figured they might've been just making it up.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 02, 2011, 02:23:42 AM
They were also talking about some Swedish guy with a backpack stealing laptops.  I never heard anything about it here, so I figured they might've been just making it up.

He probably only actually wanted the wallets. :)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: indicasteve on September 02, 2011, 03:39:04 AM
I think "Tom Willams" may be Vietnamese...

According to, the username 'wildtigon' is associated with

wildtigon's Business or Real Name: MyBitcoin LLC
Email Address:

Source: (

After a bit of googling, I found wildtigon is really into high power GPU processing as he posted that he was impressed with this fellow's rig here: (post #11) (

wildtigon has a mostly blank webpage at (   The title of the page is 'Nguyen's Site'

So, I then did a google search for 'wildtigon Nguyen' and a crap ton of sites came up, but everything is in Vietnamese.  But from what I have been able to translate, this person has been heavily involved in high power GPU processing for quite some time.

Perhaps someone who can read Vietnamese might have better luck in digging deeper...  

Edit: also, googling his email address also gave numerous hits. He is a member on another forum with 767 posts...but all in chicken scratch I can't read. (

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Exonumia on September 02, 2011, 04:07:53 AM
I'll wait for the ebook. I have secured my position in VexCoins.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: indicasteve on September 02, 2011, 04:26:51 AM
These guys on that forum have been mining bitcoins since 2007. (

2nd post down some guy describes his rig in 2007:
Seeds for farm Bitcoin:

Twin Frorz III 2GB MSI 6950 OC | 2GB 6970 the REF | PC HD 6950 1GB | Sapphire HD 6950 2GB

Further down the page, wildtigon's name is mentioned a few times...but with google's broken translation, it don't make a lot of sense.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: BitVapes on September 02, 2011, 04:30:45 AM
These guys on that forum have been mining bitcoins since 2007.

incredible... they have managed to time travel using brute GPU hashing force!   (bitcoin was released in 2009)

actually, I just checked the link.  Turns out the bitcoin quote is in his forum signature, which gets put on all your old posts as well as new ones.  However they do seem to be talking about "BTC" and "money" but its not clear in the translation.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: greyhawk on September 02, 2011, 04:33:23 AM
These guys on that forum have been mining bitcoins since 2007.

incredible... they have managed to time travel using brute GPU hashing force!   (bitcoin was released in 2009)

Maybe they were computing negative blocks.  ;D

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 02, 2011, 04:35:10 AM
2nd post down some guy describes his rig in 2007:
Seeds for farm Bitcoin:

Twin Frorz III 2GB MSI 6950 OC | 2GB 6970 the REF | PC HD 6950 1GB | Sapphire HD 6950 2GB

Further down the page, wildtigon's name is mentioned a few times...but with google's broken translation, it don't make a lot of sense.

Wow. And I thought the premining was bad on ixcoin. :)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: indicasteve on September 02, 2011, 05:03:09 AM
These guys on that forum have been mining bitcoins since 2007.

incredible... they have managed to time travel using brute GPU hashing force!   (bitcoin was released in 2009)

actually, I just checked the link.  Turns out the bitcoin quote is in his forum signature, which gets put on all your old posts as well as new ones.  However they do seem to be talking about "BTC" and "money" but its not clear in the translation.

Oh yea... his mining rig stats WERE in his sig...didn't notice.  It's so hard to make heads or tails of what they are talking about.

But I am pretty sure that if someone could read Vietnamese they could find all kinds of info on wildtigon.

I didn't loose any money at MBC, so maybe someone with vested interest can look into it further.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 07:48:50 AM
Well, that was a long frickin' nap. This 51 y/o body can't handle 10x10x12 oak beams like it used to (couple that with 90+ degree heat, not including the heat index).

I'm now going to try to recreate what I discovered last night. Bear in mind, it was 24 hours ago and I was tired then--things started to blur. But there were eureka discoveries nonetheless, uncovered via a methodic and logical approach. I wish now I still had those 17 tabs still opened. I'll be adding in the original post a tidbit section that may, or may not, have to do with this thread's title. In fact, I'll have two labeled Tidbits: & Misc. Tidbits:(MT), where the MT is definitely not directly related/relative.

I would love to map this out in a visual manner, but the using of that technology somewhat eludes me.

That said, I now begin my re-searching of this topic to share with you all. I'll add the first bits of info to this post along and, at the same time, populate the original post with what I just outlined, above.

e. Just redacted info on TW in original post--was brought to my attention via a PM and, upon double checking, I don't believe that is the same Tom I had my pieces linked together. I'll let the MT stand for now, though. Still working on it now. Sorry for the delay. Mega reading to get back up to speed. Did find out, though, that if you wet an alpaca sock prior to...(would have to read my past posts to get the joke).

One more thing--this Russian stuff has me a tad spooked. Don't they have a mafia or something? May have to be careful what I disclose here.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Jessica on September 02, 2011, 09:17:51 AM
No, not all Russians are in the mafia. Just like you aren't in a gang (I hope). Or most people in your country.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 09:42:16 AM
No, not all Russians are in the mafia. Just like you aren't in a gang (I hope). Or most people in your country.

I was aware of that. Just like there is an Italian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, etc. I think the only country that doesn't have a mafia is Canada.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 02, 2011, 09:53:01 AM
I was aware of that. Just like there is an Italian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, etc. I think the only country that doesn't have a mafia is Canada.

So you haven't heard of hockey?  ;D

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 10:50:25 AM
I was aware of that. Just like there is an Italian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, etc. I think the only country that doesn't have a mafia is Canada.

So you haven't heard of hockey?  ;D

For a second, I thought I read hoser.

Now let me get back to this re-searching. I got it all effed up!

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Colargol on September 02, 2011, 04:46:19 PM
No, not all Russians are in the mafia. Just like you aren't in a gang (I hope). Or most people in your country.
I think the only country that doesn't have a mafia is Canada.

Just in case you might be interested in a trip to The Great White North at some point...
some places to eat and be entertained.    ;)

Fugitaboutit, eh!   

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 04:54:30 PM
Why is it that the first person I was trying to cross reference this to is Anonymous? This is the first time I've seen this name used. It may be a dead end, but does anybody know who this guy is/was?

By the way.. if someone can tell me how to upload ONE file containing more charts, I would be happy to publish more, but I am wasting hours to try getting these files small enough to get under the maximum file size to attach here in this forum  ???

Perhaps you could link to an external file on a public dropbox? (

Then you just move the file to the dropbox on your machine and it syncs to the web.  
 (   If you use that link we both get an extra 250mb of storage lol. (you get 2gb to start with.)
Here is the last pdf you created. (

Just figured out how and why to use a horizontal line. Perhaps it would have been better to have Get Smart on this case than me.

No, not all Russians are in the mafia. Just like you aren't in a gang (I hope). Or most people in your country.
I think the only country that doesn't have a mafia is Canada.

Just in case you might be interested in a trip to The Great White North at some point...
some places to eat and be entertained.    ;)

Fugitaboutit, eh!

I had to think about your post for more than a second to conclude that you are being humorous due to my mafia comment. The reason it took so long, on my part, is because I just made note (in my notes) about an Italian cafe in CA related to this re-search (instead of research because I'm trying to retrace my steps from last night when it was all somewhat clear). Therefore, I thought you were dropping a subtle hint.

Just now saw the wink while in proofreading mode.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: FreeMoney on September 02, 2011, 04:56:24 PM
These guys on that forum have been mining bitcoins since 2007.

incredible... they have managed to time travel using brute GPU hashing force!   (bitcoin was released in 2009)

Maybe they were computing negative blocks.  ;D

Negative blocks are the roots of any imaginary chain. Wait, maybe I have that backwards.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 05:03:10 PM
These guys on that forum have been mining bitcoins since 2007.

incredible... they have managed to time travel using brute GPU hashing force!   (bitcoin was released in 2009)

Maybe they were computing negative blocks.  ;D

Negative blocks are the roots of any imaginary chain. Wait, maybe I have that backwards.

I'm the who has this all ass backwards. I'm now up to 16 tabs opened and the first time I want to check a lead on this board, the guy's anonymous. Why would somebody want to hide their identity here?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 02, 2011, 05:12:32 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 05:16:02 PM
This is Weird!

Important Disclaimer: No way is indicasteve part of my current findings, although the guy in the second image may be.;attach=3364;type=avatar

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 05:16:59 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

No MFW! Damn! I wanted to type that out completely, but settled for that for maximum impact. Why is he no longer here?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: greyhawk on September 02, 2011, 05:18:05 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket


psy is correct.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 02, 2011, 05:21:35 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

No MFW! Damn! I wanted to type that out completely, but settled for that for maximum impact. Why is he no longer here?

Because the good old SA goons started attacking him on the middle of the Bruce Wagner shizznizzle and he didn't reacted quite well.

If you noticed the Edit of the post you quoted it clearly said who the anonymous was
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 04:18:45 am by noagendamarket » 

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: sadpandatech on September 02, 2011, 05:33:52 PM
This is Weird!

Important Disclaimer: No way is indicasteve part of my current findings, although the guy in the second image may be.;attach=3364;type=avatar

Todd Williams of Media 1 Designs? really? I am curious to know what info led this direction but I am just not feelin' it here.

Do keep up the search though. We're bound to find a solid connection some where in cyborg space.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 05:41:09 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

No MFW! Damn! I wanted to type that out completely, but settled for that for maximum impact. Why is he no longer here?

Because the good old SA goons started attacking him on the middle of the Bruce Wagner shizznizzle and he didn't reacted quite well.

If you noticed the Edit of the post you quoted it clearly said who the anonymous was
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 04:18:45 am by noagendamarket » 

Just to prove that you all have the right guy conducting this investigation, where did you find, or how can I find, that edit button thingy you used?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 02, 2011, 05:43:56 PM
Just to prove that you all have the right guy conducting this investigation, where did you find, or how can I find, that edit button thingy you used?

You just proved the oposite...

There's no button... Just look at the bottom of the reply you quoted.
Follow the link in your quote and open your eyes lol

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 05:50:45 PM
This is Weird!

Important Disclaimer: No way is indicasteve part of my current findings, although the guy in the second image may be.;attach=3364;type=avatar

Todd Williams of Media 1 Designs? really? I am curious to know what info led this direction but I am just not feelin' it here.

Do keep up the search though. We're bound to find a solid connection some where in cyborg space.

You think that's funny! The first TW I was trying to link to had a brewery and I thought that after reading the word "brew" there was a connection to bitbrew.

To address you question:


Thanks #AWS!
21 Oct via web

I love Dropbox because It makes it easier than ever to transfer files between devices. It makes flash drives obsolete
22 Nov via Dropbox

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: sadpandatech on September 02, 2011, 06:23:31 PM

You think that's funny! The first TW I was trying to link to had a brewery and I thought that after reading the word "brew" there was a connection to bitbrew.

To address you question:


 Forgive me, but I'm having a hard time following.  Media 1 designs(Todd) built the website for Pacific and likely registered it for them as well using his wife's(assuming) info for the registration. Both companies are located in Huntington but I am having a very hard time connecting any of them to Tod Williams from the forclosure site or more importantly Tom from MBC..
 Please do elaborate on the connection leading there.

Speaking of the forclosure site I noticed that 'posistive' poster Arturo(sp?) was left off the list that was posted here of posters who made 'positive' posts there.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 02, 2011, 06:27:23 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

No MFW! Damn! I wanted to type that out completely, but settled for that for maximum impact. Why is he no longer here?

He made veiled threats of physical harm towards others on the forum, primarily the SA people.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 06:33:51 PM

You think that's funny! The first TW I was trying to link to had a brewery and I thought that after reading the word "brew" there was a connection to bitbrew.

To address you question:


 Forgive me, but I'm having a hard time following.  Media 1 designs(Todd) built the website for Pacific and likely registered it for them as well using his wife's(assuming) info for the registration. Both companies are located in Huntington but I am having a very hard time connecting any of them to Tod Williams from the forclusre site or more importantly Tom from MBC..
 Please do elaborate on the connection leading there.

Speaking of the forclosure site I noticed that 'posistive' poster Arturu was left off the list that was posted here of posters who made 'positive' posts there.

Pacific Real Estate Services
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Fax:    714-374-XXXX

The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

No MFW! Damn! I wanted to type that out completely, but settled for that for maximum impact. Why is he no longer here?

He made veiled threats of physical harm towards others on the forum, primarily the SA people.

I think I remember seeing that on SA when I first starting reading that thread a couple days ago. Now I can't go to the thread for it says I have to be a member to read it. Did they change something over there?

Just to prove that you all have the right guy conducting this investigation, where did you find, or how can I find, that edit button thingy you used?

You just proved the oposite...

There's no button... Just look at the bottom of the reply you quoted.
Follow the link in your quote and open your eyes lol

Just goes to prove that one of us is an idiot! And it ain't you! I'm using Chrome. Does that matter? I, for the life of me, can't find what you're so kindly pointing out. Was it the PDF file? That was nice to open! Froze my computer and had to restart.

FYI: The first and last case I tried to help solve on the internet still has that little girl missing in Florida missing.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 06:52:04 PM
These guys on that forum have been mining bitcoins since 2007. (

2nd post down some guy describes his rig in 2007:
Seeds for farm Bitcoin:

Twin Frorz III 2GB MSI 6950 OC | 2GB 6970 the REF | PC HD 6950 1GB | Sapphire HD 6950 2GB

Further down the page, wildtigon's name is mentioned a few times...but with google's broken translation, it don't make a lot of sense.

I find the names 1,jed,  &  wildtigon  pretty wild!

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 02, 2011, 06:59:08 PM

There, inside the red rectangle ;)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 07:25:31 PM

There, inside the red rectangle ;)

I truly appreciate your help, psy, but...

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 02, 2011, 07:28:43 PM

...but, you should change the forum theme? lol

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 02, 2011, 07:57:18 PM

LMMFAO! I was wondering how you made your background black. I thought it was a MAC thing. I laughed so hard, I spelled coffee on by desk and got a $15,000 check soaked. I see it now. Thanks much, psy.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: mikegogulski on September 02, 2011, 11:27:02 PM

Met a Canadian last week who'd never heard the word "hoser" before.

Oh, Canada...  :'(

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 02, 2011, 11:29:33 PM

LMMFAO! I was wondering how you made your background black. I thought it was a MAC thing. I laughed so hard, I spelled coffee on by desk and got a $15,000 check soaked. I see it now. Thanks much, psy.

It's like they say.

Once you go Mac, you never go back.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 12:05:39 AM

LMMFAO! I was wondering how you made your background black. I thought it was a MAC thing. I laughed so hard, I spelled coffee on by desk and got a $15,000 check soaked. I see it now. Thanks much, psy.

It's like they say.

Once you go Mac, you never go back.

Once you're choked by your PC
You'll never see pee

(just made that up--steal this idea!)

Believe it or not, I've been on this damn computer all frickin' day on this issue. I have a question that needs answering: If Ed Gel is Cuban, is it safe to say he speaks and writes Russian?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 03, 2011, 12:06:35 AM
Believe it or not, I've been on this damn computer all frickin' day on this issue. I have a question that needs answering: If Ed Gel is Cuban, is it safe to say he speaks and writes Russian?

I thought Cubans spoke Spanish?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 12:10:58 AM
Believe it or not, I've been on this damn computer all frickin' day on this issue. I have a question that needs answering: If Ed Gel is Cuban, is it safe to say he speaks and writes Russian?

I thought Cubans spoke Spanish?

Yes they do. But I was thinking the Cuban Missile Crisis and that Cuba is a Communist country having/had Russian ties. And don't even try to think that I've somehow tied this in with the Kennedy assassination, although I did find this book warehouse...
Bruno Hauptmann is in here somewhere.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 03, 2011, 12:12:45 AM
Believe it or not, I've been on this damn computer all frickin' day on this issue. I have a question that needs answering: If Ed Gel is Cuban, is it safe to say he speaks and writes Russian?

I thought Cubans spoke Spanish?

Yes they do. But I was thinking the Cuban Missile Crisis and that Cuba is a Communist country having/had Russian ties. And don't even try to think that I've somehow tied this in with the Kennedy assassination, although I did find this book warehouse...

I'd say that's a stretch. I have family from communist Germany and the ties were much more direct, and not one of them speaks Russian. I mean, it's certainly possible any given Cuban (or German) speaks Russian, and perhaps more probable than for, say, any random American. But this is a false approach to logic.

This ball is red. Are all balls red?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 12:20:01 AM
Believe it or not, I've been on this damn computer all frickin' day on this issue. I have a question that needs answering: If Ed Gel is Cuban, is it safe to say he speaks and writes Russian?

I thought Cubans spoke Spanish?

Yes they do. But I was thinking the Cuban Missile Crisis and that Cuba is a Communist country having/had Russian ties. And don't even try to think that I've somehow tied this in with the Kennedy assassination, although I did find this book warehouse...

I'd say that's a stretch. I have family from communist Germany and the ties were much more direct, and not one of them speaks Russian. I mean, it's certainly possible any given Cuban (or German) speaks Russian, and perhaps more probable than for, say, any random American. But this is a false approach to logic.

This ball is red. Are all balls red?

I had blue balls once. I wonder what color Hitler's ball was.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 03, 2011, 12:31:36 AM
This ball is red. Are all balls red?

I had blue balls once. I wonder what color Hitler's ball was.

Brown. He was a human piece of shit, after all. :)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 03, 2011, 12:32:32 AM

I had blue balls once. I wonder what color Hitler's ball was.

It's common knowledge that Hitler had no ball(s).  :-X

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: sadpandatech on September 03, 2011, 01:05:15 AM
Believe it or not, I've been on this damn computer all frickin' day on this issue. I have a question that needs answering: If Ed Gel is Cuban, is it safe to say he speaks and writes Russian?

I thought Cubans spoke Spanish?

Yes they do. But I was thinking the Cuban Missile Crisis and that Cuba is a Communist country having/had Russian ties. And don't even try to think that I've somehow tied this in with the Kennedy assassination, although I did find this book warehouse...

I'd say that's a stretch. I have family from communist Germany and the ties were much more direct, and not one of them speaks Russian. I mean, it's certainly possible any given Cuban (or German) speaks Russian, and perhaps more probable than for, say, any random American. But this is a false approach to logic.

This ball is red. Are all balls red?

I had blue balls once. I wonder what color Hitler's ball was.

It's common knowledge that Hitler had no ball(s).  :-X

LOL, all three of you are "nuts".  :-*

Psy, are you also a youngin' like Phinnaeus?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 03, 2011, 01:15:31 AM
LOL, all three of you are "nuts".  :-*

Psy, are you also a youngin' like Phinnaeus?

That depends, what's a youngin' for you? I know some persons who would tell me a 50 y.o. man is young and i know others who tell me a 30 y.o. one is old, so, it's hard to give a definitive answer

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: sadpandatech on September 03, 2011, 01:28:56 AM
LOL, all three of you are "nuts".  :-*

Psy, are you also a youngin' like Phinnaeus?

That depends, what's a youngin' for you? I know some persons who would tell me a 50 y.o. man is young and i know others who tell me a 30 y.o. one is old, so, it's hard to give a definitive answer

I believe Phin has stated he was in the five 0 range.? so yea. ;p

On a related note, I believe I've located Tom's vehicle.

And some of his literature

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Colargol on September 03, 2011, 01:36:21 AM
Met a Canadian last week who'd never heard the word "hoser" before.

It was an 80's thing mostly, and mainly in Eastern Canada, and made too popular with those Bob and Doug SCTV characters ( who were created to make fun of Canada's 'Canadian Content' regulations for TV, Radio and magazines etc. )  but still that person was either pretty young or French Canadian or was pulling your leg ( Canucks like doing such things in America and foreign countries like saying how we all live in Igloos and use dog sleds, and pretending to be overly polite. Its a kind of a sport so we can brag about it and feel all superior when we get back home... I shouldn't be giving these secrets away...      ;D  )   

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 03, 2011, 01:37:05 AM

So, Phin, where did your leads lead you? lol

btw, 16 tabs is for pussies, my record is 672...  :o

yes, the browser crashed...  :-\

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: mikegogulski on September 03, 2011, 01:57:40 AM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket


psy is correct.

Agenda, seems so; market, yes.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 02:09:07 AM
Believe it or not, I've been on this damn computer all frickin' day on this issue. I have a question that needs answering: If Ed Gel is Cuban, is it safe to say he speaks and writes Russian?

I thought Cubans spoke Spanish?

Yes they do. But I was thinking the Cuban Missile Crisis and that Cuba is a Communist country having/had Russian ties. And don't even try to think that I've somehow tied this in with the Kennedy assassination, although I did find this book warehouse...

I'd say that's a stretch. I have family from communist Germany and the ties were much more direct, and not one of them speaks Russian. I mean, it's certainly possible any given Cuban (or German) speaks Russian, and perhaps more probable than for, say, any random American. But this is a false approach to logic.

This ball is red. Are all balls red?

I had blue balls once. I wonder what color Hitler's ball was.

It's common knowledge that Hitler had no ball(s).  :-X

LOL, all three of you are "nuts".  :-*

Psy, are you also a youngin' like Phinnaeus?

Looks like someone took lessons from BW. Here's a video of me, a 13 y/o, dressed up as a 51 y/o:

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 02:14:15 AM
Let's just say Phin is old enough to be my father  :P

But let me add that I'm also a father and my son is not a baby ;)

back on topic:
So, Phin, where did your leads lead you? lol

btw, 16 tabs is for pussies, my record is 672...  :o

yes, the browser crashed...  :-\

Computer froze, hence the late post. Now that I we all the age thingy settled, we can move on. I lost all my tabs on that reboot. Back to Ed. Does anybody know if he speaks Russian?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: mikegogulski on September 03, 2011, 02:26:30 AM
Back to Ed. Does anybody know if he speaks Russian?

Da, tovarishch. I chto?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 02:43:04 AM
Back to Ed. Does anybody know if he speaks Russian?

Da, tovarishch. I chto?

Bez opatrnosti aj šikovnosť je márna.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: mikegogulski on September 03, 2011, 02:51:17 AM
Da, tovarishch. I chto?
Bez opatrnosti aj šikovnosť je márna.

That'll be one "bez... šikovnosti..." extra on your bill, sir.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 03:14:27 AM
Da, tovarishch. I chto?
Bez opatrnosti aj šikovnosť je márna.

That'll be one "bez... šikovnosti..." extra on your bill, sir.

You want to hear something funny? I Googled, hence finding what language, then searched for a proverb to counter your post. I was thinking about using BabelFish, but got lucky. Now I learn there's even a better translation site available.  ;)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: freequant on September 03, 2011, 03:19:57 AM
I'm trying to retrace my steps from last night when it was all somewhat clear.
Phinnaeus, you were high last night?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 04:05:17 AM
I'm trying to retrace my steps from last night when it was all somewhat clear.
Phinnaeus, you were high last night?

I was not. But I was tired and kept pushing. I'm starting to dream about this stuff.

Anybody care to figure this out?:



Hence asking about speaking Russian.


Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: mikegogulski on September 03, 2011, 04:21:24 AM
Bez opatrnosti aj šikovnosť je márna.

That'll be one "bez... šikovnosti..." extra on your bill, sir.

You want to hear something funny? I Googled, hence finding what language, then searched for a proverb to counter your post. I was thinking about using BabelFish, but got lucky. Now I learn there's even a better translation site available.  ;)

I suppose it would be something like "to be without care or cleverness is pointless", but, meh... whatever.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 04:38:37 AM
Bez opatrnosti aj šikovnosť je márna.

That'll be one "bez... šikovnosti..." extra on your bill, sir.

You want to hear something funny? I Googled, hence finding what language, then searched for a proverb to counter your post. I was thinking about using BabelFish, but got lucky. Now I learn there's even a better translation site available.  ;)

I suppose it would be something like "to be without care or cleverness is pointless", but, meh... whatever.

Here's where I got it from, Mike:

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: mikegogulski on September 03, 2011, 04:44:43 AM
Bez opatrnosti aj šikovnosť je márna.

That'll be one "bez... šikovnosti..." extra on your bill, sir.

You want to hear something funny? I Googled, hence finding what language, then searched for a proverb to counter your post. I was thinking about using BabelFish, but got lucky. Now I learn there's even a better translation site available.  ;)

I suppose it would be something like "to be without care or cleverness is pointless", but, meh... whatever.

Here's where I got it from, Mike:

I stand corrected and chastened. You made no grammar error, and the sentence makes perfect sense. Curse my ignorance... curse yoooouuu!

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 05:23:14 AM
I'm trying to retrace my steps from last night when it was all somewhat clear.
Phinnaeus, you were high last night?

I was not. But I was tired and kept pushing. I'm starting to dream about this stuff.

Anybody care to figure this out?:



Hence asking about speaking Russian.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 03, 2011, 05:31:48 AM USERS HAD BITCOIN STOLEN. They are returning a portion 49% of them to you: Not sure where to send them? CALL ME. 646-580-0022

I find myself wishing I knew where the nearest pay phone was. Have fun, everyone.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 05:34:42 AM USERS HAD BITCOIN STOLEN. They are returning a portion 49% of them to you: Not sure where to send them? CALL ME. 646-580-0022

I find myself wishing I knew where the nearest pay phone was. Have fun, everyone.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: mikegogulski on September 03, 2011, 05:53:25 AM USERS HAD BITCOIN STOLEN. They are returning a portion 49% of them to you: Not sure where to send them? CALL ME. 646-580-0022

I find myself wishing I knew where the nearest pay phone was. Have fun, everyone.

We offer Bitcoin ATM/Payphone conversions at Burning Man for 35% off! (Now only $92.97!). Also, free hoodies.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 06:00:01 AM USERS HAD BITCOIN STOLEN. They are returning a portion 49% of them to you: Not sure where to send them? CALL ME. 646-580-0022

I find myself wishing I knew where the nearest pay phone was. Have fun, everyone.

We offer Bitcoin ATM/Payphone conversions at Burning Man for 35% off! (Now only $92.97!). Also, free hoodies.

Ha, Ha! A spy! You may have gotten the Babe Ruth question right, but there's no selling at Burning Man. I was hoping to go this year, but ended up with my hands full. I'm still doing the 10 day Muskie Fishing Trip up in Wisconsin, though. Goin' to the ye ole Pike Chain. Muskie, walleye, bass, eagles, loons, bears, etc. Can't wait!

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 02:55:59 PM
Is this relevant?

Donald Norman
3205 Ratchadapisek Soi 5
Bangkok, dindeang 10407

Created on: 15-Apr-11
Expires on: 15-Apr-12                    Only Registered For A Year


Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 03, 2011, 04:59:27 PM
What do the guys at intersango and britcoin have to do with mybitcoin?  :-X

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 05:14:50 PM
What do the guys at intersango and britcoin have to do with mybitcoin?  :-X

Not sure yet, but they registered their domain for only one year.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: greyhawk on September 03, 2011, 05:22:30 PM
What do the guys at intersango and britcoin have to do with mybitcoin?  :-X

Not sure yet, but they registered their domain for only one year.

All domains expire after one year.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 03, 2011, 05:25:10 PM
What do the guys at intersango and britcoin have to do with mybitcoin?  :-X

Not sure yet, but they registered their domain for only one year.

No conclusions to draw from there. As long as it doesn't expire, they can renew it. No point on paying for a 10 year domain registration for a business that might be dead in less than 2 years.

All domains expire after one year.

Not really. If you pay for 20 years, it will expire in 20 years.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 05:26:05 PM
What do the guys at intersango and britcoin have to do with mybitcoin?  :-X

Not sure yet, but they registered their domain for only one year.

All domains expire after one year.

I stand corrected!

Created On:24-Jun-2011 05:19:00 UTC
Last Updated On:24-Aug-2011 03:47:56 UTC
Expiration Date:24-Jun-2021 05:19:00 UTC

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 05:31:45 PM
What do the guys at intersango and britcoin have to do with mybitcoin?  :-X

Not sure yet, but they registered their domain for only one year.

No conclusions to draw from there. As long as it doesn't expire, they can renew it. No point on paying for a 10 year domain registration for a business that might be dead in less than 2 years.

All domains expire after one year.

Not really. If you pay for 20 years, it will expire in 20 years.

Example purpose only: I have a great idea that I'm ready to pump a bunch of money in it. I truly see this taking off. But just in case it doesn't, I save myself 8 bucks and only register it for 1 year as oppose to 2 years.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 06:01:01 PM
What do the guys at intersango and britcoin have to do with mybitcoin?  :-X

I very much doubt it.


McKay Syndicate group of companies. Registered Office 35 Edward St. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. B2Y 2P6.
McKay, Robert
Unit 5 Jupiter House Calleva Park
Reading, England RG7 8NN

Unless somebody else can make the connection.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 03, 2011, 06:04:30 PM, and <--these are the exchanges from is some other thing, an empty website, so far

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Jack of Diamonds on September 03, 2011, 06:31:05 PM
Used to think Phinnaeus is a bit of a nutjob, but he has done some very exemplary detective work on this.
Everything he has discovered makes sense & these details could prove real life tracking possible (like obtaining the IP from admins)

This thread would be invaluable in a police investigation, I will make a backup just in case.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 03, 2011, 07:08:20 PM
Maybe this will help:

It shows that Accustar ltd is a dissolved company from the UK. The company registration # is the sameNo. 04808390)

And this

and this
Tetrapod Communications Corp
  35 Edward St
  Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 2P6
as showed in smutfairy whois.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 09:02:00 PM
Used to think Phinnaeus is a bit of a nutjob, but he has done some very exemplary detective work on this.
Everything he has discovered makes sense & these details could prove real life tracking possible (like obtaining the IP from admins)

This thread would be invaluable in a police investigation, I will make a backup just in case.

Did somebody say nutjob?

(I know it was in jest)

My next post may prove interesting.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 03, 2011, 09:24:31 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

how do u know this?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 09:39:08 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

how do u know this?

I'll explain it real slow: There's...this...thing...called...the...internet...

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: wolftaur on September 03, 2011, 09:43:07 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

how do u know this?

I'll explain it real slow: There's...this...thing...called...the...internet...

That, and 'noagendamarket' on a ton of posts on the forum turned to 'Anonymous' in a different color (because it's not a link) when the mods deleted noagendamarket's account here after he made a post threatening another group of users with harm.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 03, 2011, 09:53:30 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

how do u know this?

Explained here:

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 10:00:12 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

how do u know this?

I'll explain it real slow: There's...this...thing...called...the...internet...

That, and 'noagendamarket' on a ton of posts on the forum turned to 'Anonymous' in a different color (because it's not a link) when the mods deleted noagendamarket's account here after he made a post threatening another group of users with harm.

I'm not into the noagendamarket thing--YET. But in a few minutes, I'll be posting more info as it pertains to the thread title. If I'm feeling OK, then I'm 98.6% certain that Tom Williams is none other than Edward "You Caught the Tater" Gel.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 03, 2011, 10:02:01 PM
in a one on one IRC chat with MagTux, i asked him directly if he knew who was behind the MyBitcoin heist around that time and he told me it would be too dangerous for  both of us for him to tell me.  take that for what its worth.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 03, 2011, 10:06:36 PM
in a one on one IRC chat with MagTux, i asked him directly if he knew who was behind the MyBitcoin heist around that time and he told me it would be too dangerous for  both of us for him to tell me.  take that for what its worth.

I do that every time when I'm picking up girls.

It goes like this:

Girl: So, psy, what do you do for a living?
Me: I can't tell you. It would be very dangerous for us both if I did.
Girl: ohhhhh! you're a spy! :o WOW! Have sex with me Mr. Bond! :-*

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 10:08:29 PM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

how do u know this?

Explained here:

Sorry, psy. I just now saw the quote. I thought you were asking me a question of which I was about to answer again.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 03, 2011, 10:11:44 PM
BTW, i like the black theme.  wow, can see a whole lot better!

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 10:23:26 PM
in a one on one IRC chat with MagTux, i asked him directly if he knew who was behind the MyBitcoin heist around that time and he told me it would be too dangerous for  both of us for him to tell me.  take that for what its worth.

Are you telling me that MagTux is afraid of the Russian Mafia? Or Yamaguchi-Gumi? Or The Triads?

Perhaps it's because he owns one of these:

Whereas I own one of these:

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 03, 2011, 10:33:53 PM
in a one on one IRC chat with MagTux, i asked him directly if he knew who was behind the MyBitcoin heist around that time and he told me it would be too dangerous for  both of us for him to tell me.  take that for what its worth.

Are you telling me that MagTux is afraid of the Russian Mafia? Or Yamaguchi-Gumi? Or The Triads?

Perhaps it's because he owns one of these:

Whereas I own one of these:

2 things:  first, i think he knows who did it and 2nd they're some bad ass ppl.  probably Russian.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 10:43:29 PM
I edited this in Wordpad, and that's is why the emails are linkable. I didn't want it to come out that way.


Most of the players (not just what I've listed so far, but many more) have hacking backgrounds with the main exception being BW, who just so happens to have a pretty mouth.

I've highlighted the key points.

253, macrohard ,robert at,42d...
311,,robert at,42d...(same password as above)
966, macro ,robert at,$1$l...

46342,nayryakcm,rmckay2003 at,$1$...

254,Warhammer,Warhammer at,$1$... (Russian)

667,brucewagner,bruce at,$1$...
668,Almad,prace at,ad8... (note password--not starting with $1$)
669,SergGT,serg_gt at,$1$... (Russian)
670,iamiam,,71b... (note password--not starting with $1$)

5699,edwardgel,,$1$... (note he opted to not create his own password this time)

50730,haakjes,frank at,$1$9... (IS WEUSECOINS)
50731,hammerfortyfour,t.williams at,$1$9... (account created prior to Mt.Gox getting hacked--possibly EG) (frank at is important because EG always registers more than once, therefore they're close together.

status: LOCK
owner-c: LULU-668732
admin-c: LULU-668732
tech-c: LULU-668732
zone-c: LULU-668732
created: 2011-02-25 11:35:40
expire: 2012-02-25 11:35:40 (registry time)
changed: 2011-03-22 21:36:57

[owner-c] handle: 668732
[owner-c] type: PERSON
[owner-c] title:
[owner-c] fname: Stefan
[owner-c] lname: Thomas
[owner-c] org:
[owner-c] address: Sommerhofenstr. 136
[owner-c] city: Sindelfingen
[owner-c] pcode: 71067
[owner-c] country: DE
[owner-c] state: DE
[owner-c] phone: +49-7031-7853000
[owner-c] fax: +49-7031-700935
[owner-c] email: moon at (same website design as
[owner-c] protection: B
[owner-c] remarks: 32086495
[owner-c] updated: 2011-07-21 03:19:14

603,justmoon,moon at,$1$... (set up prior to BW & EG registering)

Jan van Vliet
BitCoin: The decentralized, digital alternative to government fiat money!
14 Jun via Tweet Button (below)

[owner-c] handle: 762664
[owner-c] type: PERSON
[owner-c] title:
[owner-c] fname: Stefan
[owner-c] lname: Thomas
[owner-c] org:
[owner-c] address: Sommerhofenstr. 136
[owner-c] city: Sindelfingen
[owner-c] pcode: 71067
[owner-c] country: DE
[owner-c] state: DE
[owner-c] phone: +49-7031-7853000
[owner-c] fax: +49-7031-700935
[owner-c] email: moon at
[owner-c] protection: B
[owner-c] remarks: 32527943
[owner-c] updated: 2011-07-21 03:19:53

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: fcmatt on September 03, 2011, 10:46:02 PM
or more likely some total geek who has no fear when hacking due to local laws not being enforced as long as it did not happen
in his own country decided to poke at and found a way to defraud it. amazed that it was actually working the
person decided to milk it for everything it was worth.. and then sell the coins. they are probably still slowly selling/withdrawing the money
from the exchanges due to the limits.

or some russian mobster drinking cognac and smoking a cuban cigar decided to put this 31337 nerd hacking team on it.


if we are really speculating maybe an exchange got bribed to assist getting the money converted quicker and remove the limits thus
explaining why they do not give a rat's butt to help the situation.

there. idle gossip. i can do it too.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: BitcoinPorn on September 03, 2011, 10:48:50 PM
in a one on one IRC chat with MagTux, i asked him directly if he knew who was behind the MyBitcoin heist around that time and he told me it would be too dangerous for  both of us for him to tell me.  take that for what its worth.

Holy fuck this thread has turned into straight up gossip, this is awesome.   Phinnaeus Gage is the shit.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 10:58:57 PM
in a one on one IRC chat with MagTux, i asked him directly if he knew who was behind the MyBitcoin heist around that time and he told me it would be too dangerous for  both of us for him to tell me.  take that for what its worth.

Holy fuck this thread has turned into straight up gossip, this is awesome.   Phinnaeus Gage is the shit.

I have an honest question for you, BitcoinPorn, and simply give me an honest answer. Do you think I'm just spreading gossip?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: BitcoinPorn on September 03, 2011, 11:01:10 PM
I have an honest question for you, BitcoinPorn, and simply give me an honest answer. Do you think I'm just spreading gossip?
Not at all, I was saying that to cypherdoc's comment, which came off that way the way he said it.  I am seeing all your info, it is not gossipy, I could have separated my sentences into paragraphs there.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 11:02:09 PM
I have an honest question for you, BitcoinPorn, and simply give me an honest answer. Do you think I'm just spreading gossip?
Not at all, I was saying that to cypherdoc's comment, which came off that way the way he said it.  I am seeing all your info, it is not gossipy, I could have separated my sentences into paragraphs there.

By bad! Just saw that, too. TY, Bud. (in reference to fcmatt's comment--not cyherdoc's)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: fcmatt on September 03, 2011, 11:05:19 PM
I think this thread is really reaching.. to the point even if you find something worth mentioning no one will read it in this thread
because very little of it makes sense and i bet people gave up on it.

Basically 6 pages that has about 3 post's worth of information that aint that good.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 11:05:40 PM
If you need more clarification on this post

Just ask.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 11:07:28 PM
I think this thread is really reaching.. to the point even if you find something worth mentioning no one will read it in this thread
because very little of it makes sense and i bet people gave up on it.

Basically 6 pages that has about 3 post's worth of information that aint that good.

Would PowerPoint be better?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 03, 2011, 11:13:12 PM
Maybe you could edit the OP with all the info and what connects the dots, so people don't need to read 6 7 pages to get some juice.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 03, 2011, 11:16:17 PM
I have an honest question for you, BitcoinPorn, and simply give me an honest answer. Do you think I'm just spreading gossip?
Not at all, I was saying that to cypherdoc's comment, which came off that way the way he said it.  I am seeing all your info, it is not gossipy, I could have separated my sentences into paragraphs there.

i gave the straight facts initially but then he asked me how i interpreted it.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 03, 2011, 11:19:11 PM
Maybe you could edit the OP with all the info and what connects the dots, so people don't need to read 6 7 pages to get some juice.

Good idea, psy. I'm on it.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 03, 2011, 11:54:44 PM

Most of the players (not just what I've listed so far, but many more) have hacking backgrounds with the main exception being BW, who just so happens to have a pretty mouth.

I've highlighted the key points.

I don't understand what the connection between those accounts is supposed to be. Can you spell it out for me, using small, simple words?   ???

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 12:03:46 AM

Most of the players (not just what I've listed so far, but many more) have hacking backgrounds with the main exception being BW, who just so happens to have a pretty mouth.

I've highlighted the key points.

I don't understand what the connection between those accounts is supposed to be. Can you spell it out for me, using small, simple words?   ???

I'm spelling it now and you can see it a little better in the original post where I'm editing it. When I'm done, I'll post it again. Sorry for the mess. It makes sense in my head. Great place to visit but you don't want to live there.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 12:27:30 AM
It's not that much of a stretch to see that and Tom Williams registered the same day, and probably at the same time on the same computer.

That's where you're losing me. I'll say that those two accounts appear to have been registered consecutively, but I don't see anything else that suggests that they were registered by the same person, and/or from the same computer, or even on the same day. Without IP logs and timestamps of registrations, how do you know that those accounts weren't registered from different addresses a few hours apart? Can we also assume that Tom Williams registered his account a moment later?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 12:32:23 AM
It's not that much of a stretch to see that and Tom Williams registered the same day, and probably at the same time on the same computer.

That's where you're losing me. I'll say that those two accounts appear to have been registered consecutively, but I don't see anything else that suggests that they were registered by the same person, and/or from the same computer, or even on the same day. Without IP logs and timestamps of registrations, how do you know that those accounts weren't registered from different addresses a few hours apart? Can we also assume that Tom Williams registered his account a moment later?


667,brucewagner,,$1$... (purposely waited till the 666th member joined so that he wouldn't be it)
668,Almad,,ad8... (note password--not starting with $1$)
669,SergGT,,$1$... (Russian)
670,iamiam,,71b... (note password--not starting with $1$)

Different day?

This account could easily be a day earlier----------BUT (still connected, I say)

603,justmoon,,$1$...     (registered just up prior to BW & EG registering) (an early Mt.Gox member)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 04, 2011, 12:43:11 AM
surely you aren't suggesting Stefan Thomas is Tom Williams?  Stefan has done some great work for the community and was one of the key speakers at Bitcon.  i've seen him interviewed by BW and he seems like a very cheerful fellow and dedicated Bitcoin enthusiast in his own words.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 12:47:14 AM
The anonymous guy was the user that went by the nickname of noagendamarket

how do u know this?

I'll explain it real slow: There's...this...thing...called...the...internet...

That, and 'noagendamarket' on a ton of posts on the forum turned to 'Anonymous' in a different color (because it's not a link) when the mods deleted noagendamarket's account here after he made a post threatening another group of users with harm.

A teaser!

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 12:52:25 AM

667,brucewagner,,$1$... (purposely waited till the 666th member joined so that he wouldn't be it)
668,Almad,,ad8... (note password--not starting with $1$)
669,SergGT,,$1$... (Russian)
670,iamiam,,71b... (note password--not starting with $1$)

The human mind is wonderful at detecting patterns... even if there's nothing there but random noise. ;)

(purposely waited till the 666th member joined so that he wouldn't be it)

That seems like a big stretch to me to discern purpose from a password file. How would he even know that the 666th person had just registered, unless Bruce Wagner and MagicalTux are the same person?  :o I could just as easily conclude that Bruce deliberately tried to be user 666, but was a second too late.

(note password--not starting with $1$)

I'm no expert on the MtGox password file leak, but if I recall correctly what I had read back then, a password not starting with $1$ indicates that it wasn't changed by the user at some point after MtGox changed their hashing algorithm. Or more accurately, the $1$ passwords in that region of the file belong to people who did change their password at some point after the hashing algorithm changed. If I was going to draw any conclusions from that at all, I'd say that two actively-used accounts in which one has a $1$ password and the other doesn't, are less likely to belong to the same person, since a given person would probably revise the passwords of all of their actively-used accounts on a site if they were going to revise any of them.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 12:59:21 AM
surely you aren't suggesting Stefan Thomas is Tom Williams?  Stefan has done some great work for the community and was one of the key speakers at Bitcon.  i've seen him interviewed by BW and he seems like a very cheerful fellow and dedicated Bitcoin enthusiast in his own words.

No I was not claiming that at all. I was stating that the name and the name associated with the email account is different. BTW, do have a picture of him?

[owner-c] handle: 668732
[owner-c] type: PERSON
[owner-c] title:
[owner-c] fname: Stefan
[owner-c] lname: Thomas      (If the owner's name is Stefan Thomas, then why does email link to another name)
[owner-c] org:
[owner-c] address: Sommerhofenstr. 136
[owner-c] city: Sindelfingen
[owner-c] pcode: 71067
[owner-c] country: DE
[owner-c] state: DE
[owner-c] phone: +49-7031-7853000
[owner-c] fax: +49-7031-700935
[owner-c] email:   Here  (same website design as and
[owner-c] protection: B
[owner-c] remarks: 32086495
[owner-c] updated: 2011-07-21 03:19:14

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: BitcoinPorn on September 04, 2011, 12:59:36 AM
surely you aren't suggesting Stefan Thomas is Tom Williams?

My mind is blown.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 01:13:36 AM

667,brucewagner,,$1$... (purposely waited till the 666th member joined so that he wouldn't be it)
668,Almad,,ad8... (note password--not starting with $1$)
669,SergGT,,$1$... (Russian)
670,iamiam,,71b... (note password--not starting with $1$)

The human mind is wonderful at detecting patterns... even if there's nothing there but random noise. ;)

(purposely waited till the 666th member joined so that he wouldn't be it)

That seems like a big stretch to me to discern purpose from a password file. How would he even know that the 666th person had just registered, unless Bruce Wagner and MagicalTux are the same person?  :o I could just as easily conclude that Bruce deliberately tried to be user 666, but was a second too late.

(note password--not starting with $1$)

I'm no expert on the MtGox password file leak, but if I recall correctly what I had read back then, a password not starting with $1$ indicates that it wasn't changed by the user at some point after MtGox changed their hashing algorithm. Or more accurately, the $1$ passwords in that region of the file belong to people who did change their password at some point after the hashing algorithm changed. If I was going to draw any conclusions from that at all, I'd say that two actively-used accounts in which one has a $1$ password and the other doesn't, are less likely to belong to the same person, since a given person would probably revise the passwords of all of their actively-used accounts on a site if they were going to revise any of them.

LMMFAO That was better than Muskie fishing. I got you to bite! I was joking about the 666th member to see if you would take the bait.

Your last point is valid except: Why did BW or EG not change their password, but one of them did?

and this:

253, macrohard ,,42d...
311,,,42d...(same password as above)

Let me ask you this: Do you think my whole theory is hogwash? A yes or no will suffice.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: indicasteve on September 04, 2011, 01:15:01 AM
Man... I still think you are going on a wild goose chase...

This address is also in that password file:


That is the SAME emaill address of that wildtigon listed as the owner on the bitcoinfeedback page.

Incidentally, the owner of the feedback site has the IP address of wildtigon.  I'll bet the IP address is in Vietnam.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 01:23:21 AM
I'm not ready to call your whole story hogwash-or-not yet, but many of the assumptions and conclusions you're making seem like big stretches to me, so far.

I see that robert @ has more than one account registered there, but I noticed lots of instances of more than one account from the same person last time I perused the MtGox leak file for interesting tidbits. I don't see how that email address is connected to any of this yet, nor do I see a plausible connection to edwardgel or some (*gasp*) Russian person, aside from their accounts being registered at about the same time. With over 60k accounts registered over the relatively short period of time between MtGox's inception and the leaking of their password file, there are bound to be lots of weird-looking coincidences in there.

Ok, I'm going to tell you a secret. Very few people know this, so don't spread it around: NF6X is not the name I was given at birth. I hope that you don't think any less of me because I'm posting here under an alias.  ;)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 01:26:17 AM
Hang on to your hats gain, I just found something else. Going to make a pot of coffee and take a leak. Back in a couple minutes. Possibly, the SIGTHTF!

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 01:44:42 AM
My hat is now securely fastened atop my head. I'll be back after I go feed the horse, if you know what I mean.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 01:48:43 AM
Now, I will admit that this could be a wild goose chase, for I didn't do DD yet. That said, here it is nonetheless:

Don’t give the Fed a new job:

The following quote is from the end of a comment left by Sergey (remember that name)

Banks and even insurers became vehicles to extract profit at any cost without thoughts beyond next bonus.
Capitalism failed there. Society cannot allowed bad guys to fall.
In your abbreviation SROB the key letter ‘I’ stays for ‘independent’ and it is absent.
Don’t forget every bank including Lehman had/has Risk controllers. They all failed badly. So the body must be independent.
FED doesn’t have infrastructure and expertise in measuring risk. But the truth is that nobody has.
Posted by Sergey | Report as abusive

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 01:50:33 AM
My hat is now securely fastened atop my head. I'll be back after I go feed the horse, if you know what I mean.

Yep, I do. I saw that episode of South Park.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 01:52:01 AM

It's not that much of a stretch to see that and Tom Williams registered the same day, and probably at the same time on the same computer.

50731,hammerfortyfour,,$1$9...   (account created prior to Mt.Gox getting hacked--possibly EG)

major edit job here (by me, BRUNO)

253, macrohard ,,42d...
311,,,42d...(same password as above)
966, macro ,,$1$l...


254,Warhammer,,$1$... (Russian)

668,Almad,,ad8... (note password--not starting with $1$)
669,SergGT,,$1$... (Russian)
670,iamiam,,71b... (note password--not starting with $1$)

5699,edwardgel,,$1$... (note he opted to not create his own password this time)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 01:56:45 AM
I'm not ready to call your whole story hogwash-or-not yet, but many of the assumptions and conclusions you're making seem like big stretches to me, so far.

I see that robert @ has more than one account registered there, but I noticed lots of instances of more than one account from the same person last time I perused the MtGox leak file for interesting tidbits. I don't see how that email address is connected to any of this yet, nor do I see a plausible connection to edwardgel or some (*gasp*) Russian person, aside from their accounts being registered at about the same time. With over 60k accounts registered over the relatively short period of time between MtGox's inception and the leaking of their password file, there are bound to be lots of weird-looking coincidences in there.

Ok, I'm going to tell you a secret. Very few people know this, so don't spread it around: NF6X is not the name I was given at birth. I hope that you don't think any less of me because I'm posting here under an alias.  ;)

I'll accept your argument, NF6X. I'll continue to make sense of it all.

PS: I won't share your secret, Terry Gilbert.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: greyhawk on September 04, 2011, 02:00:51 AM
This is by far the worst attempt of doxing I have ever seen and I have both seen and done a lot of them in my lifetime.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 02:11:26 AM
My hat is now securely fastened atop my head. I'll be back after I go feed the horse, if you know what I mean.

Yep, I do. I saw that episode of South Park.

LOL! Well, in this case, I meant that my neighbors were running a bit late so they asked me to feed their horse for them. Just hay; no chili. I did give him an extra carrot, though.  :D

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 02:12:47 AM
Can we start by safely assuming that BW and EG probably signed up on the same day and possibly on the same computer? (and before you say it, in the same chair with their pants...)

666  sroe    (delayed registration because he wanted to be the 666th member)
667  brucewagner
668  Almad
669  SergGT
670  iamiam
671  welsh  (no email listed)

I believe we could assume that the people who signed up before, during and after BW and EG have no connection to them, with the exception all six are Bitcoin users, unless a direct connection is proven at a later date.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 02:13:46 AM
PS: I won't share your secret, Terry Gilbert.

Drat! You figured me out! There goes my 10-year run of posting both anonymously and posthumously.  :(

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 02:15:33 AM
My hat is now securely fastened atop my head. I'll be back after I go feed the horse, if you know what I mean.

Yep, I do. I saw that episode of South Park.

LOL! Well, in this case, I meant that my neighbors were running a bit late so they asked me to feed their horse for them. Just hay; no chili. I did give him an extra carrot, though.  :D

I am so glad you said carrot instead of pineapple, for I saw that episode, too.

This is by far the worst attempt of doxing I have ever seen and I have both seen and done a lot of them in my lifetime.

Would you be so kind as to explain that statement to me. I'm a tad slow tonight.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 02:17:28 AM
PS: I won't share your secret, Terry Gilbert.

Drat! You figured me out! There goes my 10-year run of posting both anonymously and posthumously.  :(

FYI, everyone. I was joking about NF6X being Terry Gilbert. I made that up. Now, let's see if I can tied this all together.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 02:18:49 AM
Can we start by safely assuming that BW and EG probably signed up on the same day and possibly on the same computer?

I'll go along with "probably signed up the same day" based on proximity in the password file, but I don't conclude "possibly on the same computer" any more than for any other two accounts that are near each other in that file. Maybe I'm just dense (as a side-effect of entering the afterlife back in 2001), but I'm just not seeing the connection between BW's and EG's pants.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 04, 2011, 02:19:31 AM
It's not that much of a stretch to see that and Tom Williams registered the same day, and probably at the same time on the same computer.

That's where you're losing me. I'll say that those two accounts appear to have been registered consecutively, but I don't see anything else that suggests that they were registered by the same person, and/or from the same computer, or even on the same day. Without IP logs and timestamps of registrations, how do you know that those accounts weren't registered from different addresses a few hours apart? Can we also assume that Tom Williams registered his account a moment later?


667,brucewagner,,$1$... (purposely waited till the 666th member joined so that he wouldn't be it)
668,Almad,,ad8... (note password--not starting with $1$)
669,SergGT,,$1$... (Russian)
670,iamiam,,71b... (note password--not starting with $1$)

Different day?

This account could easily be a day earlier----------BUT (still connected, I say)

603,justmoon,,$1$...     (registered just up prior to BW & EG registering) (an early Mt.Gox member)

if i recall correctly those "$1$" are the expect results of the MD5 salting that was added to passwords.  thats why you're seeing so many start with that sequence including nguyens.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 02:20:55 AM
PS: I won't share your secret, Terry Gilbert.

Drat! You figured me out! There goes my 10-year run of posting both anonymously and posthumously.  :(

FYI, everyone. I was joking about NF6X being Terry Gilbert. I made that up. Now, let's see if I can tied this all together.

I don't even know who Terry Gilbert is; I just googled the name and picked one who had been deceased for an amusingly long period of time. And thankfully, I have never met Ms. Hilton.  :P

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 04, 2011, 02:22:37 AM
surely you aren't suggesting Stefan Thomas is Tom Williams?  Stefan has done some great work for the community and was one of the key speakers at Bitcon.  i've seen him interviewed by BW and he seems like a very cheerful fellow and dedicated Bitcoin enthusiast in his own words.

No I was not claiming that at all. I was stating that the name and the name associated with the email account is different. BTW, do have a picture of him?

[owner-c] handle: 668732
[owner-c] type: PERSON
[owner-c] title:
[owner-c] fname: Stefan
[owner-c] lname: Thomas      (If the owner's name is Stefan Thomas, then why does email link to another name)
[owner-c] org:
[owner-c] address: Sommerhofenstr. 136
[owner-c] city: Sindelfingen
[owner-c] pcode: 71067
[owner-c] country: DE
[owner-c] state: DE
[owner-c] phone: +49-7031-7853000
[owner-c] fax: +49-7031-700935
[owner-c] email:   Here  (same website design as and
[owner-c] protection: B
[owner-c] remarks: 32086495
[owner-c] updated: 2011-07-21 03:19:14

i'll do better than a picture.  here's his keynote speech at Bitcon:

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: indicasteve on September 04, 2011, 02:23:18 AM
tien.dat79's profile on a forum called 'Hoc Lap Trinh' which means 'Programming' in English. (

His pic is there too!

He's pretty active in their Bitcoin forums...over 2600 pages just on bitcoin.

I don't know why you won't even consider this is the guy.

You keep trying to make some connection to Bruce but I highly doubt BW has the technical aptitude to program mybitcoin.  This Vietnamese guy sure does.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Maria on September 04, 2011, 02:26:43 AM
Get ready for bitcoin justice.


Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 04, 2011, 02:26:53 AM
Phinnaeus:  do you still have the .csv list of all the hacked accts on mtgox?  every source i've googled today has been taken down.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 02:29:32 AM
tien.dat79's profile on a forum called 'Hoc Lap Trinh' which means 'Programming' in English. (

His pic is there too!

He's pretty active in their Bitcoin forums...over 2600 pages just on bitcoin.

I don't know why you won't even consider this is the guy.

You keep trying to make some connection to Bruce but I highly doubt BW has the technical aptitude to program mybitcoin.  This Vietnamese guy sure does.

I will do that. Until then:

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 02:32:06 AM
Phinnaeus:  do you still have the .csv list of all the hacked accts on mtgox?  every source i've googled today has been taken down.

I put the link is the first post of this thread and it's still working:

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: DrYe5 on September 04, 2011, 02:35:42 AM
Phinnaeus:  do you still have the .csv list of all the hacked accts on mtgox?  every source i've googled today has been taken down.

I put the link is the first post of this thread and it's still working:

Explain the significance of a password starting with "$1$" or not.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 02:37:09 AM
Aha! drumhacker72 and Goat must be the same person, because they (and only they) rated up tien.dat79, and both were invited by dwdollar. We're through the looking glass, people! I still don't see how the Rand Corporation fits in, though.  ;)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 04, 2011, 02:37:22 AM
Phinnaeus:  do you still have the .csv list of all the hacked accts on mtgox?  every source i've googled today has been taken down.

I put the link is the first post of this thread and it's still working:

Explain the significance of a password starting with "$1$" or not.

there is none.  as you can see in the list Phin just put up, just about every other one or more starts with this string.  i think this is the result of the MD5 salting.  nothing here folks.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: nanaimogold on September 04, 2011, 02:47:10 AM
Hi Bruno,

I know you are having fun with this. You might get some insight from this;

starting at about minute 15


Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 02:56:07 AM
The more I try to make sense of what our friend Phin is posting here, the more I lean towards "hogwash". These so called connections seem to me to be stretches worthy of Mr. Slave. I've become comfortable about presuming that 1) mybitcoin was likely to be a scam from the start, and 2) BW is probably somebody I would prefer not to associate with. Much of what has been presented in various threads also makes me somewhat suspicious that BW may have been closely involved with the mybitcoin scam. Still, I really don't see logic behind many of these other supposed connections. They seem to be based more on numerology than solid logic to me. Well, if nothing else, this thread is entertaining to me.

P.S.  Just in case it's not completely clear, pretty much all of the connections I've proposed in this thread so far have been completely satirical B.S. I was telling the truth about feeding my neighbor's horse, though, and even about securing my hat on my head. ;)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: niko on September 04, 2011, 03:50:31 AM
Just a pinch of salt:

Has anyone ever confirmed with MagicalTux that the leaked user list has not been tampered with?  For what I know users may have been added or removed by whoever posted and reposted the file. Since information is already public, I hope MagicalTux can compare the files and at least provide a simple yes or no, with a sha1 of the file.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Jack of Diamonds on September 04, 2011, 05:19:11 AM
I have an honest question for you, BitcoinPorn, and simply give me an honest answer. Do you think I'm just spreading gossip?
Not at all, I was saying that to cypherdoc's comment, which came off that way the way he said it.  I am seeing all your info, it is not gossipy, I could have separated my sentences into paragraphs there.

MagicalTux posted a while back (3-4 months?) that russian criminals attempted to extort his business for $7000 per month.

He didn't yield to their demands, so there were massive DDoS attacks on Mt. Gox which caused significant financial harm and lowered trading volumes.

Just food for thought.
In fact, he even had to shut down the entire Mt. Gox after the attack became unbearable.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 05:44:50 AM
Hi Bruno,

I know you are having fun with this. You might get some insight from this;

starting at about minute 15


On the broadcast, Hero claims to know those at but then claims he doesn't know who Tom Williams is. He also stutters during his assessment. Hero also states that there is no connection what-so-ever between and BW. Of course there was--advertising and dollars/BTC changed hands. I'm not exactly convinced that they are not connected. If and when I'm proven wrong, I will concede that point.

The more I try to make sense of what our friend Phin is posting here, the more I lean towards "hogwash". These so called connections seem to me to be stretches worthy of Mr. Slave. I've become comfortable about presuming that 1) mybitcoin was likely to be a scam from the start, and 2) BW is probably somebody I would prefer not to associate with. Much of what has been presented in various threads also makes me somewhat suspicious that BW may have been closely involved with the mybitcoin scam. Still, I really don't see logic behind many of these other supposed connections. They seem to be based more on numerology than solid logic to me. Well, if nothing else, this thread is entertaining to me.

P.S.  Just in case it's not completely clear, pretty much all of the connections I've proposed in this thread so far have been completely satirical B.S. I was telling the truth about feeding my neighbor's horse, though, and even about securing my hat on my head. ;)

I will concede that Stefan Thomas and Frank van Vliet are entirely two different people. The email address is @ the domain hosting site, hence my confusion. But:

and this:


Jan van Vliet   (related?)
BitCoin: The decentralized, digital alternative to government fiat money!
14 Jun via Tweet Button

Phinnaeus:  do you still have the .csv list of all the hacked accts on mtgox?  every source i've googled today has been taken down.

I put the link is the first post of this thread and it's still working:

Explain the significance of a password starting with "$1$" or not.

there is none.  as you can see in the list Phin just put up, just about every other one or more starts with this string.  i think this is the result of the MD5 salting.  nothing here folks.

I believe it's because of the salting, also.

Is this a coincidence?

50730,haakjes,,$1$9...    (Is
50731,hammerfortyfour,,$1$9...   (account created prior to Mt.Gox getting hacked--possibly EG)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 06:06:31 AM

Jan van Vliet   (related?)
BitCoin: The decentralized, digital alternative to government fiat money!
14 Jun via Tweet Button

Are you suggesting that Jan van Vliet is/was directly involved with the folks? Barring some other link that I haven't perceived yet, I could easily see him as being just another Bitcoin enthusiast who stuck the reference in his signature to promote his area of interest, just as I have been known to link to things which interest me but which I have had no direct involvement in creating. Like the Apple sticker that I stuck on my work-issued Lenovo laptop; I have no relationship with Apple other than repeatedly giving them lots of money for another hit of their sweet shinies. If I recall correctly, and my brain is not too fogged by the cheap store-brand vodka (don't worry, I'm not Russian), van Vliet appears to be involved with web/network service provision. His apparent connection to other People Of Interest may be due to nothing more than having provided them with services, thus learning about Bitcoins in the process, and then subsequently signing up for some of the same popular, well-publicized services as them. Maybe it's no coincidence that his name shows up in multiple particular places, yet there's another quite plausible explanation for that other than direct involvement with any of our favorite scams. Remember: Correlation does not always imply causation.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: nanaimogold on September 04, 2011, 06:16:36 AM
Quote from: Phinnaeus Gage
... Of course there was--advertising and dollars/BTC changed hands. ...

Why do you believe that?

I recall the opposite to be true.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: DrYe5 on September 04, 2011, 06:46:16 AM
21 tweets, with almost as many users, to date contain "":!/search/realtime/ (!/search/realtime/

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 06:54:11 AM

Jan van Vliet   (related?)
BitCoin: The decentralized, digital alternative to government fiat money!
14 Jun via Tweet Button

Are you suggesting that Jan van Vliet is/was directly involved with the folks? Barring some other link that I haven't perceived yet, I could easily see him as being just another Bitcoin enthusiast who stuck the reference in his signature to promote his area of interest, just as I have been known to link to things which interest me but which I have had no direct involvement in creating. Like the Apple sticker that I stuck on my work-issued Lenovo laptop; I have no relationship with Apple other than repeatedly giving them lots of money for another hit of their sweet shinies. If I recall correctly, and my brain is not too fogged by the cheap store-brand vodka (don't worry, I'm not Russian), van Vliet appears to be involved with web/network service provision. His apparent connection to other People Of Interest may be due to nothing more than having provided them with services, thus learning about Bitcoins in the process, and then subsequently signing up for some of the same popular, well-publicized services as them. Maybe it's no coincidence that his name shows up in multiple particular places, yet there's another quite plausible explanation for that other than direct involvement with any of our favorite scams. Remember: Correlation does not always imply causation.

I believe this part:

His apparent connection to other People Of Interest may be due to nothing more than having provided them with services, thus learning about Bitcoins in the process, and then subsequently signing up for some of the same popular, well-publicized services as them. Maybe it's no coincidence that his name shows up in multiple particular places, yet there's another quite plausible explanation for that other than direct involvement with any of our favorite scams.

But, as you may have well read, FVV is a known hacker. Jan could be a close relative. And look at who Jan follows:!/zium/following  and who FVV follows:!/jhfssrjmouyihgg/following

Take a walk with me on this one, for it's only an eight block stretch: (Google it!)

50731,hammerfortyfour,    115 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036
667,brucewagner,                   290 5th Ave, New York, NY 10001

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 06:59:36 AM
21 tweets, with almost as many users, to date contain "":!/search/realtime/ (!/search/realtime/

Tomorrow, it will be the same users, in the same exact order, with the same exact tweets. Mark my word on this one. LOL!

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 07:06:17 AM
Maybe BW worked at BofA under the TW alias for fun and profit?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 07:48:50 AM
Maybe BW worked at BofA under the TW alias for fun and profit?

I know your type. You're just trying to throw me off the scent.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 07:59:08 AM
Nah, I love hunting with dogs. They have great noses, and I have color vision and opposable thumbs. The rabbits don't stand a chance against us.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 08:38:58 AM
Nah, I love hunting with dogs. They have great noses, and I have color vision and opposable thumbs. The rabbits don't stand a chance against us.

I should be sleeping, but I'm working on something.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Stefan Thomas on September 04, 2011, 09:22:44 AM
50730,haakjes,,$1$9...    (Is

I don't understand the connection? I started WeUseCoins and I've never heard of

21 tweets, with almost as many users, to date contain "":!/search/realtime/ (!/search/realtime/

According to our AddThis share widget 5262 people tweeted about Twitter search shows you only the latest tweets (note they're all from last week). I tweeted about it here (!/justmoon/status/50323789849964545) and here (!/justmoon/status/69154322889441281).

Not sure if this has been pointed out already, but WeUseCoins is hosted at Leaseweb, so yeah. :-\ It is one of the largest hosting providers in Europe, but still I can't really fault anybody for drawing a connection on that point.

My journey into Bitcoin is somewhat documented from IRC chats in December 2010 and early 2011. And also by the fact that at the first Swiss Bitcoin meetup in early February 2011 I didn't really know a lot about Bitcoin yet, which the other attendees Mike Hearn, cdecker and bitdragon can probably confirm. MyBitcoin has been around far longer than I've been into Bitcoin, but of course it's hard to prove a negative that I didn't know about Bitcoin longer.

I'm only following the forums occasionally, so if anybody has any questions, Phinnaeus was kind enough to post my email address already :P, but here it is again:

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 09:59:53 AM
50730,haakjes,,$1$9...    (Is

I don't understand the connection? I started WeUseCoins and I've never heard of

21 tweets, with almost as many users, to date contain "":!/search/realtime/ (!/search/realtime/

According to our AddThis share widget 5262 people tweeted about Twitter search shows you only the latest tweets (note they're all from last week). I tweeted about it here (!/justmoon/status/50323789849964545) and here (!/justmoon/status/69154322889441281).

Not sure if this has been pointed out already, but WeUseCoins is hosted at Leaseweb, so yeah. :-\ It is one of the largest hosting providers in Europe, but still I can't really fault anybody for drawing a connection on that point.

My journey into Bitcoin is somewhat documented from IRC chats in December 2010 and early 2011. And also by the fact that at the first Swiss Bitcoin meetup in early February 2011 I didn't really know a lot about Bitcoin yet, which the other attendees Mike Hearn, cdecker and bitdragon can probably confirm. MyBitcoin has been around far longer than I've been into Bitcoin, but of course it's hard to prove a negative that I didn't know about Bitcoin longer.

I'm only following the forums occasionally, so if anybody has any questions, Phinnaeus was kind enough to post my email address already :P, but here it is again:

Hello, Stefan Thomas. Bruno here. You're not going to believe this, but members of this forum have been putting something in my coffee when I'm not looking. That said, please accept my apology on this issue. The mistake I made is this: Registrant where Frank van Vliet is the owner.

I'm going to clean up some of what I've written so that your good name doesn't get smeared. Thank you kindly for the soft post to me, although this time a few curse words may have been in order.

Sincerely, Bruno

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Exonumia on September 04, 2011, 11:42:05 AM
I'm up to 1.23million VexCoins... is the ebook almost ready?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: ribuck on September 04, 2011, 01:46:05 PM
Explain the significance of a password starting with "$1$" or not.
Here's what the "$1$" prefix means. Don't read anything more than this into the "$1$" prefix.

Originally, MtGox stored hashed passwords in their database. A few years ago, this was considered reasonably secure, but the development and distribution of "rainbow tables" made hashed passwords insecure. (A "rainbow table" is essentially a reverse-lookup which takes you from a hashed password to a candidate unhashed password.)

In response to this, many websites (including MtGox) upgraded their systems to store salted hashed passwords instead of plain hashed passwords. This makes basic rainbow tables unusable for password cracking.

The problem is: how do you upgrade the existing passwords to use the new salting scheme? You don't know the existing passwords; you only know their hash. So you wait until the user logs on with a password that matches the hash. At that point, the user has just entered their actual password so you calculate the password's salted hash, and store that in the database in place of the unsalted hash.

A common technique (which was used at MtGox) represents the salted hashes with a prefix of "$1$", to distinguish it from unsalted hashes and to identify the salting/hashing scheme.

tl; dr:  From the presence of the "$1$" prefix we can deduce that the user logged in one or more times after MtGox changed to salted hashes. From the absence of the "$1$" prefix we can deduce that the user created their account before MtGox changed to salted hashes, and did not log in to that account between that time and when the password file was leaked.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: sadpandatech on September 04, 2011, 03:45:28 PM
Explain the significance of a password starting with "$1$" or not.
Here's what the "$1$" prefix means. Don't read anything more than this into the "$1$" prefix.

Originally, MtGox stored hashed passwords in their database. A few years ago, this was considered reasonably secure, but the development and distribution of "rainbow tables" made hashed passwords insecure. (A "rainbow table" is essentially a reverse-lookup which takes you from a hashed password to a candidate unhashed password.)
A few years ago, as in like 15?

In response to this, many websites (including MtGox) upgraded their systems to store salted hashed passwords instead of plain hashed passwords. This makes basic rainbow tables unusable for password cracking.
Again, the response to this was well before Gox was in operation. More on this in a bit.

The problem is: how do you upgrade the existing passwords to use the new salting scheme? You don't know the existing passwords; you only know their hash. So you wait until the user logs on with a password that matches the hash. At that point, the user has just entered their actual password so you calculate the password's salted hash, and store that in the database in place of the unsalted hash.

A common technique (which was used at MtGox) represents the salted hashes with a prefix of "$1$", to distinguish it from unsalted hashes and to identify the salting/hashing scheme.

 The answer should have been; you don't, you friggin salt and shadow the passwords to begin with!  That prefix technique would be pretty nifty if it were in conjunction with taking some sort of furthner action on the unsalted ones.

 Case in point; About 14 years ago sadpanda owned a small hosting/dial-up firm. With roughly 2500~ dial ups, 500~ hosted sites and a partner who had the vision to monitize our userbase with our own "webmail". That was exciting, ad revenue and a new offering for our existing customers and potential new ones. There was one issue however and that was a big, fat unsalted password table.

 Not long after we set the customer base up on the new webmail servers did we start to notice 'breaches' in the form of mails in customer inboxes that did not orginate from our mail servers. A good majority of which were trojan laced. We spent many a night integrating virus scanning on the mail servers and manually forcing customers with weak passwords to update them. A daunting task which would have continued to become a growing burden until I called an associate who himself owned a sizable hosting firm.

 Skipping past the fee he wanted to come help my auditing efforts, he made short work of pointing out what I feel now should be obivous. It took him all of a few hours to exclaim, "Are these passwords unsalted and in their default locations?" Well, you by now know the answer to that. Just thinking about the implications of what that meant, not only in the immediate security issue but in what it would entail to get all those users to update their passwords, gave me quite the headache.

 After a few days of manually fixing things I realized the only way to 'fix' it quick was going to be to update all the passwords ourselves. At this point we had added salt into our pwds and moved the storage of them to a shadowed format. And thats where we decided that we had no choice but to 'crack'(L0pht before they went legit) all the passwords ourselves and then push them through the salt. This would not patch up any one who had already been comprimised but certainly did put us in a posistion where we could stop chasing new breaches and focus on securing existing ones. Amen! 

 As an aside, the perps quickly became very unhappy about their lost playground and attempted to Ddos the piss out of our upstream. Unfortunatly for them we owned the exit nodes at our upstream and managed all the filtering ourselves.. ;p

tl;dr  14 years ago we began to salt and shadow on a system not used for financials and I would have assumed anyone setting up a secure system would have done so since then. :/

tl; dr:  From the presence of the "$1$" prefix we can deduce that the user logged in one or more times after MtGox changed to salted hashes. From the absence of the "$1$" prefix we can deduce that the user created their account before MtGox changed to salted hashes, and did not log in to that account between that time and when the password file was leaked.

Sorry for all that off-topic wall of text. Those of us who reconize the salting realized what the $1$ was prefixed on the hashes.

 Not to verify or disprove any of the 'research' Bruno has done here but the $1$ prefix does not remove what he had pointed out. If you look back at the mathcing passwords he showed, one being unsalted and the other being $1$ but with $1$a , as what he was eluding to. I did not look at the pwd file to see if it is similiar past the a but I am confident that Bruno did not assume every friggin password with $1$ in front of it was the same.

  All that aside I personaly feel Tux has come a LONG way from where he started with this new venture and have not noticed anything as concering as the orginal issues. And, I definetly have to appluad his moxie in not giving in to the $7k extortion thing. That sounds like it could be quite stressing and possibly dangerous.

 Now with the mybitcoin thing I can't help but feel, after listening to Hero's input that it sounds almost like some breaches started to become noticed and got out of hand before the orginal devs could do much about it. It seems like they were scared off by something and pretty much abandoned ship, leaving someone to deal with it pretty much on their own. Just my take on it now.

cheers everyone.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 04:40:50 PM
I did not look at the pwd file to see if it is similiar past the a but I am confident that Bruno did not assume every friggin password with $1$ in front of it was the same.

That is correct, sadpandatech. There was only one instance where I showed that the passwords match.

Before I go any further with this, I want to state that I sent a PM to Stefan Thomas offering my deepest apology for getting into this mix. As previous stated, I see where my error was and have posted how it occurred. I will continue to play armchair detective, but will be more careful with what I post. I promise that I will continue to make mistakes, but will try to keep them to the bare minimum. I have no agenda in regards to this Bitcoin issue with the exception of finding the truth, not as I see it, but as it is. I hope that my crazy research project here has in someway helped, not hurt, Bitcoin. I want to further state that I gave Stefan my personal phone number and he can do with it as he wishes. It's no secret that I live in Sandwich, Illinois and am easy to find.


PS: You can call be Bruno or Phin, and you have my permission to refer to my work here as Phin's Pholly.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 05:01:20 PM
PS: You can call be Bruno or Phin, and you have my permission to refer to my work here as Phin's Pholly.

I like it! Phin's Pholly should be in the thread title.  :D

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 04, 2011, 05:03:59 PM
Phinnaeus:  do you still have the .csv list of all the hacked accts on mtgox?  every source i've googled today has been taken down.

I put the link is the first post of this thread and it's still working:

there was a list with the unhashed passwords circulating.  do you have that?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Stefan Thomas on September 04, 2011, 05:08:20 PM
Before I go any further with this, I want to state that I sent a PM to Stefan Thomas offering my deepest apology for getting into this mix.

I'm about to reply to your PM as well, but just to make one thing very clear, I don't think you need to apologize here. If it was a mistake, I'm glad that you are helping to clear up my name, but in the big picture I'm grateful that you're putting in the time to do this research in the first place. The only thing that would tie this whole mess up properly is if somebody finds Tom Williams.

As I said, because of the fact that we used the same hosting, I can't fault people for seeing a connection.

So the apology is accepted and I very much respect how you handled the whole thing. Please don't let this incident discourage you from investigating me or anybody else.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 05:13:26 PM
Phinnaeus:  do you still have the .csv list of all the hacked accts on mtgox?  every source i've googled today has been taken down.

I put the link is the first post of this thread and it's still working:

there was a list with the unhashed passwords circulating.  do you have that?

No, I do not, cyperdoc. Don't you think that one list is more than enough for me to get into trouble with? Like I've stated, I knew this list existed but never took time to hunt it for I had no use for it. I found it by accident the other day which started me on free-stacking my marbles. This is the first I've heard about unhashed passwords, and believe you me, I'm not going to Google it.

PS: You can call be Bruno or Phin, and you have my permission to refer to my work here as Phin's Pholly.

I like it! Phin's Pholly should be in the thread title.  :D

Stupidest thing I've heard in my entire life. How crazy do you think I am?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 05:19:05 PM
Before I go any further with this, I want to state that I sent a PM to Stefan Thomas offering my deepest apology for getting into this mix.

I'm about to reply to your PM as well, but just to make one thing very clear, I don't think you need to apologize here. If it was a mistake, I'm glad that you are helping to clear up my name, but in the big picture I'm grateful that you're putting in the time to do this research in the first place. The only thing that would tie this whole mess up properly is if somebody finds Tom Williams.

As I said, because of the fact that we used the same hosting, I can't fault people for seeing a connection.

So the apology is accepted and I very much respect how you handled the whole thing. Please don't let this incident discourage you from investigating me or anybody else.

WOW! Simply, WOW! Can you (readers) imagine if all company owners handle situations with such professionalism. This is a class act! Thank you so kindly, Stefan.

I don't think you need to apologize here.

I do feel that I have to apology here, otherwise the other members will continue to put stuff in my coffee when I'm away from my desk.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: cypherdoc on September 04, 2011, 05:32:47 PM
Explain the significance of a password starting with "$1$" or not.
Here's what the "$1$" prefix means. Don't read anything more than this into the "$1$" prefix.

Originally, MtGox stored hashed passwords in their database. A few years ago, this was considered reasonably secure, but the development and distribution of "rainbow tables" made hashed passwords insecure. (A "rainbow table" is essentially a reverse-lookup which takes you from a hashed password to a candidate unhashed password.)

In response to this, many websites (including MtGox) upgraded their systems to store salted hashed passwords instead of plain hashed passwords. This makes basic rainbow tables unusable for password cracking.

The problem is: how do you upgrade the existing passwords to use the new salting scheme? You don't know the existing passwords; you only know their hash. So you wait until the user logs on with a password that matches the hash. At that point, the user has just entered their actual password so you calculate the password's salted hash, and store that in the database in place of the unsalted hash.

A common technique (which was used at MtGox) represents the salted hashes with a prefix of "$1$", to distinguish it from unsalted hashes and to identify the salting/hashing scheme.

tl; dr:  From the presence of the "$1$" prefix we can deduce that the user logged in one or more times after MtGox changed to salted hashes. From the absence of the "$1$" prefix we can deduce that the user created their account before MtGox changed to salted hashes, and did not log in to that account between that time and when the password file was leaked.

can you explain exactly why salting is done?  i think i know after having perused the unhashed password list leaked from mtgox.  i was amazed at how many passwords were either identical or very close such as "qwerty" and "qwerty1".  does the random salt act like a nonce of random characters/digits that make the resulting hash much more complicated than it would be otherwise and thus more secure?  if so, when i type in a simple password how does my computer know the nonce so that the resulting hash matches the mtgox hash?  furthermore, it sounds like the hackers got into mtgox DB and got the hashed passwords directly.  would that be enough to access individual accts?  if so, why did they spend so much time brute forcing the hashes into the simple passwords?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: NF6X on September 04, 2011, 06:15:19 PM
Stupidest thing I've heard in my entire life. How crazy do you think I am?

At least as crazy as I am stupid.  :P

Regarding the salting: The salt adds an additional pseudorandom element into the password prior to hashing. Without it, two identical plaintext passwords would show up in the password file with identical hashes. Once you crack one of them, you've cracked both of them. With the salt, the two identical plaintext passwords are likely to produce different salted hashes in the password file. Even though they both have the same plaintext password, cracking one doesn't trivially tell you that you've also cracked the other one. So, you need to go to all of the same work to crack each instance of that same password. I think the salting also makes rainbow tables impractical, but I'm no expert on this stuff.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: sadpandatech on September 04, 2011, 06:40:21 PM
Stupidest thing I've heard in my entire life. How crazy do you think I am?

At least as crazy as I am stupid.  :P

Regarding the salting: The salt adds an additional pseudorandom element into the password prior to hashing. Without it, two identical plaintext passwords would show up in the password file with identical hashes. Once you crack one of them, you've cracked both of them. With the salt, the two identical plaintext passwords are likely to produce different salted hashes in the password file. Even though they both have the same plaintext password, cracking one doesn't trivially tell you that you've also cracked the other one. So, you need to go to all of the same work to crack each instance of that same password. I think the salting also makes rainbow tables impractical, but I'm no expert on this stuff.

 Aye, pretty much and it makes bruting with dictionaries about useless because of the differing hash result. You'd need to have the exact same salt that was used at the time the pwd was created for each pwd in order for your hashed pwds to match up.(newer cracking efforts can handle this too but it requires a lot more computing cycles for all the extra attempts at each hash)  Further if the tables are shadowed in some form it makes it much, much more difficult to leech the entire password table as you will only find the references to each one and not a complete build of the table. This is all old school crap though. Even though the concept hasn't changed much there are much more secure methods available to store and check user created passwords beyond just salting.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: DrYe5 on September 04, 2011, 06:53:08 PM
Now with the mybitcoin thing I can't help but feel, after listening to Hero's input that it sounds almost like some breaches started to become noticed and got out of hand before the orginal devs could do much about it. It seems like they were scared off by something and pretty much abandoned ship, leaving someone to deal with it pretty much on their own. Just my take on it now.

From that show it does sound that there is a lot of private information on that is being hidden to protect people. I always thought it strange that a site that started when bitcoin was a small (tiny) community could be completely anonymous. With so much freelance detective work evident, I wonder if that small community would be willing to make more information public to brute force this problem with the human based computing it seems is available here and at SA.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: sadpandatech on September 04, 2011, 07:26:22 PM
Now with the mybitcoin thing I can't help but feel, after listening to Hero's input that it sounds almost like some breaches started to become noticed and got out of hand before the orginal devs could do much about it. It seems like they were scared off by something and pretty much abandoned ship, leaving someone to deal with it pretty much on their own. Just my take on it now.

From that show it does sound that there is a lot of private information on that is being hidden to protect people. I always thought it strange that a site that started when bitcoin was a small (tiny) community could be completely anonymous. With so much freelance detective work evident, I wonder if that small community would be willing to make more information public to brute force this problem with the human based computing it seems is available here and at SA.

ayeeee, my sentiments exactly. Them, combined with admins here and Gox should have more than enough info to come to some sort of conclusion. Which begs the question, 'Are people genuinely concerned for their safety?'.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: wolftaur on September 04, 2011, 08:53:27 PM
Regarding the salting: The salt adds an additional pseudorandom element into the password prior to hashing. Without it, two identical plaintext passwords would show up in the password file with identical hashes. Once you crack one of them, you've cracked both of them. With the salt, the two identical plaintext passwords are likely to produce different salted hashes in the password file. Even though they both have the same plaintext password, cracking one doesn't trivially tell you that you've also cracked the other one. So, you need to go to all of the same work to crack each instance of that same password. I think the salting also makes rainbow tables impractical, but I'm no expert on this stuff.

It makes them much less useful for uninformed attacks especially.

If I happened to know in advance that the salt for the admin account was 12345, I can use a rainbow table prepared with that salt. But that table would only get me into one account. Knowing the salt in advance isn't something that happens frequently, though, so if I want to get rainbow tables, assuming a 2 byte salt I'd need 65,536 of them instead of just 1. And that leaves out the fact that the salt could be prepended _OR_ appended to the password, the hostname could be stuck on there as well, etc... I've seen a lot of extra stuff added into a password before hashing. Getting rainbow tables for those things already generated is harder.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: cypherdoc on September 04, 2011, 09:53:28 PM
Regarding the salting: The salt adds an additional pseudorandom element into the password prior to hashing. Without it, two identical plaintext passwords would show up in the password file with identical hashes. Once you crack one of them, you've cracked both of them. With the salt, the two identical plaintext passwords are likely to produce different salted hashes in the password file. Even though they both have the same plaintext password, cracking one doesn't trivially tell you that you've also cracked the other one. So, you need to go to all of the same work to crack each instance of that same password. I think the salting also makes rainbow tables impractical, but I'm no expert on this stuff.

It makes them much less useful for uninformed attacks especially.

If I happened to know in advance that the salt for the admin account was 12345, I can use a rainbow table prepared with that salt. But that table would only get me into one account. Knowing the salt in advance isn't something that happens frequently, though, so if I want to get rainbow tables, assuming a 2 byte salt I'd need 65,536 of them instead of just 1. And that leaves out the fact that the salt could be prepended _OR_ appended to the password, the hostname could be stuck on there as well, etc... I've seen a lot of extra stuff added into a password before hashing. Getting rainbow tables for those things already generated is harder.

so when i enter my password into mtgox, their DB appends a memorized salt that was created when i first generated my password and then hashes the concatenation using the same hash algorithm (currently SHA-512) to create a hash result that is the same as the hash stored in their system?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 04, 2011, 10:38:38 PM
Prior to joining this forum, I spent no less than 12 hours reading the posts here. It was discussions like the previous few posts on this thread, and others like it, peppered throughout, that tipped me into joining. One of my early posts starts this sentiment as well. It wasn't long after joining that I saw a change in what was posted. Of course the time frame--forward of me joining (June 16)--must be taken into consideration, for a lot has happened within the past couple months. Even prior to me joining, I read some negative aspects of Bitcoin, but felt those concerns will be addressed in due time. To this day, Bitcoin still has issues, but I know that people more intelligent than I are working overtime to get them resolved so that Bitcoin can move more forward into the mainstream. I'm not a miner, nor a coder, nor a major mover/shaker, but I feel that what little I do bring to this banquet hopefully aids Bitcoin's progression.


Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: freequant on September 05, 2011, 02:57:47 AM

10 pages to this thread, many people and email addresses dragged in the mud and still no shadow of any evidence.
10 pages of wishful thinking and what-ifs tossed at random...

So far, I refrained from commenting on that because I wanted to let you the time to recollect your "dicovery of last night". But the more this thread unfolds, the more it feels like you are just thinking aloud.

I am glad someone is investigating, and I don't want to discourage you.
But please considere posting when you are sure that you have really got something.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: BitcoinPorn on September 05, 2011, 11:59:20 AM
I am glad someone is investigating, and I don't want to discourage you.
But please considere posting when you are sure that you have really got something.

To be fair, I think he writing indicated as such, that these are all things he is kind of putting together himself.  And who knows, hopefully there was a path in his little journey that may spark someone else to do a little investigating as well.   

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 05, 2011, 01:44:15 PM

10 pages to this thread, many people and email addresses dragged in the mud and still no shadow of any evidence.
10 pages of wishful thinking and what-ifs tossed at random...

So far, I refrained from commenting on that because I wanted to let you the time to recollect your "dicovery of last night". But the more this thread unfolds, the more it feels like you are just thinking aloud.

I am glad someone is investigating, and I don't want to discourage you.
But please considere posting when you are sure that you have really got something.

No argument here. 100% on point. The next quote by BitcoinPorn just about expresses my sentiment completely.

I am glad someone is investigating, and I don't want to discourage you.
But please considere posting when you are sure that you have really got something.

To be fair, I think he writing indicated as such, that these are all things he is kind of putting together himself.  And who knows, hopefully there was a path in his little journey that may spark someone else to do a little investigating as well.   

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 05, 2011, 06:02:03 PM
No way will I be posting emails anymore. Thank you, freequant, for bringing that to my attention.

If I'm going to continue pursuing this issue, I feel I should do it with a different approach. I'll start by asking a simple question, then move forward from there. Let's see how this works out.

After reading the quote below gleaned from this post, my Huxley Hat started picking up signals--again.

I find even more strange his story in The Bitcoin Show about how he told to his *friends* one evening that he wanted to withdraw his funds, only to find out the next day that MyBitcoin had gone offline without any explanation

Is it possible for a well seasoned reporter to NOT: Know who Bruce Wagner is; Know about; Read this forum; etc.--all prior to June 13, 2011 (20K+ joined after this person became a member), yet was crafting a Bitcoin story?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 05, 2011, 08:01:17 PM
This topic needs more eyes.

If memory serves me correctly, back then (prior to June 13, 2011) linked to this forum on its homepage. So I ask again, how is it that a well seasoned reporter didn't read this forum, therefore not knowing about or Bruce Wagner? When I first starting reading this forum, I knew about both and I'm not a reporter.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: NF6X on September 05, 2011, 10:17:20 PM
Is it possible for a well seasoned reporter to NOT: Know who Bruce Wagner is; Know about; Read this forum; etc.--all prior to June 13, 2011 (20K+ joined after this person became a member), yet was crafting a Bitcoin story?

Sure. Well-seasoned reporters spew inaccurate garbage about subjects they know nothing about all the time. Sometimes they even decide what they want their story to say before they begin doing research for it. Many reporters have both journalistic integrity and competence, but there are enough of them who lack one or both that you can't take it for granted that any particular reporter knows what they are talking about.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: NF6X on September 05, 2011, 10:18:05 PM
This topic needs more eyes.

If memory serves me correctly, back then (prior to June 13, 2011) linked to this forum on its homepage. So I ask again, how is it that a well seasoned reporter didn't read this forum, therefore not knowing about or Bruce Wagner? When I first starting reading this forum, I knew about both and I'm not a reporter.

Incompetence and/or bias?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 05, 2011, 11:29:16 PM
Is it possible for a well seasoned reporter to NOT: Know who Bruce Wagner is; Know about; Read this forum; etc.--all prior to June 13, 2011 (20K+ joined after this person became a member), yet was crafting a Bitcoin story?

Sure. Well-seasoned reporters spew inaccurate garbage about subjects they know nothing about all the time. Sometimes they even decide what they want their story to say before they begin doing research for it. Many reporters have both journalistic integrity and competence, but there are enough of them who lack one or both that you can't take it for granted that any particular reporter knows what they are talking about.

I was wondering who stole my hyphen. Nice catch!

Bias! This person knows their shit otherwise would not be in the position this person is in.

Did you steal my pronouns, too?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: NF6X on September 06, 2011, 12:11:45 AM
Did you steal my pronouns, too?

Yeah, sorry about that. I must have been playing too much Grand Theft Auto lately.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 06, 2011, 01:36:50 AM
Plus, took a month preparing the Bitcoin piece, and still didn't know who Bruce Wagner was. Does anybody else, besides me, find this odd? (and was a member of Mt.Gox at the time)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 06, 2011, 02:03:48 AM
This reporter also was aware of Plato's trip across the US and didn't know about Maybe it's only odd to me. If I was a reporter, which I'm not, my first question would be, "How is he going to pay for stuff?"

It’s been four days since I posted on the Bitcoin forums, announcing my plan to cross the US with only Bitcoins. It looks like I’ve got enough support to get to Florida already - thanks guys! I need more gas nodes between Florida and LA, so if you’re willing to sell me gas for bitcoins (or donate some for free), drop a pin on my map. I also set up a Couchsurfing profile - feel free to contact me on there if you’re interested in hosting me.

How do I buy something with Bitcoins from someone who has never heard of them?Clearly, the average Joe isn’t going to download the client and blockchain while I talk to them. Instead, I’m going to create preloaded accounts with varied denominations, and write the credentials on cards. Assuming I can convince the seller that I’m not trying to scam them, they can accept the cards for value.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: DrYe5 on September 06, 2011, 02:29:24 AM
This reporter also was aware of Plato's trip across the US and didn't know about Maybe it's only odd to me. If I was a reporter, which I'm not, my first question would be, "How is he going to pay for stuff?"

It’s been four days since I posted on the Bitcoin forums, announcing my plan to cross the US with only Bitcoins. It looks like I’ve got enough support to get to Florida already - thanks guys! I need more gas nodes between Florida and LA, so if you’re willing to sell me gas for bitcoins (or donate some for free), drop a pin on my map. I also set up a Couchsurfing profile - feel free to contact me on there if you’re interested in hosting me.

How do I buy something with Bitcoins from someone who has never heard of them?Clearly, the average Joe isn’t going to download the client and blockchain while I talk to them. Instead, I’m going to create preloaded accounts with varied denominations, and write the credentials on cards. Assuming I can convince the seller that I’m not trying to scam them, they can accept the cards for value.

To what reporter do you refer?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 06, 2011, 03:56:01 AM
This reporter also was aware of Plato's trip across the US and didn't know about Maybe it's only odd to me. If I was a reporter, which I'm not, my first question would be, "How is he going to pay for stuff?"

It’s been four days since I posted on the Bitcoin forums, announcing my plan to cross the US with only Bitcoins. It looks like I’ve got enough support to get to Florida already - thanks guys! I need more gas nodes between Florida and LA, so if you’re willing to sell me gas for bitcoins (or donate some for free), drop a pin on my map. I also set up a Couchsurfing profile - feel free to contact me on there if you’re interested in hosting me.

How do I buy something with Bitcoins from someone who has never heard of them?Clearly, the average Joe isn’t going to download the client and blockchain while I talk to them. Instead, I’m going to create preloaded accounts with varied denominations, and write the credentials on cards. Assuming I can convince the seller that I’m not trying to scam them, they can accept the cards for value.

To what reporter do you refer?

I'm not gonna fall for the banana in the tailpipe trick. Let's just say that maybe I posted a link on this board a couple or so days ago. I can't believe all the PM's I've recieved to date.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 06, 2011, 05:17:03 AM
Nite, all. Time to Nap, Purr & Rest.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: The Script on September 06, 2011, 05:39:23 AM
This thread is really jumbled and very confusing.  Was anything actually discovered/confirmed?  Is Tom Williams = Bruce Wagnar?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: BitcoinPorn on September 06, 2011, 12:02:15 PM
This thread is really jumbled and very confusing.  Was anything actually discovered/confirmed?  Is Tom Williams = Bruce Wagnar?

I believe half the fun of this thread is taking the mass amounts of random information and concocting your own tale of the MyBitcoin Fiasco.

I am currently working on a site taking excerpts from this thread and putting in blanks for certain nouns, verbs, and adjectives so we can all have some MyBitcoin Mad Libs fun.

Honestly though, based on information from this thread, it would lead one to believe there is a decent connection with either Bruce or someone affiliated with Bruce, and a Tom Williams.

I would also say I think there is way more to this story than we will ever know, unknown parties that use guns and don't use the Internet.  But that theory will be in the second Mad Libs book, stay tuned.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: lettucebee on September 06, 2011, 02:18:38 PM
On a recent podcast, Hiro White says he is long-term friends with the Mybitcoin guys.  That seems like a big, fat trail to follow.

PM, or

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 06, 2011, 03:21:49 PM
On a recent podcast, Hiro White says he is long-term friends with the Mybitcoin guys.  That seems like a big, fat trail to follow.

PM, or

Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns and formulate new conjectures. ~Wikipedia


This thread is really jumbled and very confusing.

Perhaps, if I wasn't forking my investigation, and forking up, then maybe I would have this done by now.

I keep going back to (listen closely to the podcast) because I feel there's a nugget of gold to be found here.

As far as TW is concerned, last night I was trying to connect + Dr. Prepper + polarbeargarden + Freddie Mercury.

This morning, I've connected with Nvidia.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: cypherdoc on September 06, 2011, 04:11:21 PM
you know, i keep wanting to unsubscribe to this thread cuz a large part of me thinks you're a nut job.

but i just went back and reviewed that NPR podcast and the 25000 BTC on BW's computer has also bugged me ever since i heard about it.  anyone know what MyBitcoins total balance was at the top?

also the fact that there is a Tom Williams one relationship away from Bruce thru Serge G who signed up right after him seems a bit too coincidental as well. 

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 06, 2011, 04:36:17 PM
you know, i keep wanting to unsubscribe to this thread cuz a large part of me thinks you're a nut job.

but i just went back and reviewed that NPR podcast and the 25000 BTC on BW's computer has also bugged me ever since i heard about it.  anyone know what MyBitcoins total balance was at the top?

also the fact that there is a Tom Williams one relationship away from Bruce thru Serge G who signed up right after him seems a bit too coincidental as well.  

Trust me! I'm not a nut job, but the way I've presented this sure makes it look that way. Now, somebody tell me how JG didn't know about BW and MBC prior to GA telling him about them? The home page of clearly linked to this forum back then when the investigative reporting on Bitcoin started. Look at the FB page. Out of all the suggestions, Bitcoin was picked for the story, yet didn't have a clue a main guy was only 10 blocks away. Yet, JG did a story on Yap back in December.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 06, 2011, 04:57:08 PM
I just listened to the PodCast for the umpteen. Would you say that DK and JG had a busy morning? First they spoke with GA, then went to BW's office, signed up to MBC, then wanted to know if using Bitcoin is legal (I would have done this step first), then conducted an interview with RM and felt relieved that it is after paying $40 to BW, then had lunch at MG. But, while eating the chicken platter, MBC gets robbed. Now that's the story NPR should cover.

I forgot to mention that somebody else posted about BW wanted to move Bitcoin away from MBC the day before.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: NF6X on September 06, 2011, 06:48:33 PM
Phinnaeus Gage: He's much less crazy than Bitrebel.  ;D

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 06, 2011, 07:01:20 PM
Phinnaeus Gage: He's much less crazy than Bitrebel.  ;D

Thank you, NF6X. BTW, I've almost completed the Freddy Mercury connection. Just a tad more poking.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: cypherdoc on September 06, 2011, 07:04:35 PM
Phinnaeus Gage: He's much less crazy than Bitrebel.  ;D

Thank you, NF6X. BTW, I've almost completed the Freddy Mercury connection. Just a tad more poking.

has anyone told you you talk cryptically?  why don't you just come out and say what you mean in plain English?  and what does NPR have to do with this?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 06, 2011, 07:50:34 PM
Phinnaeus Gage: He's much less crazy than Bitrebel.  ;D

Thank you, NF6X. BTW, I've almost completed the Freddy Mercury connection. Just a tad more poking.

has anyone told you you talk cryptically?  why don't you just come out and say what you mean in plain English?  and what does NPR have to do with this?

There's an old saying: If you howler sheep to many times, the wolves when start to ignore you. That said, I just listened to this: which is the extended interview. The previous one sited was hashed to pieces for a completely different broadcast. JG is not involved what-so-ever. I'm so glad I didn't site emails and full names. I sure the hell hope I don't get the same room that Bitrebel's in.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: sadpandatech on September 07, 2011, 12:39:02 AM
Phinnaeus Gage: He's much less crazy than Bitrebel.  ;D

Thank you, NF6X. BTW, I've almost completed the Freddy Mercury connection. Just a tad more poking.

has anyone told you you talk cryptically?  why don't you just come out and say what you mean in plain English?  and what does NPR have to do with this?

There's an old saying: If you howler sheep to many times, the wolves when start to ignore you. That said, I just listened to this: which is the extended interview. The previous one sited was hashed to pieces for a completely different broadcast. JG is not involved what-so-ever. I'm so glad I didn't site emails and full names. I sure the hell hope I don't get the same room that Bitrebel's in.

Good ol' Terence Mckenna. Peep the whole thing for some insight, neat part is at 0:32+ ;p

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 07, 2011, 01:32:01 AM
Phinnaeus Gage: He's much less crazy than Bitrebel.  ;D

Thank you, NF6X. BTW, I've almost completed the Freddy Mercury connection. Just a tad more poking.

has anyone told you you talk cryptically?  why don't you just come out and say what you mean in plain English?  and what does NPR have to do with this?

There's an old saying: If you howler sheep to many times, the wolves when start to ignore you. That said, I just listened to this: which is the extended interview. The previous one sited was hashed to pieces for a completely different broadcast. JG is not involved what-so-ever. I'm so glad I didn't site emails and full names. I sure the hell hope I don't get the same room that Bitrebel's in.

Good ol' Terence Mckenna. Peep the whole thing for some insight, neat part is at 0:32+ ;p

Thanks for the video, sadpandatech. That explains the morning glory seeds I've been finding in my coffee.

I just had a thought. I could sell bitcoinMGseeds by the bitbag. On the homepage of the website will be this morning glory. I'll state that once a day it opens up and reveals a Bitcoin. When you see it open, it means you've eaten to many seeds.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: lettucebee on September 07, 2011, 05:25:15 PM
On a recent podcast, Hiro White says he is long-term friends with the Mybitcoin guys.  That seems like a big, fat trail to follow.

PM, or

On 09/06/2011 09:15 AM, Angus Boyd wrote:
> Hello Hiro,
> you gave a podcast of great interest to a lot of people when you talked
> about your long-term friends at mybitcoin.  Who are these friends of
> yours?  A lot of people were wronged in that situation and they are
> quite understandably seeking answers. The bitcoin community has proven
> very resourceful at sorting out who is innocent and who is guilty, and
> pretty fair in how they deal with each.
> I hope you respond to this message with useful information.

Hello Angus. Stay tuned to future CoinBase episodes where I will talk
more of the subject.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: sadpandatech on September 07, 2011, 11:57:02 PM
On a recent podcast, Hiro White says he is long-term friends with the Mybitcoin guys.  That seems like a big, fat trail to follow.

PM, or

On 09/06/2011 09:15 AM, Angus Boyd wrote:
> Hello Hiro,
> you gave a podcast of great interest to a lot of people when you talked
> about your long-term friends at mybitcoin.  Who are these friends of
> yours?  A lot of people were wronged in that situation and they are
> quite understandably seeking answers. The bitcoin community has proven
> very resourceful at sorting out who is innocent and who is guilty, and
> pretty fair in how they deal with each.
> I hope you respond to this message with useful information.

Hello Angus. Stay tuned to future CoinBase episodes where I will talk
more of the subject.

  It certainly sounds good on the surface. And I hate to lump someone's actions into some sort of miscontrived reasoning. Buttttt, in my short years on this earth when a group has all the answers and spends a significant amount of time avoiding giving some it is a usual indication of a very carefully crafted bullshit play in route....

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: cypherdoc on September 08, 2011, 12:14:21 AM
On a recent podcast, Hiro White says he is long-term friends with the Mybitcoin guys.  That seems like a big, fat trail to follow.

PM, or

On 09/06/2011 09:15 AM, Angus Boyd wrote:
> Hello Hiro,
> you gave a podcast of great interest to a lot of people when you talked
> about your long-term friends at mybitcoin.  Who are these friends of
> yours?  A lot of people were wronged in that situation and they are
> quite understandably seeking answers. The bitcoin community has proven
> very resourceful at sorting out who is innocent and who is guilty, and
> pretty fair in how they deal with each.
> I hope you respond to this message with useful information.

Hello Angus. Stay tuned to future CoinBase episodes where I will talk
more of the subject.

  It certainly sounds good on the surface. And I hate to lump someone's actions into some sort of miscontrived reasoning. Buttttt, in my short years on this earth when a group has all the answers and spends a significant amount of time avoiding giving some it is a usual indication of a very carefully crafted bullshit play in route....

very good pt.  so many ppl got ripped off and Hiro withholds the identities of the thieves for a podcast show?  i may have to stop listening to him.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: lettucebee on September 08, 2011, 02:52:33 AM
I'm pretty sure he's not going to reveal any names on his podcast.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: nanaimogold on September 08, 2011, 07:43:06 PM
Hiro said;

"I've known for many, many years"
"philosophical and moral values"
"not any form of scammer"
interested in "liberty and true real money"

very good pt.  so many ppl got ripped off and Hiro withholds the identities of the thieves for a podcast show?  i may have to stop listening to him.

He also mentioned Occam's razor.

It seems to me that your assumption that the operator of MBC stole anything is based on nothing and the explaination Williams gave is far simpler than these crazy theories.

Tom Williams said an unknown party hacked the MBC server and made off with the bitcoin. He then gave up on the project and divided up what remained amongst the users.

Wagner's statement that the system stopped sending payments and was still accepting payments in the 24 hrs preceeding the outage has never been corroborated. In fact, it's just plain false. We have all seen spends that have take hours to confirm. Perhaps he misinterpreted while waiting for the network to confirm. For whatever reason he said so, we know it to be a false statement.

As I recall, the operator of MBC continually suggested that people NOT store their coins in the system. The sweep function was designed to make it easy to clear out business receipts as they came in. Also, as I recall, the addition of an email address to a user's account was made optional in response to users' complaints that requiring it was an invasion of privacy. There is no way to reset a password if the user has not left a valid email address. Those people who were unable to reset a forgotton password were those same people who refused to leave an email address. That was always their own choice.

Bruno's statment that MBC was paying Bruce for advertising is also false. In fact, the opposite was true. Bruce was asked repeatedly to stop associating himself with the MBC system because his lurid past was known to the operators since November. They were not keen to have Bruce's filth rub off on them. MBC was never a commercial enterprise, it was an operation without a cash register. To become more busy meant more computer and human resources were spent to maintain it. Frankly, the operators had no incentive to become busier. The advertising sales revenue model proved to be folly when it was discovered that none of the users wanted to advertise. I quit my own paid support of the system when it became appearent to me that it was being used as a clearing house for payments made to a child sex tourism business being run out of NYC.

These actions do not look like part of a plan to scam.

As for the current silence on the part of the operators, Bruce did tell us the the FBI had been in contact with him. I don't believe much of what Bruce says. It's more likely that it was himself that called the police in. Regardless of how the cops got involved, let's assume they are. What would lawyers advice their clients? Silence. What would police threaten to those witnesses who talked? Obstruction of justice charges.

Occam's razor; The simplest answer is probably the correct one. As I see it, MBC got hacked. Williams told the truth about that. He gave up on an unrewarding project and returned what was not stolen. Anarchists seeking authority called the cops. The cops and the lawyers told the MBC principles to shut up.

Simple. Now all we can do is wait until the police are done with this or until the gag order has been lifted. I have seen that take years in some cases.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: cypherdoc on September 08, 2011, 08:31:17 PM

very good pt.  so many ppl got ripped off and Hiro withholds the identities of the thieves for a podcast show?  i may have to stop listening to him.

He also mentioned Occam's razor.

It seems to me that your assumption that the operator of MBC stole anything is based on nothing and the explaination Williams gave is far simpler than these crazy theories.

thats very true.  thankfully i wasn't involved in any way with MBC and didn't lose anything.  its an intriguing study nonetheless and i am interested to see if anything does come out of this altho from what you say most likely nothing will transpire. 

truthfully i'm more interested in learning how one conducts investigations over the Internet and how one connects the dots in attempting to discover one's identity or location.  this may or may not be the right thread to learn these techniques but at least people are trying here to find something of value whether it be a wild goose chase or not.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: lettucebee on September 08, 2011, 09:27:13 PM
I'm not at all satisfied with "Tom Williams" description of events.  Many people's passwords stopped working a good month before the supposed "hack" occurred and this has never even been addressed by "Tom".  If "Tom" and the guys behind mybitcoin are innocent they should emerge and provide evidence for their claims.  Until then, they should be regarded as thieves, IMO.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: nanaimogold on September 08, 2011, 09:47:26 PM
I'm not at all satisfied with "Tom Williams" description of events.  Many people's passwords stopped working a good month before the supposed "hack" occurred and this has never even been addressed by "Tom".  If "Tom" and the guys behind mybitcoin are innocent they should emerge and provide evidence for their claims.  Until then, they should be regarded as thieves, IMO.

Are you not listening? Nobody is going to show you anything until the law is done.

The passwords stopped working because the Mt Gox thieves changed them. The people who foolishly used the same passords for both systems were robbed faster then MBC could stop it. Only those who left an email address could hope for a password reset. For most of them, it was already too late as their holding had already been spent away.

You get something in your head and nothing can dislodge it. I must be a fool for trying to talk sense to you. You personally were actually used as an example of the impossible overhead of support. Note that I did not say customer support, you, like all the others was never a customer. You used a free service and when you got robbed you refused to accept the responsibility. You had bad password habits and you got stung. You can't accept responsibility and are crying for some anarchist's authority to help you lay the blame somewhere else. Suck it up. You fucked up and are the only one to blame.

And before you go lying about your password here, remember that I have all the microlionsec documents.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: lettucebee on September 09, 2011, 04:09:39 AM

Are you not listening? Nobody is going to show you anything until the law is done.

No law is doing anything about mybitcoin. Get real.

You personally were actually used as an example of the impossible overhead of support.

I personally was actually used as an example of the impossible overhead of support?  What are you talking about? You're creeping me out.

You used a free service and when you got robbed you refused to accept the responsibility. You had bad password habits and you got stung. You can't accept responsibility and are crying for some anarchist's authority to help you lay the blame somewhere else. Suck it up. You fucked up and are the only one to blame.

No doubt, I, and a lot of people learned a hard lesson about password security. Still unexplained is why arrogant pricks like yourself seem to so enjoy rubbing it in.  I think you've probably made mistakes too.  But where do you get off saying I'm crying for authorities?  I'm going after the perps directly actually. Most of the people here seem to be doing the same.

And before you go lying about your password here, remember that I have all the microlionsec documents.
And here you can go fuck yourself you angry, miserable prick. I am apparently too honest for this world. You, on the other hand, seem well suited for it, but at what price to yourself.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: nanaimogold on September 09, 2011, 04:28:29 AM
Yes, your MBC account problem is your own fault. Another of your faults is the endless stream of crybaby emanating from your pie hole.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=3e82efc6cc141df0&biw=1270&bih=852

Another fault you might work on; spewing insults that you would never have the gall to say IRL.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 09, 2011, 07:45:56 AM
One thing is for sure, nanaimogold knows a lot about MBC, it's inner workings, problems and whatnot...

It looks like the bitcoin-police got the right guy...

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: lettucebee on September 09, 2011, 11:55:39 AM
One thing is for sure, nanaimogold knows a lot about MBC, it's inner workings, problems and whatnot...

It looks like the bitcoin-police got the right guy...

Agreed. He even has the microlionsec documents.

BTW, what's a "microlionsec document"?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 09, 2011, 01:54:24 PM
One thing is for sure, nanaimogold knows a lot about MBC, it's inner workings, problems and whatnot...

It looks like the bitcoin-police got the right guy...

Agreed. He even has the microlionsec documents.

BTW, what's a "microlionsec document"?

If I had any money on MBC i would put the mounties on nanaimogold tail for the MBC fraud.

I guess he's saying that he has the database for all MBC users, so, he's 1 of 2:
The MBC operator aka Tom Williams
The hacker who stole the money.

Get this fraudster fellows, he sure deserves it, even more after trying to divert attention from himself with the claims that BW is a pedophile.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: nanaimogold on September 09, 2011, 03:08:41 PM
One thing is for sure, nanaimogold knows a lot about MBC, it's inner workings, problems and whatnot...

It looks like the bitcoin-police got the right guy...

Agreed. He even has the microlionsec documents.

BTW, what's a "microlionsec document"?

If I had any money on MBC i would put the mounties on nanaimogold tail for the MBC fraud.

I guess he's saying that he has the database for all MBC users, so, he's 1 of 2:
The MBC operator aka Tom Williams
The hacker who stole the money.

Get this fraudster fellows, he sure deserves it, even more after trying to divert attention from himself with the claims that BW is a pedophile.

Another one who spouts off what he would never have the guts to say in person.

Electronic payment systems have been used since electronics were invented. Just because this is new to you does not mean you were first in. I know so many people and have so much insider information about payment systems and the attendent crime because I am an insider, and have been since before many of you were even born, since before the internet was popular, since before the web was even invented.

Deception is like an onion, peel off a layer and look, another layer. I'm nost surprised that those less experienced are more likley to be deceived, but what really does surprise me is the appearant lack of regard to consequence exhibited by members of this "community". Shit you do and say does have repercussions in the real world. Also surprising is the collective aversion to historical lessons. Stuff did happen already. Your denying that does not change reality.

This is not a game. When you shut off your Colecovision console, your actions are not lost. Things you post here remain practically forever. It might take months or years, but all pigeons come home to roost.

You said you wanted answers, well now you have them. I'm not surprised you are dissapointed. Reality is just ordinary, not like the amazing fantasy world contrived to entertain you.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 09, 2011, 03:22:07 PM
Another one who spouts off what he would never have the guts to say in person.

I'm not anonymous.
I would call you out on person if I had been robbed by you(or by someone you know and protect), so STFU.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: d.james on September 09, 2011, 05:54:23 PM
Tom Williams is a fictional character.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 09, 2011, 06:00:59 PM
Tom Williams is a fictional character.

Thank you for that precious piece of information...  ::)

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Exonumia on September 11, 2011, 08:03:29 AM

We'll Phinnaeus, don't rush on the ebook... all my VexCoins were auto-converted to CosbyCoins... unless you will accept them instead?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: lettucebee on September 20, 2011, 05:24:02 PM
If I had any money on MBC i would put the mounties on nanaimogold tail for the MBC fraud.

I guess he's saying that he has the database for all MBC users, so, he's 1 of 2:
The MBC operator aka Tom Williams
The hacker who stole the money.

OR he could be Shane Smith, father of Dalin Owens, who owns,, and according to...

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 20, 2011, 08:06:39 PM
If I had any money on MBC i would put the mounties on nanaimogold tail for the MBC fraud.

I guess he's saying that he has the database for all MBC users, so, he's 1 of 2:
The MBC operator aka Tom Williams
The hacker who stole the money.

OR he could be Shane Smith, father of Dalin Owens, who owns,, and according to...

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Raoul Duke on September 20, 2011, 08:39:17 PM
If I had any money on MBC i would put the mounties on nanaimogold tail for the MBC fraud.

I guess he's saying that he has the database for all MBC users, so, he's 1 of 2:
The MBC operator aka Tom Williams
The hacker who stole the money.

OR he could be Shane Smith, father of Dalin Owens, who owns,, and according to...

Well, there you go. Case closed. lol

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 22, 2011, 03:12:41 AM
What ever happened to NewLibertyStandard?:;u=26

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: makomk on September 25, 2011, 01:53:59 PM
Wagner's statement that the system stopped sending payments and was still accepting payments in the 24 hrs preceeding the outage has never been corroborated. In fact, it's just plain false. We have all seen spends that have take hours to confirm. Perhaps he misinterpreted while waiting for the network to confirm. For whatever reason he said so, we know it to be a false statement.
Wait, what? That's a load of horsecrap - the first sign that something was seriously, badly wrong at MyBitcoin was a wave of people complaining on here that their withdrawals hadn't actually come through. Not just that they weren't confirming, but that the transactions hadn't been sent to the Bitcoin network at all. From what I can tell, Bruce Wagner only appeared to find out about this relatively late on compared to the rest of us.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 25, 2011, 05:04:37 PM
Wagner's statement that the system stopped sending payments and was still accepting payments in the 24 hrs preceeding the outage has never been corroborated. In fact, it's just plain false. We have all seen spends that have take hours to confirm. Perhaps he misinterpreted while waiting for the network to confirm. For whatever reason he said so, we know it to be a false statement.
Wait, what? That's a load of horsecrap - the first sign that something was seriously, badly wrong at MyBitcoin was a wave of people complaining on here that their withdrawals hadn't actually come through. Not just that they weren't confirming, but that the transactions hadn't been sent to the Bitcoin network at all. From what I can tell, Bruce Wagner only appeared to find out about this relatively late on compared to the rest of us.

Upon reading some of makomk's past posts, I feel he does not have a habit of making grandiose claims and wouldn't have commented on this thread unless he deemed it relative.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: lettucebee on September 26, 2011, 02:07:17 PM
the first sign that something was seriously, badly wrong at MyBitcoin was a wave of people complaining on here that their withdrawals hadn't actually come through.

No, passwords stopped working at mybitcoin for some people long before the thing went tits up.

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s) or Phin's Pholly
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on September 28, 2011, 12:49:06 PM
I just fount this: Source:

From: "Barr.Tom Williams Esq."<> (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 03:42:53 +1000
Subject: Re: Ligitimate inquiry.

Attn : My Dear

I am Barr.Tom Williams an account operator to late (Mr.Micheal Herman) 52yrs old, a nationality of your country who unfortunately died on a car accident dated 7th August 2008 along Ibadan Express High Way. Since the death of (Mr.Micheal Herman), I as his account operator have made several inquiries to locate his relations to come up for the inheritance claim, without any success.

I came across your name and contact on the course of my personal searching for my late client relations/next of kin so I decided to contact you for this project. I am contacting you to assist in securing the wealth left behind in a fixed deposit account by my late client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where my late client operates an account. The board of Directors of the bank has issued me a notice that after 2 months from now and no relation shown up for the claiming of the said funds, the funds will be confiscated and declared unserviceable.

Since The board of Directors of the bank have been unsuccessful in locating my client relatives for sometime now, it's on this note that I seek your consent to present you as the relation/next of kin to my late client that the proceed of this deposit can be released into your account. The amount deposited $12.8 Million Dollars also i beleived with interest($12.800.000.00 USD) I will agree with you on 60% for you while 40% for me.

I guarantee that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement which will protect you from any breach of the law. Upon your response, furnish me with:

Your full name and address
Your telephone and fax numbers
Your occupation and age

As soon as I receive all these information from you I will present it to the bank Directors that I have locate the relation to my late client since they asked that I should provide the next of kin for them to release the inheritance fund.

Let me here from you once you acknowledge my email:

I'm at your service,

Barr.Tom Williams Esq.

Also, when you go to via Chrome, you are informed that the security certificate has expired. Somebody had to pay for that service, or can anybody get one for their website by using a false name?

Title: Re: Tom Williams ~ The Smoking Gun(s)
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 23, 2014, 09:59:58 PM
in a one on one IRC chat with MagTux, i asked him directly if he knew who was behind the MyBitcoin heist around that time and he told me it would be too dangerous for  both of us for him to tell me.  take that for what its worth.

I bet he's about to sing like a canary with a woodpecker up its ass. I'm just saying.  ;)