Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: Beta-coiner1 on January 22, 2014, 01:18:14 AM

Title: eBay to allow Bitcoin sales in 'virtual currency' category
Post by: Beta-coiner1 on January 22, 2014, 01:18:14 AM
Please know that per our recent policy update, Virtual Currency (i.e. Bitcoin and Litecoin), whether digitally or physically delivered, cannot be listed in Auction-style or Buy-It-Now listing formats. eBay is opening a Virtual Currency category to allow the sale of virtual currency in Classified Ads format on February 10, 2014. We request that you do not list these items until that date. Please be informed that repeated breach of the policy may further jeopardize your account status. To avoid any inconvenience in future, we'd appreciated it if you go through our help pages or contact us before listing any such items
Should be interesting what this effect this has on the sales price next month.

Title: Re: eBay to allow Bitcoin sales in 'virtual currency' category
Post by: JimboToronto on January 22, 2014, 01:37:57 AM
Thank you for presenting this as eBay allowing Bitcoin sales via classified ads, rather than eBay "banning" Bitcoin auctions and buy-it-nows.

Title: Re: eBay to allow Bitcoin sales in 'virtual currency' category
Post by: ElectricMucus on January 22, 2014, 01:57:26 AM
What is this phase called anyway?
You know the one where investorseverybody trytries to prevent otherseverybody else from finding out the facts about their assets market.

Title: Re: eBay to allow Bitcoin sales in 'virtual currency' category
Post by: BitcoinAshley on January 22, 2014, 03:06:39 AM
It's funny how this thread title was right above "2014 could be a slow year for bitcoin."

And right nearby was "Vegas casinos accept BTC"


Post by: yomofo on January 22, 2014, 02:21:45 PM

Title: Re: eBay to allow Bitcoin sales in 'virtual currency' category
Post by: Edward50 on January 22, 2014, 03:28:41 PM
Couple things come to mind after reading the article.

It says that it will allow virtual currency in its "classified Ads Format" only, Bitcoin can can not be listed in its auction style or buy it now.
This means that you can basically only contact the buyer or seller through Ebay.

The other thing is, all the paypal poblems still probably exist as they do not talk about this and I do not see paypal doing anything about it. I am not sure if they can do anything as it would really change their policies. Without being able to use Paypal, ebay is pretty pointless.

I don't see how any of this will significantly impact the bitcoin price.

From all of this it will still be easier to use localbitcoins to buy or sell than deal with paypal or ebay.

Title: Re: eBay to allow Bitcoin sales in 'virtual currency' category
Post by: sgbett on January 22, 2014, 05:33:30 PM
The other thing is, all the paypal poblems still probably exist as they do not talk about this and I do not see paypal doing anything about it. I am not sure if they can do anything as it would really change their policies. Without being able to use Paypal, ebay is pretty pointless.

eBay Inc. owns PayPal

Paypal maybe not gonna be a huge problem *shrugs*

Title: Re: eBay to allow Bitcoin sales in 'virtual currency' category
Post by: Edward50 on January 22, 2014, 06:04:30 PM
The other thing is, all the paypal poblems still probably exist as they do not talk about this and I do not see paypal doing anything about it. I am not sure if they can do anything as it would really change their policies. Without being able to use Paypal, ebay is pretty pointless.

eBay Inc. owns PayPal

Paypal maybe not gonna be a huge problem *shrugs*

Paypal is going to be a big problem and was always the problem.

Paypal always sides with the buyer and that is why it is not recommended to use it to sell bitcoins. Someone just has to buy bitcoins and then claim they never received them. How is paypal going to easily deal with this?

I doubt paypal is going to change their whole policy and offer some kind of exclusion for digital currencies. If they did, then that would be a very good sign. But they probably can't.

When I originally saw the headline I was surprised at first, but after reading it they are just allowing it to be posted in their useless classified ads that probably get far less use than craigslist.

Now if ebay said they were making a special ebay area that was built like an exchange, where you can fund your account with paypal, now that would be a very good sign and I probably would even take my fiat, as I am in all fiat right now, and buy bitcoins. But this doesn't mean jack. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Well is this a rumor now or actual news  ???.

Title: Re: eBay to allow Bitcoin sales in 'virtual currency' category
Post by: sgbett on January 23, 2014, 02:15:00 AM
The paypal 'problem' was that they shut you down for even mentioning bitcoin. You've been around long enough to know that.

If ebay is saying that BTC sales are legit, then by extension paypal will.

Your "always sides with the buyer" is hyperbolic. Sure they protect buyers on the whole, thats their selling point. Saying *always" is not entirely true though. That means sometimes they protect the seller, and those times are when the seller can put up a solid case that the buyer is full of crap.

The nature of BTC and the block chain is such that all the evidence is right there for everyone to review.

Still this is all just opinion. Until people start using it and we get a few test cases, we are all just blowing smoke eh?