Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: ciuciu on September 13, 2011, 07:47:52 PM

Title: Generated 0.014435 bitcoins
Post by: ciuciu on September 13, 2011, 07:47:52 PM
Can somebody please explain this?


Title: Re: Generated 0.014435 bitcoins
Post by: Revalin on September 13, 2011, 07:53:53 PM
You mined a little bit with a pool (probably Eligius) which pays out directly in generated coins (the new coins which come into existence with each new block).  That's your payout.

Title: Re: Generated 0.014435 bitcoins
Post by: ciuciu on September 13, 2011, 08:01:09 PM
I believe I did test eligius pool for a few hours last week.


Title: Re: Generated 0.014435 bitcoins
Post by: Sekioh on September 14, 2011, 02:55:23 PM
That's still strange though, how does a pool distribute as generated? If you mined on a pool it goes to their account then gets paid to you, which is a payment not generated? Unless theres a flag on payments you can set to make it appear as different types? Troll someone with random 'generated' payments?

Title: Re: Generated 0.014435 bitcoins
Post by: Meni Rosenfeld on September 14, 2011, 03:32:39 PM
If you mined on a pool it goes to their account then gets paid to you, which is a payment not generated?
That's how most pools works. In Eligius, the blocks miners work on directly credit worker addresses rather than the pool. You can see this in the generation transaction of the block in question (

Title: Re: Generated 0.014435 bitcoins
Post by: Sekioh on September 14, 2011, 08:12:12 PM
So it's a custom backend to the daemon that does a bulk payment out before the daemon finalizes the 'generation to myself' payment? I'll have to do more research on these bulk transactions, I saw somewhere in the help text a send multiple command. :O

Title: Re: Generated 0.014435 bitcoins
Post by: Revalin on September 14, 2011, 08:29:24 PM
Nope, they decide who needs to get paid, and then the pool goes to work mining a block that will pay those people.  You can't change who gets paid after the block is generated.  That would defeat the security of the system.

As for send multiple: any transaction can take in any number of coins, and then has to output the same number of coins.  It can come from any number of addresses, and go to any number of addresses.  It pulls whatever coins are available in your wallet, and pays out to the list of addresses you want including your "change" which goes to a new address in your wallet.  (Normally that's 2 addresses: the person you pay, plus yourself for the change; but it can just as easily be 3 or more.)  Any imbalance is paid as a transaction fee to the miner.

That's a little different from the generated coins, since those don't have a "From" address.  It's just 50 coins that come from nowhere and pay out to wherever you want (often all one address, but Eligius just splits it out to everyone they're paying).

Title: Re: Generated 0.014435 bitcoins
Post by: Sekioh on September 14, 2011, 08:38:24 PM
That's where I'm confused, I knew for a 'real' transaction you specify addresses and amounts, but for a generation, I thought it goes to a new address in your wallet, under the "" null account listed, and I just don't know where or what setting someone modifies to set the whole bulk of addresses like that as a 'default generation' list.

Title: Re: Generated 0.014435 bitcoins
Post by: Revalin on September 14, 2011, 10:17:59 PM
The normal bitcoin client doesn't support doing this and there's no reason you'd really need to; you just spend the coins after they're delivered to your wallet.  It's only something you'd want to do on a pool server.