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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: EvilDave on January 26, 2014, 06:15:38 PM

Title: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: EvilDave on January 26, 2014, 06:15:38 PM
The great global warming debate can start now:

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on January 26, 2014, 06:22:39 PM
What do you think? I'm not sure about it. Just because the planet is getting hotter slightly I don't think that means it must be down to man made causes.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: cfrm on January 26, 2014, 06:28:21 PM
What do you think? I'm not sure about it. Just because the planet is getting hotter slightly I don't think that means it must be down to man made causes.

More than a billion gas-driven vehicles polluting the environment every day. Try to imagine one billion cars. Now try to imagine one billion cars not affecting the environment.

Impossible, right.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: howzar on January 26, 2014, 06:31:34 PM
I think it's a fact and is most likely caused by pollution made by humans as well as the natural sources.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: hilariousandco on January 26, 2014, 06:31:42 PM
The 13 Terrorist European Bloodlines of the Devil worshipers cult Illuminati  are responsible for global warming.  ;D.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: pedrog on January 26, 2014, 08:29:48 PM
The 13 Terrorist European Bloodlines of the Devil worshipers cult Illuminati  are responsible for global warming.  ;D.

Hahaha, nicely pointed sir!

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: 5thStreetResearch on January 26, 2014, 11:53:04 PM
its the work of the Illuminati  8)

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: MakeBelieve on January 27, 2014, 12:01:27 AM
It's a myth to earn money I see it every day.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: techgeek on January 27, 2014, 12:05:35 AM
Where there is action, concludes reaction.

1. Cars, and other forms of transportation that causes gases.

Prime example would be LA, look how much pollution there wake up and take for a hike in malibu.

You can clearly see the clouds covering, but its not clouds its pollution.

I think it`ll take forever to do some serious damage on anything. Its similar to the "OMG" we are running out of oil.

But, if your worried...

Find a tree organization, have them adopt bitpay, then we can have forever trees lol.

The 13 Terrorist European Bloodlines of the Devil worshipers cult Illuminati  are responsible for global warming.  ;D.

Actor_Tom_Truong is that you?  :P

You gotta add in every bloodline in the rothchild too. lol. 

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: EvilPanda on January 27, 2014, 01:15:51 AM
It's a myth to earn money I see it every day.
True, this is getting a bit boring.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: Haidang1796 on January 27, 2014, 01:41:15 AM
probably people will find a way to survive, but until then, Earth gonna suffer more ;D

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: yogi on January 27, 2014, 01:54:25 AM
If mans contribution to climate change turn out to be insignificant, should we try and control the climate anyway?

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: Haidang1796 on January 27, 2014, 08:31:39 AM
if living under the water is possible then human dont have to worry anymore ;D water is one of the inevitable elements

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: SomeoneInNeed on January 27, 2014, 10:04:57 AM
Well, Global Warming is real. Humans have been filling the atmosphere with greenhouse gases for centuries now.
But, it is highly unlikely that the Earth dies from it in the future. As we are advancing with the technology we are getting more and more environment friendly by the day.
What's more likely is a Climate Shift that leads to another Ice Age.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on January 27, 2014, 10:28:31 AM

Just because Ice is Melting doesn't mean to say it's from man made pollution. The earth has been too hot to sustain life and too cold several times. Maybe we're just on another natural cycle?

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: luv2drnkbr on January 27, 2014, 12:27:18 PM
Human caused global warming is a fact, there is no debate.  Both sides are politicizing it which should be a big no-no in science, but it apparently put up with.

The real question is not whether it's real (it is) -- the real question is "who cares?"  Why is it bad if we change the environmental stability?  Nature kills things all the time.  We have the technology to adapt to whatever new conditions we create, and if it gets bad enough that we can't breathe or something, green technology will rise in value and we'll go back to that route.  Who cares if we kill all the polar bears?  Nature's been eradicating species forever.

Now I don't happen to subscribe to that philosophy-- I think we should value and preserve our ecosystem.  BUT that argument is the only actually decent one for the anti global warming camp.  The argument about whether it's real is not an  argument.  That's been settled.  The only viable argument is that it's not unethical to cause global warming.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on January 27, 2014, 12:39:57 PM
Human caused global warming is a fact, there is no debate.  Both sides are politicizing it which should be a big no-no in science, but it apparently put up with.

How is it a fact? "Scientific understanding of the cause of global warming has been increasing. In its fourth assessment (AR4 2007) of the relevant scientific literature, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that scientists were more than 90% certain that most of global warming was being caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities. 90% isn't 100%. I don't think anyone can say it's a fact."

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: yatsey87 on January 27, 2014, 12:41:53 PM
I'm sure I read once that cows contribute more pollution than cars.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: hilariousandco on January 27, 2014, 12:43:11 PM
I'm sure I read once that cows contribute more pollution than cars.

Read this:

In 2003, the government of New Zealand proposed a flatulence tax, which was not adopted because of public protest.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: E.exchanger on March 21, 2014, 09:53:58 PM
1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
2. Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning
3.Buy Energy-Efficient Products
4.Use Less Hot Water
5.Plant a Tree
6.Use the "Off" Switch

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: zolace on March 27, 2014, 04:46:16 PM
Is a fact ,and it should concern us and take action.All is happening with the earth is our fault,all the chemical we use,and the cars,electricity,cutting the forest!We should stop using so much electricity , drive less and drive smart,
less driving means fewer emissions. Besides saving gasolinewalking and biking are great forms of exercise.And as E.exchanger said we should start planting trees!!!!!

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: dotcom on March 27, 2014, 05:00:38 PM
I'm sure I read once that cows contribute more pollution than cars.

Read this:

In 2003, the government of New Zealand proposed a flatulence tax, which was not adopted because of public protest.

Genocide by flatulence?

It looks like cows will get their revenge in the end  :-X

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: kuroman on March 27, 2014, 09:16:12 PM
Global warming is a fact, there are tons of proofs, and every scientific date points out to global warming, also every single well known and respected scientist agrees that global warming is a fact, and we are closing to the point of no return. (even if we stop today of producing a single greenhouse effect gases the temperature will not drop it will remain constant for a couple of mellennia, till the oceans and rocks absord the excess greenhouse gases

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: epplercharles on March 28, 2014, 06:02:18 AM
Global warming is a fact. Some people deny it because they did not experience it. In my area we get plenty of rains 30 years back. Due to heavy rain we cannot able to farm whole year. Now it is just opposite. VEry low rains water level is dropped. Now we cannot able to farm due to water shortage.

Title: Re: Global Warming: fact, fantasy, good idea ?
Post by: counter on March 28, 2014, 08:27:56 AM
Global warming is bull and boring and I wish people would stop talking about taxing the public over it.  These people should make themselves useful and talk about weather modification but no.