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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Vod on January 24, 2014, 06:44:21 AM

Title: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: Vod on January 24, 2014, 06:44:21 AM
This video is a timeline of tweets from a young woman named Amanda (from Ottawa).  It seems pretty normal at first, but then turns in a direction you won’t believe.  Please take a few moments to watch.

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: Dafar on January 24, 2014, 02:52:18 PM
Damn that made me real sad  :'(

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: EvilPanda on January 24, 2014, 06:48:22 PM
Life sux and then you die - at least she knew when.

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: Holliday on January 24, 2014, 08:16:02 PM
Life sux and then you die - at least she knew when.


Life is amazing, and then you die.

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: E.exchanger on March 20, 2014, 10:47:34 PM
Very powerful but it upsets me heavily  :'(

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: bridgesro on March 20, 2014, 11:00:58 PM
That's a sad story, but at least she embraced her final days. May she rest in peace.

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: Singlebyte on March 21, 2014, 06:45:02 AM
Although it is a good story, some are calling it a hoax.

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: counter on March 21, 2014, 07:34:07 AM
hmm based on the replies I'm not so sure I want to check out this video posted by the OP.  I'll have to think about it for bit as I don't feel much like being sad right now.

"life's a bitch and then you die that's why we get high.  Cause you never no when you gonna go..." 

I always liked this line even though it's a bit negative imo.

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: Emill on March 21, 2014, 07:52:25 AM
Life is amazing, then you stop paying TAX !

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: tseplyaev.lev on March 21, 2014, 08:25:25 AM
Some of her tweets are really creepy  :o

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: GigaCoin on March 21, 2014, 09:38:34 AM
That's pretty sad.

One of the saddest things I've come across are the cancer forums. I was browsing through searching for cancer related info for a friend, just reading through the posts of these hopeful and brave people and then later on you see someone else post that this forum member has passed away, it was really sad and heart breaking.

Cancer is humanity's biggest problem not terrorism, if all that defence money is spent on curing cancer we would've cured it by now.

I just saw on the news yesterday that the young generation gen Y will mostly die from cancer and cancer will be the number one killer on the planet by 2030

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: bitgeek on March 21, 2014, 09:57:05 AM
Yeah, the cancer is really the main problem now, 100 years ago it was really rare. People blame GMO, pesticides, mobile phones, chemically enhanced food... Don't want to have cancer? Don't smoke, grow your own food and live as far from the city as possible.

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: Triswardhani on March 21, 2014, 04:41:36 PM
OMG.... She has a wonderful life...

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: hilariousandco on March 21, 2014, 05:47:54 PM
This video is a timeline of tweets from a young woman named Amanda (from Ottawa).  It seems pretty normal at first, but then turns in a direction you won’t believe.  Please take a few moments to watch.

Maybe I'm a cold bastard but that video did nothing for me, but then again I don't need to be reminded that life is short and people die.

Although it is a good story, some are calling it a hoax.

Yeah, I think most of these things are. I'm always sceptical.

"life's a bitch and then you die that's why we get high.  Cause you never no when you gonna go..." 

I always liked this line even though it's a bit negative imo.

I don't think it's negative. Realistical more like  :D.

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: counter on March 21, 2014, 07:19:09 PM
truth be told I've got mixed feelings on that quote.. I'm of the opinion this life is only the beginning of the story of us all.  I'd also hate for young people to follow such a closed minded attitude without giving it a second thought.

That being said I think it is a realistic quote in many ways but should not be viewed as the only way of viewing life.  Good talk friend.  ;)

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: Taras on March 21, 2014, 08:53:45 PM
It goes to show how valuable your time is. There's so much to do yet... Bitcoins won't buy a little more time...

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: cosmofly on March 21, 2014, 08:59:34 PM
Why does like everyone in Canada has cancer?

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: BenAnh on March 21, 2014, 09:03:55 PM
You will die anyway, so what are you afraid of?

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: rmines on March 21, 2014, 09:05:03 PM
It was real sad to watch but also a good wake up call, try to live your life to the fullest each day because it might be over sooner than you think.

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: zetaray on March 21, 2014, 09:14:16 PM
These mishaps occur all around you, all the time. They got by unnoticed. It has to take a YouTube video on a stranger to wake you up. This is the sad part.

Title: Re: Video of Ottawa Woman goes Viral
Post by: rmines on March 21, 2014, 09:22:40 PM
I don't know if you're addressing that post specifically to me, but if you are: I'm well aware of that and it doesn't take a YT video, its just another reminder for me.