Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Kenshin on January 24, 2014, 08:34:18 PM

Title: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 24, 2014, 08:34:18 PM
I have been thinking, I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on.

And start using more Chinese brands such as Lenovo, Huawei, Asus, Acer, and other Japanese and Korean brands.

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail. And start using more and other email providers which are not in the US.

Any other ideas?

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: hilariousandco on January 24, 2014, 08:42:35 PM
I have been thinking, I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on.

And start using more Chinese brands such as Lenovo, Huawei, Asus, Acer, and other Japanese and Korean brands.

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail. And start using more and other email providers which are not in the US.

Any other ideas?

Fly a plane into the White House?

Now only if we can get the rest of humanity to boycott America we should be alright  ;D.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: railzand on January 24, 2014, 08:45:32 PM
You don't think the Asian powers are spying on you?

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: BurtW on January 24, 2014, 08:56:03 PM
I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, ...

So you are boycotting stuff made in China?

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: pedrog on January 24, 2014, 09:28:01 PM
Here you go:

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Lethn on January 24, 2014, 09:36:57 PM
I remember people chatting on this forum about this awhile back and people concluded that the best way would be to send lots and lots of useless encrypted data back and forth on the internet just to fuck with them, because then they'd spend all that time trying to crack is and find a silly .jpeg or something in it instead.

To do that though you would need to be good at programming and skilled at encryption.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: BurtW on January 24, 2014, 09:38:36 PM
I remember people chatting on this forum about this awhile back and people concluded that the best way would be to send lots and lots of useless encrypted data back and forth on the internet just to fuck with them, because then they'd spend all that time trying to crack is and find a silly .jpeg or something in it instead.

To do that though you would need to be good at programming and skilled at encryption.
You already do this every time you use SSL at some silly web site, like this one for example.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Lethn on January 24, 2014, 09:40:46 PM
..... Note to self: Pay for SSL subscription on both my websites when I get rich to piss off the NSA

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: practicaldreamer on January 24, 2014, 09:55:54 PM

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail.

Yes - I've been doing the same. But tor is a pain in the backside when you have to manually enter every bloody password for every site (or am I missing something ?) - also, I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

    Re. email. I want to ditch gmail also - went through using Tormail, then it disappeared. What email provider are those in the know using for security/anonymity and reliability ?
    When Twister becomes available (at least for idiots like me) I can see me using that. I would use Bitmessage but I don't know anyone else that has a Bitmessage address  :-\

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: MaxwellsDemon on January 24, 2014, 11:31:35 PM
Throw some fun keywords into your emails:

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 24, 2014, 11:38:04 PM

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail.

Yes - I've been doing the same. But tor is a pain in the backside when you have to manually enter every bloody password for every site (or am I missing something ?) - also, I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

    Re. email. I want to ditch gmail also - went through using Tormail, then it disappeared. What email provider are those in the know using for security/anonymity and reliability ?
    When Twister becomes available (at least for idiots like me) I can see me using that. I would use Bitmessage but I don't know anyone else that has a Bitmessage address  :-\ is good, they also accept bitcoin.  :)

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 24, 2014, 11:44:38 PM

Fly a plane into the White House?

Now only if we can get the rest of humanity to boycott America we should be alright  ;D.

That is a bit extreme, I am not a terrorist.  :P

You don't think the Asian powers are spying on you?

That is the point, why will Asian powers spy on me. The information will be useless to them, unless we are anti China, Japan, or who ever.

Also China only give a crap if you say bad things about their government. Which I don't do anyway. I live in the UK, so GCHQ so give a shit about collecting data on me, and they have some use for this.

I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, ...

So you are boycotting stuff made in China?

Well, Huawei, Sony, Samsung and many other Asian brands are partly made in China anyway. It is not about boycotting China, it is about boycotting US and the UK. During the manufacture process, the NSA and GCHQ will put in some chips which they can snoop on us. Now I know why GCHQ was so scared when British Telecom uses Huawei now, because if it is Cisco, they can snoop on us.  :P

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 24, 2014, 11:45:41 PM
Here you go:

Throw some fun keywords into your emails:

Cool, we should check them out, so we can stick our middle finger to them.  :P

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: hilariousandco on January 25, 2014, 12:03:08 AM

Fly a plane into the White House?

Now only if we can get the rest of humanity to boycott America we should be alright  ;D.

That is a bit extreme, I am not a terrorist.  :P

No, but the USG is. Fight terror with terror, right?

And I bet I'm on some NSA watchlist now  ;D.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 25, 2014, 12:30:25 AM

Fly a plane into the White House?

Now only if we can get the rest of humanity to boycott America we should be alright  ;D.

That is a bit extreme, I am not a terrorist.  :P

No, but the USG is. Fight terror with terror, right?

And I bet I'm on some NSA watchlist now  ;D.

You probably is now. Fight terror against terrorist (NSA & GCHQ) is not a bad idea, but I am sure that are other ways. I mean the US government fly the planes into the Twin Tower on 9/11, just so that they can go to war with Iraq.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Spendulus on January 26, 2014, 01:54:04 AM
I have been thinking, I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on.

And start using more Chinese brands such as Lenovo, Huawei, Asus, Acer, and other Japanese and Korean brands.

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail. And start using more and other email providers which are not in the US.

Any other ideas?

I'd be a bit more concerned about the way that the commercial companies use your data than the governments.  Maybe this is a subject for discussion, but my opinion is....

If you secure your data and communications from private companies, you've also done a pretty good job of securing it from government snoops.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 26, 2014, 02:46:41 AM
I have been thinking, I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on.

And start using more Chinese brands such as Lenovo, Huawei, Asus, Acer, and other Japanese and Korean brands.

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail. And start using more and other email providers which are not in the US.

Any other ideas?

I'd be a bit more concerned about the way that the commercial companies use your data than the governments.  Maybe this is a subject for discussion, but my opinion is....

If you secure your data and communications from private companies, you've also done a pretty good job of securing it from government snoops.

I have uninstalled my Ubuntu to Arch Linux now, because of privacy, also I have sign up for VPN paying with bitcoin, also email account hosted and encrypted in Swiss.  :)

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Nik1ab on January 26, 2014, 03:19:49 AM

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail.

Yes - I've been doing the same. But tor is a pain in the backside when you have to manually enter every bloody password for every site (or am I missing something ?) - also, I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

    Re. email. I want to ditch gmail also - went through using Tormail, then it disappeared. What email provider are those in the know using for security/anonymity and reliability ?
    When Twister becomes available (at least for idiots like me) I can see me using that. I would use Bitmessage but I don't know anyone else that has a Bitmessage address  :-\
That's the price of privacy. Just do it and stop complaining.
I have been thinking, I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on.

And start using more Chinese brands such as Lenovo, Huawei, Asus, Acer, and other Japanese and Korean brands.

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail. And start using more and other email providers which are not in the US.

Any other ideas?
You get this idea now? I stopped buying US products since PRISM came out.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: bored on January 26, 2014, 11:40:03 AM
I have been thinking, I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on.

And start using more Chinese brands such as Lenovo, Huawei, Asus, Acer, and other Japanese and Korean brands.

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail. And start using more and other email providers which are not in the US.

Any other ideas?

1. Move to Siberia
2. Stop using the internet
3. Live off the land

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: jcoin200 on January 26, 2014, 12:29:36 PM
I think one of the biggest things is to talk with others about it.  The average person is fairly clueless as to how broad and intrusive the NSA spying has become.  Most people I've talked to about it just say "oh I have nothing to hide."  Neither do I, but I think everyone deserves privacy, and also everyone deserves to have their constitutional rights kept in tact.

I'd also recommend writing a letter (yes a real letter) to your local congressman/woman.  Only if the majority of citizens start to stand up to the NSA will things start to change.  Obama has not called for an end to anything, only playing word games in his speeches about how the data should be maintained.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 26, 2014, 06:42:59 PM
I think one of the biggest things is to talk with others about it.  The average person is fairly clueless as to how broad and intrusive the NSA spying has become.  Most people I've talked to about it just say "oh I have nothing to hide."  Neither do I, but I think everyone deserves privacy, and also everyone deserves to have their constitutional rights kept in tact.

I'd also recommend writing a letter (yes a real letter) to your local congressman/woman.  Only if the majority of citizens start to stand up to the NSA will things start to change.  Obama has not called for an end to anything, only playing word games in his speeches about how the data should be maintained.

I have nothing to hide either. But those people need to understand. If they don't mind others snooping around on their pc or telephone. They can stop using anti-virus, get rid of their firewall. And might as well share their hard disk to the internet,  :D

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: jcoin200 on January 26, 2014, 06:55:58 PM
Exactly, the next time someone tells you they have nothing to hide just ask them if they would be comfortable giving their email password out to random strangers. Clearly no-one would want to do that. So even if you have nothing to hide, most everyone still values some level of privacy.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 26, 2014, 07:24:10 PM
Exactly, the next time someone tells you they have nothing to hide just ask them if they would be comfortable giving their email password out to random strangers. Clearly no-one would want to do that. So even if you have nothing to hide, most everyone still values some level of privacy.

Also the same people should have their web cam or internet camera streaming live on the internet, without any password. So everyone can watch them all the time, such as when they are sleeping, getting dress, shagging, and everything.  :P

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: practicaldreamer on January 30, 2014, 08:03:28 PM

 But tor is a pain in the backside .... I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

That's the price of privacy. Just do it and stop complaining.

Having googled the problem it appears Youtube has a HTML5 player that you can opt in to and use. I tried it and it works using the Tor browser.
  So you don't have to "just do it" - or indeed complain about it anymore  :D

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 30, 2014, 09:31:43 PM

 But tor is a pain in the backside .... I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

That's the price of privacy. Just do it and stop complaining.

Having googled the problem it appears Youtube has a HTML5 player that you can opt in to and use. I tried it and it works using the Tor browser.
  So you don't have to "just do it" - or indeed complain about it anymore  :D

How do I use the HTML5 player?

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 30, 2014, 09:33:56 PM
I just found it. You need to go to this link

Then select HTML5 player as default.

Cool, thanks for letting us know.  :)

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Nik1ab on January 31, 2014, 12:54:29 AM

 But tor is a pain in the backside .... I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

That's the price of privacy. Just do it and stop complaining.

Having googled the problem it appears Youtube has a HTML5 player that you can opt in to and use. I tried it and it works using the Tor browser.
  So you don't have to "just do it" - or indeed complain about it anymore  :D
You are not that smart, are you?

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: practicaldreamer on January 31, 2014, 10:35:08 AM

 But tor is a pain in the backside .... I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

That's the price of privacy. Just do it and stop complaining.

Having googled the problem it appears Youtube has a HTML5 player that you can opt in to and use. I tried it and it works using the Tor browser.
  So you don't have to "just do it" - or indeed complain about it anymore  :D
You are not that smart, are you?

Sorry - you've lost me - are you suggesting that the HTML5 video can give out my ip address over TOR ? I can't find evidence for that. Or have I misunderstood ?
   Thanks in advance for your help troll.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 31, 2014, 03:58:40 PM

 But tor is a pain in the backside .... I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

That's the price of privacy. Just do it and stop complaining.

Having googled the problem it appears Youtube has a HTML5 player that you can opt in to and use. I tried it and it works using the Tor browser.
  So you don't have to "just do it" - or indeed complain about it anymore  :D
You are not that smart, are you?

Sorry - you've lost me - are you suggesting that the HTML5 video can give out my ip address over TOR ? I can't find evidence for that. Or have I misunderstood ?
   Thanks in advance for your help troll.

I only read the page one of this article

But it has all the privacy risks of Flash. I haven't read pages 2 - 5. So sorry if I am wrong.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: practicaldreamer on January 31, 2014, 04:31:51 PM
I read the article but it doesn't catergorically state that HTML5 video represents a risk of loss of anonymity watching videos via Youtube over TOR.

I googled "HTML5 video and Tor anonymity" and it seems from the results I read that, being open source, HTML5 video over Tor should be fine - indeed it is recommended on the Tor Projects homepage for viewing video. Its the plugins that present a risk (such as flash).

I'm no expert in this area but it seems OK to me.

Can anyone clarify any further ?

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 31, 2014, 05:52:51 PM
I read the article but it doesn't catergorically state that HTML5 video represents a risk of loss of anonymity watching videos via Youtube over TOR.

I googled "HTML5 video and Tor anonymity" and it seems from the results I read that, being open source, HTML5 video over Tor should be fine - indeed it is recommended on the Tor Projects homepage for viewing video. Its the plugins that present a risk (such as flash).

I'm no expert in this area but it seems OK to me.

Can anyone clarify any further ?

In that case, I think you are right. Just that the camera and other hardware can be activated is what I am concerned about. But if you use tor, and don't enable javascript in theory, you should be protect by the onion network. Because youtube only see you are one of the IP of tor.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Nik1ab on January 31, 2014, 07:33:47 PM

 But tor is a pain in the backside .... I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

That's the price of privacy. Just do it and stop complaining.

Having googled the problem it appears Youtube has a HTML5 player that you can opt in to and use. I tried it and it works using the Tor browser.
  So you don't have to "just do it" - or indeed complain about it anymore  :D
You are not that smart, are you?

Sorry - you've lost me - are you suggesting that the HTML5 video can give out my ip address over TOR ? I can't find evidence for that. Or have I misunderstood ?
   Thanks in advance for your help troll.
Do you really think I'm going to answer your question when you call me a troll? And btw: Only stupid people insult others when they try to tell them a mistake.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: practicaldreamer on January 31, 2014, 07:45:57 PM

 But tor is a pain in the backside .... I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

That's the price of privacy. Just do it and stop complaining.

Having googled the problem it appears Youtube has a HTML5 player that you can opt in to and use. I tried it and it works using the Tor browser.
  So you don't have to "just do it" - or indeed complain about it anymore  :D
You are not that smart, are you?

Sorry - you've lost me - are you suggesting that the HTML5 video can give out my ip address over TOR ? I can't find evidence for that. Or have I misunderstood ?
   Thanks in advance for your help troll.
Do you really think I'm going to answer your question when you call me a troll? And btw: Only stupid people insult others when they try to tell them a mistake.

You aren't bringing anything to the table Nik1ab - I mean, I'm sure you are a genius and everything - but tbh 265 of your 280 posts seem to be dull one liners coming from someone who is 1) smug    2) bored        and 3) not a genius.

   You told me to shut up and keep quiet first - and then you told me that I wasn't very clever.
Now I appreciate that there may be subtle cultural nuances that are completely flying over my head here - but to be honest, where I come from, you are looking very much like a troll  ::)

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on January 31, 2014, 10:04:51 PM

 But tor is a pain in the backside .... I can't play Youtube videos over it (any (safe) solution to that ?)

That's the price of privacy. Just do it and stop complaining.

Having googled the problem it appears Youtube has a HTML5 player that you can opt in to and use. I tried it and it works using the Tor browser.
  So you don't have to "just do it" - or indeed complain about it anymore  :D
You are not that smart, are you?

Sorry - you've lost me - are you suggesting that the HTML5 video can give out my ip address over TOR ? I can't find evidence for that. Or have I misunderstood ?
   Thanks in advance for your help troll.
Do you really think I'm going to answer your question when you call me a troll? And btw: Only stupid people insult others when they try to tell them a mistake.

You aren't bringing anything to the table Nik1ab - I mean, I'm sure you are a genius and everything - but tbh 265 of your 280 posts seem to be dull one liners coming from someone who is 1) smug    2) bored        and 3) not a genius.

   You told me to shut up and keep quiet first - and then you told me that I wasn't very clever.
Now I appreciate that there may be subtle cultural nuances that are completely flying over my head here - but to be honest, where I come from, you are looking very much like a troll  ::)

First of all, I like to say that, you didn't need to call him a troll. This is a your perspective, so that you were wrong. But I have to say in my perspective. I think he started it.  :)

Let ignore message which is not in topic.  :)

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Nik1ab on February 01, 2014, 03:10:56 AM
Back to the topic: Using google is stupid. If you noticed the big NSA scandal you should know that.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Alphi on February 03, 2014, 05:26:40 PM
encrypt everything you do that is sensitive and don't say stupid things in public forums..

it really is that simple..

of course you could buy a pair of socks with BTC send them to an abandoned location and put silly labels like "Polonium 210" and "Anthrax" in the public message portion of the transaction...

but I wouldn't advocate anyone actually go ahead and do that.  I WAS JUST JOKING NSA et al IF YOU ARE READING THIS;D

EDIT.. oh wait did I just say a stupid thing in a public forum.... Doh........

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: farlack on February 03, 2014, 11:44:28 PM
I have been thinking, I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on.

And start using more Chinese brands such as Lenovo, Huawei, Asus, Acer, and other Japanese and Korean brands.

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail. And start using more and other email providers which are not in the US.

Any other ideas?

Great idea for us Americas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets crush our economy and help Asia.

Stick it to the man!111111111111111111111

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on February 04, 2014, 12:01:40 AM
I have been thinking, I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on.

And start using more Chinese brands such as Lenovo, Huawei, Asus, Acer, and other Japanese and Korean brands.

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail. And start using more and other email providers which are not in the US.

Any other ideas?

Great idea for us Americas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets crush our economy and help Asia.

Stick it to the man!111111111111111111111

But I think for the American companies which betrayed our trust. This is a small price to pay.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: farlack on February 04, 2014, 07:07:31 AM
I have been thinking, I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on.

And start using more Chinese brands such as Lenovo, Huawei, Asus, Acer, and other Japanese and Korean brands.

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail. And start using more and other email providers which are not in the US.

Any other ideas?

Great idea for us Americas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets crush our economy and help Asia.

Stick it to the man!111111111111111111111

But I think for the American companies which betrayed our trust. This is a small price to pay.

Yeah, you're right, lets just lose millions of high paying jobs here in America, to stick it to the man, millions of families should let their kids go hungry, and live on the streets.. Just to stick it to the man, but its a small price to pay... Just so China can hire more people to work for $0.40 cents a day.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on February 04, 2014, 12:26:03 PM
I have been thinking, I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, Facebook, Microsoft, and so on.

And start using more Chinese brands such as Lenovo, Huawei, Asus, Acer, and other Japanese and Korean brands.

I will also use more open source softwares, and tor. Also stop using Google and Gmail. And start using more and other email providers which are not in the US.

Any other ideas?

Great idea for us Americas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets crush our economy and help Asia.

Stick it to the man!111111111111111111111

But I think for the American companies which betrayed our trust. This is a small price to pay.

Yeah, you're right, lets just lose millions of high paying jobs here in America, to stick it to the man, millions of families should let their kids go hungry, and live on the streets.. Just to stick it to the man, but its a small price to pay... Just so China can hire more people to work for $0.40 cents a day.

But all the manufacturing of electrical components are in China anyway. No matter if the brand is American or Asian. So there is no difference anyway.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Blackarrowdown on February 04, 2014, 07:51:38 PM
IMO it's almost impossible to stay away from their radar. I'm using mostly foil hats and move only by night ;)

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on February 04, 2014, 07:55:32 PM
IMO it's almost impossible to stay away from their radar. I'm using mostly foil hats and move only by night ;)

If you are going to move at night, you need to wear a glowing green suit, so they can't spot you using night vision technology.  :)

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: DodoB on February 04, 2014, 08:09:57 PM
Leave the US. Best solution if you dont want to be "spied" by so called secret organizations.

Title: Re: How to stick a middle finger at NSA and GCHQ for spying on us?
Post by: Kenshin on February 04, 2014, 08:11:37 PM
Leave the US. Best solution if you dont want to be "spied" by so called secret organizations.

The problem is there are so many satellite orbiting Earth. I already have a tin toil roof and walls to try to shield them off.  :P