Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: manxfella on January 27, 2014, 09:52:59 PM

Title: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 27, 2014, 09:52:59 PM
Be careful with your money, this is a pyramid scheme

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 27, 2014, 10:03:10 PM
Something which has just been posted in the Skype chat room

Simple as 1, 2, 3 ... You're # 1...  Put in 2 bitcoins ... Signup 3 people who also put in 2 bitcoins each... then REPEAT!  ...then REPEAT! ... then REPEAT!

This Success System is really simple to train and very easy for everyone to duplicate... and it gives everyone their initial investment back almost imediately from the 2 free positions that they receive from tables 2 and 3...
NB Works on any level 1 and and above as well...
RECRUIT - REGIFT - RETIRE and this is how it's done:

It is a no brainer!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Frost000 on January 27, 2014, 10:29:35 PM
Hurray for pyramid schemes!

Honestly, once a mod deletes this topic, do yourself a favor and stop re-posting it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 27, 2014, 10:51:59 PM
They said i could post just not to put up referral links which i have not hence why I said PM if you would like to know more about it. Something I suggest you read is this

Many people have head the buzz words 'Ponzi' and Pyramid' schemes but unfortunately very few people actually understand what the terms really mean...

FTC vs. Koscot Interplanetary (1975) and the "Koscot Test"
FTC sued "Koscot Interplanetary", which was one of Glenn W. Turner's companies. Mr. Turner, who calls himself "Mr. Enthusiasm", started Koscot Interplanetary to sell cosmetics just like Avon. The problem with Koscot is it doesn't encourage sales of cosmetics, but rather, simply more positions in the company.
Koscot works as follows: To join Koscot, you pay $2000 to become a supervisor (or higher levels), and you buy $5400 worth of cosmetics. And you make money ($700) by encouraging others to buy in (at Supervisor, for $2000) just like they did. Essentially, Ksocot "supervisor" bought two things: 1) "the right to sell a product", 2) "the right to receive, in return for recruiting other participants into the program, rewards which are unrelated to sale of the product to ultimate users. (emphasis added)"
Koscot lost the lawsuit, and the definition FTC created for pyramid scheme became known as the "Koscot Test" (for pyramid schemes). It can be roughly summarized as follows:
The participant makes a payment of money to the company;
In exchange, the participant receives the right to sell a product (or service);
In exchange, the participant receives compensation for recruiting others into the program;
The compensation is unrelated to the sale of products (or services) to the ultimate user.
To be judged a pyramid scheme, the scheme must have all four elements.
Koscot lost because the Koscot paid participants simply for recruiting more participants, thus fitting all four parts of the definition of pyramid scheme.

As it states above, a scheme has to fit into ALL four of the categories listed above and -

a) There is no 'Company' as it is a peer-to-peer gifting programme where 100% of all gifts go from one member to another.

b) There is no 'Product'.

c) There are no multiple levels involved as the member's bonus incentives only pay down 1 single level.

So by pure definition it cannot be a 'Ponzi' or Pyramid' scheme.

In answer to your question about running out of new participants for the programme there are currently 7.2 billion people on the planet and so far we have 3000+ members so from that you can see that it is hardly likely that we will run out of potential new gifters, in the foreseeable future at least...

In answer to your question about longevity and the programme collapsing it has already been running very successfully for nearly one year now and is just beginning to gather momentum.

You can think what you think or join something real and big.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Frost000 on January 27, 2014, 11:06:34 PM
Yeah, it's all great until you join and no one else joins afterwards... Hence the pyramid aspect of it.

Either way, good luck with it! But anyone who prefers holding on to their coins shouldn't risk them with your non-scheme.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 27, 2014, 11:13:31 PM
Something big is happening on 3rd February hence why I telling people now. As I've said a chance not to be missed. The Btc tables are going to go crazy, just like last time and will just grow and grow with these new levels that have been brought in for people who can't afford a full Btc. 0.125 and 0.25 entry levels. I've already reserved 10 positions ready for the 3rd so I suggest you all do so.

I'm here to help if anyone needs it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: BADecker on January 27, 2014, 11:57:39 PM
Yeah, it's all great until you join and no one else joins afterwards... Hence the pyramid aspect of it.

Either way, good luck with it! But anyone who prefers holding on to their coins shouldn't risk them with your non-scheme.

This is entirely the thing that is happening with the fiat currency banking thing. They have used up virtually every major country in the world. They have raked in $quadrillions. Now, they can't find anybody new. So they are collapsing.

Bitcoin Gifting is like a job. Multi-level network marketing is like a job. Any company, say Target or Walmart, hires people. The people do two things. They buy products and they sell products to people who are not part of their organization. Managers get paid because of the work of employees. District managers get paid because of store managers and employees. Division managers get paid because of district managers and store managers and employees. It is multilevel, and it is in pyramid fashion.

The difference between Bitcoin Gifting/MLM, and your regular store chains is, the MLMs don't usually express when there is no more room for "employees" once the market is saturated. They are all pyramids. The only thing that is NOT a pyramid is the small mom and pop store, that is not part of a chain.

The banks are the biggest Ponzi pyramid that the world has ever known. They have saturated the market and are collapsing. Bitcoin has a long way to go to reach the saturation stage.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 08:30:39 AM
As you said Bitcoin has a long way to go before collapsing like the dollar so why hot try and earn more money than your current job. It is very simple and this is just the beginning.

If you have any coins what do you do with them. Wait for the price of them to go up and down? Sod that, I'd rather invest with them and I can't begin to tell you the return I have already and that is just from late December when I joined. Can't wait for xmas this year as will have a fair amount of funds.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 09:44:03 AM
These are my stats so far

Gift Bank Statistics Dashboard
eWallet available to withdraw
Btc: 0.00
My Total Earnings
Btc: 8.00 £ 6,161.35
(Including Pending Gifts)
Btc: 8.00
Pending Gifts Level 0 4.00 Btc
Pending Gifts Level 1 4.00 Btc
Pending Gifts Level 2 0.00 Btc
Pending Gifts Level 3 0.00 Btc
Pending Gifts Level 4 0.00 Btc
Pending Gifts Level 5 0.00 Btc
Pending Gifts Level 6 0.00 Btc
Joined: 18/11/2013
My Withdrawal history
Btc: 0.00
Total BitCoins Received
Btc: 2.50
Total BitCoins Sent
Btc: 4.00
Total Gifts Received
Total Gifts Sent

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: pcleman on January 28, 2014, 02:34:37 PM
I am definitely interested in this. Like the stats! Can you send me a PM for a sign up link please? I have others i mentioned about this to when reading and they want to get sign up too. Cheers mate

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 02:38:07 PM
Welcome aboard. Link will be in your inbox.

If you need any help in getting started just let me know.

Your world will change after this :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: greyhawk on January 28, 2014, 02:50:48 PM
Hello, I have a question about your pyramid scheme.

If I'm on a futuristic train travelling at 50 miles an hour from the Isle of Man to Liverpool while this bitcoin gifting makes you lots of money, then why are you so starvingly thin?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: tysat on January 28, 2014, 04:13:59 PM

If you have to argue that it's not a pyramid or ponzi using semantics, then it's probably not a legit business!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 04:23:12 PM
Wow, what's with the abuse and also the SPAM message at the top when it's not spam? All i'm doing is trying to bring something worth while to you and all i get is abuse.

I don't care really care about the negative comments as people are joining the gifting site so you can think whatever you like.

Greyhawk - shut up and get a life!!

Don't listen to these people who have nothing but negativity. They don't have a clue what they are on about.

Bitcoin Gifting is the future.

Can you please remove the banner at the top of the post please tysat? It is a completely legitimate business. I can even put you through to the guy behind it all if you so wish!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: tysat on January 28, 2014, 04:25:24 PM
Can you please remove the banner at the top of the post please tysat? It is a completely legitimate business. I can even put you through to the guy behind it all if you so wish!

If it can be proved to me how everyone who joins puts in X BTC and gets out of it >X BTC then it can be removed.  Good luck!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: quone17 on January 28, 2014, 04:26:11 PM
Well, there is no doubt this is pyramid scheme.

Some will get some BTC, some might get a lot of BTC, and many will lose 2 BTC.

EDIT: This also certainly in my circumstances should be left on this forum - should be in gambling if it's allowed at all.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 04:30:00 PM

Can you please remove the banner at the top of the post please tysat? It is a completely legitimate business. I can even put you through to the guy behind it all if you so wish!

If it can be proved to me how everyone who joins puts in X BTC and gets out of it >X BTC then it can be removed.  Good luck!

I've already put my stats up which clearly shows what I am getting in return plus watch this

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Frost000 on January 28, 2014, 04:37:32 PM

Can you please remove the banner at the top of the post please tysat? It is a completely legitimate business. I can even put you through to the guy behind it all if you so wish!

If it can be proved to me how everyone who joins puts in X BTC and gets out of it >X BTC then it can be removed.  Good luck!

I've already put my stats up which clearly shows what I am getting in return plus watch this

A crappy amateurish video and random stats won't help your case. I've read your previous posts in this thread and nothing conveys any information regarding it NOT having a pyramid "payment" structure.

I truly hope that no newbies messaged you to find out how they can instantly make a few Bitcoins by sending 2 BTC to your system.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: tysat on January 28, 2014, 04:39:27 PM

Can you please remove the banner at the top of the post please tysat? It is a completely legitimate business. I can even put you through to the guy behind it all if you so wish!

If it can be proved to me how everyone who joins puts in X BTC and gets out of it >X BTC then it can be removed.  Good luck!

I've already put my stats up which clearly shows what I am getting in return plus watch this

Your stats:
Total BitCoins Received
Btc: 2.50
Total BitCoins Sent
Btc: 4.00

Looks like you're losing money!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 04:40:49 PM
It's not my system. I only joined in December. Just trying to spread the word and help people who want to make a few extra $$$. It's not rocket science and NOT a Pyramid scheme!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Frost000 on January 28, 2014, 04:47:38 PM
It's not my system. I only joined in December. Just trying to spread the word and help people who want to make a few extra $$$. It's not rocket science and NOT a Pyramid scheme!

All signs point to the opposite... How can you not see that?

Anyways, good luck with it I guess?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 04:48:00 PM

Can you please remove the banner at the top of the post please tysat? It is a completely legitimate business. I can even put you through to the guy behind it all if you so wish!

If it can be proved to me how everyone who joins puts in X BTC and gets out of it >X BTC then it can be removed.  Good luck!

I've already put my stats up which clearly shows what I am getting in return plus watch this

Your stats:
Total BitCoins Received
Btc: 2.50
Total BitCoins Sent

You're not looking at it right. Check out the earnings. I have put in about £1000 and have £6161.35 which is 8 Btc's. It's a no brainer

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: quone17 on January 28, 2014, 04:50:58 PM
What you don't seem to understand is that just because YOU are making money does not mean it's not a pyramid scheme.  You are getting those BTC from somewhere's from the people below you.  And at the end, the people at the bottom won't get ANYTHING.  So it's a pyramid scheme.  You need to either look up the definition, or you just don't understand it, for whatever reason.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Sutters Mill on January 28, 2014, 04:52:30 PM
What you don't seem to understand is that just because YOU are making money does not mean it's not a pyramid scheme.  You are getting those BTC from somewhere's from the people below you.  And at the end, the people at the bottom won't get ANYTHING.  So it's a pyramid scheme.  You need to either look up the definition, or you just don't understand it, for whatever reason.

I know we can't just put '+1', so this is me officially agreeing with the above. It's a scheme and it won't last forever. People are getting stung by this somewhere. You get nothing for free.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: mailmansDOG on January 28, 2014, 04:55:42 PM
HA good guys mods

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: BADecker on January 28, 2014, 05:02:02 PM

If you have to argue that it's not a pyramid or ponzi using semantics, then it's probably not a legit business!

What does "business" have to do with giving or gifting? I mean, if you do it in a business-like fashion, don't you do your dishes and laundry in a business-like fashion? Does that make them businesses?

A "legit business" business is only such because governments say it is or not. In fact, it's only a business because someone says it is. Governments define "business" so that they can make excuses to get part of the profit in the form of licenses, which are really taxes, or in the form of taxes directly as such. Or else they are being used by companies to monopolize a market - like the money market, banks.

Giving gifts to your children with the idea that they will give gifts to theirs is a gifting thing. It isn't a business even though it might be done in business-like fashion. For example, how many people GIVE / send Christmas cards, in business-like fashion, year after year, to all their friends and relatives. Yet it isn't a business. So why would gifting to strangers be a business?

If you want to call it a business, then it is a business as far as you are concerned. If governments want to call it a business, then it is for the governments. Governments would like to get their little fingers into a slice of every pie, and so would the banks.

Giving and gifting don't have to be businesses, and basically aren't.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: BADecker on January 28, 2014, 05:10:51 PM
Hello, I have a question about your pyramid scheme.

If I'm on a futuristic train travelling at 50 miles an hour from the Isle of Man to Liverpool while this bitcoin gifting makes you lots of money, then why are you so starvingly thin?

Gifting is giving. It is giving gifts. When you give something, you no longer have it. Someone else has it. A person can get awfully thin gifting, especially when nobody gives gifts to him.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: greyhawk on January 28, 2014, 05:40:18 PM

It's not my system. I only joined in December. Just trying to spread the word and help people who want to make a few extra $$$. It's not rocket science and NOT a Pyramid scheme!

It's a fucking gifting circle. It's the very definition of a pyramid scheme, you spindly thin hunger victim.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Frost000 on January 28, 2014, 05:41:59 PM
He's either really thin or really thick... Tough to decide which.

Careful what you say in the thread; you may just get a PM from him calling you a "knob".

Good times!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 07:20:14 PM
OP likes to remove my warning, so his whole post gets deleted.  This is a pyramid scheme despite OP trying to argue that it's not one.

Delete it then you prick!! I couldn't careless.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Frost000 on January 28, 2014, 07:22:37 PM
All you had to do was keep his warning up since you couldn't back up the worthiness of your so-called system.

Getting mad won't help you with your problem.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: greyhawk on January 28, 2014, 07:26:37 PM
All you had to do was keep his warning up since you couldn't back up the worthiness of your so-called system.

Getting mad won't help you with your problem.

I'd guess he's mad because he's hungry. He looks hungry at least.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: BADecker on January 28, 2014, 07:40:21 PM
The whole idea is to get experienced bitcoiners to have a purpose / direction / goal to strive for, for introducing Bitcoin to those who haven't heard of it or begun to use it yet. If the amounts were a little less, so that your average, say, Walmart worker could afford to get in, this idea might be a terrific method for promoting the whole Bitcoin idea, sort of like a game. Now for the advertising.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 07:47:27 PM
The whole idea is to get experienced bitcoiners to have a purpose / direction / goal to strive for, for introducing Bitcoin to those who haven't heard of it or begun to use it yet. If the amounts were a little less, so that your average, say, Walmart worker could afford to get in, this idea might be a terrific method for promoting the whole Bitcoin idea. Now for the advertising.


That's why these new feeder levels were introduced. 0.125 and 0.250 for a position or a group of people to get together and get better rewards. The new levels kick off on 3rd Feb. I know what everyone has been saying here and they have there right to do so but I'm just saying mine with the honest truth so it's up to you. I'm fully in and won't be leaving the site as i believe in it so up to you. Bitcoin is the way forward

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: hilariousandco on January 28, 2014, 08:00:39 PM
The whole idea is to get experienced bitcoiners to have a purpose / direction / goal to strive for, for introducing Bitcoin to those who haven't heard of it or begun to use it yet. If the amounts were a little less, so that your average, say, Walmart worker could afford to get in, this idea might be a terrific method for promoting the whole Bitcoin idea, sort of like a game. Now for the advertising.


So you're saying to get people involved in Bitcoin we should sell them an affordable pyramid scheme? This is exactly what we want to stay away from. Bitcoin should be promoted as a currency; not a get rich quick scam.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: BADecker on January 28, 2014, 08:03:09 PM
The whole idea is to get experienced bitcoiners to have a purpose / direction / goal to strive for, for introducing Bitcoin to those who haven't heard of it or begun to use it yet. If the amounts were a little less, so that your average, say, Walmart worker could afford to get in, this idea might be a terrific method for promoting the whole Bitcoin idea. Now for the advertising.


That's why these new feeder levels were introduced. 0.125 and 0.250 for a position or a group of people to get together and get better rewards. The new levels kick off on 3rd Feb. I know what everyone has been saying here and they have there right to do so but I'm just saying mine with the honest truth so it's up to you. I'm fully in and won't be leaving the site as i believe in it so up to you. Bitcoin is the way forward

I agree. "Bitcoin is the way forward," at least until something better comes along.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Pordik on January 28, 2014, 08:06:44 PM
Yes, yes, sure, sure. BTC free for all!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: BADecker on January 28, 2014, 08:09:16 PM
The whole idea is to get experienced bitcoiners to have a purpose / direction / goal to strive for, for introducing Bitcoin to those who haven't heard of it or begun to use it yet. If the amounts were a little less, so that your average, say, Walmart worker could afford to get in, this idea might be a terrific method for promoting the whole Bitcoin idea, sort of like a game. Now for the advertising.


So you're saying to get people involved in Bitcoin we should sell them an affordable pyramid scheme? This is exactly what we want to stay away from. Bitcoin should be promoted as a currency; not a get rich quick scam.

Forget the pyramid scheme aspect, and focus on Bitcoin and Gifting.

Lots of folks play cards and other games around the table, and bet for matchsticks or toothpicks. Matchsticks and toothpicks have value. They can be used for something useful... just like Bitcoin. Folks play the games for fun and bet for excitement, not to get rich. And this is all that people would be using the gifting for, at least at its beginning. After awhile, they would be thanking their lucky stars that they had been shown a way to give gifts to their kids and grand-kids while letting them get in on the greatest freedom-maker in the economic world.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Frost000 on January 28, 2014, 08:11:07 PM
The whole idea is to get experienced bitcoiners to have a purpose / direction / goal to strive for, for introducing Bitcoin to those who haven't heard of it or begun to use it yet. If the amounts were a little less, so that your average, say, Walmart worker could afford to get in, this idea might be a terrific method for promoting the whole Bitcoin idea, sort of like a game. Now for the advertising.


So you're saying to get people involved in Bitcoin we should sell them an affordable pyramid scheme? This is exactly what we want to stay away from. Bitcoin should be promoted as a currency; not a get rich quick scam.

Forget the pyramid scheme aspect, and focus on Bitcoin and Gifting.

Lots of folks play cards and other games around the table, and bet for matchsticks or toothpicks. Matchsticks and toothpicks have value. They can be used for something useful... just like Bitcoin. Folks play the games for fun and bet for excitement, not to get rich. And this is all that people would be using the gifting for, at least at its beginning. After awhile, they would be thanking their lucky stars that they had been shown a way to give gifts to their kids and grand-kids while letting them get in on the greatest freedom-maker in the economic world.


There are so many holes in your reasoning... I truly hope it works out for you.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: BADecker on January 28, 2014, 08:19:30 PM
The whole idea is to get experienced bitcoiners to have a purpose / direction / goal to strive for, for introducing Bitcoin to those who haven't heard of it or begun to use it yet. If the amounts were a little less, so that your average, say, Walmart worker could afford to get in, this idea might be a terrific method for promoting the whole Bitcoin idea, sort of like a game. Now for the advertising.


So you're saying to get people involved in Bitcoin we should sell them an affordable pyramid scheme? This is exactly what we want to stay away from. Bitcoin should be promoted as a currency; not a get rich quick scam.

Forget the pyramid scheme aspect, and focus on Bitcoin and Gifting.

Lots of folks play cards and other games around the table, and bet for matchsticks or toothpicks. Matchsticks and toothpicks have value. They can be used for something useful... just like Bitcoin. Folks play the games for fun and bet for excitement, not to get rich. And this is all that people would be using the gifting for, at least at its beginning. After awhile, they would be thanking their lucky stars that they had been shown a way to give gifts to their kids and grand-kids while letting them get in on the greatest freedom-maker in the economic world.


There are so many holes in your reasoning... I truly hope it works out for you.

Thanks for your good wishes. There are holes in everything, even potential holes in Bitcoin.

If Hitler had only waited a year longer, we might all be speaking German as our first language. There are holes in everything.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 08:32:26 PM

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Frost000 on January 28, 2014, 08:42:20 PM

Reading these posts explains exactly why it is, in fact, a pyramid scheme.

Continue digging that hole of yours...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: tysat on January 28, 2014, 08:51:33 PM

Read that then read if you still think "gifting" is a good idea

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 28, 2014, 08:55:29 PM
Wiki, you're imaginative.

Think what you think all and just think what could of been.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Jcw188 on January 28, 2014, 08:56:52 PM
you mean think what could "have" been manxfella

no offense, but you just aren't responding to the fact that it's a pyramid scheme.  you just keep saying words that aren't responsive to the concerns people are raising.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Frost000 on January 28, 2014, 08:58:39 PM
you mean think what could "have" been manxfella

no offense, but you just aren't responding to the fact that it's a pyramid scheme.  you just keep saying words that aren't responsive to the concerns people are raising.

I think the best we can do is ignore his "gifting" crap.

After all, be careful or else he'll send you a PM calling you a "knob" like he did to me...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Sutters Mill on January 28, 2014, 09:03:32 PM
Wiki, you're imaginative.

Think what you think all and just think what could of have been.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: greyhawk on January 28, 2014, 09:35:35 PM
Wiki, you're imaginative.

Think what you think all and just think what could of been.


Have you eaten something, OP? You should eat something. It helps keeping the higher brain functions running in peak condition.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: Sonny on January 28, 2014, 10:03:38 PM
Hi everyone! I'm extremely new to bitcoin and forums as well. I'm extremely interested in it though. I just set up my wallet (I think I did it right).

I was wondering if anyone would like to make a donation to my wallet to see if I actually did it right. I just want to observe the transaction and see something other than 0.00 BTC in there lol. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to figure out how to get an efficient mining operation going so if I actually end up making some BTC's, I would be more than happy to return your donation plus a percentage!

My ultimate goal is to make enough money to pay for college tuition. As it stands, I'd prefer not to keep borrowing money from the Federal Government to get an education. I'd much rather pay for tuition myself and not have to owe them anything. I'm studying to be a Chemical Engineer, in other words, tuition will not be cheap! lol

Thanks guys!


Wallet Address: 1A4LrPkmhJAGrZL1CZzE8NU1knP26fqhjS

Whatever you do, just don't join the system that's been pitched in this thread!

And now OP is completely deleted. :)

Wiki, you're imaginative.

Think what you think all and just think what could of been.


Have you eaten something, OP? You should eat something. It helps keeping the higher brain functions running in peak condition.

lol  :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: AsiaNexgen on January 29, 2014, 02:31:08 AM
Happy Chinese New Year! For those of you who are in Hong Kong today and tomorrow, here is your chance to get some FREE bitcoins! Don't miss out! Even if you can't make it you can forward this to your friends and families who are lucky enough to get some :) Cheers!

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on January 29, 2014, 09:23:18 PM
 Anymore interested yet? ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: greyhawk on January 29, 2014, 09:34:34 PM
Have you eaten yet?

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: mrgian on January 29, 2014, 10:50:16 PM
he is still hungy  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: BADecker on January 29, 2014, 10:52:37 PM
Anymore interested yet? ;)

PM me with the info.


Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on February 01, 2014, 06:59:01 PM
Cheers to all that have registered so far.

I hope you share what I've been a part of.

Still 2 days until big launch

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: tysat on February 01, 2014, 08:03:39 PM
Friendly reminder...

This is a pyramid scheme despite what OP says.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: manxfella on February 02, 2014, 09:27:34 AM
These mods don't have a clue what they are talking about

Title: Re: Bitcoin Gifting
Post by: greyhawk on February 02, 2014, 09:30:06 AM
Did you have breakfast yet?