Title: For the fucking newbies, there is a special pool for you Post by: alyons on January 18, 2014, 05:32:50 PM NOTNULL HAS FUCKING PROVIDED A FUCKING FUCK POOL!
fc.notnull.org (http://fc.notnull.org) STRATUM: stratum+tcp://fuckpool.notnull.org PORT: 6969 Username: Weblogin.Worker Password: Worker Password Come get your miner fuck on http://fuckco.in/img/3fuckcoins.png Title: Re: For the fucking newbies, there is a special pool for you Post by: Ritual on January 18, 2014, 06:06:57 PM amazing marketing. This one will surely catch on. I can just see the line of middle-age moms reaching to the horizon to buy some of these to avail of the latest offer on school fees for their toddlers.
Crapcoin. Title: Re: For the fucking newbies, there is a special pool for you Post by: AngusCanine on January 18, 2014, 06:24:34 PM So how do I find this pool? Is it heated cause I don't like cold water.
Title: Re: For the fucking newbies, there is a special pool for you Post by: bitpop on January 18, 2014, 06:29:52 PM Can I Fuck it? Is it tight?