Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: kaysersoze on January 22, 2014, 02:53:24 PM

Title: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: kaysersoze on January 22, 2014, 02:53:24 PM
Now that most tech people understand the underlying technology invention of BTC and it feels/seems like they all embrace it , I just wonder who are the most respected / knowledgeable technologist AGAINST BTC and  their arguments ?! Any links interviews of guys you respect but don't believe in btc, again in tech because economists don't really get it from first place ?!

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: illpoet on January 22, 2014, 02:59:55 PM
when the guy from dell came to fix my neighbors computer he said bitcoins were only for drug money and terrorists.  My neighbor came over to my house to warn me. Not like i have any respect from a dell it guy, but thats the only tech person i could think of.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: Hexah on January 22, 2014, 03:10:44 PM
when the guy from dell came to fix my neighbors computer he said bitcoins were only for drug money and terrorists.  My neighbor came over to my house to warn me. Not like i have any respect from a dell it guy, but thats the only tech person i could think of.
This guy have some big insight in bitcoin clearly.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: hilariousandco on January 22, 2014, 03:23:51 PM
Now that most tech people understand the underlying technology invention of BTC and it feels/seems like they all embrace it , I just wonder who are the most respected / knowledgeable technologist AGAINST BTC and  their arguments ?! Any links interviews of guys you respect but don't believe in btc, again in tech because economists don't really get it from first place ?!

Hmm a 'respected technologist' seems to be at odds with somebody who would denounce Bitcoin.

when the guy from dell came to fix my neighbors computer he said bitcoins were only for drug money and terrorists.  My neighbor came over to my house to warn me. Not like i have any respect from a dell it guy, but thats the only tech person i could think of.

Haha. I hate this ignorant shit. Cash is a far worse culprit for this anyway. People just don't know what they're talking about.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: abacus on January 22, 2014, 03:25:12 PM
Oh no, not a Ponzi scheme, please...  ::)

My opinion is that he is just sad he didn't think of it first or invest early in it.

I didn't read his papers, but I think this is often a probable cause.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: Lethn on January 22, 2014, 03:25:48 PM
No one who actually understands Bitcoin would come out with some of the stupid comments I've seen from these supposed 'I.T experts' I think my favourite one was some guy on fox saying how his I.T department didn't trust it and so therefore he automatically dismissed it, all without doing a single bit of research.

Sure, there are definite risks involved with Bitcoin but I would take that over the hyper-inflated piece of shit economy we have now which our leaders refuse to fix.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: kaysersoze on January 22, 2014, 03:33:07 PM
Now that most tech people understand the underlying technology invention of BTC and it feels/seems like they all embrace it , I just wonder who are the most respected / knowledgeable technologist AGAINST BTC and  their arguments ?! Any links interviews of guys you respect but don't believe in btc, again in tech because economists don't really get it from first place ?!

Hmm a 'respected technologist' seems to be at odds with somebody who would denounce Bitcoin.

That is my point but must be some out there.. just curious to read their arguments

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: hilariousandco on January 22, 2014, 03:37:20 PM
Oh no, not a Ponzi scheme, please...  ::)

My opinion is that he is just sad he didn't think of it first or invest early in it.

I didn't read his papers, but I think this is often a probable cause.

It's usually either this as they're sore about how much they could’ve made, or just sheer ignorance or fear by the media propaganda of it being a currency for the anarchists and nefarious. And obviously a lot of people don't know what a Ponzi is.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: marcotheminer on January 22, 2014, 04:09:33 PM
Aleks Jakulin, US based computer scientist from Slovenia is heavily criticising bitcoin, calling it a ponzi scheme.

His university page:

Here is one article from his blog:

My opinion is that he is just sad he didn't think of it first or invest early in it.

Could still be true..

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: abacus on January 22, 2014, 05:27:45 PM
It's usually either this as they're sore about how much they could’ve made, or just sheer ignorance or fear by the media propaganda of it being a currency for the anarchists and nefarious. And obviously a lot of people don't know what a Ponzi is.
Yes, i agree with you.

Anyway, I think there is a thing that has been well written by the OP:

...  again in tech because economists don't really get it from first place ?!

Edit: to explain myself better, lol

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: fr4nkthetank on January 22, 2014, 05:29:50 PM
'So what has driven them to Bitcoin? The brief answer is greed'

well, hard to disagree with that.....crypto peeps are the greediest fuckers around.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: oprahwindfury on January 22, 2014, 06:00:15 PM
'So what has driven them to Bitcoin? The brief answer is greed'

well, hard to disagree with that.....crypto peeps are the greediest fuckers around.

Everyone is greedy.

Corporations screw you in the butt by charging you for services because they know you have no where else to turn to or are too lazy/ignorant to look into alternatives. Bank of America with it's ridiculous "free" checking service fees anyone?

The government screws you anally with no lube, I barely make 3k a month and get 700-800 taken out of my paycheck. Awesome huh?

Schools stick dildos up their students asses and turns on max vibrate mode. I'm still in student debt from University for another 5 years at least, paying back 40k in fees.

If you live in America, expect to get screwed by everyone and go into debt if you adhere to the traditional way of life.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: BitchicksHusband on January 22, 2014, 06:53:52 PM
My favorite is, "My financial guy doesn't like it, so he told me not to invest."

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: Sutters Mill on January 22, 2014, 06:59:25 PM
when the guy from dell came to fix my neighbors computer he said bitcoins were only for drug money and terrorists.  My neighbor came over to my house to warn me. Not like i have any respect from a dell it guy, but thats the only tech person i could think of.

Haha. This is like asking someone at Apple's 'Genius' Bar.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: hilariousandco on January 22, 2014, 07:24:13 PM
Aleks Jakulin, US based computer scientist from Slovenia is heavily criticising bitcoin, calling it a ponzi scheme.

His university page:

Here is one article from his blog:

My opinion is that he is just sad he didn't think of it first or invest early in it.

Could still be true..

What could be true? It being a ponzi?

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: dissident on January 22, 2014, 08:39:38 PM
'So what has driven them to Bitcoin? The brief answer is greed'

well, hard to disagree with that.....crypto peeps are the greediest fuckers around.

I'd say that's the thing that hurts them the most is their ponzi scheme nature where being in the right place at the right time can make you huge coin while right now you have to cough up 800 USD just to buy one measly bitcoin and to trade it for other currencies requires exchanges that are laggy, crash, and have been known to steal users money, with chinese based phone reps, and run out of China for all I know. Just not very secure/trustworthy at this point and the actual number of users transacting with crypto currencies as a whole is still very low.... the top heavy nature of them (2% of the users holding 65% of the coins) is still a cause for concern.. with that said if bitcoin ever has a real selloff and some of these top holders holdings get distributed I'll consider buying a few. If I miss out on some moonshot so be it but I'm not paying 800 bucks to questionable exchanges to buy a bitcoin... I'll pay maybe 400-500.

If I was lucky enough to have 1000 bitcoin I wouldn't be holding it, I'd be buying platinum or palladium bullion with it discretely and trying to evade taxes on it while selling at least half my stake. I wonder what percentage of these bitcoins are simply 'lost forever' because they were simply forgotten about early on by their miners or whatever... unfortunately there's no real way to know.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: Piper67 on January 22, 2014, 08:44:27 PM
Dan Kaminsky was against Bitcoin initially, but about half a year ago he did a complete 180.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: benjamindees on January 22, 2014, 10:05:41 PM
Richard Stallman, because apparently he likes paying taxes to support failed military adventurism.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: luv2drnkbr on January 28, 2014, 07:24:37 PM
the reason you can't find any OP is because if you actually understand what bitcoin is and how it works, you immediately "get it".

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: Impaler on January 28, 2014, 08:17:21 PM
People here need to understand that the 'Block-chain-technology' is a very different thing from the 'deflationary BTC monetary system'.

The technology has always been described as highly robust, innovative and useful by Technologists.
The monetary system has always been described as speculative, unsustainable and near fraudulent by Economists.

When you find an economist speculating about the technology, or a technologist speculating about economics you can and should dismiss thouse comments regardless of if they are pro or con.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: benjamindees on January 28, 2014, 10:36:29 PM
People here need to understand that the 'Block-chain-technology' is a very different thing from the 'deflationary BTC monetary system'.
The monetary system has always been described as speculative, unsustainable and near fraudulent by Economists.

FRC:  18mAGEto3xZzfKNJPwsDVA5c2Fk5Za3nbs  IRC:  Freenode #freicoin

You've had ample opportunity to pump your inflata-coin by now.  What's the market cap?  $2 million?

I think it's time to admit that the experiment's over, and to stop pretending that Keynesian economists have any idea what they are talking about.  Inflation has been demonstrated to be a burden on economies, not a benefit.  No one wants Freicoin.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: keithers on January 28, 2014, 11:15:31 PM
I love it when people tell me... "watch out for bitcoin it has no intrinsic value."   I just ask them "what is intrinsic value?" and then they are stumped.   Most of the people that I know that are against bitcoin seriously think they are economists (in their own minds).

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: kaysersoze on January 28, 2014, 11:47:15 PM
I love it when people tell me... "watch out for bitcoin it has no intrinsic value."   I just ask them "what is intrinsic value?" and then they are stumped.   Most of the people that I know that are against bitcoin seriously think they are economists (in their own minds).

That was exactly why I asked about technologists against btc and not economists because at the heart of it they don't understand/embrace true technological disruption/innovation before it gets too obvious.

And by the way this is not a new phenomena, look back to history of all great inventions and the economists/incumbents/government laughed/ignored/tried to kill/regulate.

you all should just read some more history and actually see this as a sign that bitcoin is on to something really big. Personally I get kind of relieved when I read about krugman/jamie damie take on btc, that is how it should be according to history -otherwise it wouldn't be so disruptive.

Whole idea with really true disruption is that nobody or very few gets it.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: Abdussamad on January 29, 2014, 12:07:39 AM
Miguel de Icaza:

He's the guy behind gnome and other open source projects.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: nikona on January 29, 2014, 12:14:37 AM
when the guy from dell came to fix my neighbors computer he said bitcoins were only for drug money and terrorists.  My neighbor came over to my house to warn me. Not like i have any respect from a dell it guy, but thats the only tech person i could think of.

Lol , too many negative for bitcoins

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: Kouye on January 29, 2014, 12:53:31 AM
Not sure if this guy fits your requirements, but he's an IT expert.
Or so he says.

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: abacus on January 29, 2014, 01:31:22 AM
Richard Stallman, because apparently he likes paying taxes to support failed military adventurism.

Didn't he attend Bitcoin conference in London? Is he really against it?

AFAIK, he has just warned about BTC not being truly anonymous.

I love it when people tell me... "watch out for bitcoin it has no intrinsic value."   I just ask them "what is intrinsic value?" and then they are stumped.   Most of the people that I know that are against bitcoin seriously think they are economists (in their own minds).

It's funny when people say "Fiat money is backed by gold in Central Banks"...  ::)

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: quakefiend420 on January 29, 2014, 04:30:37 AM
Not sure if this guy fits your requirements, but he's an IT expert.
Or so he says.

I just watched that whole thing.  Wow.  He keeps saying derivative, I don't think he even knows what the fuck that is lol

Title: Re: The most respected technologists against bitcoin
Post by: alexeft on January 29, 2014, 11:12:52 AM
People here need to understand that the 'Block-chain-technology' is a very different thing from the 'deflationary BTC monetary system'.
The monetary system has always been described as speculative, unsustainable and near fraudulent by Economists.

FRC:  18mAGEto3xZzfKNJPwsDVA5c2Fk5Za3nbs  IRC:  Freenode #freicoin

You've had ample opportunity to pump your inflata-coin by now.  What's the market cap?  $2 million?

I think it's time to admit that the experiment's over, and to stop pretending that Keynesian economists have any idea what they are talking about.  Inflation has been demonstrated to be a burden on economies, not a benefit.  No one wants Freicoin.

+21,000,000  ;)