Title: is it safe? Post by: ipoomyself on January 22, 2014, 06:38:27 PM ok ive just gotten into this business of bitcoin. i hath 3 erupters mining deep 24/7 for me they are complaining about the heat so i bought a split air conditioner to improve productivity and they still refuse to work harder so i overclocked their asses to 2gh/s and explained that the work u do is good for our economy management. they hath learned their lesson and now i hath no trouble... . . yet
before i invest any more money in this sham is trading really an effort for these bitcoins?? carnt i use some secure site that has a "middle man" that holds bitcoins and cash then transfers them securely between pee ople instead of direct trade so to avoid scum jeremy scammers i wouldnt care about the fee as long as its reasonable |