Bitcoin Forum

Other => MultiBit => Topic started by: allgoodthings1 on January 22, 2014, 07:31:10 PM

Title: [FEATURE REQUEST] Legible Password Entry
Post by: allgoodthings1 on January 22, 2014, 07:31:10 PM
I've installed MultiBit on two machines now. Each time I have cringed when I first set up my wallet(s) with a password. My concern is with keying in something different than what I intended (and wrote down for myself). And there's no setting to click and make visible the password when I'm setting it.. to make sure I have it exactly as intended before I click to set it.

If somehow I were to set it not as intended, I could get stuck with a wallet full of coins I could never get out!

To double check this for myself, I've sent a tiny amount of coin from another wallet to my new MultiBit wallet, then sent it back again (requiring the new password). But if a user didn't do something like this, they could be in a real mess.

For future updates, could you set the initial password setting to expose the text, if one chooses -- perhaps with a toggle, exposed/hidden? Call me extra paranoid, but it seems that could really be useful to probably more souls than just me.

Title: Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Legible Password Entry
Post by: deepceleron on January 22, 2014, 08:38:55 PM
Here's a little utility I got long ago (pre-Bitcoin) from a defunct site, it has a tray icon and turns any obscured password into clear text, even saved ones. To see the password, press Ctrl key and click the left mouse button in a field of password input

The installer is in some funky language, just press what looks like "next"

Title: Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Legible Password Entry
Post by: R2D221 on January 22, 2014, 11:20:54 PM
In the mean time, an action that requires a password but will not make you spend anything is create new addresses, so you can test it there.

Title: Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Legible Password Entry
Post by: allgoodthings1 on January 23, 2014, 03:53:41 PM
In the mean time, an action that requires a password but will not make you spend anything is create new addresses, so you can test it there.
Let me see if this will work on Linux. I just tested and it does work on my Windows machine here at the office.  Thanks.

Title: Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Legible Password Entry
Post by: jim618 on January 23, 2014, 08:51:50 PM
For MultiBit HD we have put in a little 'eye' icon that you can click to reveal your passwords, then click it again to obscure it.