Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: portalufonet on January 21, 2014, 11:04:37 PM

Title: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: portalufonet on January 21, 2014, 11:04:37 PM
Guys, I don't know what to do, I have $ 41,000 dollars to invest in bitcoins and litecoins but I am in doubt. Many people saying to wait for the outcome of the meeting of the senate 28~29th january, others saying to wait until after the 31 January (not sure why).

I need more opinions, URGENT, please.

I trust bitcoin and I think that by 2020 every bitcoin will cost between $50,000 and $ 100,000, and I want run the risk!

To the moooonnnn, or I die! no problem!!!!!!!!!!

thank you

UPDATING 05/14/2015

Hi Guys, I'm here, more than 1 year ago I have posted this topic

Yes yes I have bought all my $41,000 in litecoins @ around 20$

Now my 41,000 are only around $3,000

Now what I can do is -> HOLD and wait the next bubble (if happens) to recover my losts and switch to BTC and hold any years

hahahaha yes yes I have fu**d myself

Now I have 2.700 litecoins, let's hold, hahahaha  ???

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on January 21, 2014, 11:34:35 PM
i would buy now but when you are tough, you could also wait for a pricedrop

50% BTC and 50 LTC

just buy and wait/hold.

but dont be stupid: it can go to zero too.


31 January is because of some china news....

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: keithers on January 21, 2014, 11:38:06 PM
Guys, I don't know what to do, I have $ 41,000 dollars to invest in bitcoins and litecoins but I am in doubt. Many people saying to wait for the outcome of the meeting of the senate 28~29th january, others saying to wait until after the 31 January (not sure why).

I need more opinions, URGENT, please.

thank you

What exactly are you waiting for?   Is the 41k that you have completely separate from your savings, or is that all the money you have to your name?   If it is all of your savings, i wouldn't suggest investing that big of a portion of it.

If I were you I would invest maybe about 10-15k right now, and hold the rest, and see how things develop throughout the remainder of the month.   The market has held pretty flat over the past week or so (which isn't too long in real time, but in bitcoin time, it seems like an eternity).  

I would spread maybe 65% BTC and 35% LTC, or maybe 70/30 if you are more comfortable with that.   I wouldn't put all of it into one or the other.  Another thing you have to take into account is how long you are going to plan on holding the coins.  If you are just looking to flip them for a quick profit, then the price right now may be kind of expensive (therefore) you may want to wait to see what happens with the senate meeting.   If you are holding long term and believe in the true growth and potential of bitcoin, then the price right now is cheap and you should get as much invested as possible.

Regardless of the outcome of the senate meeting, we may see some short term dips or panic sells if it is bad news, and then it will rebound back over time.   If it is all good news, then the price will spike (but will probably correct itself back down slightly thereafter).  

Ultimately, don't invest an amount that is going to negatively affect the way you live your life, or make you have sleepless nights over the value of BTC or LTC.  

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: pungopete468 on January 21, 2014, 11:41:57 PM
Nobody here is going to give you any peace of mind. Nobody has a crystal ball and everybody here is either extremely bearish or extremely bullish. I'm bullish because I see the long term potential and have little interest in day trading.

Look at Bitcoin for what it is, what it does, and why it's made it to where it is today. Then consider the financial world around it... Bitcoin is so promising in what it hopes to deliver and it's a contender in such a huge league with unfathomable resources to drive an innovation like Bitcoin as time goes on...

There's no Senate hearing on Jan 28... It's a public discussion hosted by the New York State Department of Financial Services. If you aren't sure about investing you can always invest over time and watch the news...

Bitcoin is a safer bet than Litecoin, Litecoin has more of an upside if it's continually accepted. Time will tell...

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: jonanon on January 22, 2014, 12:01:20 AM
When you are talking about large sums of money you are better making your own decision - don't be swayed by what people are advising on a forum  :)

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Crunchies on January 22, 2014, 12:08:08 AM
What exactly are you waiting for?   Is the 41k that you have completely separate from your savings, or is that all the money you have to your name?   If it is all of your savings, i wouldn't suggest investing that big of a portion of it.

If I were you I would invest maybe about 10-15k right now, and hold the rest, and see how things develop throughout the remainder of the month.   The market has held pretty flat over the past week or so (which isn't too long in real time, but in bitcoin time, it seems like an eternity).

Yes, this. Also use this time to get to learn how the exchanges work. Try the different wallet softwares available, maybe do some minor transactions but keep most in cold storage.

Ultimately, don't invest an amount that is going to negatively affect the way you live your life, or make you have sleepless nights over the value of BTC or LTC.  

Yes, this. You want bitcoin to possibly improve your quality of life. Don't let it ruin it.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: BBQminter on January 22, 2014, 02:49:35 AM
Not too many people on this forum are going to give you advice without putting their own priorities first.  What I mean by this, is that this forum is full of parasitic scumbags, many of whom would love to encourage you to make the wrong decision for their own benefit.  In fact, you've probably already received PMs from plenty of them offering to scam you in one way or another.  Asking for any kind of financial advice here is asking for trouble.

Judging by the precise number of $41k, I'm guessing you're probably stretching to be able to free up that amount to "invest".  If that's the case, don't invest that much.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: adrian33 on January 22, 2014, 03:07:00 AM
Smart money is in Doge too.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Liquid on January 22, 2014, 07:44:56 AM
Smart money is in Doge too.



$10K LTC
$20K BTC


Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: WompRat on January 22, 2014, 08:45:11 AM
I don't understand why you are continually making new posts about this. Lots of people have already given you their advice and opinions.  There is a wise expression I think is apt here:


Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: topshot on January 22, 2014, 11:40:54 AM
You have to ask yourself why you are investing in bitcoin. I say bitcoin isn't an investment but is a lifestyle choice and movement. You're not buying a commodity, you are buying an ideal which is a future that moves from fiat currency to crypto currencies with all its great qualities by design.

I am working my way OUT of fiat and into Crypto currencies which means that I'm looking to move as much as I can from Fiat. So my advise would be to start living in Crypto. You need to put your money to work by investing in producing services/businesses. Keep a good portion of your working capital in Bitcoin and use that to buy as much services and supplies as possible as this encourages growth in Bitcoin.

By being part of the sea change by encouraging merchants to accept your bitcoins for payment you will help increase its value. When you get paid in fiat, move some into bitcoin for spending, keep some in fiat to pay your utilities and Government commitments (They'll be last to move to Bitcoin) and put the rest in true investments like a business that makes money or a Bitcoin Business that offers a service.

Like I said, buying and holding bitcoin to get rich helps nobody. The more people holding bitcoin, the less liquidity there is, the less value it has, the less the price relative to fiat currencies will increase.

Moving your money into bitcoin is a great way to pay for services and goods. The less fiat you hold the better as it's devaluing at about 8% per annum and banks can take it if they feel like it. It's going to be useless paper good for burning which could happen quickly.

Anyone who thinks it's going to zero is an idiot. Even if every government tried to black list it, people would still be using it to buy goods and services. The main reason is because they can trust in crypto.

Buy and Sell goods and services in Bitcoin. Don't Buy and Hold to get rich.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: FlyForFun on January 22, 2014, 05:00:03 PM
Guys, I don't know what to do, I have $ 41,000 dollars to invest in bitcoins and litecoins but I am in doubt. Many people saying to wait for the outcome of the meeting of the senate 28~29th january, others saying to wait until after the 31 January (not sure why).

I need more opinions, URGENT, please.

I trust bitcoin and I think that by 2020 every bitcoin will cost between $50,000 and $ 100,000, and I want run the risk!

To the moooonnnn, or I die! no problem!!!!!!!!!!

thank you

Buy half now and buy another half if the panic sell happen on that day. Otherwise use the other half to buy stock instead :)

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: sakkosekk on January 22, 2014, 07:46:15 PM
I never seem to remember what this is called, but what you do is;

You buy in at fixed dates with fixed amounts over a period of time. For example you can buy in at the 1st and 15th of every month, 500$ each time. 1000$ a week for ten weeks. The important thing is that you stick to the plan buy in every time, no matter what the price is. The average price per BTC is usually lower than if you go all in. And you don't run the risk of "losing" 4000$ in one night.

I wish I remembered the name of the strategy so I could link it here, it is a good read.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: flagel8 on January 23, 2014, 12:21:13 AM
I never seem to remember what this is called, but what you do is;

You buy in at fixed dates with fixed amounts over a period of time. For example you can buy in at the 1st and 15th of every month, 500$ each time. 1000$ a week for ten weeks. The important thing is that you stick to the plan buy in every time, no matter what the price is. The average price per BTC is usually lower than if you go all in. And you don't run the risk of "losing" 4000$ in one night.

I wish I remembered the name of the strategy so I could link it here, it is a good read.

Dollar Cost Averaging. I like it, but some on this forum have Poo-Pooed it. The OP must make his own decision - It's his money.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: lnternet on January 23, 2014, 01:51:03 AM
Of 100% into crypto I doubt putting more than 10% into any single alt is smart. All alts are highly speculative. We may never use Litecoin. However, if we do, there is also more room for profit. So highly risky highly profitably -> put a small fraction into each.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: jwray on January 23, 2014, 05:05:29 AM
Put it all on Dogecoin!

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on January 23, 2014, 06:14:25 AM

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitm3 on January 23, 2014, 02:40:19 PM
Mining for bitcoin.
Good luck to the  moon ... !

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: ajax3592 on January 23, 2014, 03:58:26 PM
40% BTC, 20% LTC, 25% DOGE, 15% ZET

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: keithers on January 23, 2014, 10:17:11 PM
you should definitely keep some in liquid cash that you can access right don't want to tie up all your money in crypto.  Yes, I know you can cash out pretty quickly if need be, but it is not yet the same as having cash on hand or in a checking account.   Diversification is key...

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: DieJohnny on January 23, 2014, 11:08:16 PM
you should definitely keep some in liquid cash that you can access right don't want to tie up all your money in crypto.  Yes, I know you can cash out pretty quickly if need be, but it is not yet the same as having cash on hand or in a checking account.   Diversification is key...

Depends on your comfort level.

Diversifying gets you 70k upside, or 20k if everything tanks, a nice little hedge for the long term investor that likes to not look at his computer at midnight.
letting it ride gets you 400k upside or 0 if your choice tanks, the choice of someone that may be tired of the long march towards his age 65, 1.2 million savings target.

I have some existing traditional investments that have got me exactly what you would expect over the last ten years. Average returns and an average progress towards retirement.

But in the past six months I am all in with new investment dollars into crypto. I am not going to stand by like I did with Apple, Netflix, Google and other great investments, and watch them all do great in my 2% of ownership diversified holding.

I am riding Bitcoin or other Cryptos (DOGE :) until tehy go to the moon or until the go to zero, one or the other. In two years, I will either be in the same place I am now, which is 20 years from retirement, or my life will be totally different. I do not see another opportunity like Bitcoin, and haven't as long as I can remember.

Diversification is for those that are planning to retire when they are 65, I have never met a single average guy that paid for their house in a year with a diversification strategy. Whether it was a business they built, or an investment strategy they chased, they were all in. Just saying.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: pungopete468 on January 23, 2014, 11:24:19 PM
you should definitely keep some in liquid cash that you can access right don't want to tie up all your money in crypto.  Yes, I know you can cash out pretty quickly if need be, but it is not yet the same as having cash on hand or in a checking account.   Diversification is key...

Depends on your comfort level.

Diversifying gets you 70k upside, or 20k if everything tanks, a nice little hedge for the long term investor that likes to not look at his computer at midnight.
letting it ride gets you 400k upside or 0 if your choice tanks, the choice of someone that may be tired of the long march towards his age 65, 1.2 million savings target.

I have some existing traditional investments that have got me exactly what you would expect over the last ten years. Average returns and an average progress towards retirement.

But in the past six months I am all in with new investment dollars into crypto. I am not going to stand by like I did with Apple, Netflix, Google and other great investments, and watch them all do great in my 2% of ownership diversified holding.

I am riding Bitcoin or other Cryptos (DOGE :) until tehy go to the moon or until the go to zero, one or the other. In two years, I will either be in the same place I am now, which is 20 years from retirement, or my life will be totally different. I do not see another opportunity like Bitcoin, and haven't as long as I can remember.

Diversification is for those that are planning to retire when they are 65, I have never met a single average guy that paid for their house in a year with a diversification strategy. Whether it was a business they built, or an investment strategy they chased, they were all in. Just saying.

I love it. I share this enthusiasm for the great opportunity we have before us.

OP you will have to decide for yourself.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitcoinwebdesigner on January 23, 2014, 11:27:02 PM
Ever heard of the saying, Don't put all your eggs in 1 basket.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: pungopete468 on January 23, 2014, 11:28:37 PM
Ever heard of the saying, Don't put all your money in 1 basket.

I thought it was eggs... ???

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: sakkosekk on January 24, 2014, 01:13:06 AM
Ever heard of the saying, Don't put all your money in 1 basket.

I thought it was eggs... ???

It is ;D

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: globalgaurav on January 24, 2014, 05:48:00 PM

Diversifying gets you 70k upside, or 20k if everything tanks, a nice little hedge for the long term investor that likes to not look at his computer at midnight.
letting it ride gets you 400k upside or 0 if your choice tanks, the choice of someone that may be tired of the long march towards his age 65, 1.2 million savings target.

I have some existing traditional investments that have got me exactly what you would expect over the last ten years. Average returns and an average progress towards retirement.

But in the past six months I am all in with new investment dollars into crypto. I am not going to stand by like I did with Apple, Netflix, Google and other great investments, and watch them all do great in my 2% of ownership diversified holding.

I am riding Bitcoin or other Cryptos (DOGE :) until tehy go to the moon or until the go to zero, one or the other. In two years, I will either be in the same place I am now, which is 20 years from retirement, or my life will be totally different. I do not see another opportunity like Bitcoin, and haven't as long as I can remember.

Diversification is for those that are planning to retire when they are 65, I have never met a single average guy that paid for their house in a year with a diversification strategy. Whether it was a business they built, or an investment strategy they chased, they were all in. Just saying.

Elegant  :)

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Zzzack on January 24, 2014, 06:00:29 PM
I would go with one ASIC mined coin, one gpu mined coin, and one CPU mined coin. Any of the three families could take off.

So get 40% BTC
30% ltc (or doge seems to be popular these days
30% quarkcoin or fairquark

I diversify in this manner at least, although tending towards btc alternatives more so.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: mekanical on January 24, 2014, 06:39:39 PM
I would most certainly wait

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: _Miracle on January 25, 2014, 03:46:32 AM
Learn enough about it so that you're not asking strangers (with urgency) on what to do with your money.
Buy some to hold and some to transact with so that you get some real world experience before going "all in" (or such a high amount in).
Get some financial advice, books, courses, anything to help you in making informed decisions.

Wish you well and prosperity.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: travel-trousers on January 25, 2014, 09:58:02 PM
How much can you afford to lose?

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Timetwister on January 26, 2014, 07:19:43 PM
Don't invest in altcoins that aren't really innovative, all of them will become worthless. We don't need Dogecoin or Litecoin when we already have Bitcoin. The only one with potential of being worth a lot is Nxt, if PoS is really as secure and efficient as it seems.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: keithers on January 26, 2014, 07:26:36 PM
How much can you afford to lose?

you definitely don't want to be looking at it this way. Yes, every investment has the potential of going south, but if you are going into it with the mentality that you are going to lose money, you would be better off investing in CDs or something with guaranteed returns (although the returns in a year are about the amount of returns you could get in less than a day with crytpos

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitcoinlitcoinbtcltc on January 27, 2014, 03:42:51 AM
Bitcoin is going to crash. Investing now, is signing your own death sentence mine friend.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: cdog on January 27, 2014, 03:47:10 AM

Ripple: First centralized coin, funded by Google. Very cheap and a promising future.
DOGE: Didn't like it at first, but this coin has proven itself to be good, buy some while it's cheap.

Ripple is not "funded by Google" and Doge hasnt been "proven" to be anything its barely a month old

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Timetwister on January 27, 2014, 08:16:38 AM

Ripple: First centralized coin, funded by Google. Very cheap and a promising future.
DOGE: Didn't like it at first, but this coin has proven itself to be good, buy some while it's cheap.

Ripple is not "funded by Google" and Doge hasnt been "proven" to be anything its barely a month old

Nobody will remember Dogecoin in a year.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: EventualCoinMillionaire on January 27, 2014, 11:36:01 AM
Don't listen to the sheep (no offense baaaahhhh) about putting all your money into Doge or Litecoin or spread your risk by buying 1 GPU coin, 1 CPU coin and 1 ASIC coin. There is no logical basis for any of that advice and comes from people that don't understand Bitcoin well enough except to provide heresay/rumour/snake oil advice on Bitcoin competitors (all the ALTs).

Also don't listen to the hype about moving your entire life into crypto currencies either as that would not be wise considering that the vast majority of the planet deals with fiat currencies (as imperfect as they are). There are definitely SOME people that are living entirely in this alternative universe of crypto currencies (like Bitcoin Jesus), but also understand that they probably watch Bitcoin value on a daily basis and have cold sweats when a major exchange is ready to implode (like MtGox for example). BTC value is inherently volatile, both in it's design and because it can't be regulated.

If you are prepared to spend 40k in this new frontier, then ask yourself if you are also prepared to spend the equivalent amount in gold or silver, or rubles, or yen, or any other globally accepted trading medium. Why not buy Coca cola stocks or Walmart or maybe buy a few shares of Warren Buffet's stocks? Or how about buy a piece of land in your city and speculate? Or buy a pre-sale apartment and sell for profit? Or how about invest in a startup? Or invest in your own education and earn more money? Or .. well the list goes on and on.

Bitcoin is still valued AGAINST fiats, and NOT the other way around (ie: USD are not valued in Bitcoins YET) so that should tell you that a tectonic global shift hasn't yet occurred in global Bitcoin awareness.
BUUUUTTT.. and it's a big one, even though it's VERY early days for Bitcoin, it's already at around 900 USD now.. and that's with the early adopters, geeks, crypto enthusiasts, and miners.  Has that price been artificially inflated? Is the whole Bitcoin movement run by hackers and coders and greasy haired bankers?

Many people don't know what to do. Part of the reason for this hesitance is that Bitcoin is technically more complex then say USD.  The basis for the currency (if we can call it that) is fundamentally different from everything else we have ever used before. It can't be centrally controlled, it can't be faked, it can't be double spent, and the entire spending ledger itself is public domain. It's almost as if someone took the central bank of an entire nation and posted every transaction for public scrutiny (a wet dream some still think will happen)

If all you want to do is grow your wealth, then it's probably worth listening to the 2nd richest man in the world who grew his own fortunes from scratch (so MAAAYYBEE he has something good to say? duh). On Warren Buffet's Investment checklist: Don't invest in something you don't understand.

If you are here asking for what to do with your 41k and if you should invest your money in Bitcoins (or whatever), then it's obvious you don't understand the implications of buying Bitcoins yet, so buy only as much as you would be willing to purchase in USD and freely give away to anyone on this forum (as a gift for example) and then keep researching.

Oh, also don't take my advice cause I'm a sheep too

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Deprecate on January 27, 2014, 11:41:38 AM

Ripple: First centralized coin, funded by Google. Very cheap and a promising future.
DOGE: Didn't like it at first, but this coin has proven itself to be good, buy some while it's cheap.

Ripple is not "funded by Google" and Doge hasnt been "proven" to be anything its barely a month old

Where is your source? Google did invest in Ripple, they funded the company behind the distribution exchange.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on January 27, 2014, 11:44:16 AM

Ripple: First centralized coin, funded by Google. Very cheap and a promising future.
DOGE: Didn't like it at first, but this coin has proven itself to be good, buy some while it's cheap.

Ripple is not "funded by Google" and Doge hasnt been "proven" to be anything its barely a month old

Where is your source? Google did invest in Ripple, it's a fact...

I don't think Google knows they did

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Omikifuse on January 27, 2014, 12:40:14 PM
Invest now into bitcoin, litecoin, primecoin and dogecoin......... but be prepare to average down...

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: DennisD7 on January 27, 2014, 04:14:25 PM
I'd do a 10 week Dollar cost averaging and put everything in Bitcoin.
Not saying you should, just what I would do :)

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: pizzaboy69696969 on January 27, 2014, 11:51:17 PM
Bitcoin is going to crash. Investing now, is signing your own death sentence mine friend.

Come to bitoin forums to bash bitcoin?  There must be no motive

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on January 28, 2014, 05:22:37 AM
Bitcoin is going to crash. Investing now, is signing your own death sentence mine friend.

Come to bitoin forums to bash bitcoin?  There must be no motive

Bastard just wants our coins for cheap

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: chesthing on January 28, 2014, 04:06:44 PM
Don't listen to the sheep (no offense baaaahhhh) about putting all your money into Doge or Litecoin or spread your risk by buying 1 GPU coin, 1 CPU coin and 1 ASIC coin. There is no logical basis for any of that advice and comes from people that don't understand Bitcoin well enough except to provide heresay/rumour/snake oil advice on Bitcoin competitors (all the ALTs).

Also don't listen to the hype about moving your entire life into crypto currencies either as that would not be wise considering that the vast majority of the planet deals with fiat currencies (as imperfect as they are). There are definitely SOME people that are living entirely in this alternative universe of crypto currencies (like Bitcoin Jesus), but also understand that they probably watch Bitcoin value on a daily basis and have cold sweats when a major exchange is ready to implode (like MtGox for example). BTC value is inherently volatile, both in it's design and because it can't be regulated.

If you are prepared to spend 40k in this new frontier, then ask yourself if you are also prepared to spend the equivalent amount in gold or silver, or rubles, or yen, or any other globally accepted trading medium. Why not buy Coca cola stocks or Walmart or maybe buy a few shares of Warren Buffet's stocks? Or how about buy a piece of land in your city and speculate? Or buy a pre-sale apartment and sell for profit? Or how about invest in a startup? Or invest in your own education and earn more money? Or .. well the list goes on and on.

Bitcoin is still valued AGAINST fiats, and NOT the other way around (ie: USD are not valued in Bitcoins YET) so that should tell you that a tectonic global shift hasn't yet occurred in global Bitcoin awareness.
BUUUUTTT.. and it's a big one, even though it's VERY early days for Bitcoin, it's already at around 900 USD now.. and that's with the early adopters, geeks, crypto enthusiasts, and miners.  Has that price been artificially inflated? Is the whole Bitcoin movement run by hackers and coders and greasy haired bankers?

Many people don't know what to do. Part of the reason for this hesitance is that Bitcoin is technically more complex then say USD.  The basis for the currency (if we can call it that) is fundamentally different from everything else we have ever used before. It can't be centrally controlled, it can't be faked, it can't be double spent, and the entire spending ledger itself is public domain. It's almost as if someone took the central bank of an entire nation and posted every transaction for public scrutiny (a wet dream some still think will happen)

If all you want to do is grow your wealth, then it's probably worth listening to the 2nd richest man in the world who grew his own fortunes from scratch (so MAAAYYBEE he has something good to say? duh). On Warren Buffet's Investment checklist: Don't invest in something you don't understand.

If you are here asking for what to do with your 41k and if you should invest your money in Bitcoins (or whatever), then it's obvious you don't understand the implications of buying Bitcoins yet, so buy only as much as you would be willing to purchase in USD and freely give away to anyone on this forum (as a gift for example) and then keep researching.

Oh, also don't take my advice cause I'm a sheep too
What a bunch of crap. Researching and spending hours and hours trying to gain understanding won't enlighten, it's just going to cause more confusion. In the end no one knows squat about what is going to happen, including you.
OP - reading and asking the same questions everyone here is asking themselves is a waste of time. You have to decide what to do, good luck.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: specgamer on March 08, 2015, 04:03:24 AM
If I were you, I would keep a head up on other cryptocurrencies, and put less focus on bitcoins. It's not in a very good stage of it self right now, and there are some other coins out there, which have great potential growth in the economy in the future, for ex. LEO coin.  :D :) ;)

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Bit_Happy on March 08, 2015, 04:06:18 AM
Guys, I don't know what to do, I have $ 41,000 dollars to invest in bitcoins and litecoins but I am in doubt. Many people saying to wait for the outcome of the meeting of the senate 28~29th january, others saying to wait until after the 31 January (not sure why).

I need more opinions, URGENT, please.

I trust bitcoin and I think that by 2020 every bitcoin will cost between $50,000 and $ 100,000, and I want run the risk!

To the moooonnnn, or I die! no problem!!!!!!!!!!

thank you

80% in and 20% cash with low priced buy orders in place on a couple of exchanges.
Have fun.  :)

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: virtapayseller666 on March 08, 2015, 04:18:44 AM
i want to suggest you that hold 50% of money for bitcoins and 30% amount on litecoins and hold 20% amount cash in hand in case of emergency
or do big investment in cloud mining site which must be trusted ROI will be about 1 year or simply do trading online

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on March 08, 2015, 04:42:07 AM
Litecoin shitcoin, don't get fooled

Join Bitcoin

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: virtapayseller666 on March 08, 2015, 04:52:16 AM
Litecoin shitcoin, don't get fooled

Join Bitcoin

If bitcoins is like a GOLD then litecoins i like a Silver both are important

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on March 08, 2015, 04:56:04 AM
Litecoin shitcoin, don't get fooled

Join Bitcoin

If bitcoins is like a GOLD then litecoins i like a Silver both are important

No I don't think so. One team, one mission.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: sidhujag on March 08, 2015, 04:59:50 AM
Bitcoin and bitshares for the rest

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on March 08, 2015, 05:10:01 AM
Bitcoin and bitshares for the rest

No 100% Bitcoin

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Possum577 on March 08, 2015, 05:10:34 AM
So what happened, what did you go with?

If you buy all at once will you tell us when so we can sell when the price jumps? Thanks.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Zoomer on March 08, 2015, 05:10:56 AM
Guys, I don't know what to do, I have $ 41,000 dollars to invest in bitcoins and litecoins but I am in doubt. Many people saying to wait for the outcome of the meeting of the senate 28~29th january, others saying to wait until after the 31 January (not sure why).

I need more opinions, URGENT, please.

I trust bitcoin and I think that by 2020 every bitcoin will cost between $50,000 and $ 100,000, and I want run the risk!

To the moooonnnn, or I die! no problem!!!!!!!!!!

thank you

If you went with this investment then you done pretty well so far :)

Wow dude you have some trust in you, by 2020, $50,000 - $100,000 you say? If this comes and i am still around i will hunt you down and we will party for a week straight.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on March 08, 2015, 05:14:25 AM
I'm about to switch my ira to gbtc

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: suman66 on March 08, 2015, 11:39:49 AM
i will recomanded you to invest in bitcoins that it will help the bitcoin price will go up by the purchase of high volume in bitcoin exchanges

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: BitmoreCoin on March 08, 2015, 02:10:19 PM
60% in Bitcoin, 30% in Monero. The rest in other altcoins.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Sylon on March 08, 2015, 02:55:48 PM
I hope you guy bought some BTC few days after your post. Good capital gain. 8)

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Baghead on March 08, 2015, 03:47:41 PM
i will recomanded you to invest in bitcoins that it will help the bitcoin price will go up by the purchase of high volume in bitcoin exchanges

How much do you think that would increase the price then? I can tell you hardly anything because for starters you would not just buy, you would set buy orders and they would be filled in a few hours. Op did you invest?

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: portalufonet on April 25, 2015, 03:36:03 AM
Hi guys, after more than 1 year, here I am again

I'm fu*ked, bought all the 41k $ in Litecoins @ $20 dollars each

Now It's $1,4

hahahahah I have nothing to do, just wait and hodl

I have been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hahahahhaha  8) ;D

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on April 25, 2015, 06:52:54 AM
Hi guys, after more than 1 year, here I am again

I'm fu*ked, bought all the 41k $ in Litecoins @ $20 dollars each

Now It's $1,4

hahahahah I have nothing to do, just wait and hodl

I have been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hahahahhaha  8) ;D

Don't shitcoin

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Timetwister on April 25, 2015, 10:07:18 AM
Hi guys, after more than 1 year, here I am again

I'm fu*ked, bought all the 41k $ in Litecoins @ $20 dollars each

Now It's $1,4

hahahahah I have nothing to do, just wait and hodl

I have been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hahahahhaha  8) ;D

Cool story bro.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: tokeweed on April 25, 2015, 10:10:40 AM
Smart money is in Doge too.



$10K LTC
$20K BTC



Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on April 25, 2015, 10:11:16 AM
At least you didn't buy paycoin

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: tokeweed on April 25, 2015, 10:12:43 AM
40% BTC, 20% LTC, 25% DOGE, 15% ZET

LOL!  ZET???  Wtf?!

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on April 25, 2015, 10:18:23 AM
40% BTC, 20% LTC, 25% DOGE, 15% ZET

LOL!  ZET???  Wtf?!

Once you shitcoin you go full retard

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Timetwister on April 25, 2015, 10:22:58 AM
Great advice was given on this thread.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: tom555 on April 25, 2015, 07:17:00 PM
Smart money is in Doge too.



$10K LTC
$20K BTC


agree ,

$10K LTC
$20K BTC

$1K to my wallet lol

if you really have the amount money like that i will reccommend you to buy bitcoin rightnow! in 3 or 4 buying step ,

first buy at $ 229 now, wait in a couple days if still down to $210
second buy at $ 210, and wait again if still down to $190 or even more
third buy at $190, and wait again if still down and down you have to realize you are dying.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: 1Referee on April 25, 2015, 08:33:43 PM
I don't think OP is serious, but in general, don't buy altcoins with your hard earned cash. It's simply not worth it. Serious investors buy Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: portalufonet on April 25, 2015, 09:07:00 PM
Let's see guys, next BTC rally how LTC will do, last time $49, next time, 100$, 150?

I have so much faith in LTC, big potential coin!

Now I'm holding and buying more (LTC and BTC)

LTC will surprise us, like bitcoin did.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Gyfts on April 25, 2015, 10:29:31 PM
I understand when this thread was posted, but for all those viewing, NOW would be an amazing time to buy. I see it stabling out at around mid 200's "ish". You're not going to bust out of your investment almost guaranteed. It's more than likely going to increase in price in the upcoming months. If not, it will not go down in my eyes which makes this a more than safe investment.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Enjorlas on April 25, 2015, 10:30:28 PM
Don't listen to the bulltards people. Bitcoin is still dropping.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Glucose on April 26, 2015, 09:11:12 AM
I understand when this thread was posted, but for all those viewing, NOW would be an amazing time to buy. I see it stabling out at around mid 200's "ish". You're not going to bust out of your investment almost guaranteed. It's more than likely going to increase in price in the upcoming months. If not, it will not go down in my eyes which makes this a more than safe investment.

I think the same as you do. Now is the time to invest.

Price will go up, matter of time. I hope OP wasn't serious about investing 41k $ in LTC in january ^^

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on April 26, 2015, 09:59:00 AM
Let's see guys, next BTC rally how LTC will do, last time $49, next time, 100$, 150?

I have so much faith in LTC, big potential coin!

Now I'm holding and buying more (LTC and BTC)

LTC will surprise us, like bitcoin did.

Litecoin is dead, stop shitcoining

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: gentlemand on April 26, 2015, 10:40:29 AM
Let's see guys, next BTC rally how LTC will do, last time $49, next time, 100$, 150?

I have so much faith in LTC, big potential coin!

Now I'm holding and buying more (LTC and BTC)

LTC will surprise us, like bitcoin did.

LTC has been nearly 98% down from the peak, there's nigh on zero progress in adoption and development and you're still buying more?

BTC has been a grotesque investment too, but at least you can point a finger towards a vast amount of future potential.

It could well be the buy of the century. I'd still let someone else take the risk if I were you.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bandana on April 26, 2015, 10:43:45 AM
invest 10% of it and save the rest of them...this is the best method to save and grow your money at the lowest risk

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on April 26, 2015, 10:44:59 AM
Let's see guys, next BTC rally how LTC will do, last time $49, next time, 100$, 150?

I have so much faith in LTC, big potential coin!

Now I'm holding and buying more (LTC and BTC)

LTC will surprise us, like bitcoin did.

LTC has been nearly 98% down from the peak, there's nigh on zero progress in adoption and development and you're still buying more?

BTC has been a grotesque investment too, but at least you can point a finger towards a vast amount of future potential.

It could well be the buy of the century. I'd still let someone else take the risk if I were you.

Yeah if btc has a rally, then just invest in Bitcoin. Litecoin is not a hedge, the lows are 100x worse and gains are weak. Shitcoin "diversification" is dumb.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Valta Crypto on April 26, 2015, 10:51:18 AM
This topic is a great example what can happen if you listen to believers.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: gentlemand on April 26, 2015, 10:59:30 AM
This topic is a great example what can happen if you listen to believers.

The OP got almost nothing but sound and balanced opinions on this thread at least. Elsewhere there was definitely the possibility to get your mind infected at the time.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Feri22 on April 26, 2015, 11:29:46 AM
This topic is a great example what can happen if you listen to believers.

I've got 4 words for you:


Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: HCLivess on April 27, 2015, 12:29:36 PM
Amazing time to buy. Also, you become government-free and are no longer able to finance wars without your consent. So if you lose anything, you can say at least there was a moral cause.

Pulling my barrow: You may want to consider a few bucks into NXT too, since it has the most active development and the most advanced features.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: HCLivess on April 27, 2015, 12:35:22 PM
Or you can buy a house in Venezuela :D
They come super-cheap these days

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Timetwister on April 27, 2015, 12:47:42 PM
Or you can buy a house in Venezuela :D
They come super-cheap these days

And then get it expropriated :D

What a good idea, even better than investing in Litecoin!

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: thejaytiesto on April 27, 2015, 01:53:18 PM
Every day that you don't get in the market since we went sub 300 USD is taking a risk. The rally will happen when least expected, and if your orders aren't meet before that happens you'll regret for life.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: 1Referee on April 27, 2015, 02:02:57 PM
Every day that you don't get in the market since we went sub 300 USD is taking a risk. The rally will happen when least expected, and if your orders aren't meet before that happens you'll regret for life.

Traders who have no experience at all will start with buying once they see the price is rising. Mostly it's already too late then. That's why they say "Always when I buy, Bitcoin is going down"

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: BTCevo on April 27, 2015, 04:48:46 PM
Every day that you don't get in the market since we went sub 300 USD is taking a risk. The rally will happen when least expected, and if your orders aren't meet before that happens you'll regret for life.

Traders who have no experience at all will start with buying once they see the price is rising. Mostly it's already too late then. That's why they say "Always when I buy, Bitcoin is going down"

Yes there are some of them like that but not all people. They buying in high price because they are trying to gamble it and hope the price is going high again then they will got some profit from it but the reality they are just wasting their time and money doing that. Thats why many people say that trading is a risky with volatile price of bitcoin but if you really can see, it wont be so hard to learn

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: btc-facebook on April 27, 2015, 04:56:56 PM
IMO just wait & don't sell it yet. I still believe it can raise and don't lost our trust on bitcoin. I have about BTC 1 , for now I will keep hold it until I found the right time to sell it

Every day that you don't get in the market since we went sub 300 USD is taking a risk. The rally will happen when least expected, and if your orders aren't meet before that happens you'll regret for life.

Traders who have no experience at all will start with buying once they see the price is rising. Mostly it's already too late then. That's why they say "Always when I buy, Bitcoin is going down"

With that mindset mostly bitcoin price will start crack up ? or it still depend on supply and demand?

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: bitpop on April 27, 2015, 06:28:51 PM
IMO just wait & don't sell it yet. I still believe it can raise and don't lost our trust on bitcoin. I have about BTC 1 , for now I will keep hold it until I found the right time to sell it

Every day that you don't get in the market since we went sub 300 USD is taking a risk. The rally will happen when least expected, and if your orders aren't meet before that happens you'll regret for life.

Traders who have no experience at all will start with buying once they see the price is rising. Mostly it's already too late then. That's why they say "Always when I buy, Bitcoin is going down"

With that mindset mostly bitcoin price will start crack up ? or it still depend on supply and demand?

Yes and distribution and inflation are getting better by the day. 2016 will be big.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Compa on April 27, 2015, 06:32:24 PM
i think buy now before its too late
best to invest your money in bitcoins and wait to time halving and get profit.

good luck.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Coinshot on April 27, 2015, 08:20:50 PM
I am quite sure it will go down, probably in low 1xx in a crash. Even then, for you if what you are saying is correct, buying everyday is the right thing to do. Over a long term you will gain anyway.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: LazerSMS on April 28, 2015, 07:54:51 PM
I would buy right now

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: kodtycoon on April 28, 2015, 08:07:51 PM
Smart money is in Doge too.



$10K LTC
$20K BTC


oh god i hope he didnt take this advice lol

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Bitcoin Explorer on April 29, 2015, 06:10:54 AM
If you're thinking long term, thats great, but remember that the price of bitcoin can crash too, just like the crash from $1k.
I suggest you get to know your way around here and then research. Moreover, if the $41k you're investing is the only money you have, please keep something as liquid to meet emergency requirements. Yes, many people think bitcoin has the potential, and litecoin too, but I think bitcoin will have the edge. Moreover, if you think the price of one bitcoin will be $50k by 2020, why bother to buy after a few weeks or now? the price might be just the same, or maybe a $100 difference?

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: randy8777 on April 29, 2015, 09:16:18 AM
IMO just wait & don't sell it yet. I still believe it can raise and don't lost our trust on bitcoin. I have about BTC 1 , for now I will keep hold it until I found the right time to sell it

Every day that you don't get in the market since we went sub 300 USD is taking a risk. The rally will happen when least expected, and if your orders aren't meet before that happens you'll regret for life.

Traders who have no experience at all will start with buying once they see the price is rising. Mostly it's already too late then. That's why they say "Always when I buy, Bitcoin is going down"

With that mindset mostly bitcoin price will start crack up ? or it still depend on supply and demand?

Yes and distribution and inflation are getting better by the day. 2016 will be big.

what makes you think 2016 will be big? block halving? it might end up in a dissapointment as the price won't go up as much as people were hoping for.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Amph on April 29, 2015, 09:53:26 AM
i think buy now before its too late
best to invest your money in bitcoins and wait to time halving and get profit.

good luck.

many are not buying now, because there is still a long way for the halving, the price could still drop(i still think that 200 is rock solid btw, but this is just me) below 100, at that time buying will be mandatory for many

IMO just wait & don't sell it yet. I still believe it can raise and don't lost our trust on bitcoin. I have about BTC 1 , for now I will keep hold it until I found the right time to sell it

Every day that you don't get in the market since we went sub 300 USD is taking a risk. The rally will happen when least expected, and if your orders aren't meet before that happens you'll regret for life.

Traders who have no experience at all will start with buying once they see the price is rising. Mostly it's already too late then. That's why they say "Always when I buy, Bitcoin is going down"

With that mindset mostly bitcoin price will start crack up ? or it still depend on supply and demand?

Yes and distribution and inflation are getting better by the day. 2016 will be big.

what makes you think 2016 will be big? block halving? it might end up in a dissapointment as the price won't go up as much as people were hoping for.

it must go up(there is no other way around), otherwise bitcoin is doomed

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: mrhelpful on April 29, 2015, 05:21:39 PM
$41,000 to blow? lol.

You already can put half of that into a smaller note on a governement issued and get 1%, get another $50k in there and now you produce $1,000 every month.

Keep in mind when I mentioned a note, its less then 30 years so you can get your principal back within several months still. Hedge your risk with the tradtional cash flow unless youre already doing it and thats how you got your $41k then break it up into increments while the price goes down.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: WhatTheGox on April 29, 2015, 05:26:31 PM
Hi guys, after more than 1 year, here I am again

I'm fu*ked, bought all the 41k $ in Litecoins @ $20 dollars each

Now It's $1,4

hahahahah I have nothing to do, just wait and hodl

I have been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hahahahhaha  8) ;D

Crap! not a good feeling, i got in litecoin a little cheaper but still got raped with the drop, never thought it was possible to go back this low.

I agree with you its a great gamble coin though, im holding.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: techgeek on April 29, 2015, 10:28:45 PM
Hi guys, after more than 1 year, here I am again

I'm fu*ked, bought all the 41k $ in Litecoins @ $20 dollars each

Now It's $1,4

hahahahah I have nothing to do, just wait and hodl

I have been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hahahahhaha  8) ;D

Crap! not a good feeling, i got in litecoin a little cheaper but still got raped with the drop, never thought it was possible to go back this low.

I agree with you its a great gamble coin though, im holding.

Did you invest to hedge off bitcoins prices?

I figure most would consider just investing 1 coin which is bitcoin, but thats just me I guess. I dont know how comfortable with other coins since bitcoin alone has too many price differences in a week span.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: gentlemand on April 29, 2015, 10:35:27 PM

Did you invest to hedge off bitcoins prices?

I figure most would consider just investing 1 coin which is bitcoin, but thats just me I guess. I dont know how comfortable with other coins since bitcoin alone has too many price differences in a week span.

I guess the hope is that there's an awful lot more headroom if you're in a tiny coin. This is where people tend to fuck up and stick in 30% of their available funds and seem amazed when it goes up in smoke. Greed piling upon greed.

Most sensible investors might put 1-5% of their overall portfolio into BTC. I'd never put more than a similar percentage of that into any alt.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: romjpn on April 30, 2015, 01:50:16 AM
41 000$.
10k lending on Bitfinex (risky).
5k investing in a "trusted" dice website (Like JD or PRC), but it's very risky.
Keep the remaining funds, or invest it in very safe but low return investments.

That's what I would do I think.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: WhatTheGox on April 30, 2015, 05:44:14 AM
Hi guys, after more than 1 year, here I am again

I'm fu*ked, bought all the 41k $ in Litecoins @ $20 dollars each

Now It's $1,4

hahahahah I have nothing to do, just wait and hodl

I have been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hahahahhaha  8) ;D

Crap! not a good feeling, i got in litecoin a little cheaper but still got raped with the drop, never thought it was possible to go back this low.

I agree with you its a great gamble coin though, im holding.

Did you invest to hedge off bitcoins prices?

I figure most would consider just investing 1 coin which is bitcoin, but thats just me I guess. I dont know how comfortable with other coins since bitcoin alone has too many price differences in a week span.

I invest in litecoin because when bitcoin hits a bubble phase litecoin goes up about 3 - 5 times more on price.  Im not sure how good it is as a hedge but if the gov messed up bitcoin maybe it would be.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: junglemouse on April 30, 2015, 10:23:29 PM
Hi guys, after more than 1 year, here I am again

I'm fu*ked, bought all the 41k $ in Litecoins @ $20 dollars each

Now It's $1,4

hahahahah I have nothing to do, just wait and hodl

I have been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hahahahhaha  8) ;D


Well if you were willing to invest then, and its still holds the same characteristics it did, only thing I could do would be continue to accumulate weekly at the current prices.   :-\

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Erdogan on May 01, 2015, 02:53:40 AM
Fuck litecoin. go bitcoin.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: BTCevo on May 01, 2015, 04:26:25 PM
I invest in litecoin because when bitcoin hits a bubble phase litecoin goes up about 3 - 5 times more on price.  Im not sure how good it is as a hedge but if the gov messed up bitcoin maybe it would be.

Litecoin is not always like that. Altcoin is very hard to predict when will it be high or not. So I suggest you better not invest in any altcoin better for you is bitcoin altough the price is volatile but it still have a chance to rise more than altcoin

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: thejaytiesto on May 01, 2015, 06:55:40 PM
I invest in litecoin because when bitcoin hits a bubble phase litecoin goes up about 3 - 5 times more on price.  Im not sure how good it is as a hedge but if the gov messed up bitcoin maybe it would be.

Litecoin is not always like that. Altcoin is very hard to predict when will it be high or not. So I suggest you better not invest in any altcoin better for you is bitcoin altough the price is volatile but it still have a chance to rise more than altcoin

Litecoin will always be special, will always be "the original alt", so never count it off for huge future pumps once BTC goes were it belongs (aka moon). Im pretty sure Litecoin will feel that second crypto rush when it happens again. The outcome is uncertain tho, I would go back to BTC as soon as i get decent gains.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Chef Ramsay on May 01, 2015, 11:22:27 PM
I invest in litecoin because when bitcoin hits a bubble phase litecoin goes up about 3 - 5 times more on price.  Im not sure how good it is as a hedge but if the gov messed up bitcoin maybe it would be.

Litecoin is not always like that. Altcoin is very hard to predict when will it be high or not. So I suggest you better not invest in any altcoin better for you is bitcoin altough the price is volatile but it still have a chance to rise more than altcoin

Litecoin will always be special, will always be "the original alt", so never count it off for huge future pumps once BTC goes were it belongs (aka moon). Im pretty sure Litecoin will feel that second crypto rush when it happens again. The outcome is uncertain tho, I would go back to BTC as soon as i get decent gains.
The OP is a prime example of what happens when someone is new to crypto and they have a certain amount of money to spend/invest. Even more true when a bull market starts. The price of Bitcoin looks high so the next best thing is to get the silver crypto so one can purchase so many more of them. This is why litecoin typically makes big moves during a bull market in Bitcoin. Most new folks think crypto is crypto so buying one is the same as another outside of the pricing.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: scryptasicminer on May 02, 2015, 04:05:00 AM
I invest in litecoin because when bitcoin hits a bubble phase litecoin goes up about 3 - 5 times more on price.  Im not sure how good it is as a hedge but if the gov messed up bitcoin maybe it would be.

Litecoin is not always like that. Altcoin is very hard to predict when will it be high or not. So I suggest you better not invest in any altcoin better for you is bitcoin altough the price is volatile but it still have a chance to rise more than altcoin

Litecoin will always be special, will always be "the original alt", so never count it off for huge future pumps once BTC goes were it belongs (aka moon). Im pretty sure Litecoin will feel that second crypto rush when it happens again. The outcome is uncertain tho, I would go back to BTC as soon as i get decent gains.
The OP is a prime example of what happens when someone is new to crypto and they have a certain amount of money to spend/invest. Even more true when a bull market starts. The price of Bitcoin looks high so the next best thing is to get the silver crypto so one can purchase so many more of them. This is why litecoin typically makes big moves during a bull market in Bitcoin. Most new folks think crypto is crypto so buying one is the same as another outside of the pricing.

All coins seem to be going down the sink. Fundamentals behind them are just too negative.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: twn on May 02, 2015, 08:50:26 AM
this topic was oppen nearly 4 months ago.
hopefully he didnt invest to any of it.
i believe for investing litecoin is like gambling.its getting out of game day by day.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: aso118 on May 02, 2015, 11:18:04 AM
The OP is a prime example of what happens when someone is new to crypto and they have a certain amount of money to spend/invest. Even more true when a bull market starts. The price of Bitcoin looks high so the next best thing is to get the silver crypto so one can purchase so many more of them.

Yup, you should never forget the basics of investment and portfolio allocation.
Never invest more than what you can afford to lose in a risky investment like Bitcoin, irrespective of how rosy the outlook for Bitcoin looks.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: thejaytiesto on May 02, 2015, 03:15:31 PM
I invest in litecoin because when bitcoin hits a bubble phase litecoin goes up about 3 - 5 times more on price.  Im not sure how good it is as a hedge but if the gov messed up bitcoin maybe it would be.

Litecoin is not always like that. Altcoin is very hard to predict when will it be high or not. So I suggest you better not invest in any altcoin better for you is bitcoin altough the price is volatile but it still have a chance to rise more than altcoin

Litecoin will always be special, will always be "the original alt", so never count it off for huge future pumps once BTC goes were it belongs (aka moon). Im pretty sure Litecoin will feel that second crypto rush when it happens again. The outcome is uncertain tho, I would go back to BTC as soon as i get decent gains.
The OP is a prime example of what happens when someone is new to crypto and they have a certain amount of money to spend/invest. Even more true when a bull market starts. The price of Bitcoin looks high so the next best thing is to get the silver crypto so one can purchase so many more of them. This is why litecoin typically makes big moves during a bull market in Bitcoin. Most new folks think crypto is crypto so buying one is the same as another outside of the pricing.
Yeah, totally, that is the thing, they see it as silver, Litecoin got that fame and nobody can take it from it, so I would never count it as just another dead alt, it will always be that special alt, so we never know. When the time comes, I still say a pump of LTC will happen along with the next BTC mega ATH+ bubble.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: kerafym on May 03, 2015, 05:03:32 PM
Is the original poster still around? How is he doing now?

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: gentlemand on May 03, 2015, 05:13:58 PM
Is the original poster still around? How is he doing now?

That's a yes. There you go.

Hi guys, after more than 1 year, here I am again

I'm fu*ked, bought all the 41k $ in Litecoins @ $20 dollars each

Now It's $1,4

hahahahah I have nothing to do, just wait and hodl

I have been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hahahahhaha  8) ;D

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: fox19891989 on May 03, 2015, 05:39:51 PM

Hi guys, after more than 1 year, here I am again

I'm fu*ked, bought all the 41k $ in Litecoins @ $20 dollars each

Now It's $1,4

hahahahah I have nothing to do, just wait and hodl

I have been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hahahahhaha  8) ;D

LMAO, op you were so brave, why you bought liteshit?

A LTC ASIC mining company is called gridseed, the owner of this company owns over 51% hash power of litecoin, so if you buy ltc, it's help him cash out, I am afraid this guys dumped his 10 million litecoin above 20 USD, lol so he is a billionaire but you guys are bagholders for those guys.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Mt. Gox on May 04, 2015, 07:20:57 AM
To those saying that Litecoin might spike again, well this is true but also keep in mind that the altcoin scene has changed since 2013. There are a lot more altcoins now with different features all competing to be #2. Litecoin is also far less innovative and active development-wise than it once was.

this topic was oppen nearly 4 months ago.
hopefully he didnt invest to any of it.
i believe for investing litecoin is like gambling.its getting out of game day by day.

It was actually started slightly over 1 year ago. Note the date is from 2014 and not 2015.

As for OP, I haven't read the entire thread but ouch. Any decision to invest in Bitcoin or Litecoin in 2014 was a bad one in retrospect but buying so much so early on was an even more terrible choice (although not as bad as buying in Late Nov-December 2013!). But if OP is a hodler who truly thinks that BTC will eventually reach $50,000+ then I guess that's not too bad.

Hi guys, after more than 1 year, here I am again

I'm fu*ked, bought all the 41k $ in Litecoins @ $20 dollars each

Now It's $1,4

hahahahah I have nothing to do, just wait and hodl

I have been FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

hahahahhaha  8) ;D

LMAO, op you were so brave, why you bought liteshit?

A LTC ASIC mining company is called gridseed, the owner of this company owns over 51% hash power of litecoin, so if you buy ltc, it's help him cash out, I am afraid this guys dumped his 10 million litecoin above 20 USD, lol so he is a billionaire but you guys are bagholders for those guys.

Did someone really dump 10 million LTC? Perhaps that might explain the current prices then. Oh, and he'd be a millionaire and not a billionaire. Satoshi was the only person so far to have become a billionaire through cryptos. ;D

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: transient858 on May 04, 2015, 10:38:51 AM
Litecoin is half dead. There is currently no new innovation or development coming from the team.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: gentlemand on May 04, 2015, 10:45:10 AM
Litecoin is half dead. There is currently no new innovation or development coming from the team.

Their team seems to class that as a bonus.

To be fair they have a point. It's better to have something that just goes ahead and works rather than endless tinkering.

The only problem is that that stance requires the rest of the world do all the running and it doesn't seem all that interested.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: desired_username on May 04, 2015, 12:21:37 PM
Litecoin was/is just a lowly clone.

I would stay away from altcoins if you're not looking to speculate on them short term specifically. 99% of them are schemes to make the creators rich and the rest has very weak value propositions.

I think only misinformed people would seek to "invest" in them. A number of like minded individuals (with more money than sense) can create bubbles in these tiny, shallow markets, but then again you could just go play some roulette or trade CFDs (with leverage if you have a high thrill threshold).

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Bitcoins101 on May 04, 2015, 02:32:06 PM
I invest in litecoin because when bitcoin hits a bubble phase litecoin goes up about 3 - 5 times more on price.  Im not sure how good it is as a hedge but if the gov messed up bitcoin maybe it would be.

Litecoin is not always like that. Altcoin is very hard to predict when will it be high or not. So I suggest you better not invest in any altcoin better for you is bitcoin altough the price is volatile but it still have a chance to rise more than altcoin

Litecoin will always be special, will always be "the original alt", so never count it off for huge future pumps once BTC goes were it belongs (aka moon). Im pretty sure Litecoin will feel that second crypto rush when it happens again. The outcome is uncertain tho, I would go back to BTC as soon as i get decent gains.
The OP is a prime example of what happens when someone is new to crypto and they have a certain amount of money to spend/invest. Even more true when a bull market starts. The price of Bitcoin looks high so the next best thing is to get the silver crypto so one can purchase so many more of them. This is why litecoin typically makes big moves during a bull market in Bitcoin. Most new folks think crypto is crypto so buying one is the same as another outside of the pricing.
Crypto is crypto? Well, I've got some excellent, high end wine to sell. Only $41,000. Wine is wine.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Cinnob0n on May 05, 2015, 07:47:14 AM
I would just invest in bitcoins now. The price is bound to go up eventually, and it'll drastically increases after the next block reward update.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: mrhelpful on May 05, 2015, 04:25:05 PM
Id wait it out until it settles to one side.

And seeing if there is some sort of upwards trend. Thats only short term thinking though, but I`d invest small amounts cause its needed for people who do money laundering this includes big btc sites like primedice, but its more severe on the online gambling sites that also accept fiat.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Fabrizio89 on May 06, 2015, 04:32:42 PM
Wait until an uptrend is confirmed man, really... just look for some good trader and ask him when an upswing is beginning. It's easy to see, but I wouldn't risk telling you when to do it. Everyone kinda agrees this is a good spot for buying and they could be right I guess.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: thejaytiesto on May 06, 2015, 04:48:34 PM
Has Gobble addressed the current price at all? He seems pretty quiet about Litecoin lately, not only that, but the official reddit is literally dead, no one hanging out on there anymore it seems.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: BTCevo on May 06, 2015, 05:23:56 PM
Wait until an uptrend is confirmed man, really... just look for some good trader and ask him when an upswing is beginning. It's easy to see, but I wouldn't risk telling you when to do it. Everyone kinda agrees this is a good spot for buying and they could be right I guess.

But we really dont know when the trend is coming? If you buy now for example and lets say in a few days it will downtrend so what are you gonna do? That is a little bit risky, its like gambling too. I think you ask some one that can predict well when will the trend coming

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: grandFX on May 06, 2015, 05:39:02 PM
Wait until an uptrend is confirmed man, really... just look for some good trader and ask him when an upswing is beginning. It's easy to see, but I wouldn't risk telling you when to do it. Everyone kinda agrees this is a good spot for buying and they could be right I guess.

But we really dont know when the trend is coming? If you buy now for example and lets say in a few days it will downtrend so what are you gonna do? That is a little bit risky, its like gambling too. I think you ask some one that can predict well when will the trend coming

yes, of course. nothing people know about that. when downtrend or uptrend.
because volatile price movements.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Deprecate on May 24, 2017, 12:26:30 PM
Still have your litecoins?

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: staggerpines on May 30, 2017, 07:39:24 PM
Still have your litecoins?

What a difference he would have made in his life if he bought bitcoin insted of litecoin with the $41,000.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: BitcoinFutureCoin on May 30, 2017, 07:45:40 PM
I prefer you to not invest in bitcoin or litecoins because there is better way to recover your loss and also make a really good profit with your funds.My suggestions is for you to register to some trading site like poloniex and join in facebook group called AdsCrypto Trading Group where one trading expert is giving free signals in posts and he give signals really good because most times everybody is in profit and their posts have positive comments always what makes him great trader.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Superzpay on May 30, 2017, 08:23:21 PM
Still have your litecoins?

What a difference he would have made in his life if he bought bitcoin insted of litecoin with the $41,000.
At that time if he would invest in bitcoin then now he would be a more rich person of his time and he will be very happy but as he went to litecoin a secondary coin then he went on fault. Now if he have some money then he have to invest in bitcoin as the price of bitcoin is going very well.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: on May 30, 2017, 10:37:07 PM
At that time if he would invest in bitcoin then now he would be a more rich person of his time and he will be very happy but as he went to litecoin a secondary coin then he went on fault. Now if he have some money then he have to invest in bitcoin as the price of bitcoin is going very well.
Choosing what to invest and when to invest is a big gamble and he made up his mind to invest in litecoin and if he had the patience to hold the position and then average out then he should have made his profits by now,you need to have a good patience if you really mess up your initial investment.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Lancusters on May 30, 2017, 10:53:40 PM
Who would not say that but bitcoin is the most popular crypto currency. In the future the price will grow as people and countries will have to accept it. I'm pretty sure that all altcoins will eventually lose the competition with bitcoin. Even having the patience to bet on bitcoin.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Palodar on May 30, 2017, 10:59:16 PM
Who would not say that but bitcoin is the most popular crypto currency. In the future the price will grow as people and countries will have to accept it. I'm pretty sure that all altcoins will eventually lose the competition with bitcoin. Even having the patience to bet on bitcoin.

it is popular and does it make us sure that its value will arise soon more so in the meantime its fine to invest and do trading .

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Sled on May 31, 2017, 02:03:34 AM
If you have $41,000 to invest then just choose bitcoin and ethereum because litecoin is not a good coin for me because if the segwit will be activated in bitcoin then it will be such a useless feature in litecoin and also ethereum is a growing cryptocurrency and it is getting more expensive months after months because of its feature of smart contacts, don't be greedy, research and invest.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Sir Paijoe on May 31, 2017, 03:51:06 AM
I thought the investment bitcoin and litecoin is too risky, we never know what will happen with the next day, the price may be $50.000 but also $1000, better use for investment coin based ETHEREUM.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Tyrantt on May 31, 2017, 04:29:35 AM
I'd honestly suggest you to invest about 65%-70% in bitcoin and keep the rest in litecoin. That's what I would to if I were in your place at this moment. Good luck with your decision.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Supercrypt on May 31, 2017, 12:57:26 PM
I'd honestly suggest you to invest about 65%-70% in bitcoin and keep the rest in litecoin. That's what I would to if I were in your place at this moment. Good luck with your decision.
You might be right with percentage share of total investments but you are not mentioning about when to do it. I suggest to go for buying now and with 90% to bitcoin and only 10% for litecoin and any other altcoins too. Because I not finding any bright future for altcoins as they will get replaced by another new coins in near future.

$41,000 must be a very big money and hence I will not suggest to invest all of them in one day itself. Buying on multiple days with periodic gap may ensure some better average prices also. But current trend is in favor of up surge hence buying now may not disappoint any one.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: nightxglow on May 31, 2017, 05:02:49 PM
Do you still have your litcoin? consider you bought it @$20, if you didn't sell and wait until now, you can get some profit because litecoin is about $24 right now. It would be so much better if you buy ethereum and bitcoin instead of litecoin.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: onrise on May 31, 2017, 05:10:52 PM
Still have your litecoins?

What a difference he would have made in his life if he bought bitcoin insted of litecoin with the $41,000.

Well the difference would have being he would have being a billionaire  :P. Well altcoins should only constitute a fraction of percentage and rest should be invested in btc.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Rinder on June 02, 2017, 11:52:51 AM
Sure the op has missed an amazzing opportunity to get better results with bitcoin, but i dont know how is this history, since there is no update, considering he had kept those coins till nowadays if he sells he will be able to roi in btc numbers as well the bitcoin is worthing much more now then before, soo in fiat he would had roi at this stage. But this just show us that you need to risk, without risk no reward.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: sidhujag on June 04, 2017, 03:20:43 AM
40 gs in strat dgb or any of these other crazy pumps would have set this guy up for life.. but not to worry there are still some opportunities around ;)

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: AK47- on June 04, 2017, 05:39:40 AM
Still have your litecoins?

What a difference he would have made in his life if he bought bitcoin insted of litecoin with the $41,000.

Well the difference would have being he would have being a billionaire  :P. Well altcoins should only constitute a fraction of percentage and rest should be invested in btc.

Yes, I don't know why he believed more in litecoin than bitcoin. Even during that time, Bitcoin was much less riskier than any other cryptocurrency. Well he made his choice. What a difference he would have made with bitcoin.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Ayiranorea on June 04, 2017, 05:51:39 AM
Still have your litecoins?

What a difference he would have made in his life if he bought bitcoin insted of litecoin with the $41,000.

Well the difference would have being he would have being a billionaire  :P. Well altcoins should only constitute a fraction of percentage and rest should be invested in btc.

Yes, I don't know why he believed more in litecoin than bitcoin. Even during that time, Bitcoin was much less riskier than any other cryptocurrency. Well he made his choice. What a difference he would have made with bitcoin.
Litecoin in a short has gained a increased users as well investors into it just because of the price moves happening without much drops. Bitcoin has gained the trust than most other digital currency that it will regain the lost value in a short. It's good to invest into bitcoin in a higher Volume than into litecoin.

Title: Re: Buy now or wait ? $41,000 to invest in bitcoins and litecoins
Post by: Netnox on June 04, 2017, 06:51:28 AM
Litecoin in a short has gained a increased users as well investors into it just because of the price moves happening without much drops. Bitcoin has gained the trust than most other digital currency that it will regain the lost value in a short. It's good to invest into bitcoin in a higher Volume than into litecoin.

Litecon has lost its dominance among the altcoins. A part of their market share has been eaten up by the newer altcoins such as Ethereum, Ripple, and even Nemcoin and Dash. Also, earlier there were a number of online retailers accepting LTC. This number has also come down.