Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: ltcifc on January 10, 2014, 02:44:15 PM

Title: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: ltcifc on January 10, 2014, 02:44:15 PM
Before mining, get some FREE Infinitecoin's here:,1317.0.html

This explanation is for Dogecoin, but it works with almost all coins. Check list at bottom

Dogecoin Mining Using Cloud Servers(Thanks to

As it stands, mining solo is very nearly deprecated. The process of finding blocks is now so popular and the difficulty of finding a block so high that it could take days to generate any coins using. While you could simply set a machine aside and have it run the algorithms endlessly, the energy cost and equipment deprecation will eventually cost more than the actual dogecoins are worth. Pooled mining, however, is far more lucrative. You work for shares in a block and when complete you get a percentage of the block based on the number of workers alongside you, less fees.

Step 1 -  Join a pool. To mine in a pool you have to work with a group of other miners on available blocks. The most popular are:  

For this tutorial I will be using Go to create an account and add a worker.

Step 2  - Choose your cloud server. ( is one of the more competitively priced simple cloud hosting services in the world; what’s more, ( has explicitly stated that the mining of Dogecoins is allowed on their servers and you will not be banned for your activities. Some other cloud services have not been so understanding. Create an account at ( Click the yellow Sign-Up button on the top-right of the webpage. Choose a secure email address and a password and you’re good to go. Once you are into your account, clicking anywhere will direct you to their Billing page.

Hook up a credit card or top off your account with Paypal to get started. Once your billing information is satisfactory to Digital Ocean, you can start creating droplets.
The more cores you have, the more coins per day you will have. The single CPU option does not work well with minerd so I would suggest going with at least two cores.

Next, select the region geographically closest to you.

Next, make sure to choose Debian 7.0 64 bit as your Image.

Next, Create your droplet and your credentials will be sent to your email.

Step 3 -  Dogecoin Minner Installation. Upon receiving your credentials, click to your Droplets menu where you will be able to see each of your Droplets, and select the one that you wish to access. Once there, you can get Console Access through the website itself without having to download Putty. Once there, you can get Console Access through the website itself without having to download Putty.

You will be taken to a page where a black screen will load. This is your command console. Enter ‘root’ as your login, and enter the password provided to your email as the password.

Upon successful login, you’ll be able to enter control your miner and pass it commands in the form of code.
Enter in the following strings exactly.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install yasm -y git make g++ build-essential libminiupnpc-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libboost-all-dev libdb++-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev dos2unix
sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev

tar xzf pooler-cpuminer-2.3.2.tar.gz
cd cpuminer-2.3.2
./configure CFLAGS="-O3"

You are installing all the necessary drivers and programs to mine Dogecoin, and some of the commands may take some time to fully execute. Be patient, the reward is worth it!

Step 4 -  Dogecoin mining. Now that everything is set up, you are ready to start your Dogecoin miner and point it at a pool. For simplicity sake, I have provided the settings for mining on start your miner, enter in the below code with your specific login details.

./minerd --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=YourLogin.YourWorker:Password

You may also want to use the --quiet/-q option to disable the per-thread hashmeter.On *nix, you probably also want to use the --background/-B option to fork in the background. Rinse and Repeat for multiple droplets, up to 5, and make sure to invite your interested amigos! You can also change your budget plan and pay for 5 x 8 CPUs (you will generate about 500khash) per hour.
Ps. Remember to destroy Droplets if you are not using them.


Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: looni on January 10, 2014, 03:02:01 PM
Not sure how viable cloud mining is, from a cost benefit perspective, but nice guide anyway.

But there is one problem with it, you are listing which haven't payed out any doges since about the 28th of december 2013, and the web page is currently down.

Please update it to another pool that is working, I'd suggest or perhaps

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: ltcifc on January 10, 2014, 03:38:54 PM
Not sure how viable cloud mining is, from a cost benefit perspective, but nice guide anyway.

But there is one problem with it, you are listing which haven't payed out any doges since about the 28th of december 2013, and the web page is currently down.

Please update it to another pool that is working, I'd suggest or perhaps
Yeah, sorry about that, kinda older guide, but you can use it for any alt coin. Just chose your pool.

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: KoningKaas on January 10, 2014, 04:18:32 PM
There's coins in your list not supported by this miner, also mining scrypt is a waste of $ most of the time i would recommenced looking into mining a CPU coin.

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: ltcifc on January 12, 2014, 08:05:45 PM
Post Updated to

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: ltcifc on January 19, 2014, 11:58:48 PM
This can be used with Infinitecoin, which is the most promising alt coin so far. Mine now and you wont regret it, trust me.

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: actudoran on January 20, 2014, 07:08:16 AM
Hey, I was just about to ask if it's worthwhile doing it for xmp or any other altcoin for that matter. The thing is you cannot oc rented cpus and have no ideea before renting them what kind are they thus one cannot accurately forecast performance or estimated revenue. Is there something amiss on my side or just really confused?

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: Starscream on January 20, 2014, 07:29:40 AM
So if I understood this right, you choose a plan and according to the plan you can mine with 1,2 or 4 cores? So essentially this is for CPU mining? Is it even worth it? Can you get your monthly ROI? Probably not or else everyone would have done it already, including the hosting company.

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: ltcifc on January 20, 2014, 12:41:50 PM
So if I understood this right, you choose a plan and according to the plan you can mine with 1,2 or 4 cores? So essentially this is for CPU mining? Is it even worth it? Can you get your monthly ROI? Probably not or else everyone would have done it already, including the hosting company.
Coins are going up(or down) all the time, so nobody knows if it will pay off in the end. Like most things in life its a risk and its up to you if you take it or not.

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: clgy on January 26, 2014, 10:47:52 AM
Thank you for the walkthrough.

I've learnt how to start the mining process. What is the code to stop the process?

Thank you.

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: bronsky666 on January 26, 2014, 11:07:44 AM
same method with windows azure cloud computing

but to be honnest i do not find it to be interesting, even we the free testing offer (150$ worth free trial)
CPU mining is probably not efficient enough to cover the cost of the cloud machines

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: clgy on January 26, 2014, 11:37:27 AM
What I meant was, supposing I started mining DOGE after typing:
./minerd --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=YourLogin.YourWorker:Password

What do I type if I want to stop mining DOGE and change to another Altcoin?

I'm sorry for asking what might be a common sense question to many people.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: ltcifc on January 27, 2014, 08:07:26 PM
What I meant was, supposing I started mining DOGE after typing:
./minerd --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=YourLogin.YourWorker:Password

What do I type if I want to stop mining DOGE and change to another Altcoin?

I'm sorry for asking what might be a common sense question to many people.

Thank you.

You just enter your other altcoin pool  code.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: tootapple on January 27, 2014, 09:53:00 PM
What is the hash rate?

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: ltcifc on January 27, 2014, 10:34:16 PM
What is the hash rate?

Depends on your purchase.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: tootapple on January 28, 2014, 04:07:30 AM
What is the hash rate?

Depends on your purchase.

how about for the example you give.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: ltcifc on January 29, 2014, 01:04:18 AM
There is plenty of people doing cloud mining, so please post your hash rates :)

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: KoningKaas on January 29, 2014, 01:14:58 AM
Mining dogecoin is unprofitable on DO, half the coins on your list cant even be mined by this miner (NXT cant even be mined i think), this guide is unprofitable/unusable in this format.


What im trying too say is, if you wanna get refs, atleast hand out correct information and help your commentors. ::)

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: imdabest239 on January 29, 2014, 01:54:16 AM
i don't get why people use vps you can buy a server on ebay for about $100 quad core sometimes 8 core in the end with you're own server you're in control of everything

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: Wipeout2097 on January 29, 2014, 05:25:43 AM
Mining dogecoin is unprofitable on DO, half the coins on your list cant even be mined by this miner (NXT cant even be mined i think), this guide is unprofitable/unusable in this format.


What im trying too say is, if you wanna get refs, atleast hand out correct information and help your commentors. ::)

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: Victoo on January 29, 2014, 09:31:24 AM
DO is good for CPU only coins.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: JimmyGTO on January 29, 2014, 09:53:48 AM
Is there actually any real profit in this after paying for the cloud hosting fees? just curious.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: Wipeout2097 on January 29, 2014, 09:57:16 AM
Is there actually any real profit in this after paying for the cloud hosting fees? just curious.
On DigitalOcean no, and the OP doesn't care either. He's only promoting his referral link and earning $10 per paying signup.

On Amazon EC2 spot instances, sometimes, if you get a good price and choose the coin well

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: ltcifc on January 29, 2014, 12:10:38 PM
Yes there is profit on DO, lots of coins to be made with cloud servers like digital ocean. Everything is well explained, you just have to follow it.
People complaining are the ones who never tried it and will complain forever.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: ltcifc on January 29, 2014, 01:45:47 PM
Is there actually any real profit in this after paying for the cloud hosting fees? just curious.
On DigitalOcean no, and the OP doesn't care either. He's only promoting his referral link and earning $10 per paying signup.

On Amazon EC2 spot instances, sometimes, if you get a good price and choose the coin well

Have you tried it or you "just know"?

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: Wipeout2097 on January 29, 2014, 03:05:46 PM
Is there actually any real profit in this after paying for the cloud hosting fees? just curious.
On DigitalOcean no, and the OP doesn't care either. He's only promoting his referral link and earning $10 per paying signup.

On Amazon EC2 spot instances, sometimes, if you get a good price and choose the coin well

Have you tried it or you "just know"?
Yes, I did try. Azure, DO and Amazon EC2, mining Protoshares in December. Amazon EC2 spot instances is the best option.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: ltcifc on January 29, 2014, 03:52:24 PM
Is there actually any real profit in this after paying for the cloud hosting fees? just curious.
On DigitalOcean no, and the OP doesn't care either. He's only promoting his referral link and earning $10 per paying signup.

On Amazon EC2 spot instances, sometimes, if you get a good price and choose the coin well

Have you tried it or you "just know"?
Yes, I did try. Azure, DO and Amazon EC2, mining Protoshares in December. Amazon EC2 spot instances is the best option.

DO is the best.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: KoningKaas on January 29, 2014, 04:22:21 PM
No, it's not, especially not for scrypt...  ::)

There's people with GPU farms hitting multiple megahashes, u wanna go and mine Dogecoin with a couple of Khashes on a DO droplet... there's NO profit too be made, simple as that.

Go look into quarkcoin and derivatives ... or other CPU coins (they cant be mined using the miner in your guide tho)

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: notlist3d on January 29, 2014, 06:57:13 PM
Is there actually any real profit in this after paying for the cloud hosting fees? just curious.
On DigitalOcean no, and the OP doesn't care either. He's only promoting his referral link and earning $10 per paying signup.

On Amazon EC2 spot instances, sometimes, if you get a good price and choose the coin well

Have you tried it or you "just know"?
Yes, I did try. Azure, DO and Amazon EC2, mining Protoshares in December. Amazon EC2 spot instances is the best option.

DO is the best.

Chances are EC2 is best bet from my experiences.  DO being best is coming from guy who dosent mention referral in his link.... hes mining for free each time someone signs up under him.  I'm sure DO for him is great. 

Also EC2 no hassle for heavy usage.... D0 if you do heavy usage (mining) be prepared for them to contact you.  Also use something like a pool so you have credit with D0 dont use something with just a wallet on their side.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: ltcifc on February 02, 2014, 05:45:56 PM
With Infinitecoin/Dogecoin prices increasing, you can make a lot of money just by following this guide.
More and more people are starting to use cloud server mining for profits.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: ltcifc on February 06, 2014, 08:11:04 PM
Also, use guide for new starting coins that have big potential. You can find which new coins by just going through this forum.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: luthan on February 08, 2014, 02:33:37 AM
There is plenty of people doing cloud mining, so please post your hash rates :)

LOL why would anyone try to mine this with CPU.  Get real man.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: xbudahx on February 08, 2014, 03:15:34 AM
The only person making money here is OP, referral spam is what this is. Move on people.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: Victoo on February 08, 2014, 04:41:52 AM
The only person making money here is OP, referral spam is what this is. Move on people.

Op is providing a nice guide so it's not in the spam category.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: Bit_Happy on February 08, 2014, 04:47:23 AM
i don't get why people use vps you can buy a server on ebay for about $100 quad core sometimes 8 core in the end with you're own server you're in control of everything

Sounds too cheap, so I assume you mean used?
Still sounds like a good deal.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: Victoo on February 08, 2014, 04:51:27 AM
i don't get why people use vps you can buy a server on ebay for about $100 quad core sometimes 8 core in the end with you're own server you're in control of everything

Sounds too cheap, so I assume you mean used?
Still sounds like a good deal.

One guy is also selling 8 core dedicated server on peercointalk for $99 and giving help in setting up miner.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: uswapme on February 08, 2014, 05:45:48 AM
wrong category.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: ltcifc on February 08, 2014, 10:37:19 AM
All people who are saying that cloud server mining is not working, they never did it or they are doing it and don't want other people to know about it.
Cloud server mining is very profitable and you can make a lot of coins, specially when new promising coin comes out.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: Starscream on February 08, 2014, 11:12:32 AM
All people who are saying that cloud server mining is not working, they never did it or they are doing it and don't want other people to know about it.
Cloud server mining is very profitable and you can make a lot of coins, specially when new promising coin comes out.
No you can't. This is borderline of scam what you're doing.

What you're driving people to do is invest 10$ to mine coins worth 8$ under the pretense that it will be profitable once/if the coin gains value.
If that's the case, people should just invest those 10$ in buying 10$ worth of coins.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: KoningKaas on February 08, 2014, 12:56:02 PM
All people who are saying that cloud server mining is not working, they never did it or they are doing it and don't want other people to know about it.
Cloud server mining is very profitable and you can make a lot of coins, specially when new promising coin comes out.

Stop talking BS, you should make a WORKING guide and not some retarded thrown together guide...
Also saying its profitable when it's not, doesn't make it better either, and then when people ask you for proof/hashrates u say go fk ourself and try it..

It's not wrong making money using a reflink in your guide (i do it too) but just make sure you give out correct and working information.
I mean Dogecoins with DO, really  ;)

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: ltcifc on February 08, 2014, 03:59:34 PM
All people who are saying that cloud server mining is not working, they never did it or they are doing it and don't want other people to know about it.
Cloud server mining is very profitable and you can make a lot of coins, specially when new promising coin comes out.

Stop talking BS, you should make a WORKING guide and not some retarded thrown together guide...
Also saying its profitable when it's not, doesn't make it better either, and then when people ask you for proof/hashrates u say go fk ourself and try it..

It's not wrong making money using a reflink in your guide (i do it too) but just make sure you give out correct and working information.
I mean Dogecoins with DO, really  ;)
There are many other coins that are bringing nice profits with cloud mining. You just need to follow the guide and instead of doge pool use other coin pool. Dogecoin cloud mining was profitable when this guide was up.

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: xbudahx on February 09, 2014, 12:01:12 AM
The only person making money here is OP, referral spam is what this is. Move on people.

Op is providing a nice guide so it's not in the spam category.

Copy/paste referral spam is just that, spam. 

Don't waste your time folks.

Title: Re: Mining Using Cloud Servers
Post by: freebitcoins4u on July 21, 2014, 12:37:40 PM
This can be used with Infinitecoin, which is the most promising alt coin so far. Mine now and you wont regret it, trust me.


6 months have passed and 1 ifc worth 1-3 satoshi.

not a big success!

Title: Re: Profitable Mining Using Cloud Servers - $$$ More Coins - More Money $$$
Post by: dragonmike on July 25, 2014, 02:41:49 PM
Wouldn't this be good for mining XMR nowadays?