Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: seafarer124 on January 29, 2014, 03:39:50 PM

Title: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: seafarer124 on January 29, 2014, 03:39:50 PM
All these hearings about BTC only seem to be focusing on the criminal aspect of BTC, it is all getting rather monotonous.

There is so much good that BTC can do, not everyone is a criminal, but, it appears everyone is a suspected criminal.

Criminals will always find a way to operate with whatever they have at their disposal.

Why don't they have hearings about stopping criminals using fiat.

Banks that are requiring proof of what your withdrawal of funds are required for is an invasion of our privacy.  If they ever ask me I will just say I want to flush it down the toilet as it is worthless.

Personally, I do not think anyone pro-BTC should have anything to with these people that only want to help the top 1% achieve total control.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: BADecker on January 29, 2014, 03:58:48 PM
Bitcoin has not become popular enough among people that it can be used to buy all the food and clothing, etc., that you need to live. Because of this, every pro-Bitcoin person needs to look at all the issues regarding Bitcoin.

People in governments who are anti-bitcoin, are keeping part of their focus on what Bitcoin might do to the fiat currency system. Bitcoin might collapse the whole structure of money if it can't be controlled, or if the people that use Bitcoin can't be controlled. Something like this could change the wealth structure in the world. It could shift the wealth, and the governments don't like this because they would lose control.

If Bitcoin crashed the fiat currencies (which will crash on their own, anyway), and if it was done before the people are using Bitcoin for all the things they do in life, there might be a lot of pain and death until things settle down.

Think of how many people are fully dependent on government checks, and their retirement accounts in the corporate world, with no other source of income or method to obtain food.

Think of all the big inner-city dwellers who would have no way to even grow their food. The fiat currencies will crash. We need something that is better to take their place. Bitcoin could be that something. But in moving into position, Bitcoin will actually help to destroy the fiat currencies.

So you see? There might be a lot of anti-bitcoin talk among the people who depend on the dollar, the government and the banking system. It shouldn't be this way. But people have let themselves be enticed into a hole called socialism. And the thing that backs socialism as it is today is money. When the money collapses, socialism will collapse. The people who depend on socialism don't like Bitcoin, because it is helping to promote the collapse.

People don't understand that the BIGGEST area of crime is the crime done by the banks and the governments. But even if they did, they have grown dependent on the banks and government so that they cannot live without them. This is part of the reason for talk against Bitcoin.


Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on January 29, 2014, 03:59:35 PM
The same reason there are no stories about planes landing without issue.

Vice sells ads and nobody is in the new business anymore, they are in the ad business.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: Bobsurplus on January 29, 2014, 04:00:00 PM
It sucks.. its like were going back in time with these dudes. Cant wait for the next speakers.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: nodroids on January 29, 2014, 04:21:40 PM
So much negative bc people want as much of the future of financial services as they can get for as cheap as they can get it. Also all the "smart" people want to feel justified in missing buying in and can't bring themselves to take the "risk", so they have to cover up their ignorance by writing witty criticisms to feel smart and not like they are missing out.

Here's my kick at the can... OMG we are allowing to get arrested!! SELL SELL SELL (recheck my $500+ buy orders).

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: hilariousandco on January 29, 2014, 04:42:38 PM
People fear what they don't understand. Ignorance is bliss for most people.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: BADecker on January 29, 2014, 04:46:54 PM
People fear what they don't understand. Ignorance is bliss for most people.

A lot of people enjoy fearing things, period.


Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: JimmyGTO on January 29, 2014, 04:55:55 PM
Banks have never been threatened with a decentralized currency such as Bitcoin before, once its popular they will no longer be able to extract high transaction fees from the masses. The banks will have no control and they dont like this one bit.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: BTCisthefuture on January 29, 2014, 05:00:55 PM
News is typically about getting as many views or hits as possible,  as a result negative or 'shocking' news tends to stick out more.  

For something as new as bitcoin and it being something most people don't or can't fully understand it makes sense that a story about a large theft or someone being arrested will stick in peoples heads more than a story of say accepting bitcoins.

As adoption goes this will be less and less of an issue. More people will start to realize that negative things are isolated instances and simply causes of criminals doing criminal things.  Just like a major credit card breach draws attention but credit cards have enough adoption in our day to day life that we can easily chalk at up as the occasional bad act and not the norm.

Give it some time negative stories about bitcoin will tend to fade away from peoples focus.

It reminds me of the mide to late 90s when states first started legalizing medical marijuana and medical pot stores started opening up. It was common for people or media to focus on the occasional strong arm robbery or criminal doing something wrong while ignoring that on a day to day business these pot stores where like any other business and pretty uneventful in the grand schme of things. That has changed over the last decade or so as people have gotten more use to driving around and seing a local pot store in their neighborhood and no thinking anything of it. Same should hold true to bitcoin in the coming years or decades.

Also its true in life that when you don't fully understand or grasp something, it's very easy to look for the negatives first or to harp on them more. Especially when it involves your money or safety.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: kokojie on January 29, 2014, 05:03:11 PM
All these hearings about BTC only seem to be focusing on the criminal aspect of BTC, it is all getting rather monotonous.

There is so much good that BTC can do, not everyone is a criminal, but, it appears everyone is a suspected criminal.

Criminals will always find a way to operate with whatever they have at their disposal.

Why don't they have hearings about stopping criminals using fiat.

Banks that are requiring proof of what your withdrawal of funds are required for is an invasion of our privacy.  If they ever ask me I will just say I want to flush it down the toilet as it is worthless.

Personally, I do not think anyone pro-BTC should have anything to with these people that only want to help the top 1% achieve total control.

Because there is indeed a disproportionate amount of criminal activities using Bitcoin. But who can blame them, it solves their biggest problem of getting paid anonymously.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on January 29, 2014, 07:12:34 PM
It's a new technology that people don't understand so they're weary of it. I guess people are scared of losing money in it too. A lot of hate seems to come from people who missed out so now they spread FUD.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: nwbitcoin on January 29, 2014, 08:52:17 PM
Bad news sells!

Its human nature that we spread bad news, but rarely tell others about good news.

The truth is that if you want people to hear about bitcoin, its got to be done through bad news - the alternative is that you barely hear anything about bitcoin.

Of course, you could be clever and hide good news in bad news - like the lad who lost a hard drive in a landfill - with £4m in bitcoins on it! ;-)

The bad news is the loss, the good news is the desire to own bitcoins!

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: jcoin200 on January 29, 2014, 08:55:50 PM
Bankers fear bitcoin, because it takes power away from them.  They all want complete 100% control of finances, which is what they currently have, and it has enriched them beyond the average persons wildest dreams.

They want to amp up any bad news about bitcoin, using their mainstream media outlets, so that if someone hears about it for the first time, its in a bad light.  

Just remember, first impressions have a lasting effect, and I believe that is why the media is SO quick to hype negative bitcoin stories.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: quone17 on January 29, 2014, 09:19:07 PM
The news media LOVE negative stories, anything that will make people watch them.  Sensationalist news is all the rage and it's a real shame.  People would rather see everything as black and white and not get the real news stories about what's going on in the world.  Laziness and stupidity.  Watch the local news, for instance.  You think they would ever report a positive thing about bitcoin?

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: KJO on January 29, 2014, 10:17:49 PM
All these hearings about BTC only seem to be focusing on the criminal aspect of BTC, it is all getting rather monotonous.

There is so much good that BTC can do, not everyone is a criminal, but, it appears everyone is a suspected criminal.

Criminals will always find a way to operate with whatever they have at their disposal.

Why don't they have hearings about stopping criminals using fiat.

Banks that are requiring proof of what your withdrawal of funds are required for is an invasion of our privacy.  If they ever ask me I will just say I want to flush it down the toilet as it is worthless.

Personally, I do not think anyone pro-BTC should have anything to with these people that only want to help the top 1% achieve total control.

Because there is indeed a disproportionate amount of criminal activities using Bitcoin. But who can blame them, it solves their biggest problem of getting paid anonymously.

You have no clue.

Fiat laundering is a mountain to bitcoin's molehill.

The vast majority of bitcoiners are honest hard working folks like me looking to escape this paradigm of endless bankster fraud, deception, and lies.

I conditionally accept your claim upon proof of claim. Proceed.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: keithers on January 29, 2014, 10:21:51 PM
All these hearings about BTC only seem to be focusing on the criminal aspect of BTC, it is all getting rather monotonous.

There is so much good that BTC can do, not everyone is a criminal, but, it appears everyone is a suspected criminal.

Criminals will always find a way to operate with whatever they have at their disposal.

Why don't they have hearings about stopping criminals using fiat.

Banks that are requiring proof of what your withdrawal of funds are required for is an invasion of our privacy.  If they ever ask me I will just say I want to flush it down the toilet as it is worthless.

Personally, I do not think anyone pro-BTC should have anything to with these people that only want to help the top 1% achieve total control.

Because there is indeed a disproportionate amount of criminal activities using Bitcoin. But who can blame them, it solves their biggest problem of getting paid anonymously.

when you receive cash, you also remain anonymous...

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: Cryptopher on January 29, 2014, 10:25:35 PM
You know when somebody who you know says that they've heard about BTC and that it's used to buy drugs and such? Yeah, just tell them that cash is used for the same. Tell them that banks like HSBC are involved with drug cartels.

People usually brush the drug stories out of the way once you say that, then you can focus on the discussions regarding the real challenges of Bitcoin, rather that the shit that the media (banks/governments) are pushing out on a daily basis.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: TheButterZone on January 30, 2014, 03:45:26 AM
When everything is a "crime", everybody is a "criminal".

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: reymarkperry on January 30, 2014, 09:10:43 AM
It’s because many people do not believe in the good benefits that bitcoin can do. It’s like bitcoin is too good to be true. But no matter what negative things they throw about bitcoin, online casinos will continue to use it, as well as other business owners.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: ljudotina on January 30, 2014, 11:04:46 AM
The same reason there are no stories about planes landing without issue.

Vice sells ads and nobody is in the new business anymore, they are in the ad business.

This! You cant see story about how someone helped someone. Good news are so rare you might think nothing good happens. All you can see is theft, murder etc.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: keithers on January 30, 2014, 11:10:23 AM
I think in general, people are creatures of habit. Therefore anything potentially revolutionary, which challenges something that we have grown used to (especially with money), is met with a lot of reluctance and skepticism.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: plateex on January 30, 2014, 02:55:43 PM
you also need to keep in mind that many people are nowadays, in the crisis, afraid of losing their money, job, etc.. so anything that seems strange or unusual raises fear...

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: newflesh on January 30, 2014, 02:59:03 PM
Problem is we have a fiat-controlled media, we need to setup our own Bitcoin media organizations to counter all the FUD and propaganda.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: NordicMoose on February 05, 2014, 06:26:55 AM
Because there is indeed a disproportionate amount of criminal activities using Bitcoin.

Bullshit. SR2 transactions (and the rest of the underweb) don't account for barely a fraction of bitcoin transactions, most are made by the same small group of people via buy and sell bots. This whole debacle has gotten out of hand and isn't even funny any more. I'm tired of the uniformed ejaculating over this forum and the web what they think they know about criminal bitcoin transactions. In reality they are virtually non-existent. The majority buy bitcoins for legal purposes.

People being arrested for legal transactions is unnacceptable, as was Russia's decision to ban it on behalf of every good citizen in Russia, without knowing anything the first thing about it. PayPal's recent treatment of a fellow [Suspicious link removed] member is indicative of how much the seizure of Silk Road has been spun into this rediculous witchunt. Banning bitcoin because of an infintely small subsection of buyers used that to buy illicit articles is the exact equivalebnt of banning fiat money because someone used real money to buy weed.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: NordicMoose on February 05, 2014, 06:31:02 AM
The "suspicious link removed" refers to my use of thisn forum's name. I didn't realise the name of this forum is forbidden from inclusion in posts. Not sure why though.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: glendall on February 05, 2014, 09:24:38 AM
When you are against something because you see at as a threat to your power, you paint the opponent in terms of
a) protecting the children (often bringing child porn production into the mix somehow)
b) terrorists (everyone /anyone can now legally be considered a terrorist for no reason, if you have a lot of power, so this the go-to PR campaign)
c) playing on nationalism or racism (if things get really bad)

That's sort of how governments work in modern times. Hopefully after all the baby boomers retire it'll change a bit, but I doubt it, it will probably get worse.

It's really funny to read many of the hit pieces against bitcoin.  Because they have so little to work with they have to get inventive.

Okay let's compare things to the U.S dollar.  It is used for the majority of the world's drug deals and laundering, and 90% of it estimated to have traces of cocaine on the actual bills (lol!)  So it would be much more reasonable to ban it.  Of course, I'm not serious, but logically, that should be as a ridiculous idea to ban bitcoin for the same reasons, should it not?

As for money laundering... for bitcoin is also a bad idea because the block chain is public!   But anyways. Logic and rational thoughts are not what policy is based on. Policy is generally based on expanding and reinforcing your power.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: illpoet on February 05, 2014, 11:08:32 AM
the media is in love with bitcoin, the government, not so much.  the government is definitely in love with arresting people. the news loves to report on when the government arrests people.  So bitcoin plus indictments is big news!    All the haters want their chance to say "i told you so" i've seen so many damn i told you so's in the past 3 years they've run together.  but then btc busts through whatever small thing the haters thought would kill it and becomes stronger.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: kokojie on February 26, 2014, 02:32:58 AM
All these hearings about BTC only seem to be focusing on the criminal aspect of BTC, it is all getting rather monotonous.

There is so much good that BTC can do, not everyone is a criminal, but, it appears everyone is a suspected criminal.

Criminals will always find a way to operate with whatever they have at their disposal.

Why don't they have hearings about stopping criminals using fiat.

Banks that are requiring proof of what your withdrawal of funds are required for is an invasion of our privacy.  If they ever ask me I will just say I want to flush it down the toilet as it is worthless.

Personally, I do not think anyone pro-BTC should have anything to with these people that only want to help the top 1% achieve total control.

Because there is indeed a disproportionate amount of criminal activities using Bitcoin. But who can blame them, it solves their biggest problem of getting paid anonymously.

when you receive cash, you also remain anonymous...

Good luck sending cash over the border, anonymously, by Internet.

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: bananas on February 26, 2014, 02:35:56 AM
That's simple. While it is not a currency, it is used as one and about 90% of the BTC in circulation in on crime related transactions. Those not in cuirculation are often lost in frauds. Then you compare with any other currency where most of the money is not related to crime and fraud. It is not BTC fault, it is just 'cause it is not a mainstream "currency".

Title: Re: Why Is There So Much Talk About The Dark Side Of BTC?
Post by: CoinRocka on February 26, 2014, 02:46:24 AM
Controlling the masses.  They know it's coming and are convincing the general public to shy away just long enough...